Full text of "PLAYBOY"
ES om
Playmate of the Year Eugena Washington
Confident and daring,
Tiffany Toth is a risk-
taker who isn't afraid
to say what's on her
mind. Suitors heed
warning: this brazen
blonde never backs
away from a challenge,
and you definitely don't
want to bring out her
bad-girl side. Or maybe
you do.
Shelby Chesnes tends to
invite a bit of chaos, but
this troublemaker will
tell you there's no fun
without a little danger.
Her loud, boisterous
personality turns evel
head and her risqué
demeanor captivate:
- every man who crosses
Four irresistible Playmates brought together
to embody the Blackheart spirit.
Kimberly Phillips will
have you wrapped
around her seemingly
sweet finger in no
time. This charming
Playmate always holds
her ground. But be
careful, she knows
exactly what she
wants, and knows just
how to convince you
it's what you want too.
Just one look will have
you hooked on
Raquel Gibson.
She'll coax her way
directly into your heart
if you're lucky enough
to catch her eye, and
a single sexy smile will
eep you wanting more.
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Blackheart Premium Spiced Rum is a bold, 93 proof rum named
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Mitch Moxley
We asked one American to return to
China to get inside the head of an-
other. Moxley, who spent six years
writing about the country for West-
ern publications, profiles expat sex-
toy tycoon Brian Sloan, inventor of
the Autoblow, in The Man Who Wants
to Change the Way Men Get Off.
Dani Mathers
Who better to introduce you to our
latest queen than the woman hand-
ing her the crown? Playmate of the
Year 2015 Dani Mathers dropped by
Playboy HQ for a chat with Eugena
Washington about all things PMOY.
You'll find their interview alongside
Eugena's triumphant pictorial.
Henrik Purienne
Purienne, who last shot the cover for
our May issue, reports an especially
pleasant shoot with Miss June Josie
Canseco. "Josie was stoked to follow
іп her mom's footsteps,” he says, ге-
ferring to Jessica Canseco's 2005
pictorial. “She was totally natural
and funny, old-school."
Chris Berdik
Inaworld that worships the certainty
of science, what if DNA testing, a back-
bone of modern criminal justice, were
shown to be as unreliable as witness
testimony? Veteran science journalist
Berdik uncovers how misinterpreted
data can become a life sentence in
The Unraveling of DNA Forensics.
Alex Scordelis
"Rose Byrne may seem an acciden-
tal comedian—she was known as a
dramatic actor before Bridesmaids—
but she's a closet comedy nerd,” says
Scordelis, who interviewed Byrne for
200 т advance of her X-Men: Apoca-
lypse and Neighbors 2 roles. His proof?
She's a die-hard Fawlty Towers fan.
Julia Bainbridge
The latest wave in inebriation? Less
is more: less liquor in our cock-
tails and less THC in our edibles, in
pursuit of a smoother, longer ride.
Bainbridge, who last contributed a
sensual guide to Valentine's choc-
olate, tackles the state of getting
sloshed in our Food and Drink pages.
Stacey Rozich
Rozich's vibrant watercolors draw
on folklore and myth to tell rich
stories. Maybe that's why Father
John Misty chose her to paint his
latest album cover; it's certainly why
we chose her to bring this month's
fiction, Good-bye to Rootine, to life
in illustration.
Jason Lee Parry
Our Playmate of the Year is a genu-
ine California girl —a modern beauty
with a vintage soul—who needed a
master of the West Coast aesthetic
to reintroduce her to the world.
Parry, a fashion photographer and
true storyteller with the lens, was
just the man for the job.
CREDITS: Cover and pp. 100-109: model Eugena Washington, photography by Jason Lee Раггу, styling by Shelly Glascock, hair by Tony Vin, makeup by Amy Chance for Tack Artist Group, manicure by Emi
Kudo for Opus Beauty, prop styling by Enoch Choi. Photography by: p. 6 courtesy Julia Bainbridge, courtesy Chris Berdik, courtesy Jason Lee Parry, courtesy Henrik Purienne, courtesy Stacey Rozich, cour-
tesy Alex Scordelis, Michael Magers Photography, lan Passmore; p. 15 courtesy Alder New York, courtesy Nike, courtesy Retrosuperfuture, courtesy TOMS; p. 21 courtesy IZIP eBikes, courtesy Stromer, cour-
tesy Trek Bikes; p. 29 courtesy DC Comics, courtesy Marvel Comics (2); p. 34 courtesy A24; p. 36 Jeff Vinnick/NHLI via Getty Images; p. 38 courtesy Fox Entertainment Group (2), courtesy HBO, courtesy
Showtime, Shutterstock; p. 40 Eric Ryan Anderson/Contour by Getty Images, Alexander Attar, Lloyd Pursall; p. 47 © Universal/courtesy Everett Collection; p. 48 Molly Cranna; p. 66 courtesy Miranda Tay-
lor; p. 69 John Kelly/Boise State University; p. 10 courtesy Chris “Daze” Ellis; p. 114 courtesy Playboy Archives/Mario Casilli and David Chan. P. 13 styling by Turner for the Wall Group, hair and makeup by
Sara Cranham; pp. 14-15 prop styling by Janine Iversen; p. 16 prop styling by Janine Iversen; pp. 18-19 prop styling by Janine Iversen; p. 25 styling by Shelly Glascock, makeup by Jenna Kristina for Tomlinson
Management Group; pp. 30-33 styling by Dianna Lunt for Art Department, hair by Harry Josh for Jed Root, Inc., makeup by Deanna Hagan for Kate Ryan, Inc.; pp. 50-57 styling by Shannon Turgeon, groom-
ing by Jody Morlock; pp. 58-63 wardrobe styling by Lisa Mosko, hair by Sylvia Wheeler for Atelier Management, makeup by Gloria Noto for Atelier Management, location Simon House, simonhousela.com.
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NO FILTER Anything a man can shred, X Games skateboarder Leticia Bufoni can shred better 13
FOOD Meet a new generation of marijuana confectioners crafting epicure-class edibles 18
TECH Can e-bikes get America in shape again? 20
MY WAY How Alexis Wilkinson broke through the white boys’ club of Harvard comedy 24
ADVISOR Sex on drugs? Rachel Rabbit White on (responsibly) rocking while you roll 26
ALSO: Selfie-worthy music-festival style; cocktails with less alcohol but more fun; test-driving a stud ofa VW Bug
THE RABBIT HOLE The mythic, historic and economic secrets of superheroes 29
208 From Bridesmaids to Neighbors to X-Men, actress Rose Byrne reveals how she does it all (and then some) 30
SPORTS with hockey goalies getting wider, taller and heavier, the sport faces an important question: Should the nets grow too? 86
ТУ As the music industry enters hospice care, new shows rhapsodize the good times 38
FRANCOFILE James Franco uncovers how author Tom Bissell quit coke, escaped Estonia and (sort of) learned to love Jesus 42
CULTURE Can America just say no to the outmoded ideas of D.A.R.E.? 46
POLITICS How Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump could accidentally dismantle the corporate-yoked organization behind debates 48
ALSO: The director of Drive explains his female-driven horror film; putting the M back into EDM; love is fleeting at Trump rallies
INTERVIEW The Daily Show's Trevor Noah on the wildest election ever SO
ANTHEA PAGE Lounging poolside with a beautiful Australian model is a fine way to spend a summer day 58
THE UNRAVELING OF DNA FORENSICS Chris Berdik investigates a problem that could препа American justice 64
MISS JUNE what's in a name? For a goddess like Josie Canseco, nothing more than history 70
FICTION Miss Rowena Balfour knows how to shoot, ride and steal cowboys’ hearts in Ron Carlson's Good-bye to Rootine 92
PLAYMATE OF THE YEAR Meeting Eugena Washington the second time is twice as sweet 100
ARTIST IN RESIDENCE Chris “Daze” Ellis is a graffiti rebel in the streets and a collector's fantasy in the gallery 110
ON THE COVER Eugena Washington, photographed by Jason Lee Parry. Our Rabbit gets his ears wet with a cool dip, floating alongside our new PMOY.
VOL. 63, NO. 5—JUNE 2016
Playboy (ISSN 0032-1478), June 2016, volume 63, number 5. Published monthly except for combined January/February and July/August issues by Playboy in national and regional editions, Playboy, 9346 Civic
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of Playboy, registered U.S. Trademark Office. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any electronic, mechanical, photocopying or recording means or
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Introducing THE Vodka, now also
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vodka, crafted from our fields to
your glass.
Dist d Buck
“The on]
Uinc your
SCX defines
is the role |
you play in
| babies?
"Women who skateboard
do it for the same reason
men do it: because we love it.
Skateboarding holds a univer-
sal truth. It always starts with
you and your friends riding at
your favorite spots. It's about
hanging out and having fun
For some reason, and for
too long, there has been a
perception that the only type
of athlete worth sponsoring
in this sport isa man. | hope
to be a part of changing that.
We all have physical and
mental characteristics that
can turn into strengths or
weaknesses. How they define
youis up to you."
Skateboarder and three-
time X Games gold medalist
Leticia Bufoni will compete
this month at the 2016 X
Games in Austin.
ЕЕ т қылық 0. ss Н
44 4
for the
Stand out in the Instagram fray at this summer's
music festivals with a killer jacket and accessories
that are both practical and timelessly tasteful
Aclassic silhouette upgraded with a
matte-black frame and rainbow gradient
lenses makes for old-school-meets-
These woven-leather sandals provide
just the right amount of ventilation,
plus enough sturdiness to withstand
any knocks the day throws at you.
TOMS men's huaraches, $89
contemporary style. Retrosuperfuture
Terrazzo M3 sunglasses, $339
Protect your neck with this fresh
golf hat adorned with weeds, gators,
skunks and other banes of the
groundskeeper's existence. Nike
Enemies of the Course bucket hat, $38
Made of clay, rice powder and
essential oils, this hair powder acts
like a dry shampoo. Less bathing
means more beats. Alder New York
natural hair powder, $30
In Praise
of Mindful
As the mindfulness movement has entered
the mainstream, so too has mindful drink-
ing. “I want a martini, but could you put a
little less booze in it?
common customer request, says Tristan Wil-
ley, a
Brooklyn, New York. “Also, my
depletes quickly these days.” Sherry and
other fortified wines are relatively low in al-
cohol by volume, clocking in at 15 to 20 per-
cent, compared with gin, which runs around
40 percent. The bamboo (equal parts dry ver-
mouth and sherry) has been popping up all
over New York Gityaslow-ABV cocktails gain
popularity. Nitecap im downtown Manhattan
even has one on tap.
While the low-alcohol thing is about fewer
caloriesand, frankly, fewer hangovers, itcan
also be about drinking more. “І have the tol-
eranceofa small gerbil, and I like to try a lot
of different thin; ays Matt Tocco, bever-
agedirectorof Strategic Hospitality in Nash-
ville. “That's why low-alcohol drinks such as
ап americano, made with Campari, sweet ver-
mouth and Club soda, work for me.” Smaller
doses work just as well) Willey serves snack-
size negronis at the Long Island Bar, and in
Tokyo, Gen Yamamoto offers omakase flights
of four to six two-ounce Cocktails. Think of
it as drinking less to drink more. Bonus: You
can stay out longer. Julia Bainbridge
is becoming a more
artender at the Long Island Bar in
jerry stock
How To
(by drink-
ing less)
A big California
cabernet may
go with that rich
porterhouse, but
with 15 percent
alcohol in a 14-
ounce goblet, you
can't have more
than one without
getting soused
Go with old-world
European wines,
which are typically
around 13 percent
occasionally do a
shot, a.k.a. a shift
drink, to take the
edge off. A lower-
proof amaro (as
low as 20 percent
АВУ) or other
liqueur could
be just the right
Good bars stock
good bitters. A
few dashes in club
soda over ice isa
seriously low-ABV
= z
Goes Gourmet
Precise dosing and artisanal craftsmanship are revolutionizing the business of edible THC
“Үоц know, I really want to make high-end
edibles.” So said recent Berkeley grad Vanessa
Lavorato back in 2010 in a moment of inspira-
tion while riding the BART.
At the time, the only edibles Lavorato could
find at marijuana dispensaries in San Fran-
cisco were Saran-wrapped snickerdoodles
and Rice Krispies treats. Those options didn't
cut it for Lavorato, who ran with the best of
the Bay Area's slow-food crowd and learned to
temper chocolate from a pastry chef at Chez
Panisse, the famed Berkeley restaurant of
Alice Waters, godmother of farm-to-table
cuisine. Since her rapid-transit revelation,
Lavorato has perfected her recipes for ТНС-
infused fleur de sel caramels and raspberry-
rose ganache in Los Angeles, where she now
lives. Her artisanal cannabis confections are
available online and at Cornerstone Collec-
tive in Eagle Rock under the label Marigold
Sweets. “We’re trying to get away from the
stereotypes of Gheech and Chong,” she says
of the name choice.
California is, of course, not Colorado or
Washington, two of only a handful of states
that have legalized recreational marijuana
use. Many signs indicate that the Golden
State will legalize recreational use this year,
but until then pot and related products remain
legal for card-carrying medical patients only.
For now the foodie must speak and behave
strictly pharmaceutically: “I work with a li-
censed dispensary. I’m a patient of that dis-
pensary, and for my fellow patients I provide
the chocolates,” says Lavorato.
Since Lavorato started crafting edibles in
2010, research and experimentation have
vastly improved the product. Six years ago
people were working with shake—basically
the crumbs from a big bag of weed. “That’s
why edibles from that time had this green,
plantlike flavor,” says Lavorato. “You're try-
ing to get a very small amount of tetrahydro-
cannabinol, or THC, from the shake, so the
result tastes bitter, like over-steeped tea.”
Dosage was also a problem with the shake
method. (That time you ate pot brownies
in college, got all paranoid and wobbly and
ruined the one chance you had with your long-
time crush? Those brownies were made with
shake, resulting in an uncontrolled amount of
THC.) Today carbon dioxide extraction is one
process that is favored for its purity and pre-
cision. The resulting concentrates have en-
abled Lavorato to achieve an end result that’s
as high as 90 percent THC. “I can put that
directly into my chocolate and ensure that the
potency is consistent,” she says.
Bigger operations go even further with
quality control, and on a much larger scale.
In northern California, Altai Brands has a
40,000-square-foot production facility capa-
ble of making 30,000 pieces of THC candy in
asingle day. “It’s difficult enough to be able to
make a good sea salt caramel bonbon, but to
produce 30,000 with consistent levels of THC
in them—that takes another level of skill,”
says Altai CEO Rob Weakley, whose vice pres-
ident of operations, Mark Ainsworth, pro-
duced food lines for Costco and Whole Foods
before joining Altai. As THC edibles move
toward the moneyed mainstream, Weakley
hopes to capitalize on that demographic’s
good taste and desire for just the right amount
of buzz. “We set out to make a product that
had the same predictably low-key effect as a
glass of wine,” says Weakley. “At 10 or 25 mil-
ligrams, it’s about being coherent and social.
You don’t get couch-locked like back in your
college days.”—Julia Bainbridge
Started by Ainsworth, Weakley (also
co-creator of Pebble Beach Food &
Wine) and Gavin Kogan, a marijuana-
business attorney, Altai manufactures
bars, bonbons, lozenges and more at
its facility in Salinas, California,
Lavorato's chocolates contain just
25 milligrams of THC each (her tof-
fees have 16), so there's little risk of
overdosing. (She also makes non-
medical chocolates.)
Defonce (it means "stoned" in
French) is the new kid on the block.
Like Lavorato, the chocolatiers
at Defoncć use sustainably made
cannabis concentrate.
Opus makes both THC and can-
nabidiol (CBD) chocolates; CBD
addresses patients' pain issues with-
out producing a psychoactive high.
One of the only bean-to-bar produc-
ers in the industry, Kiva has more
than a dozen edible offerings.
This aggressively styled city bike features integrated
lights and a beefy Bosch drive system. ($4,600)
Gan the E-Bike Save
the World?
At the very least, it'll make hauling to the beach a little easier
Bike commutingis atan all-time high in the U.S., which
is kind of a no-brainer. Pedaling to work saves money,
eliminates parking hassles and reduces treadmill time
at the gym. The catch:
sy CORINNE IOZZIO It also makes you а
smelly, sweaty mess.
E-bikes (electric bikes) do all the same things, but
without the same physical effort—and promise to get
us riding faster, longer and more often.
Think of an e-bike as a standard two-wheeler with
superpowers. You pedal as normal, but when you hit
a hill or start to tire, an onboard computer notices
the extra torque on the pedals and signals the motor
to help out. You keep pedaling, and you don’t slow
down; instead, it’s suddenly no sweat (literally). It also
means that maintaining a near-carlike cruising speed
is within reach of even the modestly fit. Bikes top out
at either 20 or 28 miles an hour in e-assist mode and
have batteries that last at least 25 miles on a charge.
As transportation, e-bikes are already a huge busi-
ness overseas, and over the past few years major
bicycle makers have started to bank on convert-
ing Americans. “We're out of shape. We want to be
outdoors. We want to be active,” says Ed Benjamin,
founder and chairman of the Light Electric Vehicle
Association. “We've got transportation challenges.
We've got economic challenges. Electric bicycles fit
into all of these.” Right now, e-bikes are a small frac-
tion of total U.S. bike sales, but some reports show
their numbers almost doubling year over year.
It's a perfect half measure for people who want a low-
emission transportation alternative. As far as the feds
are concerned, e-bikes are the same as people-powered
ones from a consumer-product-safety perspective.
And currently 22 states’ DMVs agree, so there are no
insurance, licensing or registration hassles to deal
with. Advocacy organization People for Bikes is work-
ing to clean up legislative confusion to ensure that if
an e-bike crosses from, say, California to Arizona it
doesn’t—boom!—become a motorcycle.
The good news is that both dedicated e-bike com-
panies such as ProdecoTech and stalwarts such as
Specialized and Accell Group (which owns Raleigh,
Haibike, iZIP and Diamondback, among other brands)
are constantly improving the technology to make it
more undercover. Batteries tuck into seat posts and
downtubes, and motors, hidden behind pedal cranks
and wheel hubs, are nearly silent. *I haven't ridden
an electric bike that was louder than even the quiet-
est engine-powered vehicle,” notes Court Rye, head of
e-bike hub ElectricBikeReview.com.
The only hiccups are heft (the average e-bike is
around 50 pounds, double the weight of a conventional
pedaler) and price. Rye says you should expect to spend
at least $1,500 for a decent e-ride from a reputable man-
ufacturer. But prices are dropping, and with proper
maintenance the bike will last 15 years—which, coinci-
dentally, is the best you can expect from acar too. W
Sleek e-bikes at every price
With fenders, running lights and rear cargo rack standard, this 500-watt
bike handles anything an urban commute might throw at you. ($3,550)
Aluminum construction shaves weight off this city bike, while a hub-
mounted motor and downtube battery keep things balanced. ($3,000)
Wireless electronic shifting and a burly battery that yields a 110-mile range
justify the steep price of this premium bike. ($9,500)
The Baja Bug is back and more refined than ever
While the VW Bug is hardly the first car aguy
aspires to drive on his everyday commute,
Volkswagen is up to something strangely ap-
pealing with its limited-edition Dune. For the
first time in a long while, the brand has given
us a Beetle that stands out and actually harkens
back to the romanticism of the model's golden
years: the mid-1960s, when tricked-out Bugs
rally-raced down Mexico's Baja peninsula.
There's no denying the Beetle has grown
into a cultural icon since its 1949 U.S. intro-
duction. In the past 67 years, Volkswagen
has sold 5.6 million of the cars in the United
States, including more than 128,000 of the
current third-generation model. But is the
Beetle a manly steed? Not so much.
Of course, it was never intended to com-
pete against more serious performers like the
Ford Mustang or the BMW 3 Series. Even with
the Beetle's 1997 reintroduction in the States
after an 18-year hiatus, it's really the car’s
nostalgic appeal that has driven its fan base.
The 2016 Dune is designed to build on that
appeal, with a bolder spin on the Beetle leg-
acy that's intended to give the car more street
cred. It's the latest in a line of specialty mod-
els, spruced up with features including special
“Dune” graphics, polished aluminum sills and
a huge rear spoiler.
The new decked-out Bug also features a
slightly increased ride height and a half-
inch-wider body, giving the car a more rugged
stance that evokes the true spirit of the Beetles
that raced across the desert in the historic in-
augural Mexican 1000 race back in 1967. And
we have to admit, this modern Beetle looks
decidedly masculine.
Although the Dune doesn't offer a boosted
engine or an improved suspension system—
two features that made those 1960s Baja Bugs
so iconic—it does have style. Truth be told, the
new 170-horsepower high-tech Dune will prob-
ably exceed the expectations of most driv-
ers who have never been behind the wheel of a
modern-day Beetle. And with a starting price
of roughly $24,000, the Dune is a steal for those
looking for atwo-door coupe or convertible with
a flash of personality.—Marcus Amick
/playboy @playboy @playboy playboy +playboy
The first black woman to lead Harvard's humor magazine is now Veep's youngest staff writer.
How she snagged those lofty presidential appointments against the odds
Ayear ago I was a confused, unemployed college
kid applying to graduate schools in a panic and
watching Obvious Child on repeat, crying. I've
been thinking alot about the pz e of time re-
cently and how school conveniently chops your
life into four-year chunks with little landmarks
of accomplishment. Puberty. Driver's license.
Graduating. Drinking. Graduating again.
When I was a junior at Harvard, I was elected
president of The Harvard Lampoon, the
school's 140-year-old humor magazine whose
staff has included Conan O'Brien, B.J. Novak
and Colin Jost. Let's just say it was a big deal,
and not because I was an economics major but
because I was the first black woman to hold
the position. The Lampoon was notorious for
being a white boys” club. After the announce-
ment, everyone wanted at me. New York maga-
zine, Forbes and the Chicago Tribune clamored
for my story, which goes like this: 1 grew up in
a small town outside Milwaukee—the type of
place that causes people to say, “Oh, my grand-
mother's best friend grew up there.” My father
died when I was a toddler. In his absence, my
mom single-handedly raised two hardworking
ladies. Iwentto Harvard. My sister went to Yale.
I applied to write for the Lampoon my fresh-
man year. I was rejected. I tried again the
following spring and nabbed a spot on the mast-
head. Two years later they voted me president.
Like I said: big fucking deal—to me, and to a
bunch of people I never imagined would care.
I've always been interested in the political
process as another form of entertainment. As
an undergrad I worked for Harvard's Institute
of Politics and helped Mark Halperin and John
Heilemann do research for their book Double
Down. I had to track down Condoleezza Кїсе 8
phone number and stalk the Instagram accounts
of politicians’ daughters to see what the insides
of their homes look like. It felt very Olivia Pope
meets Anonymous.
Getting a сай from Veep's executive producer
Dave Mandel before graduation was a serious
WTF moment. As much as I questioned whether
I could handle being a staff writer, I realized it
was arare opportunity where people would actu-
ally care about what I have to say. As a woman—
especially as ayoung woman of color—I thought,
This might be it. This is my time. I accepted the
job and became the youngest writer on staff.
I showed up way too early on my first day. I
didn’t know how to dress for awriters’ room, 801
wore a blazer and a blouse. Trying to be as hum-
ble and unassumingas possible, I didn’t sit at the
writers’ table. I didn’t want to piss off anyone by
sitting where I shouldn't. When Dave came in
and started the meeting, he turned to me and
said, “Alexis, what are you doing? Please join us
at the table and be a normal person.”
One thing I love about Veep is that Selina
Meyer, Julia Louis-Dreyfus’s character, is a sex-
ual being, but it’s not her whole story. Her story
never focuses on her love interests, whether it be
her ex-husband or, in this season, John Slattery.
It’s aB-plot, and it’s rare to see awoman in charge
as sexual without it being her weakness or flaw.
That's really powerful and closer to the truth. My
life never revolves around the dick I’m chasing.
Asa23-year-old woman who has been in charge
of a very male organization, I know what it's like
towalk the fine line between being feminineand
being the boss and having people respect you. So I
identify with Selina. I know how hard it is.
I will always strive to be surprising in my
work. I remember the first time I wrote a dark
joke for Veep anonymously. When it was re-
vealed the joke was mine, the other writers were
shocked. They didn’t think I had it in me. Those
are the best moments, especially as a black
woman. You think you know what you're going
to get from me, but you have no idea. The only
thing you'll know is that whatever I do is going
to be good, and it's going to be funny.
That's the epitaph I hope to walk away with at
the end of all this: *Alexis Wilkinson: Here she
lies, a funny-ass bitch till the end.” п
Gan Straight People
Have Ghemsex Too?
e Have you heard about “chemsex”? It's
© apparently a trend among gay men:
weekend-long parties, fueled by research chem-
icals, that move from club to loft orgy back to
club. I'm a straight man, and I seriously hope
there's a straight-world equivalent. I've done
party drugs, and Га like to meet women who
also enjoy them—especially ones who are curi-
ous about the potential of sex and drugs.
A: Chemsex has a mix of critics and pro-
e ponents both within and outside the
gay community; media have branded it as ev-
erything from a “пісһе sexual phenomenon” to
a “modern sexual health c ” But as with any
trend, activity or idea worth talking about, an
accurate definition of chemsex (and to what de-
gree it is or isn’t dangerous) ulti-
mately depends on the individual
participating in it. Regardless of
how you weigh in on the chemsex
debate, one truth we do know is that things only
get hotter when they’re forbidden.
Consider the Dionysian mysteries of ancient
Greece. These celebrations used music and in-
toxicants to lull partygoers into a sexual trance.
Social inhibitions were shed as bodies twisted
with abandon. At tod: Dionysian warehouse
parties and boho gatherings, sexual assault is a
danger—drugs can be used to lower inhibitions
or induce blackouts. Yet there are positive facets
of drugs and sex that don’t see the media light:
Many of us view drug use as an invaluable part of
our self-exploration, sexual and otherwise. We
consensually engage in drugged-up sex and find
it transformative, romantic, ethereal.
So as I lay in bed, drying out from the pre-
vious night’s Bushwick rave, I posed your
question to a few of New York’s finest party
girls. We decided on a few rules of thumb for a
straight man looking to explore drugs and sex
with a mind toward enthusiastically consent-
ing and transcending.
(1) A gentleman has drugs to offer: Always
keep a few options on hand, with enough to
share. As an engineering undergrad at Har-
vard, Stefanie kept a vial of LSD in her bag at
all times. “It was a great pickup line,” she says.
“ГА go to parties and offer to dose back at my
place. Men, women—it was sexier than asking
them back for adrink.”
(2) Know your drugs—and your partner. Be-
fore dosing on a date, it's best to know the drug
and how you react to it. (Ideally you've already
tried the batch.) Note the many types of drug
sex: the psychic playfulness of LSD, the deep
joy and fated connections of
molly, the Lynchian fever dream
of ketamine, the lucid fluidity
of opiates. Also know what your
date likes sexually. Leila, a software engineer
who throws research-chemical parties at her
New York estate, asks that guests familiarize
themselves with the concept of “set and set-
ting”: Scope your surroundings and your men-
tal state, and assess your comfort level before
dosing. Leila has one rule: “Don't offer a drug to
a woman if she isn't already familiar with it. 1£
you mention a drug and she replies with an an-
ecdote about that time she did it in high school
and it was awesome, then you can offer.”
(3) Let her lead. “Drugs are communal, but
they also pull you deeper into yourself,” says
Monica, a poet. “It's about losing yourself in
your own interior and in each other.” And since
you want her to be present, ask that she direct
the hookup. Let her be the boss.
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The 10 top-grossing superhero films (since
1978) have taken in more than $4 billion in U.S.
theaters alone, according to Box Office Mojo:
8623іп.... Т/еАгепдегв........... 2012
$535m.... TheDarkKnight ........ 2008
$459m . . . . Avengers: AgeofUltron.... 2015
$448m.... The Dark Knight Rises .... 2012
$409m.« «a ПОМЕТ a рено se 2013
$404 т.... Spider-Man............ 2002
$374 т .... Spider-Man2 .......... 2004
$SEDT is DORADO ives ses sw дее 2016
$337m .... Spider-Man3 .......... 2007
$333m.... Guardians of the Galaxy . . . 2014
Kryptonite is more than
just a green rock that de-
bilitates Superman. For
example: WHITE KRYP-
TONITE damages plant
causes hallucinations;
Kryptonians gay; RED-GOLD KRYPTONITE
causes temporary amnesia; and GOLD KRYP-
TONITE removes superpowers permanently.
In 1954 the comic book industry adopted a
comprehensive ethical code that mandated,
for example: “In every instance good shall
triumph over evil.” | “Walking dead, torture,
vampires and vampirism, ghouls, cannibalism
and werewolfism are prohibited.” | “Females
shall be drawn realistically without exagger-
ation of any physical qualities.” | “Wherever
possible, good grammar shall be employed.”
Over the years, the code was relaxed until it
was finally abandoned in 2011.
“Holy here we go again!”—ROBIN
Twelve-year-old Billy Batson turns into Captain
Marvel with the conjuration shazam, anacronym
for: SOLOMON (wisdom), HERCULES (strength),
ATLAS (stamina), ZEUS (power), ACHILLES (cour-
age) and MERCURY (speed). ¥ According to Peter
Coogan of the Institute for Comics Studies, su-
pervillains come in five types and four subtypes:
MONSTER nań d are e.g., the Lizard
ENEMY COMMANDER ... Dr. Doom; Red Skull
MADSGIENTIST isa бизе Lex Luthor
CRIMINAL MASTERMIND. ..... . the Kingpin
INVERTED SUPERHERO ......... the Joker
“АЛЛЕН ren e ТҮРҮҮ the Super-Skrull
~ EVIL GOD. .. . ee. Thanos
~ FEMME FATALE. .... . . . Black Widow
-SUPER-HENCHMAN . . . . the Absorbing Man
Although the word superhero predates comics
by some 40 years, it rapidly became a prized
commercial asset. In 1981, after decades of
wrangling, Marvel and DC Comics obtained
a joint trademark (#1179067) for the term.
KRYPTONITE is trademarked by DC Comics
(toys and clothing) and Schlage Lock Сош-
pany (bicycle locks). Y Below are some pioneers
of superhero cultural diversity:
[da Wa i. the Green Turtle (1944)
. the Black Panther (1966)
Gay.. Jean-Paul Beaubier (1992)
Lesbian хүл às Batwoman (2006)
Muslim «usos ЭРЭЭ Simon Baz (2012)
— —— —HOLY EPOCHS! — ——
The history of comic books—and superheroes—
is divided into a number of epochs:
GOLDEN АСЕ · 1938-1955
Superman - Batman - Captain America :
Wonder Woman - Captain Marvel
SILVER AGE : 1956-1969
The Flash - Batwoman - Spider-Man - Thor - the
Black Panther · Iron Man : the Incredible Hulk
BRONZE АСЕ · 1970-1985
Green Lantern/Green Arrow · Tiger-Man ·
Wolverine - Spider-Woman
Hellboy - Elektra: Watchmen - Spawn -
Deadpool - Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Outpacing speeding bullets and leaping tall
buildings are passé. To make a real mark, you
need truly outlandish superpowers, such as:
himself at will. ¥ mar-
ROW grows extra bones
to deploy as weapons. У
ANIMAL MAN assumes
the characteristics of
any beast. Ұ MATTER-
. EATER LAD consumes
anything without ill
effects. Y JOHNNY BLAZE (pictured) forces hisvic-
tims to suffer every moment of pain they've ever
inflicted via his penance stare. Y CYPHER speaks
all languages and decrypts all codes. Y STRAW
MAN is immune to all damage (except, problem-
atically, fire). Y TAR BABY oozes a permanently
adhesive mucilage. Y BIG BERTHA expands her
physique from svelte to morbidly obese. Y squ1R-
REL GIRL has an empathic bond with squirrels.
аг жн
HOLY "KER-" WORDS IN THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY: Ker-blam! - Ker-blam-er-lam-er-lam! - Ker-boom! - Ker-chunk! - Ker-flip! - Ker-flop! - Ker-flummox! - Ker-plunk! - Кет-титр! -
Ker-slam! - Ker-slap! - Ker-slash! - Ker-slosh! - Ker-slush! - Ker-smash! - Ker-souse! - Ker-splash! - Ker-swash! - Ker-swosh! - Ker-thump! - Ker-umph! - Ker-wallop! - Ker-whop! - Ker-woosh!
The Australian actress reveals her secret X-Men
mutation, talks women in comedy and steals our bacon
Q1: X-Men: Apocalypse is your second turn play-
ing CIA agent Moira MacTaggert. How much of
the surrounding geekdom do you participate in?
BYRNE: When we did First Class, an
X-Men expert came to the set to talk to
each of us about our characters. It was
phenomenal. He was the ultimate X-Men
geek. He had massive folders about every
character. He came into my trailer and
talked me through Moira’s backstory
and the evolution of her character. He
was brilliant. It was like he’d been har-
vesting all this X-Men information.
@2: Does having an encyclopedia of Moira's
backstory help or hinder your performance?
BYRNE: It’s a bit of both. As an actor it’s
always great to get as much information
as you can. My character went to another
planet for awhile and came back and had a
son who was half human and half mutant.
Thenshediedandcamebacktolife. There's
a lot of context. Obviously they take only
small strands of these stories for the film.
Q3: X-Men: First Class took place in the early
19605. The new one, Apocalypse, is set in the
198056. Is it just us, or did Moira not age at all?
BYRNE: Twenty years have passed, and
yeah, she looks pretty good. Everyone
joked about it on set. Does time not apply
to these characters? The mutants can
probably get away with not aging, but
I’m a mortal. Moira might have a good
plastic surgeon.
Q4: So you're not one of the X-Men, but in
real life, is there a quality about you that you'd
describe as a mutation?
BYRNE: I have remarkably small ears.
It’s almost a mutation how small they
are. They look slightly weird, but I can
hear very well.
Qs: You already had geek cred from Star Wars.
With the ubiquity of The Force Awakens, did you
have any flashbacks to your role in Star Wars:
Episode II—Attack of the Clones?
BYRNE: I’m leaving. This interview is
over. [laughs] You know what brought
me back to that world? Working with
James Earl Jones on Broadway in You
Can't Take It With You. There were рео-
ple waiting for him by the stage door
every night because of Darth Vader.
That was a trip down memory lane: see-
ing the Star Wars obsession nightly. It
was extraordinary being a part of that.
I mean, talk about the fans! I have one
line in that movie. It's a stretch to say I
have acharacter at all. Buttothisdaygo
percent of the fan mail I get is from Star
Wars—90 percent—to sign pictures of
me in a purple snood.
@6: You and Bobby Cannavale became parents
for the first time earlier this year. It's a cliché that
once you become a parent you start noticing the
ways you're similar to your own parents. Has that
happened to you?
BYRNE: Oh, I noticed that long before. As
I started getting older, I began noticing.
Luckily, I like my parents, so it's cool.
But it's funny how it manifests itself.
My parents are very no-nonsense Aus-
tralians: They don't like fanfare or fuss-
iness. They're incredibly self-sufficient
and curious. I hope I'm like them in
those ways. Australians are real wander-
ers; we're well traveled because we're so
isolated. That's something I'm proud of
in being an Australian.
Q7: Neither of your parents has a show business
background. Were they supportive of your deci-
sion to pursue acting at a young age?
BYRNE: They were very encouraging.
They wanted me to go to college. I went
to university in Sydney and got my de-
gree. It was lucky that I was getting
work from the start. I started taking
acting classes when I was eight, so it
was always part of my personality as a
child, beingapartofdrama and acting.
It wasn’t out of the blue that I started
working once I was of age.
Q8: How hard is it for an Australian to relocate
to Hollywood?
BYRNE: I went to Los Angeleswhen Iwas
18 or 19 and spent time out there. I went
back and forth for about three years be-
fore I got a job in America. I definitely
wasn't an overnight success. And I
didn'ttake to it at first. Іп my own naive
way I felt prepared for L.A., but nothing
can ever really prepare you for L.A. It's
such a strange place. Even geographi-
cally it's got such an odd layout. I enjoy
it now, but when I was in my 20s it was
overwhelming. I stayed out in Venice.
These days I like the Eastside, Los Feliz.
Really wherever they put me up. Wher-
ever somebody pays the check.
Q9: You studied acting at the Atlantic Theater
Company in New York. Does that formal train-
ing help when you're improvising in a Judd
Apatow comedy?
BYRNE: I've gotten more confident
with improvising. I definitely don't fall
into the category of Melissa McCarthy
and Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph
and Seth Meyers. My God, Seth is the
funniest improviser. As with anything,
the more I do it, the more confident I
get. But I always prepare for scenes. I
never wing it.... Is it nasty and rude if I
steal your bacon?
Q10: Not at all. With the first Neighbors movie,
critics noted that your character, Kelly, was just
as bonkers as those played by Seth Rogen and
Zac Efron, and how uncommon that is for a
comedic female lead. It seemed shocking that
it was arare occurrence. Is that what drew you
to the part?
BYRNE: Absolutely. From day one, when I
came onboard, the director, Nick Stoller,
and I wanted to change that archetype.
In these comedies the woman is tradi-
tionally the killjoy. We really wanted to
turn that stereotype on its head. As ir-
responsible as Seth’s character is, we
wanted my character to be equally irre-
sponsible. They’re a team. And another
thing—and this isn’t a radical thing, but
itis in the context of these films—is that
they have a great marriage. They’re on
the same page. They enjoy each other,
and sex, and they’re best friends.
Q11: From Get Him to the Greek to Neighbors 2,
you've become a go-to comedic actor. What
comedies did you gravitate toward as a kid in
BYRNE: My family sat around and
watched Fawlty Towers together. I
mean, Basil Fawlty, what a character!
The precision of the physical comedy,
John Cleese’s performance, the dia-
logue...it’s beautifully orchestrated. It’s
mad, but it has the comedy down to a
science. That was definitely a huge in-
fluence. And Seinfeld. It was huge in
Australia, much bigger than Friends. I
love Seinfeld. When I came to America, I
got hooked on watching Saturday Night
Live. I was fascinated by Kristen Wiig
anytime she came onscreen.
Q12: You worked with Wiig on Bridesmaids.
Looking back, that movie was a significant cul-
tural moment. Did it feel like that at the time?
BYRNE: In the middle of it yowre just
living day to day, but when I look back,
it does seem like something really spe-
cial. And you hope it paves the way for
more movies like that. People like Paul
Feig and Judd Apatow have championed
female storytellers, whether it’s in Girls
or Bridesmaids. They’re bucking con-
vention, and we need more people like
that. But promoting Bridesmaids was
an eye-opening experience for me.
Q13: What was eye-opening about it?
BYRNE: With Bridesmaids, all the press
focused on was “Wow, they’re all women,
and they’re funny!” You would never say
that about a comedy with all guys. No
one would say, “They’re men, and they’re
funny!” We were really treated like
aliens in the press. I was so naive I didn't
even think about it during the press tour.
I didn’t realize that was all anyone would
want to talk about—that we were women.
Maybe Kristen, Melissa and Maya were
prepared for those questions because
they’re more seasoned comedic рег-
formers, but I wasn't. It's something I
wish we didn't have to talk about.
Q14: Your X-Men co-star Jennifer Lawrence ad-
dressed Hollywood's wage gap in an essay for
Lenny Letter, writing that she's paid much less
than “lucky people with dicks.” You've spoken
out about the wage gap as well. Are steps being
taken to correct this?
BYRNE: I think the steps are beginning
to be taken. The EEOC [Equal Employ-
ment Opportunity Commission] has its
investigation, which is extraordinary,
that this is finally being taken seriously
as legitimate discrimination. It's nec-
essary. Jen is such a powerful presence,
putting herself on the line and talking
about her experiences as a woman and
the differences in pay. Just starting the
conversation is helping to shift perspec-
tives. It's the same with the racial issue
at the Oscars this year. My friends who
recently went through pilot season are
saying that the entire focus is on diver-
sity in casting, which seems to be a di-
rect response to the conversation about
the Oscars. My hope is the more we talk
about it now, the less we'll have to talk
about it over time.
Q15: As an Australian, what are your thoughts on
the American presidential election?
BYRNE: I'm fascinated, just riveted.
My parents were here for a month,
and we watched every debate, followed
every poll. My dad's a punter, you know,
a betting man. А the bettors online
had Marco Rubio as the favorite, so it
was crazy to see how it's turned out.
But coming from Australia, the politi-
cal world here is so much larger than
life. This whole Donald Trump thing
is such an unusual phenomenon. Aus-
tralian politics are like asedative com-
pared to this spectacle.
Q16: It's interesting that you mention your dad
watching the odds. Remember last fall when stat-
istician Nate Silver gave Trump a five percent
chance of winning the nomination?
BYRNE: It's unprecedented. The differ-
ence in tone between the two parties
in the debates is so striking. When you
see the desperation in the candidates
who are losing and how they fight to
stay alive in the race, it's an interesting
character study. As a performer, it's
fascinating to watch.
017: Do you view the election with concern?
BYRNE: Ifthere's a certain outcome. Cit-
izens of the world are concerned about
this, not just Americans. It is a terrify-
ing prospect, sure. But I love America.
The opportunities I've had here are ex-
traordinary. The people I've met here
have changed my life in so many ways.
Q18: You've worked with Bobby Cannavale on
three films: Spy, Adult Beginners and Annie. Is it
challenging to act with the person you love?
BYRNE: Not particularly. I imagine it
would be more of a challenge if one of
us were directing the other. As with any
creative endeavor, you want the best
for them. So if it's a failure, or if it's
not going well, it can be heartbreaking.
When we're working on something to-
gether, the stakes can feel pretty high.
Q19: You've been in comedies. You did five sea-
sons of Damages with Glenn Close. You've done
period films, sci-fi, horror. Is there a new genre
out there you'd like to tackle?
BYRNE: I've been doing more comedies
lately, and I would like to do more dra-
mas. I've done dramas in the past, like
Damages, but I'd like to take what I've
learned doing comedic work and apply
it to dramas. And I'd been dying to do
more theater and was thrilled to do
You Can't Take It With You. I'm doing
David Mamet's Speed-the-Plow in Aus-
tralia at the end of the year. I'm such a
big theatergoer, and obviously Bobby is,
you know, Bobby Broadway. We're acou-
ple of theater geeks.
Q20: So what show should we see on Broad-
way right now?
BYRNE: Uh, Hamilton? I mean, come on.
The soundtrack is on in our house all the
time. I went with Glenn Close. I'm just
going to go ahead and drop her name.
She's the only reason 1 got a ticket. You
can score hard-to-get tickets to great
shows when you know Glenn Close. №
| dd
The Most Disturbing Movie
You'll See This Year
Drive director Nicolas Winding Refn finds his feminine side with The Neon Demon
Squirming your way through his latest film,
you start to wonde Nicolas Winding Refn
messing with us for his own perverse plea-
sure? Worshipped by some and mocked by
others for making gleefully violent, macho,
stylized and self-referential movies that have
lent both gravitas and street cred to Tom
Hardy (Bronson) and Ryan Gosling (Drive,
Only God Forgives), the Gopenhagen-born
provocateur is about to make heads explode
with his new one—a harrowing about-face
called The Neon Demon.
The film, in which a young beauty hits Hol-
lywood and gets devoured by fame (in more
ways than one), is the most violent Refn out-
ing yet, and the most personal. Strange, con-
sidering the female-forward cast. “I believe
every man has a 16-year-old girl inside him,
and I wanted to make a movie about her,” Refn
explains. “In this movie, I step out in the phys-
ical body of a 16-year-old girl, played by Elle
Fanning, as I'd done before in the male bodies
of Tom Hardy and Ryan Gosling. For me, it'sa
whole new canvas of possibilities.”
Unhinged, gut-wrenching, perched on a
knife-edge of elevated horror and high camp,
The Neon Demon stars the gorgeous Fanning
as an aspiring model overpowered by the en-
vious bloodlust she unleashes in youth- and
beauty-obsessed dolls played by Jena Malone,
Bella Heathcote and Abbey Lee. “Гш very
much dominated by women,” says Refn, who
instructed Fanning to prepare for the role by
watching Valley of the Dolls and reading film-
maker Kenneth Anger's notoriously sordid Hol-
lywood Babylon books. *Having only ever had
one girlfriend, I only know one woman. You
could say I came straight out of my mother and
into my wife. Having a very beautiful wife and
two daughters, I had become very interested
in the insanity of beauty—insanity because
as the power of beauty in society continues
to rise, the longevity of how we define beauty
continues to shrink. What happens when the
obsession with, power of and need for beauty
keep growing as our perception of the length of
beauty recedes?” Cannibalism, necrophilia,
predatory lust, obsessive-compulsive cosmetic
surgeries and disembowelment, that's what—
in the deranged art-house-meets-grind-house
world of The Neon Demon.
So why the detour, especially in the wake of
rumors that Gosling was gearing up for a big-
budget Refn-directed Logans Run remake?
Turns out it was that inner 16-year-old girl
screaming to be freed. “Тһе kind of fetishizing
of masculinity and the male body that I did in
Bronson, Valhalla Rising and Drive had peaked
beyond homoeroticism,” Refn says. “I’ve wanted
to make a horror movie with a female cast for
years. After Drive, Iwanted to decompose every-
thing, like when Lou Reed made one ofthe great-
est rock albums, Transformer, and then had to
make the distortion of Metal Machine Music.
That's what was next in his creative evolution.
This is what's next in mine."—Stephen Rebello
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With towering goalies and shrinking
scores, the NHL confronts a crisis
Last November, Chicago Blackhawks backup
goaltender Scott Darling, a bearlike 27-year-
old who stands six feet, six inches tall, offered
a simple yet thorny truth to the Chicago Sun-
Times: “Fans want to see goals.”
With the average goalie height exceeding
six-foot-two, up almost three inches from the
1994-1995 season, and the cage remaining
at its standard 48 by 72 inches, the National
Hockey League is staring down a progressive
scoring drought.
The average number of goals per game dur-
ing the 1992-1993 season was 7.256; through
January 4, the 2015-2016 season had an aver-
age of 5.4.01. As professional hock rambles
to compete for eyes and ears with the other
major sports in most markets, changes are all
but inevitable.
A controversial fix took center ice last
November when, during a press conference,
Toronto Maple Leafs head coach Mike Bab-
cock ran the numbers.
“It's impossible to score,” he said. “All you've
got to do is a math equation. You go to 1980,
when the puck went in the net. You get the av-
erage size of the goalies in the NHL and the
average size of the net. You keep growing the
net bigger, and that would make the game the
same. We change the game every year because
we don’t want to change the game.”
Former NHL center and current NBC
sports analyst Jeremy Roenick agrees that big
You shall not pass: Jacob Markstrom, the six-foot-six goaltender of the Vancouver Canucks.
goalies pose a big scoring problem, but unlike
Babcock, he doesn’t want the solution to come
off the cage. “I’m a traditionalist,” he says. “I
love the history of the game, and I don’t be-
lieve that changing the nets or making the ice
surface bigger is going to do much more to en-
hance scoring.
Roenick may take comfort in knowing the
nets won't be getting any wider—not yet, any-
way. “To have that for next season would be a
stretch,” says Kay Whitmore, NHL director of
hockey operations and goaltender equipment.
“It's something that gets played up after a cer-
tain team has trouble scoring. To deflect crit-
icism from his team, the coach says the nets
should be bigger, and then it kind of takes on
a life of its own.”
There is one thing that the NHL can shrink.
Whitmore, a former goalie, announced in March
that goalie padding will change next season “to
fit the goalies’ body size a little better based on
how big they really are.” It wouldn't be the first
time: The league made players’ leg pads shorter
for the 2013-2014 season.
Among fans, the general consensus aligns
with Roenick's traditionalism. So what hap-
pens if another reduction in pad size fails to
boost scores? Wider nets may make hockey
more appealing to potential fans, but in the
process it would produce a completely dif-
ferent game. Its hard-hitting tightness, es-
pecially in the playoff season, would quickly
become a thing of the past. Instead of care-
fully setting up quality scoring chances, play-
ers would be free to shoot from all over the ice
as soon as they touch the puck. The venerable
Stanley Cup would be won merely by the team
that shoots the most.
The result? Well, let's put it in more famil-
iar terms: Would football fans still turn outen
masse if the NFL brought the end zone in 20
yards?— Scott King
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Roadies, the new Showtime series created by Cameron Crowe,
follows the managers, guitar techs, bouncers, bus drivers
and miscellaneous crew of a touring arena-rock band, and
while the music-industry milieu owes much to Crowe's clas-
sic films Singles and Almost Famous, its hard-R treatment is
much closer to his great early screenplays The Wild Life and
Fast Times at Ridgemont High. There are expletives. There
is nudity. There is a groupie having sex with a microphone.
But the series is notable for another reason:
It is the latest in a recent proliferation of TV
shows that focus on the music industry, fol-
lowing network hits Nashville and Empire, as
well as FX's Sex&Drugs&Rock&Rolland HBO's
Vinyl. This August, Netflix premieres Baz
Luhrmann's The Get Down, about the birth of
New York City hip-hop.
It's no coincidence these shows have arisen
during one of the most turbulent times in the
history of the music industry. As Lucious Lyon
pronounces in the pilot episode of Empire,
“Times have changed. The internet has de-
stroyed the musician's ability to make money.”
That was in January 2015, and since then
things have only gotten bleaker.
According to the Recording Industry As-
sociation of America, physical CD sales fell
17 percent in 2015, while album and single
downloads dropped five percent and 13 percent,
respectively —numbers that would have been far
worse had Adele not released her album 25 in late
November. (In six weeks it sold 8 million copies,
accounting for three percent of total album sales
in the U.S. in 2015.) Meanwhile, streaming con-
tinues to cannibalize the industry. Subscriptions
to sites such as Spotify, Apple Music and TIDAL
were up a combined 52 percent last year, and
when streams goup, artist payments go down. In
2015, the per-stream rate dropped 24 percent, to
$0.00506. And that’s what the label makes.
For decades, musicians bashed the greedy
executives, soulless bean counters and cor-
rupt radio programmers who ran the record
industry, from Pink Floyd’s “Have a Cigar”
to A Tribe Called Quest’s “Check the Rhime.”
The internet was supposed to serve as the great
democratizer, rendering extinct the parasitic
middlemen in their towering corner offices.
And so it has. Who needs A&R when you can
get discovered on YouTube and SoundCloud?
What's the point of a promotions department
in the age of the surprise release? Why bother
with payola when no one listens to the radio?
But the truth is the middlemen didn’t go
away; they’re just different middlemen now.
They wear hoodies instead of suits, and they
moved from corner offices to airy loft spaces
or eco-friendly corporate campuses. And they
got even greedier. The website Information Is
Beautiful has calculated that a signed artist
needs 1,117,021 monthly streams on
Spotify just to make the U.S. mini-
mum wage, a target that only two
percent of artists on the service can
hit. And let’s not forget that the website Ge-
nius (formerly Rap Genius) raised more than
$50 million for posting annotated song lyrics.
It took five years and the threat of a lawsuit by
the National Music Publishers Association for
the site to finally sign a licensing agreement.
Incomparison, there’s something quaint about
the old ways of the industry—which in part ex-
plains all these new TV shows. (It also explains
why the one nonstreaming sector that increased
in 2015 was viny] sales: up 32 percent, better than
any year since 1988.) Watching Lucious Lyon
conspire to steal artists away from a rival label or
Vinyl’s Richie Finestra ply a
DJ with cocaine in exchange
for more airplay of a Donny
Osmond record is sexier than
today’s actual music indus-
try, where shady moves are
more likely to involve algo-
rithms and the drug of choice
is Red Bull. The premise of
Roadies is itself a commen-
tary on the industry today:
With less money to be made
from record sales, artists
have been forced to tour more.
But these shows aren't
simply eulogizing a dying industry. They’re also
throwing it a lifeline by doing what was once the
job of radio and MTV: introducing audiences to
new artists. Vinyl’s opening theme is by emerg-
ing alt-country star Sturgill Simpson, and the
show has featured young artists including Jess
Glynne, Alex Newell and the British rock duo
Royal Blood. Actors Jussie Smollett and Bryshere
Y. Gray (a.k.a. Yazz the Greatest) both signed
record deals with Columbia after their break-
throughs on Empire—whose soundtrack debuted
at number one on the Billboard 200 chart. Nash-
ville used award-winning songwriter and pro-
ducer T Bone Burnett to craft the show’s early
music. Roadies will feature cameos by real-life
acts, and Crowe told the Television Critics As-
sociation earlier this year that he sees the series
largely as “a great radio station.”
One of those acts is the Head and
the Heart. The Seattle-based indie-
folk artists, who appear in the show’s
pilot, have also done а stint on the CW’s Hart of
Dixie. “The importance of TV introducing peo-
ple to new music has a far greater reach than
people my age want to give it credit for,” says
singer-guitarist Jon Russell.
Although he enjoyed watching the Roadies
pilot—“It made me laugh out loud and some-
times cringe at how cliché some things really are
in our world” —Russell admits he isn't usually a
fan of TV series based on the music industry.
“I have not seen any of those shows you men-
tioned,” he says. *I get enough of it firsthand.
Too much sometimes.” п
Meet the Future of EDM
Three acts prove DJ David Guetta's proclamation that the genre “had to die so it could come back strong”
Light a glow-stick руге for the corporate-coined, neon-tinged initialism “EDM.” With industry behemoth SFX filing for bankruptcy, bottle-poppers
Swedish House Mafia announcing early retirement and Las Vegas club owners second-guessing celebrity-DJ culture, it'sno wonder Guetta released the
tongue-in-cheek track “The Death of EDM.” But electronic music still dominates American festivals and raves, informing virtually every genre inits sphere.
All summer long, new noise from savvy artists like the three featured here will drive the ever-diversifying evolution of electronic sound.—Jeff Weiss
Back in the late 1990s, when other southern
California adolescents still abided by strict
subcultural boundaries, a 12-year-old Korean
American kid from Cerritos named Jason
Chung picked up the turntables, turned on
the computer and instinctively fused G-funk
hip-hop, jungle, art rock and British IDM (in-
telligent dance music). Nosaj (Jason spelled
backward) emerged as a breakout producer
from L.A.'s beat-scene hub, Low End Theory;
he has worked with Chance the Rapper, Kend-
rick Lamar and Kid Cudi, among many others.
His latest Innovative Leisure EP, No Reality,
created partly on an iPad, blurs boundaries be-
tween genre, technological format and even
sensory perception. “Everyone is unsure what's
goingto happen with virtual reality, Oculus Rift
and all these new platforms that change how you
see the world,” Chung says. “To me, No Reality is
doing our own thing with no rules.”
Despite the vintage connotations of their name,
few define contemporary eclecticism quite like
Classixx. What says postmodernity more than
a millennial duo, raised in the Brady Bunch
suburbs of Los Angeles and influenced by soul-
ful Chicago house and 1970s disco, whose latest
album, Faraway Reach, was recorded in South
Africa and other spots around the world and
features T-Pain, How to Dress Well and Passion
Pit? “Our first record (20135 Hanging Gardens]
was just us and our immediate friends,” says
Michael David (at left above), who spent his
early years in apartheid-era Johannesburg be-
fore moving to southern California, where he
met future bandmate Tyler Blake. “For this one,
we wanted to collaborate with artists of differ-
ent styles and expand on what we’d done in the
past.” That simple statement speaks for much of
the best dance music happening right now. You
can’t kill what you can’t pin down.
Envision Janet Jackson as an art school dropout
raised on reggae and Radiohead and you'll start
tounderstand AlunaGeorge. Aluna Francis, the
band’s half-Indian, half-Jamaican lead singer,
is one of the most vital voices in dance music.
(The group’s other member, producer George
Reid, opts for a low profile.) That’s her vocal on
“White Noise” by fellow U.K. sensation Disclo-
sure, and the duo has collaborated with Skril-
lex, Diplo, Flume and DJ Snake—whose remix
of AlunaGeorge’s “You Know You Like It” hit
number 13 on the Billboard Hot 100 last year.
Some predict that with its just-released sopho-
more album, J Remember, the band’s efferves-
cent take on house, Jamaican ragga and noirish
glitchy beats will change the face of pop. Fran-
cis aims for something more personal. “We use
music when we need to feel something,” she
says. *I want these songs to be the rhythm to
those critical life moments.”
Bamford x Playboy
Limited to Four
Author Tom Bissell on religion, drugs, video games and the
wild legacy of the historically bad cult film The Room
JAMES FRANCO: You spent nine
years working and traveling, includ-
ing to Jerusalem and Rome, for your
new nonfiction book, Apostle. What
were you looking for?
TOM BISSELL: The framework of
the book is me visiting the supposed
tombs of the 12 apostles, but it's really
about early Christianity and how
early Christian storytelling worked.
The foundation these storytellers set
down reverberates across thousands
of years and still affects the way we
think today. Every American city
is filled with churches named after
these 12 guys who lived 2,000 years
ago. Trying to figure out how their
stories had such sticking power be-
came my focus; that’s what the book
is about. And I'm not religious. That's
e other thing I always hasten to
point out. It’s not a book by a believer;
it's a book by a nonbeliever.
FRANCO: You stopped working on
Apostle to write Extra Lives, a book
about video games. Why the shift?
BISSELL: I got really depressed about Apostle,
because at first I didn’t know what the fuck I
was writing about. I was amassing pages and
reading and writing thousands of pages of
notes. I would sink into despondency about the
project. But then BioShock came out. I would
think, Oh, ГИ just play for a couple of hours
and go back to writing. Then it would be 10 P.M.
and I'd be like, Oh my God, what have I done?
Then I discovered cocaine, which is great for
writing frantically for an hour, playing Call of
Duty online for four hours and then going back
to write for an hour. I was alone a lot in Esto-
nia, which is where much of this went down. My
cocaine hookup was a, shall we say, disreputa-
ble young lady with a mobster boyfriend. She
helped me realize I needed to leave Estonia and
stop doing drugs. We were fucked-up on drugs,
lying in bed, and she said, “My boyfriend, if
he knew about us, would kill you.” I remember
lying there with her thinking, He would kill
me. He would actually kill me. That’s when I
thought, I have to get the fuck out of here; this
is really bad. I’m not writing. I’m fucked-up all
the time and spending 15 hours a day playing
video games. I've got togo. Sothe great tonic for
me with video games was actually becoming a
video-game-industry professional. Now I play
them a fraction as much as I used to.
FRANCO: In Extra Lives you say the book
isn't meant to be a comparison between video
games and other art forms. Do you feel the
same way about video games now that you've
actually worked in creating them?
BISSELL: I used to think the promise of video
games was the narrative possibilities. But I
don't think that's true anymore. The story is
one tiny piece of the artfulness of games. This
will sound stupid, but I'm going to say it any-
way: Setting up combat encounters in an ac-
tion game is a real art form—where enemies
come from, how you place the geometry in the
level, where you get firing lines. Thatisasuper
interesting art form.
FRANCO: You also discuss the idea of
*ludonarrative dissonance.”
BISSELL: That's when the game tells
you the character you're controlling is
a wonderful person who cares deeply
about doing the right thing, but the
gameplay involves shooting people in
the face. It’s a core problem of gam-
ing. The ludonarrative is the narra-
tive that arises out of that.
FRANCO: You co-wrote the book The
Disaster Artist with Greg Sestero,
who starred in The Room, areally bad
movie that’s now a cult classic—P'm
even making a movie about it. What
drew you to The Room?
BISSELL: It’s the only work of art that
I know of—and I say this with fondness
and affection—in which every single
creative decision that was made was
the wrong one. It's like a symphony in
which every note is slightly wrong.
FRANCO: Plenty of bad movies exist.
What makes this one special?
BISSELL: It’s this exuberant imag-
ination that has no idea what it’s
doing, working in a system that’s structurally
designed to prevent people like the movie's
director, Tommy Wiseau, from actually
making movies. It’s different in literature,
because self-published books appear all the
time. The Tommy Wiseau of literature is a
dime a dozen. The Tommy Wiseau of film
doesn’t exist, because the Tommy Wiseau of
film would have to convince literally a hun-
dred other people to follow him.
FRANCO: Yet there are a lot of outlets for bad
movies. Just look on YouTube.
BISSELL: But they’re boring. The Room isn’t
boring. Every single moment is amazing. The
Room is so watchable and entertaining. I’ve
seen it a hundred fucking times, at least, and I
would watch it again tonight. If you said, “Hey,
let’s watch The Room,” I'd say, “Fuck, yeah. Let's
do it,” and d probably notice something differ-
ent. I think Tommy is a legitimate artist, and I
say that with some reservation about the viabil-
ity, or the respectability, ofthe termartist. M
7964 Melrose! Ave.
Learning to
Love Trump
It's hard to get a handle on the Donald Trump
constituency. Since his campaign started, its
daily contortions have dominated our news
and social feeds with an ever-tightening focus
on the rage-fueled pageantry of his rallies.
The individuals are lost in the mob.
But there's one area where we can glimpse the
rawvulnerability ofthe people who make up the
Trump camp: Craigslist Missed Connections.
It turns out that Trump followers all over
the country take advantage of the service,
though some of the postings you'll find are
obvious jokes or romantic fictions: “Slightly
Overweight Redhead at Domino's That Gave
Me a Footjob - там”; “Trump supporter who
fell down stairs, dented car door with head —
w4m”; “Compact woman with a subtle limp in
Walmart Sunday night - m4w.” Then again,
is anything really implausible in this waking
fever dream of an election year?
Here are some highlights—all presented sic,
some accompanied by reminders of the violence
that broke out at the same events where roman-
tic sparks flew. Should any of these touch off
an IRL flame, they’ll offer a disturbing reply
tosome future child’s question, “Mom, how did
youand Dad meet?” The answer, from beneath
the cold shadow of an impossible wall, might
well be this: “While we were making America
great again."—Joe Veix
No guns allowed in the arcade - w4m (Sunrise
Mall, Corpus Christi, Texas)
We talked about guns, knives and trump in
your arcade. I wanted to ask you out on a date,
but I was too shy. xo
1-66 E Rest Stop - m4m (northern Virginia)
You drove a red pick-up truck with a Trump
I wanted to give you a hand.
Blonde in Blue Dress and heels at Trump Rally -
maw (Fayetteville, North Carolina)
We were kind of walking beside each other, you
had 2 girls with you, and you were in heels, Your
heel actually got caught in a hole.
You are the most beautiful woman 1 have
ever seen. I hope you remember who I was, We
parked across the road from the Charlie Rose
expo center, and had to cross Mountain drive
to get to our cars.
I can't get you off my mind.
[At this event, a78-year-old man in a cowboy
hatnamed John McGraw punched a protester
in the face. He later told an interviewer, “Next
time we see him, we might have to kill him.”]
trump rally deanna - m4w (Louisville, Kentucky)
So we met at the trump rally. 1 believe your
name was Deanna. Thought we had a connec-
tion. You were very nice to my son i held onto
your signs thru the rally. Im sure this is a
long shot but never know. 1 believe your from
mooresville. should have got your number luck-
ing myself. send me a pic ill know ifits you.
[At this event, a young girl was vio-
lently shoved, reportedly by a known white
Trump Event - m4m (Fountain Hills, Arizona)
You sat behind me and 1 could not help but
notice the huge buldge in your shorts. Not
sure if you noticed me taking a few looks at
it. Like to see it in private if your willing. You
are tall, slim, tell me what you were wearing,
age and who u were with, and tell me some-
thing about me.
[At this event, a protester in an American-
flag shirt was severely beaten by the crowd
while sprawled defenseless on the ground.
Trump campaign manager Corey Lewan-
dowski also allegedly grabbed the collar of
another protester. On March 29, Lewan-
dowski was charged with battery for assault-
img a reporter.]
Delirium of
“Just Say No
As our nation barrels toward widespread marijuana decriminalization, what is D.A.R.E. going to do?
The antidrug program D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse
Resistance Education) began in 1983, at the
height of Ronald Reagan's escalation of the war
on drugs, with a wholesom
to teach students “good decision-m;
to help them lead safe and healthy lives.
then, millions of adolescents have been taught
the line-in-the-sand *just say no” approach to
narcotics. But the intervening 33 years have seen
asea change in American moral attitudes, espe-
cially regarding drugs. Today the United States is
headed toward a marijuana boom, with 23 states
and Washington, D.C. decriminalizing the sub-
stance and four (plus D.C.) making recreational
use legal. Americans are smoking—not to men-
tion eating, drinking, vaping and dabbing—in
public, in greater numbers and with far greater
acceptance than ever before.
That has made “just say no” and other hang-
overs of abstinence-based methods seem be-
yond outdated. Even D.A.R.E. has come around,
in a way. With public opinion leaning toward
tolerance and with local, state and federal drug
laws murkier than ever, the organization is fac-
ing an identity crisis: How do youteach children
about marijuana, especially in communities
that basically respond to it with a shrug?
The answer so far has been, more or less, to
drop weed from the lineup altogether. “When
we create a curriculum, we have to create one
sounding mi
that fits all geographic areas,” says Scott Gil-
liam, a D.A.R.E. regional director who oversees
pot-friendly states including Alaska and Cali-
fornia and who has been with the organization
since its inception. “With all the controversy
and changes within the marijuana arena, we
had to leave marijuana out—we couldn't teach
the same thing in Colorado that’s being taught
in some small community in Utah.”
D.A.R.E.’s decision to drop marijuana came in
2012, on the cusp of a national shift in pot laws
that occurred when Colorado and Washington
became the first two states to permit recreational
se. The change was the culmination of an evo-
lution that began in 2000, after
research from the Department
of Education and the Surgeon
General revealed D.A.R.E. ineffective. An-
other study found little difference in drug use,
attitudes and self-esteem between students who
had gone through the program and those who
had gone through a “standard drug education
curriculum.” D.A.R.E. switched from lectures to
а discussion-group model, and in 2009 it estab-
lished a new curriculum for adolescents called
“keepin’ it REAL” that hinges on open dialogue
between teachers and students instead of scare
tactics detailing the horrors of drugs.
These days D.A.R.E. is markedly different
from the program of yesteryear, its directors
contend. “It’s not the sage on the stage, like in
the old days,” says regional director Mike Lien.
“It's more the instructor teaching kids about the
adverse impacts of drug use and ng them
better life skills to make good decisions.”
While D.A.R.E. seems content with its new
model—everyone I spoke with from the organi-
zation made sure to tout their “science-based”
approach, perhaps because the group’s funding
used to be directly tied to whether its methods
were scientifically sound—not everyone buys
the idea that the program has kept up with how
young people and drugs intersect today.
Pushing ascience-based system is D.A.R.E.'s
“party line,” says Marsha
Rosenbaum, director emer-
ita of the San Francisco office
of the Drug Policy Alliance, an anti-drug-war
nonprofit dedicated to “promoting drug poli-
cies that are grounded in science, compassion,
health and human rights,” as DPA’s website
states. (In a talking-points statement, the
DPA describes itself as “firmly committed to
reducing drug abuse among youth.”)
Rosenbaum is known for creating the DPA’s
“Safety First” booklet, a guide for parents and
educators first published in 1999 that served
as an alternative to hard-line abstinence-only
programs. The DPA says it has distributed more
than 350,000 copies of “Safety First” (nowin its
sixth edition), in at least seven languages. And
though Rosenbaum was initially impressed by
D.A.R.E.s move to drop pot back in 2012, she
soon had a change of heart.
“When that came out, at first I was excited. I
thought, Oh my God, this is a real game changer.
D.A.R.E. has decided that marijuana is not the
dangerous drug they'd said it was, and they've
taken it out of the curriculum,” Rosenbaum
says. “I called them right away for clarifica-
tion, and the more I talked to the guy, the more
I realized, Wait a minute. I looked at what they
tell kids if they ask about marijuana, and it’s
pretty much the same old, same old.”
What happens when kids ask about marijuana
in a D.A.R.E. classroom today? Officers are in-
structed not to bring up the subject on their own,
but when students do ask, the organization’s pol-
icy is to “keep the information very basic and at
an age-appropriate level” and to tell children
that marijuana is a drug that can affect their
mind; cause them to forget; make it hard to con-
centrate, learn and sleep; make them irritable
and anxious; and affect their schoolwork.
Gilliam tells me one goal of this policy is
to avoid putting officers in a position where
they’re forced to talk about ever-shifting mar-
ijuana laws. But Rosenbaum scoffs at this,
saying the plan does nothing to distinguish be-
tween use and abuse and is no different from
what D.A.R.E. was doing years ago.
“I think it's a wolf in sheep's clothing,” she
says. “It’s rhetoric. ‘Keeping it real’? What's
real? I think the emphasis on decision making,
which most of the drug education programs do
now, is good. With D.A.R.E. there’s only one
right decision, and that’s to say no—but kids
are going to make their own decisions.”
If Rosenbaum is correct, where does this leave
kids? D.A.R.E. is still used in approximately 70
percent of schools across the nation, and the or-
ganization thinks it has successfully kept up with
the times. Rosenbaum and the Drug Policy Alli-
ance disagree. Meanwhile, a recent study in The
Lancet Psychiatry found that legalizing mari-
juana did not lead to an increase in adolescent
drug use. The finding is counter to D.A.R.E.'s
rhetoric—“Simply put, legalization would dras-
tically increase marijuana use and use disorder
rates”—but doesn’t necessarily negate its cur-
riculum. Until there is concrete evidence on the
efficacy of D.A.R.E.'s current model, including
its marijuana policy, the issue will be stuck ina
thick, decriminalized haze. a
Big corporations control the presidential debates. Can the unlikely duo of Trump and Sanders end that?
The past year has upended the D.C.
establishment, and some amongthe sur-
viving ruling class fear they may be next.
Folks at the Commission on Presidential
Debates are especially worried. For al-
most 30years, the CPD hasorchestrated
the most-watched political events in
America—TV debates between the Dem-
ocratic and Republican nominees. Соп-
trolled by the two parties and funded in
previousyearsby corporationsincluding
Philip Morris and Anheuser-Busch, the
organization symbolizes everything out-
siders such as Bernie Sanders and Don-
ald Trump have campaigned against.
The idea behind the debate commis-
sion was always slightly nefarious: to
create an airtight showcase for the two
big parties and their policies and to ex-
clude insurgent candidates from chal-
lenging them. The CPD permits the
nominees to decide everything from
moderators to topics. It also persuades univer-
sities and colleges to host debates, though few
students are admitted since most tickets go to
high-dollar donors— “one nice way you can rec-
ognize people who’ve helped you,” CPD execu-
tive director Janet Brown once explained.
When legendary CBS newsman Walter
Cronkite saw how this game was played, he
called it an “unconscionable fraud.”
It wasn't always like this. In 1960, newsman
Don Hewitt (who went on to create бо Minutes)
persuaded Senator John F. Kennedy and Vice
President Richard M. Nixon to debate. They met
four times in TV studios without audiences, and
journalists could askanything. The nextdebates
were hosted in 1976 by the nonpartisan League
of Women Voters, which convinced President
Gerald R. Ford to face Georgia governor Jimmy
Carter three times. The League debate became
anational tradition. In 1980, it included a popu-
lar third-party candidate, Representative John
Anderson of Illinois, who appeared with Califor-
nia governor Ronald Reagan. (Then president
Carter refused to appear, believing Anderson
might draw votes from him.)
Later, stubborn politicians and growing ex-
penses created uncertainty. “Sometimes we
didn't know if we'd be able to pull off a debate
at all,” says former League president Nancy
Neuman. Washington elites wanted to steal
control from the League and established the
Commission on Presidential Debates as a
private corporation with a name designed to
sound like part of the government.
The end of the League's debate dominance
came when it fought to prevent Vice President
George H.W. Bush and Massachusetts gover-
nor Michael Dukakis from calling the shots
in 1988. *The campaigns got together and
gave us a list—pages and pages of rules,” says
Neuman. “Тһеу included reviewing (һе mod-
erator's script, and they wanted to run phone
lines from the candidates’ dressing rooms into
the producer's control room. That's when I said,
“We're not going to be an accessory to the hood-
winking of the American public.’”
The CPD seized on the League’s
crisis and took over. It scored huge
donations from the likes of Atlantic
Richfield (now oil giant ARCO) and
agricultural behemoth Archer Dan-
iels Midland. Negotiators for Bush and
Dukakis signed a 16-page “memoran-
dum of understanding,” agreeing not to
participate in any other debate hosted
by any other sponsor with any other
candidate. The contract also prohib-
ited the candidates from questioning
each other, banned producers from cut-
ting away to candidate reaction shots
and even dictated the height of lecterns
(48 inches). In every election since, the
nominees have abided by those terms—
and added more demands.
While the CPD claims to welcome
third-party candidates, facts show oth-
erwise. When billionaire Ross Perot ran
as an independent in 1992, then presi-
dent Bush believed Perot would pull votes from
the Democratic challenger, Arkansas gover-
nor Bill Clinton, so Bush insisted Perot par-
ticipate, over the CPD's objections. Bush got
his way but lost the election. (Later, he admit-
ted that Perot cost him support.) When Perot
ran again in 1996, the big parties struck a
secret deal excluding him from the debate. The
CPD later kept third-party candidates Patrick
Buchanan and Ralph Nader out and even threat-
ened to have Nader arrested if he attended as
a spectator. Meanwhile, guests enjoyed “an
Anheuser-Busch refreshment tent, where there
is beer flowing, snacks, Budweiser girls in red
sweaters,” reported The Washington Post.
Maybe this will be the year the bell tolls for
the CPD. Even if Sanders and Trump falter, the
anti-business-as-usual movement they’ve gal-
vanized doesn’t bode well for the major parties’
continued control over debates. Even now, the
debate commission seems to be girding for the
inevitable battle to preserve its fiefdom. “We're
sued all the time, every cycle,” says Brown. M
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Has there ever been a more auspicious moment to chase after clown cars on the road to
the White House? Since bravely taking over for Jon Stewart as host of The Daily Show
last September, South African comedian Trevor Noah has watched American pol-
itics burble into a molten mess of a reality series that even Comedy Central would find
too ludicrous to green-light. Then again, Noah did not campaign for the role of sati-
rist in chief; it found him. In March of last year, he was in a taxi heading to an event in
Dubai when his manager called to ask if he wanted the planet's most coveted fake news-
anchoring job. This, after appearing a mere three times as a Daily Show correspondent.
As Noah said around the time to his friend
and early champion Jerry Seinfeld, “I get out
of the car, and my legs—I didn't have legs.”
Thick skin is what he really needed. The in-
stant the gig was announced, social media cried
out with a collective “Who the fuck?” followed
by a judge-y indictment over a handful of old
Twitter barbs that painted the little-known
comic as a menace to Jews, Ebola victims and
“fat chicks.” It didn’t help that TV critics held
Noah to crazy-high standards: not to Jon Stew-
art's early days but to Stewart at the glorious end
ofa16-yearrun. But thesharp-suited newcomer,
now 32, settled in with polish and intelligence
(and without issuing any apologies) and contin-
ues to build a following with a young, plugged-in
crowd that no longer treats him like Job.
Trevor Noah was born in Johannesburg on
February 20, 1984 and survived a lot worse
than web controversy. He grew up in the final
decade of apartheid with a white Swiss German
father and a black Xhosa mother who never
married because mixed-race marriage was il-
legal in that era. Noah spent his early years in
a “whites only” neighborhood where his mom
had to pretend she was the maid. (His dad
would walk across the street from them “like a
creepy pedophile,” Noah joked in one of his rou-
tines.) After the relationship dissolved, Noah
and his mother moved in with family members
inthe black municipality of Soweto. Experienc-
ing such contrasting worlds made him fluent in
arange of cultures and languages, including six
South African dialects, English and German.
Noah’s dimpled charm and uncanny talent
for mimicry led him to acting and a role on a
South African soap opera in his late teens. A
few years later, drunken friends pushed him
to take the mike at a Johannesburg comedy
club, and the dare set the stage for a stand-up
career. Professional comedy barely existed
under apartheid, but Noah blazed new trails,
skewering elite whites, government wonksand
township blacks alike. Sold-out performances
at home led to tours around Africa, the Middle
East, Europe and Asia.
In 2009 Noah's mother was shot by an ex-
husband. Noah confronted the man, who threat-
ened to killhim, prompting Noah to move to Los
Angeles. He did not immediately find a foothold
there, but in 2012 he became the first South Af-
rican stand-up to appear on The Tonight Show.
A year later he was the first on Late Show With
David Letterman. By the time he debuted as a
correspondent on The Daily Show in December
2014, insiders knew Noah as a funnyman sans
frontières. “Be grateful for what you have” is
what South African mothers say to their kids,
he told Stewart's enchanted audience, “because
there are fat children starving in Mississippi.”
Contributing Editor David Hochman, who
recently interviewed Rachel Maddow and Ray
Kurzweil for PLAYBOY, met Noah after a Daily
Show taping in midtown Manhattan, and they
talked late into the night. “Тһе first thing you
notice about Trevor is that he's definitely not
Jon Stewart,” Hochman says. “He's quieter,
more serious, more reflective. Then you think,
Hmm, maybe that's what we need right now.”
PLAYBOY: When you took over The Daily
Show you vowed to continue the *war on
bullshit” that Jon Stewart began. How's that
going in this crazy election year?
NOAH: Waging the war isn't difficult. Getting
than you’d expect, and not for the reason yowd
expect. It's because a lot of people simply don't
want the whole truth. They want only a mirror
of their version of the truth. That's true not just
with Republicans and conservatives. I find that
a lot of Democrats and liberals are not ready to
hear the truth from their side. It’s human nature
to look for people to validate your opinion, and I
think people came to The Daily Show for that for
along time. But just because you have a love fora
candidate doesn't mean you shouldn't question
them. What is the point of having
your candidate pushed to a cer-
tain level only to crumble under
scrutiny because you didn't give
them enough scrutiny early on?
Bernie Sanders didn't have solid
policy proposals, so I pointed that
out. “Screw you, Trevor Noah!” Or
I made the case that Hillary Clin-
ton panders to whatever audience
is listening to her. People are like,
“ууро the hell do you think you
are?” Come on, guys.
PLAYBOY: Any predictions on
where the contest is heading?
NOAH: Ihave noclue. Idon’tthink
anybody has a clue. So many truly
bizarre things have happened
already, particularly on the Re-
publican side. We might see alast-
minute candidate step in. The
Republicans could go to a con-
tested convention, which could rip
the party apart at the seams. Don-
ald Trump, presuming he contin-
ues, is so divisive and so explosive that he can go
all the way or else blow himself up. The enthusi-
asm against him їз аз powerfulastheenthusiasm
in his favor. Assuming Hillary is the nominee,
people are almost resigning themselves to the
fact that she’s the one. With Trump and Hill-
ary, it's a really strange combination of terror
on one hand and ambivalence on the other. And
yet, wherever we are in the general election by
November, people are going to have to say, “Well,
you have to choose somebody.” Fortunately, I
can't vote in this country, which helps a lot.
PLAYBOY: You grew up under apartheid. You've
witnessed hatred, racism, fear and a country
divided by disagreement and hostility. It must
be so refreshing to live in America in 2016.
NOAH: Ha. We did this thing on the show
where we said Trump is basically an African
dictator. We showed clips of him alongside
clips of Idi Amin. They were essentially the
same guy. But it’s one thing for everyone to lam-
baste Trump. Every candidate has a right to be
crazy. Why don’t we spend more time looking at
the people who voted for him? It’s his followers
who are truly scary. Everyone makes the com-
parison between Trump and Hitler. The ques-
tion nobody seems to want to ask is, Does that
make America Nazi Germany? The madmen
in history don’t do it alone. What’s important
about Trump’s run is that it exposes the layer of
hate, xenophobia and anxiety below the surface
in America. That can't be ignored.
The biggest
thing I had to
learn with The
Daily Show was
that I couldn't
be the anger
for people.
Trump's campaign is fascinating because it
threw out all the rules we've known about poli-
tics. Everyone had the playbook, and he went
and changed the game completely. It used
to be that you would release attack ads, you
would point out the fallacies and people would
come around to your message. Trump some-
how stayed immune to that longer than almost
anyone else. Whatever was thrown at him, it
didn't seem to matter. You show that he can't
be trusted, but people still trust him. You show
him stirring violence, but it just makes the
crowds cheer louder. He branded himself early
on as the candidate who represents angry peo-
ple, and that has given him a huge foothold.
Those who tried to play Trump at his own
game—Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio—mostly lost. He
has picked them all off like a short-fingered as-
sassin. People tried to meet anger with anger,
and it failed every time. But then, if you don't go
after him directly, you look weak or out of touch.
John Kasich never went after Trump. Ben Car-
son never went after Trump. Look where they are
now. This isa popularity contest. This is areality
show. If you've watched any reality shows, you
know the quiet people get knocked out very early
in the race. The loud people are the ones who
makeittotheend. Donald Trump reminds me of
Richard Hatch from the first season of Survivor.
He came on, caused chaos, got naked, formed a
few key alliances and walked away with the prize.
PLAYBOY: If Trump is Richard Hatch, who
does that make Hillary?
NOAH: Honestly, I think a lot of
people are hoping Hillary will be
Barack Obama. She has said her-
self that her presidency will be
an extension of Obama's legacy.
What's interesting about Hillary
is that she's really versatile. She
knows when to be alittle tougher.
She knows when she needs to be
more human. She also responds
to the forces around her. She saw
that with Bernie Sanders, cer-
tainly. Bernie has done some-
thing beautiful in that he has
inspired young people to believe
again. Hillary recognized that,
and she adapted. New York City
mayor Bill de Blasio said the rea-
son he waited so long to endorse
Hillary was because he wanted
Bernie to push her until she was
addressing income and equality,
and eventually she did. She has
adopted a lot of Bernie's ideas
and rhetoric, and I think that has rounded her
out as a candidate. She could take it all the way.
PLAYBOY: What would it mean to have Bill
Clinton back in the White House?
NOAH: That would be interesting for every-
one, because we've never seen anything like
it. He'll be the first gentleman. Maybe he'll
be giving tours of the White House and show-
ing people around. Maybe he'll be advising on
policy. There are so many maybes, it's impos-
sibleto know. What we do know is that he's very
smart, he's very involved, he's very informed
and he loves talking to people. With Hillary in
the Oval Office and Bill overseeing the Easter
egg hunt in the Rose Garden or whatever, they
could be quite the power couple.
PLAYBOY: Nobody really talks about this, but
since this is PLAYBOY, we can ask. Do you ever
imagine what their sex life is like?
NOAH: No! 1 don't imagine it. Never. It never
crosses my mind. But if I had to guess, I'd say
there's probably not much happening. Studies
have shown that the sex life dramatically drops
off for everyone, especially high-income, high-
net-worth individuals who work hard. With
these two, I don’t think it's like, Saturday night,
11 o'clock, “Hey, Hillary, wanna watch Netflix
and chill?” [laughs] We live in strange times.
PLAYBOY: How does the United States look to
the rest of the world right now?
NOAH: Insane, pretty much. But
the whole world is changing. Cer-
tainly on a political level, we're in
uncharted territory everywhere you
look. I mean, you see these fringe
parties coming up in Germany,
France and South Africa; that's be-
cause you're dealing with parlia-
mentary systems for the most part.
In those systems fringe parties don't
get anywhere. The difference is, be-
cause of the American system, there
is no alternative. You have two par-
ties, and the winner takes all. It's
been designed to make the strong
stronger, but nobody ever antici-
pated that the strongest person
would come from the outside. Trump
could win his little ball of support
and that could be it.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of
angry people in America. There's
anger, there's hunger and there's
fear, and there will always be some-
body who taps into those anxieties
to further a narrative about who to
hate and who to blame. Trump has
been truly masterful at that. The
Chinese are taking our jobs. Mexi-
cans are rapists. Muslims are out to
kill everyone. If you're feeling overwhelmed or
broke or disenfranchised and someone says,
“It's because of that brown guy over there,” you
go, “Hey, let's go get the brown guy.”
PLAYBOY: Eight years with a black maninthe
White House does not appear to have eased ten-
sions around race.
NOAH: This is hard to explain to white people,
but the thing about race is that you can’t turn
it off. Ifyow re black, you are constantly black
and that blackness is always affecting you in
some way or another. That’s a tough conver-
sation to have, because it can be subtle. It’s
often very small things, but they pile up. Cab-
drivers don’t pick you up. It happens to me. Or
you go into acorner store and get followed, or
people say things about you. It’s often not bla-
tant, but it’s entrenched in the system. Over
time, it might change, but if you're black in the
United States, even after two terms of Presi-
dent Obama, you still feel black.
I think the benefit of a movement like Black
Lives Matter is that people have seen the influ-
ence they can have by actively getting out and
doing something about ending the silencing ofa
voice. It has been a fantastic proponent for new
conversations about race, which is amazing.
PLAYBOY: You and Larry Wilmore notwith-
standing, late-night TV is a pretty white place
as far as hosts are concerned. That extends to
the writing staffs on most shows. Even now,
Hollywood remains an old boys’ network.
NOAH: I am very conscious of that. We put outa
call for new people to be on the show not longago.
Around 95 percent of the people who responded
were white and male. We wanted diversity.
But when we went out and asked some comedi-
ans why they didn’t audition—black comedi-
ans, women—they said they hadn't heard about
the job. Word hadn't reached them. A lot of the
time Hollywood jobs come through networks or
through friends who have worked together, so it
becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you're not
inthatcircle, you can't get in that circle.
PLAYBOY: Should African Americans be as
scared ofthe police as people say they should be?
NOAH: I think black people haven't been
scared of the police as much as people make
them out to be, so much as they are...what's
the word I'm looking for? They're enraged.
They're disenfranchised because the police
have been shown to not protect and serve all
parts of the population equally.
It's scary: Imagine if you lived in
a world where every time you told
someone something happened to
you, it was met with disbelief and
doubt, with people taking every-
thing you say with a pinch of salt.
Then you go through a period
when every video that comes out
contradicts the report the police
have made, which then makes you
question how many of the reports
we can believe. So it's a very tough
conversation to have going both
ways, because many police feel un-
fairly judged. Ironically, the way
black people have been judged for
so many years, with huge sections of
the black population being lumped
inascriminals—now the samething
is happening to police. Police are
going, "There's just a few of us. Why
are you saying it's all of us?"
PLAYBOY: As you look at what's
happeningin the country right now,
are you dumbstruck, or do you just
feellike it's comedy gold?
NOAH: I don't see it as comedy
gold, because it's gotten to the point
where there's too much comedy, and
now it's so ridiculous that it's not
funny all the time. When presidential candi-
dates are making dick jokes, what are comedi-
ans supposed to do? Maybe I'm not as shocked
by it because I come from a country where that
happened. It got to the point in South Africa
where the politicians were making the jokes.
PLAYBOY: Speaking of South Africa, what are
your memories of growing up in Soweto?
NOAH: It was weird. We lived how we were
living and it felt normal. So many people
were born into apartheid that nobody ever
dreamed of a time when things wouldn't be
that way. Black people fought for freedom and
independence, but I don't think many of them
could say that they saw a real future where they
would be running the country. They couldn't
imagine gaining access to the wealth and op-
portunities of the country.
When you're poor, it's sometimes impossible
to picture living any other reality. In Soweto,
you live in a one-room house, maybe two rooms
if yow re lucky. All the adults sleep together in
one room; all the kids sleep together in another
room. I’m not talking about another bedroom;
you have a wall dividing two rooms. There’s no
indoor plumbing. There would be an outhouse,
and that outhouse was shared by four or five
different families. Ifyou were lucky, you'd have
running water. We had running water but not
inside the house. It was shared
among many houses.
PLAYBOY: You have a book out
this fall about coming of age
under apartheid. Was it comedy
that got you through the hard-
est times?
NOAH: You would never think
you could laugh about life in a
place like Soweto, but there are
always funny moments in every
situation, and those moments
do help you survive. In the book
I write about growing up in an
abusive household, in a house
where myself and my mom were
held hostage by an alcoholic
stepfather. My mom was shot
in the head. That’s not exactly
the stuff of comedy gold. But
even in the darkest, darkest mo-
ments, we found things to laugh
about. To have your mom come
out of surgery with a hole in her
face and the first thing she says
when she wakes up is “Stop crying. Look on the
bright side. At least now you're officially the
best-looking person in the family.” I mean, who
says that? But that’s the family I grew up in. We
always found some silly way to get rid of the pain.
PLAYBOY: Your mother converted to Juda-
ism when you were young. Did you have a bar
NOAH: I did, yes. My mom had always been a
religious scholar and had studied the Bible. She
has taken multiple Bible courses and is very re-
ligious. And one day she converted to Judaism.
I had a bar mitzvah when I turned 13, but no
one came because everyone in my family and
my world is black. Nobody knew what the hella
bar mitzvah even was, so it was just me and my
mom going, “Okay, now you're a man.”
PLAYBOY: Youare the first major comedian to
emerge from South Africa. Are people just not
funny there?
NOAH: We are an industry that's only as old as
our democracy. There’s comedy everywhere,
but there was no free speech. I’m lucky in that
I'm a product of my time. A few comedians laid
the groundwork for me. I’m the second gen-
eration that got to take it to the next level and
make it work on a world stage.
PLAYBOY: You've said before that Ameri-
cans think of Africa as a place where people
wear cheetah skins and sit around waiting for
UNICEF. Will that perception ever die?
NOAH: I don't think ГИ live to see it die, and
With Trump and
Hillary, it's a
strange combi-
nation of terror
on one hand
and ambivalence
on the other.
that's because even if you look at America it-
self, perceptions die hard. I'm very lucky in
that I've traveled to all 50 states, doing stand-
up. I remember I was heading to Tennessee
and people told me, *That's the home of the
Klan. Watch out.” But then I got to Nash-
ville and had the best time of my life with the
most wonderful people. If people don't see
the nuance of their own country—and this
happens everywhere—I can't expect them to
appreciate the nuance of Africa.
PLAYBOY: What was your first impression of
the United States?
NOAH: I was like, I've never seen so much
choice in my life.
PLAYBOY: What do you remember?
NOAH: Walmart. That place absolutely blew
my mind. I had never seen anything like it.
Seventeen different types of milk. Twenty-two
kinds of laundry soap. It is a land of unimagi-
nable abundance, though it wasn't a complete
surprise. You get a sense of the abundance
when you watch American television. Just the
fact that everyone in sitcoms has a house with
an upstairs area is astonishing. A house with
a second floor? As an African kid, you're like,
Hey, who lives this way?
PLAYBOY: Asyou developed your comedy, who
was your biggest influence?
NOAH: I watched a lot of Bill Cosby. I love Dave
Chappelle. But I specifically remember seeing
Eddie Murphy's Raw on VHS and thinking,
Holy shit! The guy from The
Nutty Professor does stand-
up? It was a complete awak-
ening for me because 1 was
starting to do stand-up myself.
Eddie is incredible. The hon-
esty, the precision, the talent,
the skill. Everything he exe-
cuted was perfect. His imper-
sonations. The way he walked
across the stage. His command
of the audience. Eddie watched
my stand-up once, which was
enough for me to go, I can die
now. That's all I need in life.
PLAYBOY: What about up-
and-coming comedians? Who's
the future of comedy?
NOAH: Michelle Wolf is hilar-
ious and outrageous. She al-
ways makes me laugh. A lot of
people don't know her yet, but
they will. You can see her on
Late Night With Seth Meyers.
If you look on YouTube or Vine
or Instagram, there's a guy named King Bach.
He's huge online, but people don’t know him in
the streets. He does short-form sketches. He'sa
very funny actor who, because of social media,
really made something for himself, carved a
path, which I admire.
One of the things I love about America is
there's so much comedy. There's the alt scene
with people like Kumail Nanjiani. There are
the hipsters, who have avery different style of
comedy. There are the mainstreamers. There
are black comedians who cross over and do
well with white audiences. There are a few
white comedians, like Gary Owen, who do par-
ticularly well in the black scene. Just look on
YouTube. They're all there.
PLAYBOY: It seems technology is changing
everything about comedy. You no longer need to
join the Groundlings or book a set at the Com-
edy Store to find an audience.
NOAH: Technology is great for the industry.
Comedy is a form that works wherever people
are funny. There are people who do comedy
shows in the back of avan, in a bus, in avenue,
in a small room, a giant room, theater, hall,
church, restaurant, phone booth, and all you
need is a tiny handheld device to record your-
self doing it. When you go to a place like the
Edinburgh Comedy Festival, you see all those
things happening all over the city,
and you realize that comedy is one of
the most versatile art forms we have.
YouTube has opened that up com-
pletely, and you have Snapchat and
Instagram and other vehicles as well.
But I think these formats will come
and go. The important thing is that
young people get to express them-
selves to an audience directly rather
than looking to the gatekeepers to let
them in. At the same time, the audi-
ence is expanding in ways that were
unimaginable only a few years ago.
Think about the fact that you used
to have to be 18 or 21 to get into a
comedy club. Now there are 10- and
12-year-olds who know Mitch Hed-
berg and Louis С.К. and many more
obscure comedians because, again,
it's all just part of the deluge of in-
formation available on your device.
PLAYBOY: How did your social
media habits change after old tweets
of yours surfaced that some called
racist, anti-Semitic and sexist?
NOAH: The irony is that people had
to go back five years to make a judg-
ment about who I am today. We live
in a world where you need to form
your opinion about someone in-
stantly. Ever watch the Grammys and read
Twitter at the same time? Before the first pre-
senter even appears, someone is already going,
“Worst Grammys ever." It's not a 24-hour news
cycle anymore. We live in a 24-second news
cycle. I guess the lesson is: Some people will al-
ways want to take you down. If you say some-
thing silly, it can blow up. But also, it passes.
PLAYBOY: How much do you and your writ-
ing team focus on creating material that will
go viral online?
NOAH: 1 don't believe in working toward a
moment just to have a viral moment. 1 believe
in doing what you love and if a moment reso-
nates, it resonates. The Daily Show is differ-
ent in that it is not all about sound bites and
tiny moments. That is a fact of the show that
I have to accept. But I won't lie: It's nice when
you get a moment that goes a little viral. I’m
always surprised at which moments take off,
to be honest. I create each moment equally,
and when one element hits, it's often foreign
to me. Lindsey Graham came on the program
and was one of the most engaging guests we've
had. We played this game of pool where if you
missed a shot, you had to give Donald Trump a
compliment. That got a lot of attention. Trump
tweeted insults at us. I would have never wished
for Michael Hayden, ex-director ofthe CIA and
the NSA, to come on the show, but honestly, I
had some of the best moments with him.
PLAYBOY: How much rivalry do you feel with
your late-night competitors?
NOAH: Because 1 come from the world of
stand-up, I realize that success is a cycle. Peo-
ple rise and disappear, they succeed, they miss,
they return. As competitive as it is, you learn
to celebrate the success of your peers because
you know how hard that cycle is. I remember
when I first came to America, Amy Schumer
was running around doing comedy clubs. She
was funny, but she was nowhere close to where
she is now, and I loved what she was doing. Then
you see her hit her stride, and it’s beautiful.
There’s nothing more fun than seeing a come-
dian come into their own, especially if you've
watched them on the rise. So for me, it’s Amy
Schumer, it’s Jerrod Carmichael, it’s Hannibal
Buress, it’s Michael Che. It’s people where I go,
Man, we are the class of now.
In late night, I think every host will tell you
the same thing, which is that we don’t have
time to focus on what other people
are doing. We're too busy making
our own shows. Obviously I see oc-
casional clips of what Stephen Со!-
bert and James Corden and Jimmy
Fallon and the rest are doing. But
the only person I have time to watch
regularly is John Oliver, because he's
on Sunday evening and I'm free to
watch. I loved what he did with Don-
ald Drumpf, for example. That was
amazing. John for me is an inspira-
tion because he shows me the possi-
bilities. Before him I didn't believe
a foreigner could do a TV show like
this in America, and I love him for
that. Had he not taken over for Jon
for a few months and then gone on
to host his own show, I don't know if
the network would have said, *Okay,
let's give Trevor Noah a shot.” It
seems less crazy to have some тап-
dom African guy host the show after
some random British guy has hosted
his show successfully.
PLAYBOY: Many people think Jon
Stewart and The Daily Show played
a role in getting Obama elected in
2008 and 2012. How much influence
do you feel you have in this presiden-
tial race?
NOAH: Oh, I haven't earned any influence yet.
That's something you work toward. Jon had
that effect on Obama’s rise because of how long
and how hard he had worked and what he had
been a part of. What people forget is that the
first few years of Jon's show were barely a blip
on the radar. I’m still in the blip stage.
PLAYBOY: Do you ever call Jon and say, “Dude,
remind me again how you do this?"
NOAH: No. Never. I mean, I talk to him spo-
radically, but it's about random things. The
last conversation we had was about stand-up.
I wanted to know if he was working on a new
hour. How'sthe set going? Any fun jokes? That
was literally the conversation we had. That's
not to say I haven't had moments of anxiety
about The Daily Show or needed guidance. I
was terrified in the beginning, and I still have
some sleepless nights. Are you kidding me?
There are nights here and there when 1 go,
Shit, what do 1 need to do? What am I doing?
Where am 1 going? Because 1 love what 1 do
and I believe in giving it my all. But I don't let
that consume me.
PLAYBOY: Who has given you the best advice?
NOAH: Jon said, “Don't listen to anyone. Just
make the show you believe needs to be made.”
Jerry Seinfeld was supportive long before I got
the show. That helps in general with confidence.
Louis С.К. said to me, “Regardless
of what happens, don't forget to
enjoy every single moment, because
you can never get it back.” He said,
“One day you'll go, Man, remem-
ber that time when no one believed
in me? Remember that time when
no one thought what 1 was doing
was good? I didn't take the time to
enjoy and savor that moment.” Amy
Schumer just looks at me and goes,
“Fuck it, have a good time.”
PLAYBOY: What do you do for fun,
by the way?
NOAH: I love boxing. I ride bi-
cycles. I love roller coasters. My
dream is to go on a tour and bounce
around to every great roller coaster
in America. But ГИ settle for an-
other ride on T3 at Six Flags. I love
the feeling that you're going to die
even though you know there's no
chance of being harmed.
PLAYBOY: What are you listening
to these days?
NOAH: I'm listening to the new Kendrick
Lamar, untitled unmastered. I'm listening to
the new Rihanna. I listen to Otis Redding al-
most every day. He just makes me happy. I like
the most recent Justin Bieber. You may not like
him; you may not like how popular he is, but
don't deny his talent. The guy learned to play
musical instruments, worked on his singing,
worked on his dancing, worked on his social
media. That's why he is where he is.
PLAYBOY: How about TV? Do you binge much?
NOAH: I do. I watch House of Cards, Game of
Thrones, Broad City, Nathan for You, Billions.
Ijust finished watching The Bachelor.
PLAYBOY: Any fanboy crushes?
NOAH: Charlize Theron. Not just because
she's South African. I think she is aging
majestically. She's so beautiful. Jennifer
Lopez as well. Does she even have an age?
PLAYBOY: No doubt your dating life has im-
proved since getting the show.
NOAH: Things are good there. I have a girl-
friend. But yes, you definitely get more atten-
tion all over the place. You suddenly become a
little more good-looking, a little funnier to ev-
eryone. Remember, though, that I had some
level of notoriety for a very long time. It just
moves from place to place. I mean, don't get me
wrong, getting the show was huge because I un-
derstood it was going to change my life forever,
and it has. American fametakes everything up
alevel. Seeing your face all over New York City—
I had a бат
mitzvah, but
no one came.
Nobody knew
what the hell a
bar mitzvah
even was.
noone can deny that’s an insane experience. It's
New York fucking City. It’s the Sinatra song. It’s
Jay Z. It’s Beyoncé. You can’t deny what itis and
how weird it is, even though many people still
don’t know who I am. But put it this way: I’m
very lucky in that if this had been my first ex-
perience of fame, I probably would have caved.
I would have crumbled. I would have gone mad.
You can’t go from zero to The Daily Show.
PLAYBOY: So many comedians get caught up in
drugs and alcohol. Have youstruggled with that?
NOAH: No. Never have. I’ve never smoked pot.
Гуе never smoked, period. I was never drawn
to it. ГЇЇ have а few drinks occasionally. Some-
times I regret the fact that I missed that era,
because that’s what comedy was all about at one
point. Comedians were rock and roll. Now you
goto a comedy club and comedians are ordering
kale salads and telling you about how they’re
going to the gym in the morning, whichis really
interesting to see, because comedians were the
first ones who switched over. All comedians
used to be drunks and drug addicts. You'd hear
about a suicide in the community every single
week, and that has slowed down dramatically,
which is fantastic.
PLAYBOY: It is often said that pain is the
source of all comedy. There's the need to have
people laugh at your jokes, the need for valida-
tion. Is that part of who you are?
NOAH: It's part of most comedians. It's our
dark bond. We all carry the heavy burden of
depression in a different way. We
alldealwith itin different ways. For
most of us, our therapy is on stage.
I meditate. I exercise. I always try
to aim toward the light in life. I sur-
round myself with positive people.
I move toward positivity. I try to
find the things that help me quell
that voice in my head. It's one ofthe
reasons I love Kevin Hart, who was
the first guest on my show. Comedy
was associated with skepticism and
ageneral pessimism for so long, but
Kevin came in with positivity, and
he still does. Look at his Twitter.
He's eating right, working out, add-
ing value to people's lives. I'm glad
for his success because he shows
there's another way to do it.
PLAYBOY: Does earning more
money make you happier?
NOAH: Ironically, I'm not nec-
essarily making more money as
host of The Daily Show than I was
before. I was doing very well for
myself as an artist, as a businessman, as a
performer. So it's nota lifestyle change for me.
Mine is not a Cinderella story.
You know, it's good to have enough money. I
liketosplurge on friends and family and people
and charity. I like watches. I guess growing up
with a Swiss father will do that. I don't buy ex-
pensive watches, but I like unusual ones. I havea
Hamilton Jazzmaster Face 2 Face, and there are
only 888 of them in the world. I love the fact that
it’s awatch whose face flips over to another face,
which makes it two different watches in one.
The biggest thing I have learned in Amer-
ica is that it is expensive to be famous here.
You have to pay for things. You have to pay for
bodyguards. You have to pay for a driver. You
have to pay for a publicist. You have to pay for
а stylist. I never used to understand the stress
around those things. I never experienced that,
and I still try to not experience it. I tell people,
“Ihaveastylistatthe show, but if Igoto events,
alot of the time I dress myself." Га rather give
the money to starving children. So if you see
medressed really trashy somewhere, know that
some kid somewhere got a meal.
Honestly, having possessions gets boring. At
some point, you have all you can have. I com-
pletely understand why Bill Gates is working to
eradicate malaria. Yeah, he can own 10 Bugat-
tis, but so what? He can drive fast in
astraight line. It's much more excit-
ing to fix problems, education, help
children. Maybe it's my African per-
spective on the world.
PLAYBOY: You have a keen ear for
language. What are your favorite
NOAH: Rah, rah, rah.
PLAYBOY: Come again?
NOAH: When Americans try to
show you that they're keeping up
with what you're saying in a con-
versation they say, *rah, rah, rah"
as in "right, right, right." Which is
the weirdest sound to me. You go,
*Make a right turn at that corner"
and they'l interrupt with *rah,
rah, rah" to speed you along. When
I first heard it, I was like, What's
going on? Then there's the sugges-
tive nature of a request. “So do you
want to go ahead and pass me that
water?" That's such a strange way
to say it, instead of *Please pass me
the water.” “Do you want to go ahead
and turn the lights on?” What do you
mean? Is that a request or a com-
mand? What if I don't want to do it?
You could have just asked me to do
it. It's strange guirks that I pick up
on. I've also had to monitor myself with some
South African words and phrases. People here
don't really understand the word ag. It's an ex-
clamation. “Ag! What a nightmare!” Also, esh,
asin "Where's my phone? Esh!Ileftit at home."
PLAYBOY: So do you want to go ahead and walk
us through the process of putting together The
Daily Show?
NOAH: Wake up at seven. Spend a good 10, 15
minutes meditating, just taking time to pre-
pare myself for the day. Then ГИ read the news,
as much of it as I can. It's usually The New York
Times, The Washington Post. It's BuzzFeed
News. It's The Skimm, which is a daily newslet-
terthat pulls togetherthe most interesting reads
of the day. I'm a big fan of Vox and everything
Ezra Klein is doing. I really love German Lopez. I
love Rachel Maddow. ГЇ doa bit of a workout just
togetthe body moving, and I'm at work by 9:15.
We've got a big team. Making TV every day
is a very tough job, so there are about 100 peo-
ple helping in various ways. Around 20 of us
will gather in the morning to figure out what
the show is going to be. We talk out all the pos-
sibilities, and then I make my decisions based
ona few things. Number one, is it interesting?
Number two, is it funny? Number three, do I
have something to say about it? That's what I
look for. You know, Lindsey Graham saying the
choice between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz
is like being shot or poisoned, you're going to
run with something like that. I always go, What
would I share with my friends? Because that's
the way I see the audience.
PLAYBOY: What adjustments have you made
along the way?
NOAH: I had to learn that I couldn't manufac-
ture anger. I couldn't manufacture outrage.
I understood that a lot of people looked to The
Daily Show for their catharsis, but I think a
lot of people maybe also got lazy in that they
stopped fighting for change. Jon was very good
at articulating a feeling for many people, but I
think wealso evolved into an age of couch-place
activism, where people just sit on their couch
and hashtag. Whereas where I come from the
idea is that you go out and you do something
about it. The biggest thing I had to learn very
early on with The Daily Show was that I couldn't
be the anger for people. I had to find an audience
in the same place that I was in. I had to find the
things that interested me and the things I found
funny and had to believe and still
have to believe that there are enough
people like me who will experience
the world the way I experience it.
PLAYBOY: You spend less time ac-
tually sitting at the desk than Jon
Stewart did. Is that intentional?
NOAH: It’s funny. In my head I go,
I didn’t work all these years to get
a desk job. I sat because I was told
that it was the format, because that's
what everyone did. Then one day I
stood because I was like, This is who
Iam. This is what I do. Standing up
is how I got here.
PLAYBOY: You continue to do
comedy on the road even with your
busy schedule.
NOAH: I have to. Stand-up is where
I live. Stand-up helps me articulate
my point of view. Stand-up helps me
exist in my purest form, and that is
talking to people, sharing and dis-
cussing ideas. I try to go out every
second weekend. Honestly, that’s
where I feel alive. I get to relax. I get
to explore myself, and I get to see
America, which is very important to
me. I find it weird to live in a place
and comment on a place but have a
level of ignorance.
More than that, it’s easy to get caught in this
world between youand the cameraand random
reviewers. You have to remember what human
beings are. If you live in an echo chamber, you
run the risk of believing you know everything
when in fact you know nothing.
PLAYBOY: If the show ended tomorrow, what
would you do?
NOAH: I would pick up my U.K. tour where I
left off. I would go back and carry on touring
Australia. I would go and do my shows in Ger-
many. I would do more shows in South Africa,
maybe start some TV shows somewhere else. As
long as I’m doing comedy, I’m alive. a
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Anita Frazier hurried across the manicured lawn of the stately old court-
house in Moultrie, Georgia and up the marble front steps. It was four P.M.
on February 26, 2002. Frazier had spent that and the previous day in
court, watching the man she loved being tried for participating in the
gang rape of another woman. Y Kerry Robinson, 26, had sworn to Frazier,
his girlfriend of three years and the mother of his baby daughter, that he
was innocent. She believed him, but his fate was now in the jury 8 hands.
They had begun deliberating that afternoon,
and Frazier had returned to her job at a local
furniture factory, expecting them totakeuntil
at least the next day.
After scarcely an hour, however, Frazier got
word that a verdict had been reached. She slipped
back into the courtroom just in time to hear the
judge ask the jury foreman, “Do
you wish to read the verdict?”
“ГІ be glad to,” replied the
foreman. “On the State of Georgia versus
Kerry Robinson, on the charge of rape: Wethe
jury find the defendant guilty of this charge.”
“I almost passed out,” Frazier recalls. “I
don’t know if I screamed.”
Just two pieces of evidence connected
Robinson to the rape. One was the testimony
of Tyrone White, a convicted felon who'd
pleaded guilty. White had cut a deal, revers-
ing his original not-guilty plea and testifying
against his alleged accomplices in exchange
for alighter sentence. White also happened to
have an old beef with Robinson.
The other evidence against Robinson was a
partial match between his DNA and the DNA
from the hospital rape kit. This genetic evi-
dence was critical to the prosecution’s case.
Without it, White’s self-serving testimony
meant nothing. But with it, the jury barely
hesitated to pronounce Robinson guilty.
Most people, conditioned by countless CST
episodes and hundreds of real-life exoner-
ations, view DNA evidence as a direct line
to guilt or innocence: The suspect either
matches or doesn't. But in reality, interpret-
ing DNA evidence is often a murky business
that boils down to judgment calls—and those
judgment calls can be utterly wrong.
That’s primarily because the genetic evi-
dence is often not from just one person. Sup-
pose you handed your friend a beer at a party
and later that night some drunk smashed that
now-empty bottle and stabbed somebody to
death with it. When police investigators swab
that weapon, they may find cells from your
skin, your friend's saliva, the murderer's skin
and the victim's blood, all mixed together on
the broken bottle neck. All those cells contain
DNA, but the investigators” tests don't show
which bits came from blood
versus saliva or skin cells, nor
from whom. It's up to foren-
sic analysts to untangle the DNA they've
detected and then use statistics and proba-
bility to determine whose it is.
Evidence like that is known as a DNA
mixture—a jumble of genetic code from
multiple people. It's the most common type
of DNA in criminal investigations, and evi-
dence is mounting that it gets misinterpreted
with disturbing frequency. At least two men
have been exonerated after being convicted
based on misinterpreted DNA mixtures. The
mishandling of mixture cases recently shut
down one major metropolitan crime lab and
sent others scurrying to reexamine the evi-
dence in thousands of cases they thought had
been settled.
There’s good reason to believe Robinson
may have been wrongly convicted thanks to
such misinterpretation. In recent years, no
fewer than 12 separate forensic analysts have
concluded that he should have been excluded
as a suspect because his DNA does not match
that found in the crime-scene evidence.
“Tt took me all of five minutes to look at the
data and say, ‘Wow, this is an exclusion. This
isn't even close, ” says Eric Carita, an inde-
pendent forensic geneticist who analyzed
Robinson’s case. “I showed the DNA evidence
to three or four other experts at the time just
to make sure, and they all looked at me like
I had three heads. ‘What are you confused
about? This is an easy exclusion.’ "
Robinson is now hoping that the Georgia
Supreme Court, where he has filed an appeal,
will agree.
Moultrie isa hardscrabble town іп southwest-
ern Georgia, built on big farms and big timber,
but today some 40 percent of its inhabitants
live below the poverty line. In one of Moult-
rie’s poor, predominantly black neighbor-
hoods stands a dilapidated mustard-brown
ranch house covered in a blanket of dry, rust-
colored pine needles. On February 15, 1993,
Sherri Lynsey (not her real name), 42, was in
this house, cooking herself supper. By eight
P.M. the temperature had dipped into the
upper 50s and Lynsey had wrapped a pink
housecoat around her floral nightgown. She
heard a knock outside.
She looked out a front window and saw
three young black men standing outside her
screened-in porch. Two had on gray hood-
ies, and another wore a brown flannel jacket.
Lynsey couldn’t see their faces in the dark,
and she didn’t recognize them. She opened
the door acrack and peeked out.
“Yes?” she asked.
One of the young men said they were trying
to find the house of Emma Jean Harris. Lyn-
sey told them she didn’t know the woman, shut
the door and watched through the window as
the men lingered for a minute before moving
along. She took her meal into the den and ate
while watching TV. Then she dozed off. About
half an hour later, she awoke to the sound of
splintering wood.
The men had cut a hole in her porch screen,
unlatched that door and then kicked in the front
door. One of them, with his hoodie now cinched
around his face, ran in with a black semiauto-
matic Luger pistol. Lynsey bolted for the back
door, but the man pointed the gun at her.
“Don’t touch that door,” he said. The other
A Georgia jury was told that the odds were one in 15 that the DNA of Kerry Robinson (right)
would match crime-scene DNA evidence, when in reality one in five randomly chosen people
would match the same DNA profile. Robinson is currently serving 20 years in prison, raising
questions about the use and validity of DNA forensics.
two ran in behind him, one with his hoodie
also cinched tight and the other now wearing
a ski mask.
“Науе you got any money?” one demanded.
Lynsey led them to her bedroom, where she
took out her pocketbook and handed over about
$180, her rent money.
“You’ve got my money,” Lynsey said. “Please
just leave.” That's when the guy with the gun
told her to take her clothes off and get on the
bed. He raped Lynsey while the other two ran-
sacked the house. When he was done, his hood
fell back from his face for a moment, just long
enough for Lynsey to sneak a look.
All three men raped Lynsey, and at least one
of them forced her into oral sex. Before the
three of them left through the back door, the
one with the gun said, “We know who you аге,
and we know where you live. If you tell anybody,
we're going to come back and get you.”
Shaking, Lynsey put on her clothes and
reached underthe mattress forthe gun she kept
there. She went to the back door and pointed the
gun at the door. Then she picked up the phone.
She stood there, with the gun in one hand and
the phone in the other, her mind blank with
fear. Eventually her parents’ number popped
into her head, and she called them and told
them what had happened. She finally put down
the gun when the detectives showed up.
DNA is what makes each of us who we are. It’s
a molecule shaped like a long twisted ladder—
a double helix—that contains the genetic rec-
ipe for everything from hair color to height.
Almost every cell in your body, whether bone,
skin, blood or organ tissue, carries a complete
set of your DNA. And 99.9 percent of everyone’s
DNA is exactly the same; the tiny fraction that's
different is what makes us unique. It’s this tiny
fraction that is the focus for crime-lab analysts.
Most forensic tests rely on 13 well-studied
locations on the DNA chain where the genetic
variation from person to person is greater.
Each of these 13 locations contains about two or
three dozen possible genetic variations called
alleles. Every person has two alleles at each lo-
cation, one from each parent. DNA forensic an-
alysts identify the alleles, or genetic markers,
at the 13 locations, codify the results with num-
bers and string all that data together to create a
“DNA fingerprint.”
While it’s not uncommon for any two peo-
ple to have the same markers at one or two lo-
cations, the chances of two people having
the exact same alleles at all 13 locations are
infinitesimal—on the order of one in 2 quadril-
lion (unless they’re identical twins). In other
words, ifyour full DNA fingerprint matches the
DNA ata crime scene, it's yours. No argument.
While DNA matching is nearly incontrovert-
ible under ideal circumstances, there are sev-
eral ways it can mislead investigators. For one
thing, today’s DNA tests are far more sensitive
than they used to be, and that improvement is a
double-edged sword. Investigators can now de-
tect nanograms of “touch DNA” on everything
from computer keyboards to coffee mugs. But
that also means microscopic bits of other peo-
ple’s DNA can get picked up as well. Skin cells
can travel through the air suspended in com-
mon house dust; DNA in saliva can spray out
when a person speaks or exhales. This isn’t just
atheoretical concern. For years German police
were flummoxed by a supercriminal they called
the Phantom of Heilbronn, awoman whose DNA
they found on guns, cigarettes, half-eaten bis-
cuits and other evidence at the scene of crimes
ranging from burglary to murder. In 2009, after
16 years on the case, authorities finally discov-
ered that the mystery woman worked for the
company that manufactured the cotton swabs
used to collect DNA. Microscopic bits of her
DNA had found their way onto the swabs.
With police gathering more and more DNA
evidence, crime labs are often swamped with
samples awaiting analysis, increasing the risk of
lab mix-ups. In 2002, Las Vegas crime-lab tech-
nicians accidentally swapped the samples of two
suspects in a robbery case, sending an innocent
man to prison for nearly four years. Police real-
ized their mistake only when the released man
was caught for another crime in California.
Another weakness is that crime-scene DNA
is rarely in perfect shape. Heat and light break
down DNA molecules. Over time, some mark-
ers can simply disappear—called “drop-out”—
especially when there is very little DNA to
begin with. Moreover, to make analysis possi-
ble, labs use chemical processes to “amplify”
DNA, which can sometimes conjure phantom
markers, called “drop-in.”
Finally, there is the serious challenge of DNA
mixtures. For an idea of how quickly DNA mix-
tures get messy, pretend our genetic markers
are Scrabble letter tiles. If you put all the tiles
for, say, Barack Obama’s name in a hat (i.e.,
AORMABBCAKA), it would be easy to take out the
letters, compare them toaname and determine
if you have a match. Barack Obama? Yes. Ron-
ald Reagan? No.
But toss in the letters for Grover Cleveland,
George Washington and Dwight Eisenhower,
Тһе number of possible names skyrockets. In
addition to the original four names, you can
also spell Ronald Reagan, Woodrow Wilson,
Abraham Lincoln, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert
Hoover, Theodore Roosevelt and Warren Hard-
ing. Then consider that a few Scrabble letters
might have gone missing from the hat, thanks
to the possibility of drop-in and drop-out.
Ata certain point, the evidence gets so com-
plex that “it's basically a Ouija board of data,”
says Greg Hampikian, a professor of biology
and criminal justice at Boise State University.
“You can see whatever you want to see.”
Hampikian believes that's what happened
in Robinson's case. The Georgia Bureau of
Investigation found that Robinsons DNA
mirrored the mix of degraded DNA from the
crime scene at just two of the 13 locations on
the DNA chain. No national standards exist
for how labs should interpret the strength of
these partial matches—when they should in-
clude or exclude a suspect from a crime scene,
or when the evidence is simply too messy to
conclude anything. It's up to individual crime
labs to make these calls.
There have been at least two known false
convictions due to misinterpretations of DNA
mixtures. In 2003 Josiah Sutton was released
from a Texas prison after four years, having
been falsely convicted of participating in the
gang rape of a woman. William С. Thompson,
a criminologist at the University of Califor-
nia, Irvine, analyzed the DNA from the rape
kit and semen stains on the victim's clothes
and car, to which Sutton's DNA was a partial
match. He found that the lab analyst had wildly
exaggerated the strength of that DNA link by
caleulating the rarity of Sutton's DNA in the
general population, rather than the likelihood
that a random person's DNA could “match” the
crime-scene evidence to the same extent. Re-
working the numbers dropped the chances of
a random match from about one in 700,000 to
one in 15. These revelations led to new, more
modern tests of the evidence by an indepen-
dent lab that proved the DNA from the crime
scene was not Sutton's.
In another case, an Oklahoma crime lab mis-
interpreted a DNA mixture in achild rape case
as having come from just one man. The faux
DNA fingerprint appeared to match a man
named Timothy Durham. That was enough for
him to be convicted, despite 11 witnesses plac-
ing him at a skeet-shooting competition in
Dallas at the time the rape occurred in Tulsa.
Durham also had credit-card receipts from
Dallas that day. The mistake came to light
only when Durham's family had the evidence
retested by an independent lab.
More recently, investigations have exposed
stemic flaws with mixture analysis. The
most widespread problems involve the statis-
tics that crime labs attach to their findings—
probabilities meant to help juries weigh the
strength of DNA evidence.
These crucial statistics have come under
fire. The FBI keeps tabs on the rarity of every
known allele for each location in the DNA fin-
gerprint, broken down by race. For instance,
24 percent of African Americans might have
the most common genetic variation at posi-
tion D21, while fewer than one percent of the
African American population has a much rarer
marker. These “рор stats" are the Rosetta
stone of DNA analysis.
In May 2015the FBI notified labs nationwide
that it had discovered clerical errors in their
popstats. That prompted reviews, which uncov-
ered an even bigger problem: Many labs were
incorrectly applying combined probability of
inclusion (CPI), the most commonly used sta-
tistical formula for evaluating DNA mixtures.
This calculation is supposed to yield the likeli-
hood that a random person would be included
as a contributor to a DNA mixture. But CPI is
accurate only when you have a full DNA profile,
including genetic-marker information at every
location in your evidence sample. Instead, labs
were using CPI to analyze degraded profiles,
calculating probabilities at locations where
they had good information and ignoring loca-
tions where they had drop-out. Those bad anal-
yses led some prosecutors to hugely exaggerate
the probability that a suspect's DNA tied him to
the crime scene. In some cases juries were told
that the odds of a random person's DNA match-
ing the crime-scene DNA as closely as the de-
fendant’s did were a million to one—when the
real likelihood was more like 10 to one.
Last spring, Washington, D.C.'s crime lab
was found to have misused the CPI so badly
that it was barred for 10 months from han-
dling any more DNA cases, pending reforms.
And last fall, the Texas
of thousands of cases involving DNA mixtures
stretching back to 1999. This vast undertaking
will take many years and could open thousands
of cases for potential retrial.
Forensic Science Com-
ion ordered state crime labs to review tens
Miranda Taylor’s bracelets jangle as she leafs
through a pile of neatly penned letters from her
younger brother, Kerry Robinson. She’s at the
front desk of the salon-spa she owns in Moult-
rie, making photocopies of some of Robinson’s
letters for me. A pretty woman in her late 40s
with dark, curly hair, she carefully picks each
letter from the stack with fingertips perfectly
lacquered in a light taupe.
When Taylor and Robinson were kids, their
family moved around, but much of their child-
hood was spent in the public housing projects a
few miles north of here. There were five kids, from
four different dads. Mostly the kids were raised by
their mother, Alvera Robinson, who died in 2010.
When Robinson wentto prison for rape, his mom
ledthechargetoexonerate him, hiring an appeals
lawyer. When her mom passed, Taylor picked up
thetorch toclear her brother's name.
Robinson was the baby of the family. Ву the
time he was 12, he'd started playing what he
calls *the drug game.” It was the crack era of
the 1980s and everybody was doing it, he ex-
plains via telephone. “Тһе money was so easy,”
Robinson says. “It was a rush for how fast the
money came and how bad people wanted it.”
“My brother was a hustler. He sold drugs,” ac-
knowledges Taylor. “That's nothing to be proud
of. But to be labeled a rapist? The things that
were done to that woman, it breaks your heart
into pieces.”
The year Sherri Lynsey was raped, 1993,
was a tumultuous one for the Robinson fam-
ily. Their mother was dating a man named
Nick. One day in early February, Nick's el-
derly father, a man known around the neigh-
borhood as Mr, Charlie, was shot and robbed.
Word reached Robinson that Tyrone White
was the shooter.
Robinson told his mom, who told Nick, who
told the cops, who arrested White. Taylor and
the rest of Robinson's defenders are convinced
White learned about Robinson snitching and
was eager for revenge.
Soon after, Robinson, then a high school ju-
nior, severely beat and robbed a guy who suppos-
edly stole some of his drug
pleaded guilty and drew a five-year sentence.
Robinson claims he and White pa
other around April 1993 in the county jail
where they were both incarcerated—Robinson
for the beating, White for the shooting. Robin-
son says White called out to him, “Yeah, moth-
erfuc Theard what
you for that. You going down too.”
. He was arrested,
ed each
ou said. I'm going to get
By that time, Moultrie police had put together
enough of acase to question White about Sherri
Lynsey's rape. A neighbor had seen the young
men roaming the neighborhood and recog-
nized one of them as White. Lynsey had also
picked his photo out of alineup.
Finding White was easy—he was already
locked up for shooting Mr. Charlie. He ac-
knowledged he was there at Lynsey's rape but
insisted he was only a lookout and denied rob-
bing or raping her. In fact, he claimed he tried
to stop the other guys.
“I’m being honest. I did not rape that woman,”
he said, according to the interview transcript.
“Well, who did?” a detective asked.
“It was Sedrick Moore and Kerry Lewis,”
White said and then quickly corrected him-
self. “No, Kerry Robinson and another dude,
and I seen them.”
Asked again later who raped Lynsey, White
answered, “Sedrick. No. I’m gonna say it’s
Kerry Robinson. It sure was.”
At this point, however, the case stalled. The
Georgia Bureau of Investigation lab told the
Moultrie police that they couldn’t analyze
the DNA evidence until they had blood sam-
ples from all the suspects, and Sedrick Moore
could not be found.
Robinson was released in 1999. He got a job
atalocal furniture factory, where he met Anita
Frazier. She liked his boyish looks and lean,
five-foot-seven frame, and she especially liked
how he helped raise her eight-year-old daughter
from a previous marriage. Within a year, the
couple had a baby girl. They named her Kerria,
after her doting father.
Then police finally found Moore, in Philadel-
phia. They arrested him, and the ca
on track. Shortly after Ke s birth, sheri
deputies came to the furniture factory, de-
manding Robinson's blood to check his DNA.
sewas back
That's when Frazier learned that the father of
her infant daughter, a man who had never even
raised his voice to her,
raped a woman at gunpoint.
The police sent the rape kit, Lynsey's night-
gown and three purple-capped vials of blood
from the three suspects to the Georgia Bu-
reau of Investigation forensic analysts in
suspected of having
Atlanta. According to the GBI report, both
Sedrick Moore and Kerry Robinson matched
the evidence at only two locations. The GBI
analyst decided that Moore and Robinson
“could not be excluded” as contributors to the
crime-scene evidence, meaning ії was possi-
ble their DNA was in the evidence mix, but
the match wasn't strong enough to conclude
that with certainty.
Tyrone White's DNA markers, on the other
hand, matched the crime-scene evidence in 11
of the 13 locations. The police had also found
the Luger in White's mother's house. In short,
White's “not guilty” plea was looking thin.
Facing a possible life sentence, on top of the
10 years remaining on his earlier sentence,
White cut a deal. He agreed to change his plea
to guilty and testify against Moore and Robin-
son in return for certain charges being dropped
and his sentence being slashed. (White was ге-
leased in 2014.)
Both Moore and Robinson pleaded not
guilty. Robinson didn't have an alibi—he
had been a teenage drug dealer at the time
and didn't exactly keep a detailed calendar.
(Moore was convicted in the same trial; he
also maintains his innocence.) During the
trial, Robinson's court-appointed lawyer
went after White for the glaring inconsisten-
cies in his testimony. But when it came tothe
critical DNA evidence, both defense lawyers
were out of their depth. Neither called an ex-
pert witness to counter the testimony of the
GBI forensic analyst.
“You've got to realize you're talking to some-
body here that's totally a novice when it comes
to DNA stuff,” Moore's lawyer told the GBI
expert during his cross examination. “I fell
asleep in biology
In a deposition given later, Robinson's trial
attorney admitted he hadn't di
challenges of DNA mixtures with anyone be-
fore the trial.
ussed the
“Аге you aware of what a mixture analysis
is?” he was asked.
“Мо, not right at this minute,” the attorney
Both lawyers mainly asked the GBI analyst
to explain the difference between the certainty
of Tyrone White’s match and the “cannot be
excluded” conclusion for both Moore and Rob-
inson. What was the likelihood of a random
person’s DNA matching the crime-scene evi-
dence in 11 locations, as White’s DNA did? On
the order of one in 10 billion, said the GBI ana-
lyst. What about matching DNA in just two lo-
cations? Maybe one in 15, the GBI witness said.
“It’s a rough estimate,” the analyst said. “I
haven't done the math.” This admission didn't
faze the defense lawyers, but it shocked fo-
rensic geneticist Greg Hampikian. While the
physical evidence from the rape has long since
been destroyed, Hampikian reviewed the tes-
timony and the lab report in 2008 at the be-
hest of Rodney Zell, a lawyer Robinson's family
hired to file an appeal.
“This was an ad hoc play with numbers that
was misleading at best,” Hampikian said of the
GBI analyst’s testimony.
In fact, the odds of a random match were
much higher. Studies of the millions of DNA
fingerprints now stored in databases indi-
cate that nearly one in five randomly chosen
pairs of unrelated people will match at two of
the 13 locations. An investigative reporter at
an Atlanta TV news station who did a story on
Robinson’s case in 2009 randomly picked four
people in his newsroom for DNA analysis. All
four matched the crime-scene evidence at least
as strongly as Robinson did.
Hampikian believes the DNA evidence not
only fails to prove Robinson’s guilt, it strongly
suggests his innocence. There are two big rea-
sons why Hampikian thinks Robinson should
have been excluded as a suspect.
First, Robinson’s DNA markers don’t match
those of the crime-scene mix at the most tell-
tale parts of any DNA fingerprint: the D3 lo-
cation. What makes D3 special? Out of all the
locations, the DNA at D3 is the most likely to
be detected in the lab. Basically, if even the
smallest trace of your DNA can be found, it
should be found at D3.
Robinson’s DNA also doesn’t match that
found at location D21. At this location, Robin-
son is the only suspect who inherited the same
genetic variation from both his parents. He
should be contributing twice the signal here,
and he’s nowhere to be found.
In 2012, Hampikian asked 17 DNA analysts
at an accredited crime lab to independently
analyze the GBI data. Only one of the analysts
Greg Hampikian (left), a professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Boise State University and
director of the Idaho Innocence Project, works to overturn convictions based on faulty DNA evidence.
agreed with the original GBI report that Robin-
son “could not be excluded.” Four said the evi-
dence was inconclusive. Twelve concluded that
Robinson should be excluded from the crime-
scene evidence. In other words, these experts
said Robinson’s DNA was not part of the ge-
netic mix detected in the rape kit. Without
that, there was no physical evidence linking
Robinson to the crime.
At Robinson’s sentencing, the judge allowed
him to say good-bye to his family. As Robinson
hugged Anita Frazier, he whispered to her, “Go.
Get out of Moultrie.”
“He didn’t want us to have to go through all
the rumors and the finger-pointing,” she says
when we speak by phone. Frazier followed Rob-
inson’s advice and moved back to the Chicago
area where she'd grown up.
Their daughter, Kerria, is now a high school
sophomore. She and Robinson send each other
letters and talk on the phone most weeks.
Frazier is going back to school part-time to
earn acertificate in DNA forensics.
“When I left Moultrie I took a lot of the pa-
perwork on the case. I read over all the tran-
scripts,” she says. “I remember sitting through
that trial and hearing about how Kerry has a
certain amount of alleles and thinking, Nobody
here knows what the hell alleles are! The whole
thing to me was botched.”
DNA remains a powerful forensic tool.
Across the country, criminal justice profes-
sionals are trying to find ways to restore its
solid-gold reputation. There are calls for crime
labs to be made independent of police and
prosecutors, which would remove the potential
for a conflict of interest. Many also put their
faith in the computational power of new soft-
ware to solve DNA mixtures, free of the biases
and mental fatigue of human analysts. But
technological fixes are controversial, because
proprietary software isn't open to scrutiny,
and the assumptions built into its algorithms
can't be questioned in court the way an ana-
lyst's methodology can.
Others are pushing for regulations that
would mandate best practices in labs, such
as a firm threshold level of DNA signal below
which no analysis can be made. In addition,
labs аге increasingly using a more cautious
calculation for DNA mixtures, called a likeli-
hood ratio, which compares the probability of
а suspect's DNA versus that of a random per-
son's having contributed to the jumble of a
crime-scene mixture. So far, however, crime
labs have been slow to embrace likelihood ra-
tios, because it's a trickier calculation and not
easy to explain to a jury.
Meanwhile, Robinson says he spends his
time in prison working out, reading and “try-
ing to stay out of the way, trying to turn some-
thing bad into something good.”
If the Georgia Supreme Court rejects Rob-
inson's latest appeal, his only recourse would
be to file another habeas petition, this time at
the federal level. If that fails, he'll likely stay in
prison until 2023.
*The main thing I think about, every single
day, is when will I be heard?” he says. “When
will somebody believe the truth of the whole
situation?” "
Josie Ganseco doesn't want to hear it. “I'm so over people asking, Are you related to the baseball player?’ Му
family name has a lot of talk behind it,” says Miss June on the set of a photo shoot in Malibu. *I believe one of
my biggest achievements to date is maintaining my career and image through all the chaos.” Indeed, like many
children of famous parents, the 19-year-old model was unwittingly propelled into the spotlight early on. Pre-
serving a sense of normalcy and centeredness has thus been Josie's ambition. “Тһе family name automatically
brings me into a light I haven't necessarily been ready for,” she says, “but I think Гуе done a pretty good job of
keeping a positive reputation.” Her forward-thinking attitude was exemplified this spring when she appeared on
a family-therapy reality show called The Mother/Daughter Experiment. Reality shows often bring out the worst
in their subjects, but Josie was barely affected by the experience. “I didn't learn anything surprising about my-
self, because I don't want to be a reality star,” she says. “I’m actually a weird, goofy and friendly person. Giving
in to drama simply isn't me.” At her age, such levelheadedness is impressive, and it makes sense that she aspires
to work with other families one day. “I would love to own a dance studio for all ages where I can teach kids," she
says. “After all, seeing my own family happy and healthy is one thing that will always make me happy in return.”
AGE: 19 BIRTHPLACE: Broward County, Florida GURRENT CITY: Los Angeles, California
| once read a quote that went
something like "The true mark
of maturity is when somebody
hurts you and you try to under-
stand their situation instead of
trying to hurt them back.” Since
my earthquake emergency kit, a
pair of my favorite sweatpants
much information about people's
every move. I fear technology is
would definitely be it.
| think my eyes are the first thing
people notice about me. I've
always been told they are one of
people's motives and actions has
my most powerful features.
changed. Now I try to see where
they're coming from instead of
acting defensively.
After a week of going to cast-
ings, running errands and doing
hour-long sessions at the gym, I
like to come home, throw on my
Іт still listening to "Dangerous
Woman” by Ariana Grande. Нег
voice is just insane. | don't think
anyone can deny her talent.
The best thing about being a
invading the idea of romance.
Sometimes | wish | were dating
in an era when people couldn't
text and Snapchat.
Jim Carrey has been my favorite
actor ever since | can remember.
He is such an inspiration, from
his sense of humor to his worldly
perspective. Without a doubt,
The Truman Show is the most
underrated movie of all time.
Always remember that being a
sweats and turn on Friends or
Family Guy. In fact, if | had to pick
woman in 2016 is our power and
independence. At the same time,
kind, warmhearted person will
get you further than being cold
one nonessential item to have in
I think apps are giving away too
and cruel. Don't fight fire with fire.
@JosieCanseco Y) @JosieCanseco
Who Wants to Change
the Way
Get O
Beijing businessman Brian Sloan reinvented the male sex toy to the tune of $10 million.
Is he the perfect entrepreneur for the digital-sex era?
Meet Ruby Temptations. That’s her, spread-
eagle and nude from the waist down on a king-
size bed in the sun-drenched penthouse of the
Berlin Sheraton, surrounded by a roomful
of vibrators and dildos. Ruby, a 20-year-old
adult-film actress from the United Kingdom
with strawberry-blonde hair and porcelain
skin, is a girl-next-door type—if the girl next
door had double-D breasts and had filmed 40-
odd scenes in just three months in the porn
industry. Ultimately Ruby wants to move her
career across the pond to Los Ange-
les. The scene is “slightly more seedy
in the U.K.,” shes
But first, a mold of Ruby's vulva
will be created for a line of adult toys, which
she hopes will jump-start her American am-
bitions. For that to happen, her crotch must
be 3-D scanned, and that's why she finds
herself in Berlin. A few weeks ago, Ruby en-
tered an online vulva beauty contest orga-
nized by sex-toy entrepreneur Brian Sloan,
the brains behind a wildly successful crowd-
funded blow-job machine called the Auto-
blow 2. In all, 182 women submitted close-up
photos of their vulvas, and more than 2.7 mil-
lion votes were cast. Sloan flew the winners
and a handful of runners-up, including Ruby,
to Germany for the scanning. Likenesses of
their privates will be available as removable
synthetic sleeves for Sloan’:
blow product sometime this summer, as well
as for 3Fap, anew multi-orifice masturbation
toy. But first, Sloan is scanning the
women himself.
Thirty-five years old with an ath-
letic build, a shaved head, a dis-
arming smile and protruding ears, Sloan
was raised in the Chicago suburbs but has
lived for the past nine years in China, where
he has built a small but rapidly growing sex-
toy empire. This year his company, Very In-
signature Auto-
telligent Ecommerce Inc., is projected to hit
$10 million in sales, up from just $1.5 million
in 2013—a 567 percent increase. He managed
this feat with only one full-time employee, a
handful of service providers and subcontrac-
tors and no office space. The success has all
come on the back of the Autoblow 2, which
upon its summer 2014 launch went viral,
being featured around the world, from Bos-
nia to Ivory Coast—Sloan was interviewed by
dozens of publications, radio hosts and televi-
sion presenters. In May 2015 the Autoblow 2
made a cameo on the HBO series Silicon Val-
ley т an episode titled “Adult Content.” In the
scene, a speaker at an adult-industry conven-
tion points to a table of tech-age sex toys, in-
cluding the Autoblow 2, and says, “Ladies and
gentlemen, welcome to the future.”
For Sloan, the future includes a plan to
dominate the male-sex-toy niche. Part of his
strategy includes focusing on clever—some
might say gimmicky—internet marketing
campaigns, such as the vulva beauty con-
test, to promote his growing line of toys. He's
planning an anuscontest, a mouth contest and
a penis contest, and has a balls contest already
in the can. (The 3-D-scanned balls are being
turned into decorative objects for the home.)
First, however, he has to scan some vulvas.
Other than Ruby, none of the participants
in Berlin works in the adult-film industry;
most entered the contest on a lark, and none
of them is quite sure what to make of it all.
There's 27-year-old Britney from Liverpool,
whose boyfriend, Max, urged her to submit a
picture. (Names of contestants, except Ruby,
have been changed.) Max snapped the photo
himself. “We had some drinks first,” Brit-
ney says. There's Carmen, a pretty 23-year-
old from Bavaria who will soon graduate from
law school. She saw the contest on 9GAG.com.
“There were already 15 or so pictures, and 1
thought, Meh. So I sent my own,” she says.
Carmen finished second behind Nancy, a
slightly manic 27-year-old multimedia de-
signer who lives in Scotland. Nancy plans
to buy a used motorcycle with her $5,500
winnings ($5,000 for the first-place winner's
vaginal scans plus a $500 bonus for optional
mouth and anus scans).
In the penthouse suite, Sloan is accompa-
nied by ajovial German ГИ call Dirk, who owns
one of the few 3-D-scanning companies in the
country. He's here to help out in case Sloan
botches the scans.
Ruby waits patiently on the bed, taking
a few selfies for her Twitter followers. The
room has the air of an awkward visit to the
gynecologist. As Sloan slowly guides the
scanner—a $20,000-plus instrument that
looks like a clothing iron—a few inches from
Ruby's exposed groin, an image assembles on
a nearby laptop. The room is silent except for
the beeping of the machine, the hum of the
laptop and Dirk repeatedly telling Sloan he's
doing it all wrong.
Finally Sloan has the image he needs. “Now,”
he tells Ruby, “we need to scan you doggy style.”
Americans spend somewhere between $1 bil-
lion and $2 billion annually on sex toys, experts
say, and the market is growing. The success
of the Fifty Shades of Grey books and film
sparked a 7.5 percent increase in sales of sex-
themed products, including adult toys, which
are becoming more varied and sophisticated.
Companies are increasingly exploring how
to incorporate tech and robotics into sex toys.
OhMiBod, aNew Hampshire-based company,
offers vibrators that sync with musical beats
and others that a partner can manipulate via
Bluetooth on a smartphone from across the
globe. It also offers an app that allows users
to track orgasms. *My first intimate moment
with a chick was in a movie theater, with my
hand on her thigh,” says Brian Dunham, who
founded OhMiBod with his wife, Suki, in
2007. “When I look at the generation grow-
ing up now, those intimate moments are hap-
pening digitally.”
Matt McMullen, creator of the ultra-high-
end sex toy RealDoll, is working on a kind of
artificial-intelligence technology that will
allow a doll to develop a personality curated by
the user, notunlike the operating system inthe
Spike Jonze film Her. An app will connect wire-
lessly to an animatronic head that features life-
like expressions and movements. That product
is still a couple of years away, and McMullen
says a fully functioning sex robot that looks and
feels like the real thing—a “machine that blows
your mind”—isn't on the horizon yet.
The problem is cost. Based on today’s tech-
nology, such a product would retail for tens,
if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars. So
the mass-market sex-toy robotics revolution
may just start with Sloan’s blow-job machine,
which currently retails online for a rela-
tively affordable $160 under the name Auto-
blow 2+. (The plus sign was added when Sloan
upgraded it from two rows of beads to three.)
“The idea, in short, was rooted in the fact that
robotics are becoming cheaper and more com-
mon,” Sloan says. “I just brainstormed on how
to apply robotics to masturbating.”
A few months before the 3-D scanning in
Berlin, I visit Sloan in Beijing to learn the Auto-
blow origin story. I find him working on his lap-
top at a Starbucks on the kind of hot, smoggy
Beijing day that stings your eyes and weighs
down your lungs.
Sloan is in the heat of the vulva beauty con-
test, the prospects of which excite him greatly.
“The appearance of a vulva that I like and one
that you like might be different,”
he tells me between sips of a double
espresso on ice. “Since I’m going
to make vagina sleeves—vulva
sleeves—I want to make sure I’m
including the vaginal appearances
that most men prefer.” Sloan even
hired an actual datascientist to pro-
duce what he’s dubbed “The Vulva
Paper,” which examines, with an
absurdly academic degree of detail,
voters’ vulvar preferences. (The
contest wasn't without controversy;
onecritic called it *a veritable man-
wich of misogynist manure.")
Sloan's path to becoming a sex-toy mogul in
China was a winding one. Born in Skokie, Illi-
nois, hestudied philosophy and political science
at the University of Missouri before entering
law school at Penn State. He had a summer in-
ternship with the Cook County Homicide Task
Force and was a summer associate at a down-
town Chicago law firm, but he dreaded the work.
“The first thing I would do when I would go into
theoffice," hesays, *was putasticky note cover-
ingthetimeon the computer, so I wouldn't have
tosee what fucking time it was all day."
While in law school Sloan began to drive
to estate sales and antiques auctions in rural
Pennsylvania, buying whatever he thought had
hidden value. On one of his early trips he pur-
chased avintage Monopoly board game for $30,
which he sold on eBay for $100. The sale “set me
off on a whirlwind of going to local auctions,"
he recalls. Once, Sloan found a restaurant that
was going out of business and borrowed $8,000
from his father to buy the antique signs deco-
rating the walls; he later sold them for $30,000.
By the time he graduated Sloan had lost in-
terest in the law entirely, but his parents urged
him to take the bar exam anyway. Relieved
when he failed by two points, he dove headfirst
into his eBay business.
Brian Sloan left Chicago (and a law degree) behind for Beijing. Now his sex-toy company is projected to hit $10 million in sales this year, a 567 percent increase from 2013.
Sloan stored his bounty in his parents’
garage in Skokie, focusing on rare and unusual
items—horn-rimmed glasses, vintage police
handcuffs, cricket-fighting cages—many
of which were sourced from China, where
he began to make frequent trips. He made a
profit of $80,000 in his first full year as an
internet vendor.
One ofthe strangest items Sloan sold landed
him in the media spotlight—for all the wrong
reasons. One morning in 2007 he received a
frantic phone call from his landlord. Why, the
landlord wanted to know, were police and news
crews swarming Sloan's apartment? It turned
out the cops were, according to the Chicago
Tribune, investigating a tip from a well-known
“local artist and part-time drag queen” called
Jojo Baby, who had dropped by Sloan's apart-
ment to buy vintage mannequins and instead
saw a human skull boiling on the stove top.
The skull had come from a supplier in
China, and Sloan was cleaning it to sell on
eBay. (While admittedly bizarre, the sale of
human remains online isn't unheard of.) Jojo
Baby phoned a friend—an anthropologist—
who advised calling the police. Within a day,
the story blew up. News crews from NBC,
ABC, Fox and Telemundo camped outside
Sloan's apartment; the Tribune headline read
The police initially believed Sloan had mur-
dered people and cooked their corpses; even
after he explained the situation they threat-
ened to charge him with dismemberment. In
the end the cops couldn't find any broken laws,
and Sloan was let off with a warning. “Not my
proudest moment,” he says.
By then Sloan was tiring of his eBay business,
believing it to have limited growth potential.
Not long after the skull episode, he decamped
for the greener (though smoggier) pastures of
Beijing, where he would seek his fortune in a
decidedly different industry.
In 2007, Beijing was one of the world's big-
gest boomtowns, with a soaring economy,
an ascending middle class and the summer
Olympics not far off. It was also drawing for-
eigners from across the globe who were look-
ing for easy opportunities. Beijing became
home to a thriving entrepreneurial culture in
which Sloan was soon immersed.
In China he focused on selling a single
product: latex fetish wear. (Sloan had not
actually sold his products in China until re-
cently.) Не’ already become one of the inter-
net's main suppliers of blow-up rubber suits,
which he sold toinflation fetishists, aterm he
uses to describe people who become aroused
1. Sloan often works from cafés; his one full-time
employee, a 24-year-old Romanian, handles the tech-
nology side. 2. The type of small motor used in Sloan's
signature product is the same kind used to dispense
cash at ATMs. 3. Sloan crowdfunded the Autoblow 2
with a modest goal of $45,000; within two months he
had raised $275,000.
from being inflated or deflated, including
those who can achieve orgasm by reenact-
ing the famous Violet Beauregarde blueberry
scene in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Fac-
tory. Operating under the brand name Kinky
King Latex, Sloan sourced from a factory in
China's Hunan province and sold the prod-
ucts online for a fraction of the price ofthose
offered by bigger brands.
But Sloan wondered how many millions
of dollars’ worth of latex he could sell. The
latex-suit market was small, and he had big-
ger ambitions. With his newly developed ex-
pertise in the adult industry, he decided to
expand. He noticed that sex-toy companies
enjoyed unusually high profit margins but
displayed poor knowledge of e-commerce.
And Sloan was in the right place: China
produces 70 percent of the world's sex toys,
generating some $2 billion in sales glob-
ally. He realized that if he bought from
factories in China, rebranded the prod-
ucts and sold directly to consumers on sites
like Amazon, he could eliminate two sets of
middlemen—distributors and retailers—and
drastically cut the sale price while still mak-
ing a handsome profit. He believed compet-
itors were too focused on brick-and-mortar
sales. “Тһе companies were operating in the
world of the 1980s and 19908,” Sloan says.
In other words, the sex-toy industry was ripe
for disruption.
Sloan's new venture initially sold garden-
variety sex toys—vibrators and dildos. But
he saw an opportunity in the male-customer
niche. The enormously successful Fleshlight,
an artificial vagina, had already become a
game changer, but with it and other masturba-
tion toys the user still had to do all the work—it
wasn't something being performed on you.
Mechanical masturbation devices called
“strokers” already existed, but they were
mostly battery-powered and ineffectual. In
2008 Sloan found a factory in China that was
making an oddly branded stroker called the
World Master 2000. He had an epiphany. “I
saw itand thought, That's a blow-job machine!”
And so the first incarnation of the Auto-
blow was born. The machine looked like a large
coffee mug with a rubber orifice shaped like a
mouth on one end. Inside was a small battery-
powered motor that moved two circular rows
of beads up and down beneath a rubber sleeve.
Sloan ordered shipments of the Chinese stro-
ker and built a website focused solely on selling
it. (He also launched Mangasm.com,
which sells other items for men, such as
fake vaginas, anal toys and cock rings.)
Sloan made a video demonstrat-
ing the Autoblow that starred...Brian
Sloan. In his apartment in Beijing he
hung a bedsheet for a backdrop and po-
sitioned the camera so his head was out
of frame. He used the product until he
reached orgasm, sent the video to India
to be edited and added a techno music
soundtrack. “I don't know how many
people came to the website— friends,
family or whatever—and said, ‘Please tell us
that's not you! ”
The first version of the Autoblow sold rel-
atively well. The problem was, it wasn't very
good. It broke down regularly; the weak motor
couldn't power through bigger or curved pe-
nises. Sloan envisioned something much bet-
ter. “Ifwe just fixed everything that was wrong
with it and made a totally new product,” he
says, “it would rock the male-toys niche.”
The Autoblow 2 took three years to develop.
Sloan was worried about the machine being
copied if he manufactured it in China, so he
worked with a factory in Taiwan that made
air conditioner controller units. The factory
created a prototype, and it was a disaster; it
broke down as soon as it was powered on. Sloan
hired a boutique U.S. design firm to help with
the concept, which he then took to a factory
in Dongguan, an industrial city in southern
China. The redesigned Autoblow used a small
industrial-strength motor—the kind used to
dispense cash in ATM machines—and fea-
tured removable, easy-to-clean sleeves, offered
in three different sizes.
Once the prototype was finished, Sloan
needed cash. He didn't want to accept outside
investments and give up a stake in his com-
pany, and adult businesses can rarely get bank
loans. Instead he launched a crowdfunding
campaign on the website Indiegogo. He filmed
avideo that again featured himself as the pitch-
man. The stated goal was $45,000; within two
months he'd raised $275,000.
The Autoblow 2 was something the industry
hadn't yet seen, and it soon became an inter-
net phenomenon. “There's a huge difference
between masturbating and having somebody
else get you off,” says RealDoll's McMullen,
who has made a lifelike mouth sleeve for the
Autoblow 2+, which has just been released
(pictured on page 85). “And that device that
he's got is accomplishing that simulation. 1
think it's really cool.”
Even as the Autoblow 2 blew up, the com-
pany remained minuscule. Sloan has one em-
ployee, a 24-year-old in Romania who focuses
on the technology side and whom Sloan con-
siders a business partner, but otherwise he
relies on a small team of mostly part-timers
scattered around the globe. Mail from his
various brands is still delivered to his par-
ents’ address in Skokie. “We're very support-
ive,” says his father, Ben Sloan, with a laugh.
Once, his parents helped Sloan film a promo-
tional videothat featured him walking around
a mall wearing a full-body latex suit. “When
Brian first started his business, it took me
two or three years to tell my friends,” says his
mother, Cindy. These days, however, it makes
for great stories at parties.
Influenced by brand pitchmen he watched
on TV asa kid—including Ron Popeil, inventor
of the Ronco Showtime Rotisserie (“Set it and
forget it!”) and Billy Mays of OxiClean fame—
Sloan has become a shameless self-promoter
by design. By posting videos online of himself
shilling the Autoblow or by inviting women to
participate in a vulva beauty contest, he's able
to directly reach his target consumer. “Every-
body has websites, but in terms of direct mar-
keting on the internet like Brian does, I'm not
really seeing it,” says Sara Ramirez, associ-
ate publisher for retailing at XBIZ, an adult-
entertainment trade magazine.
In Beijing, Sloan invites me to his apart-
ment, a penthouse in a luxury development
with 20-foot-tall windows that offer an incred-
ible view of the smog-shrouded skyline. But
Sloan isn’t ostentatious—he’s more of a T-shirt
and jeans kind of guy. He flies first or busi-
ness class and stays in five-star hotels when
he travels, but those perks don't cost him any-
thing because he runs his entire business on
credit cards to collect points. His biggest in-
dulgence is travel, which he does extensively—
including two jaunts to North Korea and an
epic road trip from Zambia to Uganda a few
years ago. Later this year, he plans to relocate
to Berlin with his girlfriend, a 27-year-old
Chinese woman he met on OkCupid. He's also
looking to buy property in Montenegro.
Sloan's apartment is decorated with sex toys
and the full jaw of a woolly mammoth that
once lived in northern China. Just inside the
front door stands a two-foot-tall rubber penis,
complete with veins and an astonishingly
realistic-looking scrotum, which he bought for
$100 from a sex-toy shop in China. "This is my
prize possession," he says.
Onatable is a prototype of the Autoblow 2+.
(Sloan's pitch: “It strokes 33 percent more of
your dick!”) “You can try this one later," he
says, handing it to me. (Back home in New
York, I do try it. Lacking the, let's say, im-
provisation of the real thing, using the Auto-
blow 2+ feels exactly like what the name
suggests: robotic head.)
Stacked around the living room are boxes of
sex toys—large dildos, small vibrators, Auto-
blow sleeves and a 17-pound fake vagina and
ass—sold through Sloan's many websites.
*Check this out,” he says, reaching into a
cardboard box and pulling out a pair of sili-
cone breasts with a vagina conveniently placed
between them. “It's tits with a pussy built in!
How's that! 1 mean, that's not a bad idea for
nature to take note.”
A few days later Sloan and 1 fly to Dongguan,
in Guangdong province, where the Auto-
blow is manufactured. Dongguan, sometimes
called the “world's factory,” was
once notorious for its sex indus-
try, with thousands of prostitutes
catering to the legions of workers
who flooded there during China's
boom. In recent years, however,
the city has been cleaned up in
Chinese president Xi Jinping's
anticorruption campaign.
In the morning we pay a visit
to Sloan's Autoblow collaborator,
a Chinese-owned, U.S.-managed
company. In a tote bag he's carry-
ing a new stroker, made by a com-
pany in Japan, that he wants the
engineers to examine. “Тһеге аге
a lot of nice sex toys in Japan, but
they have no fucking clue how to
market them to Westerners,” Sloan tells me
on the walk over from our hotel. “Т mean, it's
called the A10 Piston. It's not a fucking саг!”
Inside the modern, well-air-conditioned
office we meet sales director John Hui. Hui
is a genial 39-year-old Taiwanese American
sporting a short Mohawk and wearing shorts,
shower sandals and a baggy T-shirt featuring
astylized skull; he looks a bit like the Buddha.
Sex toys of all varieties clutter his office, and a
hologram on the wall features the face of for-
mer Chinese leaders Mao Tse-tung or Deng
Xiaoping, depending on the angle.
Sloan and Hui discuss the new 3Fap toy
they’re working on (fap, according to Urban
Dictionary, is the sound one makes while mas-
turbating) and manufacturing details of the
Autoblow 2+. Sloan worked closely with Hui
on the development of the Autoblow 2, and he
travels here every two or three months to dis-
cuss product development—one of the main ad-
vantages of living in China. The engineers and
design team were tasked with taking Sloan’s
original vision and making a product that both
worked effectively and “wasn’t too crazy so that
you wouldn’t stick your dick in,” Hui says.
Later we drive to the nearby sex-toy factory
where the Autoblow is made. Riding in a com-
pany SUV, Hui reflects on the debauched city
Dongguan once was. “You know they say Vegas
is Sin City? Well, this city would make Vegas
look like Martha Stewart’s home,” he says.
The factory is clean and sterile and smells
of glue and cleaning products—a high-tech
factory for high-tech sex toys. In a glassed-off
room are two configurable lines where workers
in white lab coats and caps sit on baby blue
stools and work under bright neon lights. Be-
fore entering we put on coats and hats of our
own and slip little booties over our shoes.
Inside, the room is silent other than faint me-
chanical squeaks and clicks and an air-pumping
sound similar to Darth Vader's breathing.
They’re not manufacturing Autoblows today.
Instead, workers on one line are assembling a
vibrator called the Tracey Cox Super-Sex Bul-
let Vibrator; on the other, they put together tiny
motors for a cock ring. (Neither the vibrator nor
the cock ring is a Sloan product.)
We exit the workroom into a large storage
facility where a dozen crates of Autoblows
and another dozen crates of Autoblow sleeves
await shipment.
“Гүе never actually seen so many Autoblows
in one place. It’s kind of cool,” Sloan says.
“Your jerk-off robot,” says Hui.
“Tactually did a calculation once based on how
many we've sold so far, and if every man used it
once, how much semen that would create,” Sloan
says. According to his mental math, all the Auto-
blows sold would have theoretically filled six and
ahalf10-gallon coolers with ejaculate. “That's a
lot of semen,” he says, “and I’m proud of that.”
Back in Berlin, Ruby Temptations has been suc-
cessfully scanned and Britney, the Liverpudlian,
is up next. She’s accompanied by her boyfriend,
Max, and they’re both nervous. Britney is on the
bed on her hands and knees, with Max spreading
her butt cheeks apart as Dirk mans the scanner.
Sloan tries to cut through the tension. “Are you
going to enter my balls contest?” he asks Max.
“My balls are a bit wonky.”
“All balls are beautiful. I want to see your
balls in my balls contest!”
Britney is followed by Carmen from Bavaria,
Anna from Hungary and Giulia from Italy. The
last to be scanned is Nancy, the winner. She
wears a black long-sleeve top, ankle socks anda
Pussy Riot-inspired face mask with the slogan
#KEEPITCOOL printed on the front.
When the scanning is finished,
Sloan reaches into a safe in a cabi-
net under the television. As Nancy
looks on, arms folded and wear-
ing the balaclava, he counts out
$5,500 in crisp greenbacks.
“Congratulations on winning
first place in the world’s most
beautiful vagina contest,” he says,
handing Nancy the cash.
Dirk claps quietly off to the side.
The next evening, Sloan and I
grab dinner in Kreuzberg, Berlin’s
version of Brooklyn. He's happy
with the contest; there were no
major disasters. A few of the women
were upset that a free breakfast
wasn't included with the hotel room, and Brit-
ney and Max charged five hotel-priced Cokes
to Sloan’s room. But it could have been worse. “I
thought wed get a crier, I thought we'd get an al-
coholic, Ithought we'd geta girl who changed her
mind at the last minute." In the end, he says, “а
group of pretty well-adjusted, intelligent women
showed up to make a little bit of money."
The contest cost him $30,000 in all, but he
figures he's already made that back in Auto-
blow sales. But most important, it was another
campaign that went viral, gaining Sloan and
the Autoblow more exposure (and notoriety).
He's excited to get the scans made into
sleeves. They'll also be used on his next big de-
velopment: the Autoblow 3. Features Sloan is
considering include movements that will sync
with those of an actual adult star—say, Ruby
Temptations—asthey play out on internet porn.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the
future. a
> A w > 2%
Sheridan Hayes had not seen Donnie s new hat. There
was a great deal of loud talk and extended debate about
whether he had sat down on Donnie 8 black Stetson on
purpose, and how could he not see such a fabulous and
not-small hat and how could he not see the shine of the
silver hatband which alone had cost Donnie $23 cash,
which was more than a week’s pay at the Rising H.
Sheridan Hayes complicated the discussion
deeply by saying—afterthe excitement subsided
and Donnie was in the one-room clinic behind
Doctor Wattel's bungalow on Back Street and
Sheridan himself was in the one cell in the jail,
his nose still dripping blood—that he hadn't
seen the blinking hat, and further that if he had
seen Donnie Gumson’s stupid blinking hat, the
blinking hat of a main-street cowboy if there
ever was one, he would have not only sat on it on
purpose, he would have stood on it marching in
place for the rest ofthe night. He did not use the
word blinking. As it was, he did not see the black
hat in the dim barroom of the Enterprise Club
and he sat on it and then jumped up before any
real damage was done, except the insult that re-
sults from sitting on someone's hat, someone
who had been sitting by Rowena Balfour, a young
woman who had after one year resigned her post
astheonly schoolteacher in Rootine, an outpost
on the Manditory River consisting of almost a
thousand souls.
It was June 3, the last day of school, and
Miss Rowena Balfour, after being shipped
to Rootine, Wyoming from Probity, Massa-
chusetts almost one year before to teach the
children of the village, had found that Roo-
tine was not a village at all but 33 buildings,
some of them lean-tos, at the foot of the San
Blister Mountains, and that the children were
actually small untutored savages, and that
the Rootine Unified School was a platform
tent with a malfunctioning barrel stove and a
two-hole outhouse it shared with the jail. Just
that noon, Miss Rowena Balfour had pinned
her notice to one of the two tent poles in the
sour structure and it read, in her gorgeous
loopy cursive: *Good luck with your blinking
ABCs. I hereby resign. R.E. Balfour." She did
not use the word blinking. She had told her
one confidant, Mrs. Slater, with whom she
boarded, that she had been stalling in her life
longenough and was going to set out for some-
thing new, something that her father, 2,000
miles away, could not stop her from doing.
Miss Balfour had saved all her money except
for the $7 a week she paid Mrs. Slater for room
and board and she was going to use this bank-
roll of almost $400 to see the world or some
part of it beyond the claustrophobic hills of
Probity and the sage flats of Rootine. She was
young and ready for adventure. At least two
cowboys in the Enterprise Club, the injured
parties on the night in question, would have
said she was beautiful. She was the most pul-
chritudinous female in the hamlet of Rootine,
and she did have two form-fitting apron
dresses that made it difficult to speak to her,
and the days she wore those gowns she saw no
oneon the street but felt the curtains parting
all along her way.
She had learned to ride a horse this spring
with the help of Donnie Gumson, who had
given her his sister's old saddle, which was
still in good shape, and he also volunteered
the horsemanship instruction gratis, and she
had learned camp skill and shooting from
Sheridan Hayes, who volunteered his ser-
vices and gave her his old six-shooter Colt pis-
tol, calling it old when it was not old and still
quite valuable, but more valuable to him as
a gift to her than as a sidearm. He had other
guns. And he gave her a canvas tent and its
five рїйоп poles and necessary sisal rope.
All spring long she had ridden
on Wednesday and Friday in the
muddy corral of the Rising H,
just a mile from town, under the
guidance of Donnie Gumson, and
on every other Saturday she had
gone into the San Blister Moun-
tains with Sheridan Hayes to
learn howto select the best camp-
site and how to set up a tent and
then how to shoot her bone-handled pistol at
targets close at hand and then some at a farther
range. These were day trips always, and twice
Mrs. Slater went along as a chaperone, but it
was apparent to the town and every love-struck
pup, both the schoolboys and their fathers, that
a chaperone was not necessary. Miss Rowena
Balfour did not need a chaperone. She learned to
ride without allowing Donnie to board the horse
behind her regardless of how necessary and
dangerous the instruction seemed to be, and
she learned to shoot her Colt without allowing
Sheridan to stand behind her and guide her
arm. She erected the tent in 15 and then 10 and
finally six minutes and when it was right and
tight, she had Sheridan go inside and see that
it was square. She was never in the tent with
him and everyone in the town knew it. By June,
Miss Rowena Balfour was ready in the ways she'd
wanted to be. Now she needed someone to give
her a horse or sell her one at a charity price, and
she would leave Rootine, going north or south or
west. *Not east,” she'd say every time. *Never
east again.” Just this week, Donnie Gumson
had given her a horse and she'd stuffed his re-
luctant hand with 811, which is quite a markup
on what he wanted to be a gift.
The Enterprise Club was the biggest room in
Rootine, having previously been a warehouse
for raw foodstuffs for the roughnecks work-
ing on the railroad. It had a crude lumber floor
and at the time the walls and roof had been gray
waxed canvas erected with pińon pine. When
the railroad finally came this far west, they ran
it 90 miles to the south and after a month there
was nothing but the great wooden emporium
floor out in the weather. Miles DeLock bought
it for 540 figuring the lumber was worth 880,
which it was. That very month Mr. DeLock
was shot in an accident with a scatter gun dur-
ing a poker game, and in an evil coincidence
his own plank cabin, famously known to have
been assembled without a nail, burned to the
ground that same night and the group of Portu-
guese shepherds with whom he had been play-
ing cards marched through the town chanting
his name in foreign slogans that made all the
citizens of Rootine nervous. It was an entire
town with thin walls, many of them fragile.
Mr. DeLock had no place to go except his gar-
gantuan wooden floor, and Mrs. Slater and
Givern Borkel, her Swedish cousin, carried
the wounded Miles DeLock along the rutted
main street and onto the dry lumber floor and
erected Mr. Borkel's cotton travel canopy as a
tent. It served for several days, wearing hard in
the increasing weather until it was consumed
in total by a northeastern wind that swept
through town in three cruel strokes, carrying
the flimsy shelter into the Manditory River,
which held the raw town in one loopy oxbow.
Fortunately, Mr. DeLock was able to
invoke his fortune, which he had installed
in Rootine’s First Thrift, money he had gar-
nered from two years of gambling with his
own deck of playing cards in his first wooden
shelter, a place which before its demise came
to be called the Red Tower and then, before it
collapsed, Cheater’s Tower, Cheater’s Palace
and sometimes Cheater’s Hellhole. Everyone
knew Miles DeLock was cheating at cards,
but no one could catch him, and, as they say,
itwasthe only game in town, notthat Rootine
in those years was even a town. Despite its
reputation, the round table was always full,
never an empty seat. There will forever be a
call in the rushing sound of a deck of cards
being shuffled—even a deck of cards marked
perfectly for the practiced cheater—that is
irresistible to a lonely traveler at the end of
a day, especially travelers who found them-
selves camped along the Manditory River near
Rootine, Wyoming. Even those who had been
warned could not stay away. Those who were
warned were sometimes the worst, marching
with their doomed money into the nasty A-
frame eagerly with the certainty that the com-
mon fate would not capture them too. Miles
DeLock prospered.
He bought the railroad warehouse and had
as his original plan the idea of taking it apart
and building a proper saloon where he might
be able to cheat at as many as four tables, but
then he was shot by an unhappy shepherd and
the bird shot that entered Miles DeLock’s
torso and arm served as a vivid and perma-
nent epiphany for the middle-aged gentle-
man who saw, and felt deeply, the wages of
sin. He vowed as Mrs. Slater, who had been
a nurse for one year as a young woman in
Virginia, pried steel BBs from his epider-
mis in his makeshift recovery clinic on the
biggest wooden floor in the county to build
a hall for wholesome entertainment, and if
not wholesome, honest—in other words, a
dance hall—and make his living as a legiti-
mate businessman. As he heard the steel shot
tink-tink one by one in the pan Mrs. Slater
was dropping the BBs in, he knew he would
call it the Enterprise Club, a name that felt to
him rich with respect and possibility.
The Enterprise Club was the only saloon of
its size west of the Mississippi River that was
built floor-first, and Mr. DeLock lay in his cot
all that summer as the outer walls were erected
around him and the two massive ponderosa
poles were installed in the middle to hold up the
roof, and the sweeping stairway and the second-
floor balcony, all with pine struts and beams.
When the windows arrived from St. Louis that
October, they were installed in the front and
witnesses swear that when they were fitted in
the sills and tapped tight with wooden mal-
lets, that was when the wind started to blow
again. By the time it snowed, Mr. DeLock was
captain of this ambitious manor, his bedroom
on the rear of the second floor with a balcony
from which he could see over the many shacks
lining the Manditory River and out to the great
gates of the two ranches that dominated that
world, the Rising H and the Bar Bar, both with
a dozen hands—sometimes more—who would
all become loyal customers of the Enterprise
Club. The long sign reading THE ENTERPRISE
cLuB arrived by wagon the next week, a var-
nished masterpiece with the one-foot-high
letters burned into the beautiful oak. They
hung it with four-inch chains, and Mr. DeLock
stepped backward down the two front steps and
held his arms up to the sign and read it aloud to
the assembly, the name of his proud establish-
ment, though for years throughout the West it
was referred to as Floor First.
The night that Sheridan Hayes sat on Don-
nie Gumson’s new black Stetson in one of the
huge red leather banquettes in the back of the
Enterprise Club, thinking he would take the
opportunity to sit next to his camping student
Miss Rowena Balfour, a woman he had taken
on a dozen day trips into the beautiful San
Blister Mountains and a woman for whom he
bore overt affection, was the first time a gun
had been fired in that place. Sheridan had not
seen the hat where Donnie had left it to keep
his place while he went out back to the men’s
privy, and Sheridan sat and stood quickly,
but not so quickly that Donnie Gumson did
not see him commit the act. Donnie grabbed
Sheridan by the collar and yanked him into
position for a crushing blow to the nose,
which did in fact break Sheridan's nose but
not enough to deter what followed: Sheridan,
who suddenly found himself inverted and
stunned, instinctively drew his six-shooter
and fired a .45-caliber bullet
into Donnie's chest at that close
range, where it struck his heart-
rib and angled out under his arm,
lodging finally in the lush red
leather of the booth. “Goddamn
it, Dave, you've shot me now!”
Donnie said, still standing and
examining the blood that kept
appearing on his palm. Then
Donnie folded onto the floor, sit-
ting up with his hand pressed
to the wound. *You sat on my hat,” he said.
Doctor Wattel had been shocked out of his
deep study of two red sevens in his hand and
whether they merited a raise at the poker
table, and he arrived in time to catch Donnie
as he fainted onto the biggest barroom floor
in Ardent County. Sheridan Hayes himself
was also sitting on the floor with his handful
of bloody nose. “I didn't see his blinking hat,”
he exclaimed in a nasal moan, “and my name
is not Dave and he knows it.”
The doctor quickly made a makeshift com-
press for Donnie's injury and enlisted his
card partners to carry the young man across
to his clinic. He knelt briefly at Sheridan,
whom the sheriff already stood over, and the
doctor reached up and reset Sheridan's nose
with his hand, making a wet snapping noise
that put half the drinkers in the big room
off their drinks and the other half deep into
them. Sheridan had been explaining that the
bullet was one of a box that he himself had re-
loaded with halfa charge and he was surprised
it even broke the skin. When the doctor moved
his nose that way, Sheridan passed out and
thereby missed his transference to the jail.
The portrait of beauty itself, the newly re-
tired schoolteacher Miss Rowena Balfour, had
witnessed the proceedings without movingher
chin. Her calm and sumptuous appearance was
a formidable obstacle to overcome, but seeing
her two young mentors hauled from the room,
both bleeding, several cowboys orbited closer to
her table, and Griffin Boatright and his newly
trimmed mustache lifted Donnie Gumson's
hat, pressed his hand inside to right the dents,
set it on the table out of the way of the bottles
and glasses, and then sat down and removed
his own hat with a modest sweep and a smile.
*Are you all right, young lady?” Griffin
Boatright said. “What a horrid exchange.”
“And now you cover my hand with your hand
as a comfort and a surety?” she said. “And
later you walk me home with your arm around
my waist and attempt to kiss me in the weeds
outside Mrs. Slater's house? But then you imag-
ine that I invite you in, shocking Mrs. Slater
completely, and I draw you into my boudoir, Mr.
Boatright, that is what we call it: boudoir. And
there in my boudoir you help me with the dif-
ficult buttons on this old dress.” Here, Miss
Balfour leaned forward so the gentleman
beside her could see the line of buttons down
the back of her form-fitting garment.
Griffin Boatright's face was a pale blank
slate. He had never in his 29 years, 12 of them
as a livestock auctioneer, ever been so con-
fused. To his credit he cleared his throat and
asked the young lady how he might be of any
service at all, given the rough interlude she
had just witnessed.
She responded directly in Mr. Boatright's
face without hesitating, “The rough interlude I
have just witnessed was in fact the intermina-
ble school year among the cretin children and
troglodytes who came to this hideous school,
their only intention to insult me and rob me of
my native optimism, but I am free of that lin-
gering malady and would most appreciate an-
other big glass of the Raw Rain rye and a beer
back, or so I think it is termed.” No one within
earshot of the former teacher’s remarks under-
stood what she had said in the word troglodyte,
which she meant as nasty hyperbole, but in
fact seven ofthe 43 students who had attended
Rootine Unified School did live in caves at the
southern end of the San Blister Mountains,
aborted and abandoned old silver mine shafts
really, which provided more complete cover
and protection from the elements than many
of the frame houses near the center of the ham-
let. Some of her cave dwellers had been among
the most docile and teachable of her students.
Mr. Boatright, sensing in her ardor an op-
portunity he had never sensed before, sprang
up like a rider for the Pony Express and
returned a moment later with an entire sealed
bottle of the aforementioned rye whiskey, its
yellow label like a warning for poison, and his
other wrist bathed in spilled beer from the
pint glass of soapy lager he carried.
She immediately raised her glass of rye
and said, “Here's to the blood of the cowboys,
Donnie and Sheridan, and the great luck that
none got on me or this dear old dress which
is almost impossible to launder!” She exam-
ined herself for errant spots of blood. With
her mention of the dress, all the cowboys in
the larger circle of her table, including the
eager Griffin Boatright, felt free as they raised
their smeared glasses with her to let their avid
eyes fall upon the contours of the dress. There
was an audible sigh, a moan like the letter N,
from the small masculine assemblage. Seeing
glassiness in her eyes, which Griffin mistook
for worry and sadness and fear, he now presse:
his fingers on her forearm and said, “It’s going
to be all right, Miss Balfour. There'll be no fur-
ther violence this evening.” She elbowed him
and shifted so he would stand and let her out o:
the booth. “Well, that’s too bad, Mr. Boatright.
I was hoping you might shoot somebody next.”
Before the confused auctioneer could respond,
Rowena Balfour crossed the great lumber floor
to where Ludwig Yarborough was picking out a
repeating melody, some soft carnival ditty, on
the shiny black Seethinghammer, a piano that
Miles DeLock had purchased in Chicago the
year before. It had been shipped in six pieces and
assembled and strung by Mr. Yarborough as the
first terms of his employment at the Enterprise
Club. It was whispered that the elderly musi-
cian had killed a man in Boston or Richmond
or Albany, or maybe it was a woman he had
killed. Regardless of his legend, he was a suc-
cess in Rootine for he knew 400 songs. Early that
spring, Rowena Balfour had marched the entire
school on a field trip into the Enterprise one
morning before it opened and Ludwig Yarbor-
ough had demonstrated how the piano worked.
For two hours he played music for the students
and they were pacified almost into slumber and
Miss Balfour rued not knowing how to play the
instrument by which she might have tamed her
raw minions.
In the Enterprise Club, Rowena Balfour
now placed her hand upon the worn suit-coat
shoulder of the ancient musician and asked if
he could play something lively. She had had
four powerful beverages already in celebrat-
ing her new freedom from employment, but
she spoke without letting a word be squashed
or shortchanged and she said, *After a shoot-
ing, I always like to dance. A partner, please.”
She lifted a hand and displayed an empty palm
while she turned a circle and then another for
the barroom crowd, so that the compelling
shadows of her bosom were cast in a rollick-
ing turbulence and echoed by the turbulence
within every cowboy's heart, or not heart but
close enough, until Griffin Boatright was
pushed forward and he took the bold young
creature in his arms in a posture аз stiff as the
sepia funeral photographs that were becom-
ing popular that year. They danced, or moved
herkily and jerkily together for the six bars of
awaltz that Ludwig Yarborough played at dou-
ble time. The picture of such a sterling beauty
inthe stiff arms of a man who danced exactly
in the manner that many people take their
last mortal breath, pushing the pitcher and
china teacup and kerosene lamp and its glass
chimney from the bedside table to the floor,
struck Glornina Soft so deeply that she stood
from the lap of Tim Grush, who was inebriated
intoasmilingrictus. She straightened her red
satin dress as well as she could, tucking her-
self or most of herself back into the puckered
elastic bodice, and she stepped to the dancing
pair and pulled Griffin Boatright away from
the schoolteacher, an act which relieved every-
one and drew a brief laugh before Glornina re-
placed herself in the man's position, leading
Rowena smoothly through the fluid machina-
tions of the waltz, which turned out to be one
of Ludwig Yarborough's own compositions,
titled “Тһе Orphan's Return.” There were
three women in the entire grand room of the
Enterprise and now two of them were danc-
ing together. When the night was retold, this
terpsichorean event many times outshined
the shooting as the highlight of the evening.
Thethird woman was Lorraine Dinner, called
Lorrie, and as Ludwig played the last note of
his sweet song and the dancers stopped and
bowed at each other, their smiles like lamps
in the wilderness, Lorrie Dinner raised her
glass of sparkling grape wine and from the
second step to the balcony she said, "It's a
tough world and we'll take tenderness when we
find it. Bless this young woman! We have only
been dance hall girls, which is to say whores,"
a word which received its own warm ovation,
*but she has been a schoolteacher and for al-
most a year. It is a wonder she's alive!"
There was now applause anew and Lud-
wig commenced a challenging drinking tune
which many of the cowboys knew a version of,
thelyrics beinga long, grinding ballad that in-
ventoried all the things the wind steals from a
cowboy in a year. It was a song that was open-
ended. If the singers were young enough and
drunk enough they could go through spring
to summer and enter the fall again and the
wind was renewed in its pernicious quest to
get hoof, hide and bone. A cowboy's hat, ker-
chief, last dinner plate and own true love. The
list was long.
After that melody, Mr. Ludwig Yarbor-
ough wiped his forehead with the only mono-
grammed handkerchief in thetown of Rootine,
Wyoming, the ornate initials in black silk
thread reading FNQ and being a prime part of
his mystery. People who had seen the thing re-
marked that it was taken from the body of the
man he had killed so long ago. Or woman. The
musician stood from his instrument and went
back to his small table in the back, where he
sipped plum wine from a small jar of the stuff
and rested for his midnight set. In the vacuum
created by the lapse of the music, the craps-
table stickman, Wendell Phardo, rapped his
stick on the worn green felt with a smart snap
and called to the room, “Coming out. Your dice
next. We're playing craps right here." A cluster
of men tightened around the table and the dice
began to roll.
Miss Rowena Balfour had stepped up to
Lorrie Dinner, who was the unofficial queen
of the Enterprise Club and Mr. Miles De-
Lock's highest-paid employee, and delivered
her a sisterly hug in thanks for her toast. “I’m
not long for this town,” Rowena told the older
woman, “but I'll stop in before I depart for my
“Please do. You can dance here anytime
youd like, dearie.”
“Now, I'm off to see my injured friends and
offer them my condolences, good-byes and
this one black hat.”
Rowena threw the blue shawl her mother had
knitted her over her shoulders, picked up Don-
nie Gumson's big new black cowboy hat and
walked across the big board floor and out the
beveled doors of the Enterprise Club. The room
reacted to this loss by growing suddenly louder
and more animated, and as if her presence
had forestalled it, a fistfight began at the bar
over nothing at all and the raw edge of belli-
cosity emerged as it does sometimes when the
teacher has left the room.
The biggest danger in the clus-
ter of sheds known as the town
of Rootine was the footing in the
street where ruts had begotten
ruts, some of the mud dried to a
stony blade and some of it still
greasy and wet, ready to swal-
low a shoe. In the light from a
few window lamps, Miss Rowena
Balfour lifted her skirts and
stepped along the worn path be-
tween the unpainted plank buildings until she
arrived at Doctor Wattel’s hovel marked by a
painted board above the door that said: M.D.
There was a candle working in the window and
Rowena peered in and sawa man in a black suit
coat sitting over the body of the young cowboy.
She knocked lightly and entered the room and
found her nose, which had been lulled by the
corpuscle-loosening molecules of rye whiskey,
suddenly stunned and chastened by the power-
house astringent of rubbing alcohol. The man
whispering to the young cowboy, however, was
not Doctor Wattel of course, as the young for-
mer schoolteacher had just come from seeing
that medical doctor about to throw the dice in
search of a nine. Donnie Gumson sat propped
on a pillow, pale with bright eyes, and his con-
sultant was Miles DeLock, who had come call-
ing to see if Donnie's wound had served the
same kind of life-changing blow that Miles
himself had received some years before when
shot by the righteous Portuguese shepherd.
Miss Balfour could hear the older man's plead-
ing questions. *Did you feel, when the bullet
traversed your body and turned away when
it struck the bone over your heart, that you
wanted to renounce your evil ways and choose a
new path?” Rowena could see Donnie consider
the question.
“It hurt like nothing,” Donnie said. “I knew
instantly that Iwish it had never happened. I
haven't felt anything like it since I lost my lit-
tle finger in an accident with a bad barn door
when I was just six years old.”
“Do you play cards?” Miles DeLock asked
the cowboy.
“We play in the bunkhouse, some poker and
some catfish.”
Mr. DeLock quickened at the news. “Did
you feel as the bullet entered and exited your
body that you wanted to renounce your card
playing and the questionable techniques you
employed while playing with your friends?”
“Гүе been shot, Mr. DeLock,” Donnie Gum-
son said. “I'm glad I'm alive and I can still
move my arms and legs and that the doctor
has sewed me up the way he did so that I'll see
my horse Caliber again as well as my friends
and maybe, ifIever make any money, my dear
mother, back in Tuscaloosa.”
“Are you going to change your life?” DeLock
continued. “Tell me.”
“I’m going to have to get back to you on
that,” Donnie said. “But thanks for asking.”
Тһе older man stood up from his inquiry
and looked at the woman, his expression fresh
frustration, and then a new idea printed itself
on his face and he said it: *It's the difference
between bird shot and a bullet. Bird shot will
change a man's life.” With that, he departed
and Donnie Gumson looked into the beautiful
face of his riding student Rowena Balfour. She
held up his hat and handed it over.
“It don't look too mangled,” he said.
“No, it's good for the next rodeo, I'm sure.”
“Thanks for bringing it over.”
“I’m glad to. I’m glad you're not going to
perish from the earth because of being gun-
shot,” she said. “I wanted to thank you for the
lessons and for that saddle which you've given
me and that horse, and I wanted to say good-
bye, for I am leaving this town very soon, to-
morrow or the next day, and I will remember
your advice as a rider for a long time to come.”
“Did you decide where you are going?”
“Not really, but generally,” she pointed
out the western window in the little clinic,
“that way.” She was still standing, and now
she bowed and kissed Donnie Gumson on his
cheek. “I’m sorry we did not get that dance.
Perhaps on another day.”
“On another day,” Donnie Gumson said,
though he was whispering. The kiss had lit
the color in his cheeks and started his heart
anew. “I'll be the guy who was prevented from
dancing with Rowena Balfour by being shot.”
“You are,” she said at the door. “But you’re
the guy who taught me how to ride a horse.”
“Tt’s an honor,” he said, closing his eyes on
the first tear since his injury.
In the dark of the town now, Rowena Balfour
could hear the syncopated clip-clop of Ludwig
Yarborough’s horse-racing song rising and fall-
ing in the summer air and she walked past the
glowing facade of the Enterprise Club, the only
painted edifice in town, and behind it to the jail
and stepped up two steps to its uneven porch,
the creaking of which had woken the sheriff to
visitors on more than this occasion. The sher-
iff of Rootine was Red Hannigan, known for
his colorful neckerchiefs and the fact that he
never wore or carried a firearm of any type. He
considered his post as constable to be a sine-
cure that paid for his daughter’s tuition ($45
asemester) at Youdrew Academy at the south-
ern tip of St. Louis. Red Hannigan had heard
the porch yowl and was already standing when
Miss Rowena Balfour pushed open the crooked
door and entered the small office. It was the
only room in Rootine with a wall calendar. The
oversheet on the calendar featured advertise-
ments for Wonder Powder, a glowing green
vial that had conveniently 12 uses, one for each
month (including January as a frostbite pre-
venter, June, a blister cure-all, and October as
a vitamin and vitality enhancer). The calen-
dar, which was two years out of date, gave the
law officer’s quarters an official air, along with
the two handmade signs that hung beside it: No
“Thave come to see your prisoner,” Rowena
told the official.
Red shrugged off the nap he’d been in-
volved in and swept his arm to the open rail
doors of the one-cell jail. Sheridan Hayes lay
on the cot, his knees up, his fist on his nose.
He became aware of the young woman and
swung his legs over so he could sit up.
“Is your beautiful nose crushed?” Rowenasaid.
“I didn't see him swing at me or I would
have ducked,” the cowboy said.
*Show me your injury,” she said. Sheri-
dan was still cross-wired by her appearance
at the jail and then her question to him; in
all their camping tutorials they had not ex-
changed a personal note, what is sometimes
called an encouraging word. And now, he
seemed to have heard her say “beautiful” in
regard to his nose.
He looked at her through the top of his eyes
and then he removed his hand from his dark
rosy proboscis.
“Oh relief,” she said. “You look just fine. Doc-
tor Wattel has put the pieces back together.”
The former schoolteacher turned to the sheriff.
*What will become of thisyoung man?”
*He'llgoon trial for murder and all of its legal
cousins when the regional magistrate visits our
fair town in seven weeks. Until then, he'll eat his
beans exactly where you see him now.”
She nodded at the benevolent official.
“Sheriff, I have recently called upon the vic-
tim of this crime, the shooting in the bar, and
found him somewhat improved, in fact, by its
“T understand that Mr. Hayes was shooting
with diminished payloads, but still in many
cases this is considered deadly force.”
Sheridan Hayes spoke, his hand still on his
nose, “Oh my God, with all due respect, Sher-
iff Hannigan, everyone knows the diminished
potency of my powder loads. I am the cheapest
of the reloaders in the state of Wyoming. I load
to make a caseful, not a killing. I knew my shot
might discourage my rival, but I also knew it
would not kill him dead.”
“Your rival?” Rowena Balfour said sud-
denly. “Rival in what?”
“Oh my dear Rowena,” the anguished cow-
boy moaned. “I have fallen in love with you
as you must know, and I know that I am not
alone in that condition. This has not befallen
me before and I have been paying attention.
This signal event has altered my plans. Please
do not depart Rootine until my legal prob-
lems are at an end.”
“What in heaven,” Rowena said, looking
at the cowboy as if for the first time. “I'm
going. I’ve come to say good-bye. I thank you
for what you've taught me about camping
and my gun, but I must head out for parts un-
known, or at least unknown to me. There is a
“You say good-bye, but Ill tell you right now,
Miss Balfour, I will find you again and not be
so slow then to show you my true heart.”
The sheriff was unaccustomed to hear-
ing whispered sincerity or hearing the word
plenitude, and he was stilled by this strange
moment and he sat down again as the young
woman went out the front door, lifting her
skirts toward Mrs. Slater’s boarding house
and her travels beyond.
Rowena Balfour, her real troubles ahead of
her, did leave Rootine even sooner than she’d
planned. Stirred and shaken by the loud and
sanguinary episodes of her evening at the
Enterprise Club, she packed her kit in an old
canvas mailbag that had been left in her shabby
schoolroom by one of the children of an un-
employed rider for the defunct Pony Express.
She went to bed in her little room, but it didn’t
take. She understood that to stay even for half
an hour more would only lead to further noisy
doings in the morning. She did not want to re-
count the history of Sheridan Hayes shooting
Donnie Gumson, regardless of the reason; it
was all atangle and she wanted done with it.
She pulled on her denim trousers under her
teacher’s dress, and she secured the canvas
carry to the back of her saddle with knots she’d
been studying all spring, and at five minutes to
midnight in a breeze that was cold but run with
the warm scent of prairie grass, Rowena Bal-
four mounted Necessity, the horse who was six
years old that year and whom she'd bought for
adime on the dollar from Donnie Gumson. She
walked quietly back between the careless shel-
ters of Rootine and headed west or more north-
west, but it would do. Her fatigue vanished at
being astride a horse in the significant dark
and at the prospect of whatever world awaited.
She'd had a feeling some many months before
when she embraced her mother and said good-
bye to her father and climbed on the Western
Limited, a narrow-gauge rail carrier whose
standard-class seats were boxes and trunks
they were shipping, and sitting on a box of am-
munition destined according to the stencil to
Fort Payne she felt her heart fill with what...
hope? No, she decided, room. It was room and
she wanted it.
Necessity was a stolid horse who whenever
bitten by the great horned Western horsefly
just lifted his head in annoyance and quiet
suffering and blinked his eyes as ifto say, Feel
free, you tiny man, you can't eat all of me. It
was a good trait for a horse stepping steadily
forward on a night trail of uncertain prov-
enance and destination. Rowena Balfour
snugged herselfin (һе saddle and slept the way
any person would sleep on the largest animal
she had ever encountered as it paced into the
unknown. The night figure of the two of them
climbing up and through the desolate hills was
a fantastical caution to the nocturnal critters
jostling in the sage. a
When we first encountered Eugena Washington last year, she was determined to flaunt a different side of
herself—a side unseen in her appearances on runways and in TV commercials. Stripped down, Miss Decem-
ber 2015 proudly said of her pictorial, “For once, I didn't have to be anyone except myself.” Readers responded
to the sex, charm and truth in her photos and voted Eugena our 2016 Playmate of the Year. To celebrate her new
title, PMOY 2015 Dani Mathers met Eugena for an intimate chat about her path to PLAYBOY, what she'll do next
and then some. As Dani learns, Eugena's vivacious spirit is nothing short of stimulating.
DANI: The first time you and I met was in De-
cember when Nightline interviewed us for a seg-
ment about PLAYBOY. But I've actually known
about you for some time. We have a few mutual
friends, and they told me how much fun you are
and how you're a total badass. You've already
built a successful career as a fashion model. What
attracted you to PLAYBOY?
EUGENA: As a model, I've done a lot
of nude shoots in the name of artistic
nudity. European clients specifically go
for that, but those projects always end up
feeling the same. With PLAYBOY there's a
brand behind the visual, and that brand
isiconic. Iwaslike, “Yes, absolutely yes.”
DANI: How did you become a Playmate?
EUGENA: A PLAYBOY photographer
texted me to say he thought I would
be a great fit for the magazine. I was
a little hesitant at first, but only be-
cause I didn't know whether being a
Playmate would overshadow what I'd
done previously. Ultimately I knew the
photographer would capture my best
angles and my personality—and he did.
DANI: In February you traveled to San Francisco
with 23 other Playmates to attend Playboy's
Super Bowl 50 party. How was the transition from
working the catwalk to wearing the Bunny suit?
EUGENA: I literally had this epiphany
yesterday. I said, “Оһ my God, I'm one
of those girls in a Bunnysuit!” It just hit
me. I don’t want to sound cliché and talk
about how girls aspire to this, but not
everyone gets this opportunity. I have
a Bunny suit. That's kind of cool. Being
a Playmate is definitely different from
anything I’ve done in the past, but I’m
making it my own experience.
DANI: It bears remembering that you became a
Playmate only in December. This all happened to
you in the span of six months—and now you're the
first African American PMOY since 2009.
EUGENA: It's a great time for this. The
world is changing. I hope this brings
different eyes to the magazine and new
audiences. I always like going into situ-
ations with the idea that I can change
them. I'm not the type of person to con-
form to what's happening. It feels like
it's the perfect time for some change.
DANI: Let's talk about your upbringing. I know
you're from South Carolina, but tell me more.
what did you like to do growing up?
EUGENA: Listen, I was born in South
Carolina, but that's it! [laughs] My mom
drove us out of there a month later. My
entire family is from the South, but
Т grew up in California. Growing up
Т was—and 1 still am—a girlie girl. 1
wanted to be a makeup artist since 1
was 10 years old. I'd watch newscasts to
see how the anchors did their makeup.
In high school 1 was the girl braiding
everyone's hair and plucking every-
body’s eyebrows. I always wanted to bea
makeup artist, but modeling happened
first. Strange as this is, in the back of
my mind I always knew I was going to be
in the fashion world—I just didn’t know
in what capacity.
DANI: Something I've noticed is that you always
have a big smile on your face. | don't doubt that
you're happy. Many people don't realize that
happiness is a choice, but you do. That's a huge
strength to play on.
EUGENA: When 1 started in this career,
I told myself I wouldn't pay attention to
anything that could make me feel in-
secure. Someone else's negativity has
nothing to do with me. Thankfully, I
don't get much of that, but I know who І
am. Ilike to present myselfin such away
that people don't have room to say any-
thing bad. A lot of people aren't in touch
with themselves anymore because they
don't have to be. Social media has given
us an excuse to be half a person.
DANI: Speaking of that, one reason I love follow-
ing you on Instagram is that you don't pigeonhole
yourself. You'll post a photo of yourself wearing
no makeup and being а total goofball with your
friends, then a stunning photo from an editorial
and then a photo of you with your family.
EUGENA: This is my life. People will al-
ways try to tell you who you are or what
you stand for. I am a person who knows
who I am, where I come from and where
Tm going. I like to get along with ev-
eryone, but to do that, you have to find
compassion. You have to find that space
where you can connect with someone.
I'm а Ыр advocate of humanity. I know I
can suck in different ways; I don't always
take into account other people's feelings,
for example. But if I see that someone's
not having a great day, I try to connect
with them. You never know where some-
one else is coming from.
DANI: / like meeting Playmates, because I love
hearing their stories. We're entrepreneurs, doc-
tors, lawyers and more, and it's up to us to show
outsiders what we're about. What are your goals?
what do you want to accomplish as PMOY?
EUGENA: Someone in my life I'm close
with has bipolar disorder. It's a terrible
way to live. God puts challenges in your
life, and you can either work through
them or run away from them. I really
want to get involved with this disease
and become a mental health advocate.
DANI: As the outgoing Playmate of the Year, the
only advice I have for you is to keep pushing for
what you believe in. We have this platform only
once. Get out there and show people what you
want them to see.
EUGENA: This is a story and a chapter in
my life to build around. I'm enjoying the
ride, and right now I'm doing whatever I
want to do, day by day. That's how I live.
That's what my life is about. As long as
I’m doing what I want to do, I'm happy.
Right now, being a part of PLAYBOY is what
I want to do. I’m still processing what it
all means, but this is going to be fun. It’s
going to be interesting. I’m thankful I’m
able to be in this position. I mean, how
many people can say that? a
It's no accident that the two seminal films about New York graffiti and hip-hop culture in
the early 19808 both have the word “style” in their titles (Style Wars and Wild Style). When
you're tagging a subway car with one eye looking out for the police, style is just about the only
thing you have time for. No one knows this better than Chris Ellis, the veteran graffiti writer
and street-art pioneer whose intricate, angular signature—DAZE—was a familiar sight in
19708 and 19808 New York. Decades before Banksy and Shepard Fairey became household
names and museums started to exhibit street artists’ work, Daze successfully transitioned
from tagger to studio artist. Both “style” movies feature a young Daze in his element at
a pivotal moment in graffiti and his career, and he never lost that sense of immediacy ав
he moved from tags to murals and large-scale paintings, all of which are joined by a sense
of place and dynamic movement. A 2012 Daze painting, appropriately titled Life in the
Fast Lane, drops the viewer at street level, flanked by a speeding cab
and a motion-blurred tourist bus racing down a Manhattan avenue
toward a singular dark point in space. Although Daze has shown
his work internationally in museums and galleries, New York City
remains his inspiration. Despite the fact that New York is hardly
the gritty urban scene it was 40 years ago when Daze got his start,
he says the city continues to motivate him and his work, both in the
gallery and on the street. “I don't think of myself as a street artist,”
Daze insists. “I came aboveground a long time ago. Simply put, I am
an artist who likes to paint in public. —Eric Steinman
Above: Daze at work. Opposite page:
Watery Grave. Acrylic, oil, spray paint, k at м қ Эрээн
pumice on canvas, 82 х 66 inches, 2012 May 31; Schiffer Publishing is releasing DAZEWORLD: The Artwork of Chris Daze Ellis this year.
The City Is My Muse, Daze's most recent exhibition at the Museum of the City of New York, runs through
on. Bottom left: Cyclone Drop. Ой, spray paint
wood, 96 x 132 inches, 2013.
JUNE 1969
Outtakes from Playmate of the Year 1969 Connie Kreski's photo shoot.
What Gets Your Motor Runnin’?
2016 The Bradford Exchange 01-21 -001-JIS
Over, please
Reservations will be accepted on a
first-come, first-served basis.
Respond as soon as possible to reserve
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High-gloss lamp base with sleek,
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Accented with the Chevy” Emblem,
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FREE CFL bulb included.
Lamp is a features the Bel Air” grill and logo in
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General Motors Trademarks used
under license to The Bradford
Exchange ©2016
Brighten your decor with
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