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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash  CNN  February 11, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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king charles has appeared in public for the first time since his cancer diagnosis. he attended church this morning aside queen camilla. >> buckingham palace announced monday the 75-year-old royal will be stepping back from public duties while he undergoes treatment for an undisclosed type of cancer. thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> "state of the union" is next. have a great super bowl sunday.
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impasse. both parties now agree the border is a problem, but they cannot agree on how to fix it after republicans kill the bipartisan border deal. >> a bunch of problems in this bill. >> as the senate works through this weekend, what do republicans want now? marco rubio is here exclusively. and just a number? as democrats panic, the white house fires back as they highlight president biden's age and memory problems. >> how in the hell dare he? >> can the justice department stay out of the cross fires. plus, on duty. in south carolina donald trump mocks his remaining gop competitor over her deployed husband. >> where is he? he's gone. >> and he says he threatened to encourage russia to attack nato allies who did not spend enough on defense. >> no, i would not protect you.
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>> will republican lawmakers fall in line? our panel of experts is here to discuss. hello. i'm jake tapper in washington where the state of the union is wondering if this contest we're watching now is the best that the united states of america can do. we're closing out a hugely consequential week in the 2024 presidential race. president p joe joe biden appea be legally off the hook in his handling of classified documents. the special counsel report was a gift to his opponents politically given its conclusions that, quote, mr. biden's cooperation with the investigation, his diminished faculties and advancing age and his sympathetic demeanor would be factors that would make it difficult for jurors to conclude he had criminal intent. mr. biden came out to challenge the special counsel's judgment of his, quote, diminished
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faculties and faulty memory and then he referred to the president of egypt as the president of mexico. >> president of mexico, cici, did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. >> that's the rafah gate he's referring to. now this special counsel report happened to also land the same week president biden told stories about conversations he had with european leaders, conversations in 2021, but he referred to leaders who had died years before, such as french president francois miteron. he died in 2021. imagine being a democrat and on saturday a gift to you, this one from former president donald trump, this one at 77, trump who has battled confusion issues calling nancy pelosi nikki
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haley, confusing the prime minister of hungary with the president of turkey and warning that joe biden wants to get us all into world war ii. i think he meant iii. beyond those moments of confusion are moments such as this yesterday where he suggested he encouraged putin to attack nato allies at a time when nato allies are terrified about putin doing such a thing. >> the presidents of a big country stood up and said, sir, if we don't pay and we're attacked by russia, will you protect us? i said, you didn't pay, you're delinquent? he said, yes, let's say that happened. no, i would not protect you. in fact, i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. you've got to pay. >> encourage russia to do whatever the hell they want. of course, also moments when he smears service members, not the first time mr. trump has done such a thing. here he is making insinuations about former governor haley and her husband, major michael
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haley, who is a commissioned officer in the south carolina army national guard currently deployed to africa. >> where's her husband? oh, he's away. he's away. what happened to her husband? what happened to her husband? where is he? he's gone. >> he's serving his country, mr. trump. and then of course the lies. the lies and the lies and the lies. here he is talking about his classified documents case. >> they didn't see the ones we had. we had them locked up and we had secret service all the time because i was president all the time. >> what? here are the documents. decidedly not locked up at mar-a-lago. here they are in a ballroom. here they are in a bathroom. and this was after his presidency. not during. welcome to the next nine months, if not longer. and we are only getting started. and joining me now is the
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vice chair of the senate intelligence committee. republican senator from florida, marco rubio. thank you so much for joining us this morning. i know the nato alliance is very important to you. you just put in legislation to require the advice and consent for an act of congress befor anyone can withdraw membership from nato. listen to what donald trump said yesterday on the campaign trail. >> the president's of a big country stood up and said, well, sir, if we don't pay and we're attacked by russia, will you protect us? this i said, you didn't pay? you're delinquent? he said, yes, let's say that happened. no, i would not protect you. in fact, i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. you've got to pay. >> you've endorsed donald trump. are you comfortable with him suggesting he wouldn't defend nato countries and actually he would invite putin and russia to invade them in. >> well, that's not what
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happened. that's not how i view the statement. he was talking about a story that he talked about happened in the past. by the way, donald trump was president and he didn't pull us out of nato. in fact, american troops were stationed throughout nato and he's telling a story. frankly, look, donald trump is not a member of the council of foreign relations. he doesn't talk like a traditional politician. we've already been through this. you think people would have figured it out. if you see the comments, he said nate tow was broke or busted until he took over because people weren't paying their dues and then he told the story about how he used leverage to get people to step up to the plate and become more active in nato. he's not the first american president, in fact, virtually every american at some point in some way has complained about other countries and nato not doing enough. trump's just the first one to express it in these terms. i'm zero concerned. he's been president before. i know exactly what he's done and will do with the nato alliance. it has to be an alliance.
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not america's defense with small junior partners. these are small countries. the germans are doing a lot right now. >> let's talk about the role of the u.s. when it comes to leadership. the u.s. senate, as you know, is going to hold a procedural vote later today on legislation to provide aid to israel and to ukraine after that bipartisan border bill was killed earlier this week that was originally part of that package. how do you explain to leaders of israel and ukraine, both of them countries in the middle of wars, who say they need united states help why you're going to vote against this legislation, why you opposed giving them the help, the aid that they need? >> i don't oppose giving them the help that they need, especially in the case of israel. if you put the israel -- if you put israel aid up to a vote right now, it would pass. maybe a couple of people would vote against it, but basically it would pass very quickly. the problem is israel's being held hostage so they can get ukraine. as far as how do i explain it to
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them, before i explain anything to them, i have to explain to the people of florida and the american people because i'm a u.s. senator and my number one obligation is america. if america's not strong, we can't help any of our allies. i'll have to explain to them why the senate is going to works all through super bowl weekend, which is fine for me. we're going to make a big priority on something that is critical to this country, except the invasion that is going on on our own border. i think these numbers are low, but let's just use them. 3.3 million people have been released into the country who arrived here illegally. over 600,000 of them either have criminal convictions or pending criminal charges against them. i mean, this is a huge problem. it has to be addressed. they've put out a bill. they can call it whatever they want. it wasn't a border security bill. it wasn't tough. frankly, it was negotiated by three people. i don't begrudge it. i wasn't involved in that negotiation. i didn't ask for a bill. i asked for the president to reverse the executive orders
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that created the crisis when he took over in january of 2021. >> i want to get to border in a second. to clarify something. are you in support of aid to ukraine? >> i think if we secure our own border here in the united states, i've said we should help ukraine. look, half the money going to ukraine is not going to ukraine. it's to buy back our own weapons to restock our own shelves and taiwan is included there as well. my problem is this. before we do these things, we have to make america and americans priority again. in city after city now, in new york, in denver, in chicago, here in florida to some extent we are seeing the impact of this migrant crisis, not just on social services but on the street and crime, in a crime wave that we have going often. now you have the mayor of denver crying because he says the federal government has to send him a bunch of money to help with the migrant crisis. the only people not to blame for this are the migrants themselves.
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wer why are we spending all of this taxpayer money to accommodate migrants? we have a bunch of americans. americans have to be our priority. then we can help our allies. >> i hear what you are saying. you want there to be a tougher border. let's talk about this deal negotiated by lankford, murphy and sinema. the national border patrol council which is the union for border patrol agents which is a very conservative group, they support this legislation. i want you to take a listen to the head of that union, brandon judd. >> i'm he going to look at is this bill better than the status quo? and it absolutely is. nobody can argue that. nobody can argue that it's not better than what we currently have. although it's not perfect, it is a step in the right direction. i would rather have a step in the right direction than nothing. >> i know you know brandon judd, but for viewers, this is the head of the union that endorsed trump strongly in 2020,
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consistently criticized president biden. go check out their twitter feed. they mock him all the time. they say this is better than nothing. it should become law. are you saying the border patrol union is wrong? >> yes. if that's what they still believe, they're wrong. it's not better than nothing. look, there are some things in that bill that we should do. the change the asylum standard and the like. here's what else the bill did. the bill basically creates an asylum court. it creates a bunch of -- thousands of bureaucrats, asylum agents, that would be empowered right at the border to either allow people into the country with an immediate work permit, today they have to wait six months. you give them an immediate work permit, that's a huge work magnet. and you can immediately grant them asylum which puts them on to a pathway to citizenship.
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that's a huge problem. that doesn't solve the border. it makes it worse. >> this doesn't provide a pathway to citizenship for any of these people, just to clarify. >> yes, it does. it raises -- yes, it does. when you have asylum, you are on a path to citizenship. when you get asylum you are a year away from a green card, four years away from citizenship. absolutely it does. the power to grant you asylum. not even a judge, the bureaucrats. >> the judges as you know are not judges per se. they are immigration judges. it's a different kind of judge. it's an immigration attorney empowered to be an immigration judge. you said you liked it. they raised the standard for asylum. the people who support this bill say it is much needed. senator lankford calls it the most secure bill in decades that includes the 2013 compromise that you negotiated with part of
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the gang of eight. this bill would have allowed the administration to temporarily shut down the border. included funding for the border wall. would have made it much more difficult to get in. and it has none of the democratic priorities that were in the 2013 priorities such as a path to citizenship. why isn't that? >> you went through a list of long things. it doesn't shut down the border. it creates the ability to shut down the border. it gives the president the ability to say, we're not going to do it. the emergency is suspended because it's not in our national interests to do this. you still have to process 1400 illegal immigrants and it goes away in three years. it doesn't touch the parole program which is one of the loopholes the president has used to release these people. he's pa rolling them in. that's not even asylum. you talk about the judges, the immigration judges. here's the difference. those judges, their decision can be overruled by the attorney
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general. the attorney general could step in and overrule them. this asylum court they're going to create, they can't even be overturned by the attorney general. they would have the power at the border to grant people asylum. it's right there in the law, it does that. as far as the standard of, yeah, it's good to change the standard. it's going to be applied. ultimately will be applied by an administration that has proven its unwillingness to enforce the immigration laws. this entire crisis began in january of 2021 when the president decided for the first time in american history that we were going to release every -- virtually 85, 90% of any migrant that crossed the border. >> this would change that. this would change that. >> no. >> isn't this better than the status quo? >> no, it would not change that. how would it change that? it would not change that. the. >> it would allow people to be turned back and returned to the country they came from because the asylum claim standard is so much higher. >> it is not so much higher. it's -- again, it's going to be
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interpreted at the border by people who have shown a propensity to interpret it very liberally. that's the reason why they're letting them in now, because they're basically saying we think you might have a chance at asylum. we're going to release you. in the hands of another administration perhaps that asylum standard could be interpreted differently. once you have the core put at the border, they will have the power, if they want, they will have the power to either release people pending a future hearing with an immediate work permit, which is going to draw hundreds of thousands of more people into our country or they are going to be able to give them asylum right there and then on the spot. that is a pathway to citizenship. >> i want to turn to another topic because we're running out of time. i want you to listen to something else donald trump said while campaigning in south carolina. it was about nikki haley and her husband michael who, as you know, is deployed as a major with the south carolina national guard. >> where's her husband?
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oh, he's away. he's away. what happened to her husband? what happened to her husband? where is he? he's gone. he knew. he knew. >> he's in the horn of africa serving his country. governor haley responded someone who continually disrespects the sacrifices of military families has no business being commander in chief. when you ran against president trump in 2016 you said his comments about john mccain were disqualifying. what do you think about these comments? >> i think they're part of the increasing nastiness of this campaign and every campaign in american politics. they're calling him a grumpy old man. i remember when melania trump was not visible for some period of time. you had people in the media and others snickering she was no longer with donald trump. we find out she was caring for her ailing mother who was in the last weeks and days of her life. trump gives as good as he gets. we know that.
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it's just part of these campaign cycles. people don't like it. they're turned off by it. whatever it plamay be. one thing i'm not going to do is say do you still support him? i do because joe biden's a disaster. he's done tremendous damage to this country. america is less prosperous and less safe because joe biden became president. >> just remind folks, you know, the comments you made in 2016 when biden -- i'm sorry, when president trump, then private citizen trump said john mccain wasn't a war hero you said they were offensive. i get you don't like -- >> i was running for president against donald trump and we were in a campaign. >> major haley -- >> i mean, kamala harris basically suggested joe biden was a segregationist. >> and then she became his vice president. >> all right. we're out of time. i want to ask you who you've got tonight, the san francisco 49ers or the kansas city chiefs?
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>> i want the 49ers to win so we know -- we can get rid of these conspiracy theories about taylor swift. never in my life have i been motivated anything by football but this time i think if the 49ers win, it's perfect. it gets rid of all of the conspiracy theories but i think the chiefs are going to win. >> senator marco rubio, have a great sunday. good luck on the senate floor. >> thank you. president biden is angry at the special counsel for commenting on his age and memory. former deputy attorney general rod rosensteen joins me on that e cases against trump. and democrats doing damage control. i'll ask congressman ro khanna if it's working. stay with us.
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welcome back to "state of the union." tomorrow marks a significant deadline for donald trump. president biden seems to be in the legal clear over are his own classified documents investigation this week.
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here with me now is rod rosenstein who worked with special counsel robert hur in the trump administration. thanks for joining us. let's start with not charging president biden over the classified documents. this it comes after donald trump was charged in his own classified documents case. you know robert hur. he was your deputy at the justice department. do you agree with his decision that biden should not be charged, it was not a prosecutable case? >> yes, jake. you know, most people haven't read the entire report, i don't blame them. it's 345 pages, about 1,400 footnotes. it's dense and well-reasoned. if you read the whole report you'll see rod reached a good decision. >> one of the circumstances includes, robert hur wrote, quote, we have considered that at trial mr. biden would likely
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present himself to a jury as he did during our interview with him as a sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory, unquote. that's, to be clear, not the only reason he decided not to prosecute, but hur does describe his hazy memory and diminished faculties and alleges he could not remember specific years when he was vice president or specific years when his son beau died. democrat eric holder said the report contains, quote, way too many gratuitous remarks and is flatly inconsistent with long standing doj conditions. do you think holder is right? >> jake, i think not, and the reason for that is there are really two issues here. the first issue is one of the factors you consider whether or not to prosecute? and rob is clearly within department of justice precedent and principles in the way he went about making that decision.
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the problem with what's baked into the special counsel model is it's not the function of a prosecutor to publicly announce the reasons why they're not prosecuting. so when you layer that into the process, it can result in unfortunate consequences. the donald trump report i think got people upset in the same way that this one did. lawrence walsh's about iran-contra illicited some of the same consequences. when you do that some of the things you evaluate don't put the subject in a favorable light. ordinarily that's not publicized. i think that's a good thing. it's unfortunate that the special counsel process results in public reports that expose things that would otherwise remain sealed in department of justice files. >> right. to be clear, the attorney general had stated whatever was found would be released publicly. even if he hadn't, congress would have used the freedom of information act powers to get the special counsel report.
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it was going to be made public no matter what. robert hur is a smart guy. he knew that. i want to read from a memo you wrote in 2017 in which you criticized james comey's infamous press conference even as he declined to prosecute her, a similar circumstance although he wasn't a special counsel. quote, derogatory information, this is you writing, deto go rory information is sometimes disclosed in criminal investigations and prosecutions but we never release it gratuitously. the fbi director laid it out as if it were a closing argument but without a trial. it is a textbook example of what federal agents and prosecutors are taught not to do. how do you differentiate between what robert hur did that you say is okay from what james comey did that you say is not? >> jake, there's several significant differences between
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those two examples. one is most fundamentally, jim comey wasn't the prosecutor. he was the head of the fbi. his job was to ensure the police collected the evidence, submitted it to the prosecutors and it's up to the prosecutors and the attorney general to make a decision about what information is released. rob hur was the prosecutor. it was his job to make that decision, that recommendation to the attorney general who as you acknowledged has previously committed to make this report one, that's one difference. the special counsel investigation. there was no procedure to make those reasons public. here it's baked into this regulation. now we sit, jake, 25 years down the road. that regulation was passed by attorney general reno in 1999. now we have 25 years of experience. i think it's worth while to city -- sit back and ask is this the right procedure? should we have prosecutors writing reports for public
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release? or is there a better way to do that without having all the embarrassing information come to public light? >> donald trump, of course, is charged in had the january 6th case with conspiracy to defraud the united states, conspiracy of and conspiracy against rights, in this case voting rights. what do you make of those charges in the january 6th case? how worried should donald trump be about that case in particular? >> jake, i'm not in position to comment on that. all i know about that case is what i read in the media and what i see in the indictment. donald trump like every criminal charged is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in court. like everybody else, i'm waiting to see what develops in that trial. >> another thing robert hur wrote about is he distinguished between the biden case on handling classified documents and noted, now i'm paraphrasing here, trump's case is much worse because trump didn't cooperate
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and biden did and trump urged people to lie and obstruct justice and destroy evidence and biden did not. was that appropriate of robert hur to do? >> i think so, jake. you know, you identified the controversial elements of the special counsel's report. it's a very long report, 345 pages, and has a lot of information in there, other reasons why prosecution would not be warranted, and one of them is the history and experience of prior presidents and potentially vice presidents as well taking home classified documents and the point that r rob had anticipated, what distinguishes this case between those of former president trump, the answer was president biden fully cooperated and turned over the documents. i don't know whether the allegations against president trump are true or not, but it is a distinguishing factor. it's perfectly appropriate to consider a suspect's cooperation, a suspect's
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truthfulness in making a determination about whether prosecution is warranted. >> tomorrow marks the deadline for donald trump to ask the u.s. supreme court to pause the ruling from the d.c. court of appeals. the d.c. court of appeals, as you know, ruled that he does not get blanket immunity from his actions on january 6th just because he was president at the time. how do you think the u.s. supreme court will rule? should they have blank coat immunity from acts they committed when they were president? >> my view of this, jake, i've participated in several investigations of sitting presidents, the whitewater investigation in the early 1990s and the russia investigation. my view of it was we need to conduct thorough investigations no matter who anybody is in the united states, then we reach a decision point. if we decide it's important to move forward and address the
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charges. the issue raised in this case, of course, is what if any immunity does the former president receive? and that opinion, of course, the d.c. circuit has 3r5ruled 3-0 i favor of the government. it is a novel proposition. it will be interesting to see how the courts rule. >> before we go, you're a lifelong republican. george w. bush nominated you to be a u.s. attorney. you worked under donald trump. you dealt with him firsthand. do you have any issues with the idea of him being president again? >> well, i was also the longest serving u.s. attorney under obama, jake, so i think that's an important consideration as well. i never get in the business of recommending or announcing who i'm supporting for president and i don't intend to depart from that tradition now. >> deputy attorney general, rod rosenstein, thank you for joining us. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. is the white house retooling its 2024 campaign strategy?
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my panel including ro khanna weighs in next.
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i'm well-meaning and i'm an elderly man and i know what the hell i'm' doing. >> the way that the president's demeanor in that report that it was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated. gratuitous. >> welcome back to "state of the union." democrats scrambling after the special counsel report highlighted one of president joe biden's biggest political weaknesses, questions by voters over his mental fitness. my panel joins us. congressman, let me start with you. is this an issue that the president needs to handle differently, take on more directly and respond in any way differently than how he is now? >> the president has said that
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age is a fair issue. i've seen the president twice in the last two weeks. i've had a conversation with him. he's completely mentally sharp. when we were discussing the middle east. here's the reality, esteve phillips has been making this an issue. the president won overwhelmingly in new hampshire, in south carolina, he's delivering results. when you say, is it an issue? yes, it's an issue. let the democratic process play out. he's lowering prescription drug costs. >> i have to say it's not as if president trump is not getting confused on the stum himself. >> exactly. there's a yes of meant be tall acuity and age on both sides. the question of 2024, republicans are running the one person who could lose to joe biden and republicans are running the one person who could lose to donald trump. neither are popular. it will come down to a handful of swing states, who is the least off putting.
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that's what we're dealing with. the lack of enthusiasm for biden is very real but the number of people who could never support donald trump is very real. >> how do you think democrats will deal with it? >> i think democrats are dealing with it the way that president biden's been dealing with it, which is talking about the fact that age equals experience equals getting results. president biden went out there on thursday night and made it very clear. he was not mentally strong, we would not be able to pass four major economic bills. we wouldn't be able to put the first black woman on the supreme court. there's so much he has done and accomplished and you would not be able to do that if you were not mentally stable and competent. >> sky, i know people out there, this is the media or just republicans or whatever, but like it's not. there's an abc news poll out this morning found that 86% of american people think he's too old, joe biden, to be president, including 73% of democrats. now for whatever reason they don't think that, at least not
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now, about donald trump. >> yeah, i'm not a mathematician, but 86% is a lot. i mean, look, a lot of americans are having this conversation at home right now. is it time to take the keys away from dad? the difference with the bidens is they're doing it with the president of the united states. i think we ought to pray for the biden family. this is extremely difficult times for them. the press conference was a disaster. everybody knows it. he's losing to donald trump who he says, biden says, is a threat to democracy. 86% of people think he's not up to -- he's not going to serve another five years. the real question is, who are we voting for? of course the answer is this has really come down to being about kears kamala harris right now. >> i agree with donald trump being president again yet they're running an historically unpopular president whose numbers rival jimmy carters and they have this age issue. it's hard to communicate to
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voters that democracy is on the line. >> today's the super bowl. >> 49ers. >> i'm sure. >> so historically presidents give interviews to the network that is airing the super bowl. i'm old fwenough to remember barack obama sitting down with bill o'reilly. the last time the biden people said that's not a real news network. we're not doing it. this year it's cbs. he's still not doing it. isn't the white house signaling with that decision, like, we're afraid of putting him out there? >> i would tell any politician, to take the interview of the super bowl. it's the most popular thing. my view has been when the president is out there, he's at his best. when he was out there recently with this kid who had his student loans forgiven, he was at his home, he was empathetic, they need to do more of that. the have him out there and debate in the general election. i don't think donald trump will. my conversations of him, he is
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fully capable of making the argument. it's not just that we're running on democracy, we're running on a president that has delivered what they said donald trump will do. the midwest has been hollowed out. manufacturing jobs -- joe biden is bringing them back. joe biden is bringing down the price of gas. joe biden is fighting for the working class. when that economic contrast becomes clear, he will win. the final quick point, he's winning where it matters, in the actual elections. >> every single public interaction joe biden had this week was worse than the previous one. can't remember the names of the presidents of the countries at the press conference. commuting with foreign leaders who have long since passed. how can you say keep going out there when every iteration of this fails -- >> stop. all we can talk about is the previous two speeches the former president gave over the last two days where he made multiple gaffes. he confused world leaders.
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he gave a bizarre ranlt about magnets at a rally. >> is that the stater to which he was fired? >> president biden's gaffes are minor to trump's. they signal russia should start world war 3 last night. >> we're going to talk about trump in the next panel. real quickly, scott, there's an issue about the special counsel investigation and it being released publicly even though it was -- it let biden off the hook. it cleared him. it was very critical and there are a lot of democrats upset that hur wrote that. a lot of democrats upset that garland appointed special counsel hur. i want to read this from pol politico. joe biden said merrick gardland didn't do enough to rein it in. hur's explanation, biden would have persuaded the jury that he was forgetful. already leaks that garland will not be back for a second biden
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term should there be one. >> understand and not inviting someone back for a second term when they already have the job means they are threatening to fire the attorney general of the united states because he is not doing enough to interfere in the special independent counsel helping joe biden get re-elected. this is alarming. i was under the impression meddling in the sacred doj was a problem. >> do you have any issues with the leaks coming from the white house? >> i think merrick garland is a person of integrity. i think it's common for a second term for people to have different cabinet members. this is not the time to do it. the gratuitous mention of beau biden, whatever you think of the rest, but to talk about someone's dead son, to put that in, what does this country come to that we're politicizing that. people deal with that differently. some people remember the exact dates, some people block it out. that was totally uncalled for. >> it's actually interesting you
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bring that up because a very conservative woman i know, a gold star mom who is not a biden supporter, asked me for robert hur's email because she was so infuriated by that even though she doesn't like biden, she thought that was so gratuitous. stick around, trump is ending up distracting from biden's challenges. we're going to talk about that next.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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where's her husband? oh, he's away. he's away. what happened to her husband? what happened to her husband? where is he? he's gone. >> if you mock the service of a combat veteran, you don't deserve a driver's license, let alone being president of the united states. >> welcome back to "state of the union." well, president trump just guaranteed nikki haley is not going to drop out of the race any time soon.
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adrienne elrod i remember a republican party going after somebody's husband serving abroad would have been disqualified. >> it's absolutely unbelievable any voter, maga voter would stand by him. i agree with nikki haley. he has something against members of the military. he criticized john mccain very actively and criticized his service, criticized him for being, you know, a war hero. he's clearly got something against members of the military which we saw play out again last night. >> the crazy thing is not a single prominent republican will come out and say anything other than governor chris sununu. also yesterday was this insane rant that donald trump went on essentially saying he would not ip voc article 5 of nato and he would let russia essentially invade europe. >> he encouraged it. >> that is a stunning
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the u.s. shouldn't be in nato. that's something, that's a policy issue that needs to be talked about the biden administration. >> haley is not with his wife because he is serving his country in africa, where they are fighting terrorism. >> he's an asshole. >> you're talking about trump, to be clear? >> it will not be the first time he's been an asshole or the last time he'll be an asshole. that's what it is. and some people like it. people will slough it off, this is a tough political campaign. the man is serving the united states in uniform, overseas. it's a below-the-belt shot, against someone who is not going to beat him for the nomination. joe biden is doing everything he can to hand this election to donald trump. and his response is to go after a guy that is serving america, and say, i would encourage russia to invidade our allies.
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the political ineptitude is alone enough to be upset about. >> it's the cruelty and coarseness that donald trump is inflicting on american culture that is going to be one of the lasting legacy damages to the kids. it used to be in this country, there was a debate between candidates and they would praise the other person's spouse and family. that used to be the norm. and he's totally undermining that norm. and 20 years from now, we'll be paying the consequences. >> at the end of the day, i think key swing independent voters in a handful of states in this election, are going to look at joe biden's policies having a strong record as president, and contrast that with trump. who is not only trying to start world war iii but attack military families, the list goes on. the contrast cannot be more clear. >> he was in south carolina,
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trump, insulting a member of the south carolina army national guard, who would prefer to be with his two children and his wife running for president. but signed an oath and is serving his country abroad. and the south carolina audience applauds that? >> republicans, unfortunately, wants to hear this, based on the fact he is ahead of nikki haley in south carolina. donald trump has a massive women problem. he is losing women republican voters. to go after a popular former two-term south carolina governor, with a military spouse, is political malp malpractice. >> thanks one and all for being here. appreciate it. we'll be right back.
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could republicans lose another seat in the u.s. house? join us tuesday night for the special coverage of the new york special election to replace congressman george santos. that will start at 8:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. next week, join me to unpack the most outrageous political scandals of the modern era, in my new series "united states of scandal" on sunday night, at 9:00 ap.m. thanks for sharing your morning with us. i'll see you tomorrow.
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