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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 25, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: toby keith. i like that guy's voice and i like the song, major in america. good morning, everyone. 10:00 eastern time, nice game for the nasdaq, up 52. the s&p is up half of one%, dow is up was up 0.5%. the 10 year treasury yield is moving down even though we have a report of strong 3.3% growth in the fourth quarter last year. $4.13 is is the tenure yield. the price of oil more action in the release, has gone up to $76 a barrel, gradually moving up. as for bitcoin, early we had a dropping just below 40,000, that's where it is now, 39-nine on bitcoin. realtors tense up, the latest read on new-home sales.
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lauren: 664,000 new homes, in the month of december, an increase of 8% from the month of november, november was revised lower. 660,000 in december, up 8% from november which came in at 650,000. stuart: at an annualized basis. and that is up 8%. not bad. i don't see much reaction on the market, the dow was up one hundred 50 or 60 points. they will digest it in a month. now this. maybe it's because president biden is showing his age, maybe because the president wants to boost confidence in his number 2 but whatever the reason, kamala harris is out in public a lot more these days, she's not doing well. this week she was undermined by news reports that she was not a popular choice of vice president in the first place. in the debates, she implied
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biden was a racist but in the end of played identity politics and chose a woman of color. reportedly he has not been happy with her performance. he has been asked about immigration. she was originally given the borders are job but she wanted to find the root causes of the migrant surge and that is not stopped. she blames the republicans and that doesn't fly. wednesday she was asked about biden's age, she sees him working hard and dismissed any concern. the republicans are making an issue of it because they've got nothing else to run on but they do have a lot more to run on and they are running dotage right to be concerned about the president's age and performance, she herself is part of this because a vote for biden is a vote for, at some point president harris. she's not popular which a harris presidency frightens even democrats and they can't move her aside without offending the black vote. the democrats and president
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biden have a kamala problem. second hour of varney just getting started. stuart: okay. listen to how vice president harris defended president biden on the issue of age, role that tape. >> i want to get to the heart of what i think of what you said, his age. let's talk about that. i spend a lot of time with president biden. via in the oval office with the situation room. and i can tell you this is someone who is tireless in terms of working on behalf of the american people, this whole issue they are raising about his age is, again, because they've got nothing to run on. stuart: ben domenech joining me, the vice president used the
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expression tireless. i put it to you that that is a stretch. go. >> just a little bit. i wonder how many times she looked in the mirror before she recited that clearly can do, planned message, look, i think one of the things we need to recognize about kamala harris is as the country has gotten to know her better over these past several years they haven't come to like or respect her more. quite the opposite. the only thing i would disputing your opening remark is i'm not sure how many black americans would actually be upset if he replaced her with someone else. i hear from democrats all the time who confide in me than a one thing they are concerned about related to president biden is that he's not going to be able to finish another term. they have the same concerns about his age that americans and the independent category in
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the republican category do. it's impossible not to have those concerns. only the most partisan democrats can go out there and make the argument that president biden can be expected to finish a second term. that's why you hear from people like kamala and nancy pelosi, if you talk to actual democrats they will admit to you this is a problem. stuart: very quietly, they will admit that. >> that is fair to say. stuart: on the republican side, nikki haley, time for her to drop out, don't see her winning in south carolina. >> i was in new hampshire the last couple days with governor haley. donald trump was campaigning. the outcome there was closer than polls indicated and one of the things it really does is allows her to go back to the donors of the last month and
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say invest again in me and i will pull off the same thing or even better in south carolina, my home state. the problem for her is the path forward from there. it is really impossible for me to see a situation where the former president doesn't have this locked up. and if she gets out, she's making a decision to go forward in her home state where she thinks she has an opportunity. if polls don't move in her direction and there's no response to her that we saw in new hampshire where she collected votes from democrats and independent leaning people and ask do i want to go out as a loser in my home state. stuart: thanks for joining us. see you again soon. donald trump issued a warning to nikki haley's donors. i know what -- what is he saying? lauren: he's trying to
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strong-arm her out of the race. he's threatening to blacklist her financial backers. he writes anybody that makes a contribution to, he called her bird brain come from this moment forward, will be permanently barred from the m88 camp, we don't want them at that point accept them because we put america first. is trying to make the party go against her. that could work in south carolina where she is severely behind. ted cruz says haley will drop out 18 hours after losing her home state. the size of her loss could matter. some say it could be career ending. and her career, consider this coming in 2016 marco rubio was running for the presidency, he lost in florida which was his home state. his career is just fine. stuart: he didn't become president. he wasn't the nominee.
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trump -- he called her bird brain again. that's changing tone. lauren: maybe she staying in the race to show voters this is the chaotic dark side of donald trump, as long as i'm in getting under his skin we will see more of it. stuart: thank you. back to the markets please, douse up 160, nasdaq is up 60 points and i see some green. here's my question. big tech has had a fabulous run. next week they start reporting earnings. is next week going to be a test of ai's impact? >> i think we passed some of the tests. taiwan semi sales were down year-over-year, it's up 25% this year, supermicro, smc i just raised estimates, gargantuan holdings, up $80 yesterday on earnings, land research up 40.
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the ai semiconductor, contingent right now winning the day, that is why the last few weeks, by january, good enough for the whole year. if i couldn't sleep the rest of the year. i hope it continues. good news is the broad market is picking up. names like united rentals, my favorite economic stock up 50 decks -- caterpillar looks like it may break out so markets are steady and let's hope it continues. stuart: tell me about netflix. it has had a wonderful run the last few days. is the run over? >> we bought it on the gap yesterday. most people are afraid to purchase something up $50, we bought it yesterday. acceleration of their business and subscribers, that is the trick to this stock, we will keep stocks in place if we are wrong but this is the type of big institutional name when it gets going, it could get going good.
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stuart: some real breakouts here. you say nvidia is moving above huge breakout. where is it going? you bought it last week. >> three weeks ago, we spoke to everybody on tv and radio. if it breaks above 506, that would be a 6-month breakout. every time you hit the number it would fall back, 506-six hundred twenty. we made some really good points, we sold a little bit yesterday, still have a bunch and we will let it ride and hopefully it continues and just remember the recent has the stock is going down is because they are decelerating earnings and sales in the worst in the market is electric vehicles because of clear lack of demand. the other end of the spectrum, the best actor who uses artificial intelligence software and semiconductors because earnings and sales are accelerating demand is huge and strong, that's the best lesson
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i can teach your listeners, purchase into the greatness. if you find a restaurant that is opening everywhere and there's a two our waste, on the stock, that is what we are looking for on a daily basis and it's working and drove the right now in the beginning of the year. stuart: i can tell you are having a lot of fun, see you again soon i trust. you've got the movers, start with microsoft. lauren: they are laying off workers. 1900 of those who work with activision blizzard and in the x box division, 8% of their gaming, this is a $3 trillion company that's bigger than the gdp of france and close to the gdp of britain and they are laying off staff. stuart: is ai? >> perhaps but i think it's just brought activision blizzard and they have so many employees, it's part of the streamlining. stuart: $404 a share on microsoft. never expected to see.
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northrop grumman. they've got to be doing well. >> they swung to a quarterly loss as they took $1 billion charge on their be 21 stealth bomber. got a contract with the air force for it, manufacturing costs have gone up. they take a loss. they lower their sales forecast for the year. stock is down 29. stuart: who was a dimension the united? what did he have to say? >> new high for the stock, what they do is rent out equipment, maybe this is a sign of companies would rather rent equipment and pay high interest rates, upbeat and a raise kind of court, they news that announced a new share buyback, that is another thing. stuart: could be part of this expanding economy, 3. 3% growth 3% growth, let companies do well. now this. we told you how a lawmaker in illinois wants wealthy residents to house migrants in their own homes.
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kelly is in a chicago suburb talking to residents about how they feel about this proposal. a border agent's brutal attack by the mexican cartels in arizona, they threw rocks at him while he was arresting migrants. we will speak to the next -- national vice president of the border patrol council. we will be back. ♪ unlockin g the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights. trade brilliantly with schwab. my husband and i have never been more active. shingles doesn't care.
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stuart: we brought you this story of a lawmaker outside chicago, not wealthy residents to open their homes to house migrants. kelly, our residents on board
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with this? >> we are hearing from the source, councilman who opposed the idea within since he brought it to people's attention he has not gotten any interest about it. yesterday we were here gathering people's thoughts. take a listen. >> absolutely not. >> if you believe in migrants coming into the country we should probably stop up and post them. >> i hope what he said was tongue-in-cheek. >> i don't know how people are perceived of having a stranger in your home, regardless of being in need or not. >> reporter: he is hearing from his constituents regularly about the migrant crisis. he says a lot of people in the area support president biden and his policies so if they want to help out, here's a solution he is suggesting.
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>> i'm hearing stories, in light of the fact that i'm not going to support using other people's money, i do know there's a lot of people that do care and i think we live in a compassionate community. >> reporter: the councilman says no money will go to hosting orating migrants. stuart: i want that liability. they consumer you for whatever. thanks a lot. a quick warning for our audience, we are about to show a graphic image, that is a border patrol agent bloodied after he was attacked by human smugglers in arizona. national border patrol council vp joins me now. take me through it, what
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happened here? >> the agent, it happens all too often, the agent trying to take somebody into custody and folks that are trying to help him get away, usually people that are smuggling across the border will start throwing rocks at the agents. i think the thing here, people, when they do that, they think of a small stone you are skipping across a lake somewhere. in reality what we are dealing with is baseball or softball sized rocks that could cause significant bodily injury. we've had it happen multiple times in the past few years and it continues to happen. nobody is taking it as seriously as it should be. stuart: the point is border patrol people in america, in arizona or texas are being attacked and injured by mexican nationals or foreign nationals on american soil attacking are border agents. something more should be made of this. this is an invasion by a hostile force.
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>> most definitely. we've seen more than rocks, we've seen gunfire coming across the river as well. it is not just the rocks but they are a significant problem but it just seems that when it happens to one of our guys in green the administration doesn't take it seriously, not serious enough for them to do something about it. stuart: a showdown in texas between the feds and the state of texas. some democrats want the texas national guard to be federalized so that it can cut that razor wire. governor greg abbott is standing firm in what he calls an invasion would carry this for. can you see literally a fight, physical clash coming between federal agents and state agents? can you see it coming? >> i hope not. i know the agents i work with, you'd be hard-pressed to get them to go against our
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counterparts on the stateside, that's not going to happen. the razor wire is working, the only ones, state of texas the only ones lifting a finger to help us out. it seems kind of ridiculous. the federal government is trying to supersede the state government for helping, makes no sense to me. stuart: some strange numbers from senator josh valley, the number of got aways outnumbers the population of kansas city and st. louis combined. that's how bad it is? >> if you look at it since october since the fiscal year started, past 750,000 people we fled into the country so the numbers are astonishing. they continue to climb every day. it's not going to stop anytime soon, and i don't see how anybody in any part of the administration can say that the
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border is closed, it's anything but close. stuart: we would like to have you on the show because you can tell us what's happening on the border and that's a story that only fox is telling. we appreciate you being with us. come back again soon because i don't think many people know how bad it is. thanks very much. the administration quietly pushed back on a new plan from the university of california to hire undocumented students for campus jobs. what did the biden administration say about this? ashley: the department of homeland security is pressing officials to reconsider what it sees as a direct challenge to the federal law during an election year. the proposal challenges in 1986 federal law that prohibits people without immigration status from illegally working. you see wants an exception for people who were brought to the us by their parents as children, and previously had
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been allowed to work under the deferred action for childhood arrivals. the border agents under pressure from pro-immigrant activists who are worried what may happen to students and other undocumented people if donald trump is reelected. that's the issue. they meet today in the border region so we will find out what they do. stuart: thanks. banning social media for children. that is what one state legislature just did at another major city taking similar action. we have details on this. the teachers union is back with an anti-school choice campaign claiming of voucher programs are rooted in racism. cory deangelis responds to that next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: the markets in rally mode, the doubts upon hundred 70, nasdaq up 100 points and we've got microsoft hit another
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all-time high, $406 a share. that's microsoft. i do own a thin sliver of it. how about google? did they had a record too? lauren: they are up 3 days in a row and if it closes here it could be the first record closing high since november 2021. alphabet is one of six american companies with a $1 trillion market and google's is closer to 2 trillion. stuart: $6 trillion american company. lauren: amazon, apple, microsoft and one more. stuart: then we have pulte homes. lauren: homebuilders putting in strong performance, new home sales in december at 8%. prices fell about 20%, median selling price of 413,000. why is that good news? it opens the market a little
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more for folk still facing relatively high interest rates to buy home. we went median, new homes down 20% did you say? >> $20,000. stuart: at a little different. yellow card. lauren: 413, i was wrong. stuart: the proper name is obviously how come they are open 4%? lauren: they say to buy it. the price target, $248 from 173 where they are now. there point, hurts hasnie the problem. 11% of its fleet is electric vehicles. it's not working for them. so people are assuming they will have the same problems as hurts and that's not the case. stuart: next case, national
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school choice week, the national teachers union not happy about it. they are backing anti-school choice campaign that argues voucher problems are rooted in racism. they say vouchers are racist because it takes money from public schools and deepens any quality. how do you respond to that? >> i've seen this movie before. they did the same thing when it comes to the school reopening, deleted a tweet saying the push to reopen schools was rooted in sexism, racism and misogyny. 70% of kids in charter schools are racial minorities and 73% of black parents support expanding school choice across the country so this is another desperate attempt to try to protect their monopoly and force other people's kids in their failing government schools, expanding opportunity is what school choices about,
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this allows other families to be able to access private and charter schools as well. stuart: i have to tell you on my way home from work every day, i've been asked if a charter school is in new york city. you see these youngsters lining up, organized, disciplined, marching into the classroom, they look successful. almost all of them are minorities. what was the statistic again? 70% are minority? >> absolutely. it's not a funding issue, new york city government schools been $40,000 per student per year, charter schools which serve minority students actually only get 80% of the funding of government run schools so they are saving taxpayer money and at the same time, families are voting with their feet to new york city charter schools in droves. look at the results in new york city as well. black students in new york city
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city charter schools outrun their peers by 20% to 30 percentage points in math and reading. knocking it out of the park and the wait lists have shown how much demand there is for these charter schools, tens of thousands of students on wait lists trying to get a better opportunity in the charter school sector. we should let families have these opportunities and lift the charter school caps in new york city. stuart: is the school choice idea getting any help from congress? >> yes. we have the educational choice for children acting congress right now, one hundred 40 cosponsors in the house, 30 cosponsors in the senate, all republicans, but this would expand school choice efforts and supercharge them in red states. seeing a lot of movement at the state level when it comes to school choice, 10 states in the last two years alone but the federal initiative would expand school choice to blue states as well including places like california and new york.
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legislature is controlled by union dominated politicians. stuart: cory deangelis, come back soon, we want an update on the school choice movement which i fully support. thank you. see you again soon. state legislature in florida just past a new bill the cracks down on social media for young children. lauren: to lauren: the florida house band social media for kids under the age of 16. 17 okay, 18 okay, 16 and younger absolutely not. it would require that the social media companies have a third-party service in place to verify your age. even if your parents are okay with 15-year-old johnny having social media account it would be against the law in florida if the senate agrees. stuart: for 15-year-olds? >> i know. the florida house says they think they are in good standing because it is about the addictive features of social media, not the content. it becomes a public health
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hazard. exactly what new york city is designating social media as. a public health hazard. first major city in the us to have such a designation. mayor eric adams aztec is not your friend. it leads to depression, suicide in addition to violating -- stuart: you are dangerous political ground telling parents of young children you can't do that and you can't provide that for your kid even if you want to. there's a political element to that. lauren: sounds like big government. i'm going to keep my kids off at as long as i can. stuart: take a look at this. a new survey found nearly half of young adults really really want to be rich. 44% of geneseeers are obsessed with the idea of being rich. 27% overall than the rest of us. this is america, isn't it. what do you think?
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is the younger generation too obsessed with chasing the highlife? send your response is good friday feedback. e-mail from this is america. don't people want to be rich in america? is there something wrong with that? i think you are with me. more farney after this. lauren: i used to say -- ♪
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stuart: makes gain for the dow up 80 points, solve again for the nasdaq up 80 one points, green on the left-hand side of the screen, the ceo of boeing back on capitol hill for a second day. grady trouble is with us. you tried to talk to the ceo yesterday. he ignored you. >> reporter: just a few minutes ago. he was on his way to a meeting with senator ted cruz, the ranking member of the senate commerce committee at he met
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yesterday with the chair of the same committee, senator maria cantwell, she says she wants to hold a hearing on boeing's issues and i tried to ask boeing's ceo calhoun if he will be here, here is what he said or didn't say. >> reporter: will you attend a hearing on this topic? >> this is my second day. we will talk about transparency, responsibility and that will be it. >> reporter: will you attend the congressional hearing on this? if they call you to testify? >> reporter: no commitment from boeing's ceo to attend that hearing but this could be the beginning for him because the hearing isn't scheduled yet. we expect it to happen. right behind me calhoun is meeting with senator ted cruz. here's what he hopes to get out of this meeting. >> boeing is great american company. i want boeing to succeed but we
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have an obligation to make sure the flying public is safe and this latest accident raises a lot of concerns. >> reporter: alaska airlines reported earnings today and expects to take up $150 million profit hit this year because of the grounding of the 737 max 9 aircraft. alaska united and southwest expect fewer deliveries of the max planes after the faa says it won't let boeing expand production of them. alaska and united say they want to get their 737 max 9 planes they already have back in the skies after the required inspections. for united to do that, could happen as early as sunday. the question, will the american public feel safe getting on those planes? stuart: thanks very much indeed. here's more on the ev marketplace. republicans don't want to build ev charging stations on the taxpayer dime. biden does want to build them
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on taxpayer dime. this is your story, ashley so sorted out for us. stuart: thank you very much. biden wants to veto a republican measure that's being proposed that would block a waiver to buy american which is part of biden's grand plan to spend $7 billion in electric vehicles. the it ministrations is the republican measure would make it easier to outsource production to countries like china. the gop measure has been drafted by marco rubio of florida, aims to ensure taxpayer money used to build electric charging stations would go toward american products and materials but biden says he had to veto the legislation because it undercut the goal of increasing domestic production. depends on who you believe, they could override the veto but it doesn't appear there's enough support in the house or
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the senate, another example of how turning us all into ev drivers is no smooth ride at all. stuart: they name the the one country in north america that's the safest place to travel this year. it's not the united states, is it? >> it's the great white north, canada. travel protection put out a list every year. canada ranked number one, cold weather and population density making it safer travel. the survey considers also things like health measures, terrorism, weather emergencies and the safety of underrepresented groups. new houses on the list, behind canada, switzerland. score high marks for the stability of its politics and economy, also ranked as the best country in the world six times and you can see rounding out the order we have
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netherlands, united kingdom, portugal, denmark, iceland, australia, perfectly safe to goes travel and use these countries, by the way, i know you're wondering, the us finished in the top 15, brazil does, not so sure about that. stuart: interesting survey. stuart: president biden's new campaign chair called republicans a bunch of expletive deleted while praising his calls for unity. the president was interrupted by anti-israeli protesters for the second time in two days. we will talk to joan levine on the growing divide in the democrat party. he's next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: biden is shaking up his campaign staff. who's joining biden's team and what do we know about it?
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>> reporter: the name is jennifer mallett, heading to wilmington to join the campaign, saying the biden campaign is staffing, we see more and more of these high-level advisors making the trek to the campaign. speaking of the campaign the president received an endorsement from united auto workers, they've been reporting for a while now, on the picket line with uaw workers in the midwest, the president urged voters to see the state of the economy is more positive. >> we all do well. it's called bidenomics and all the major economies were talking about it. all of a sudden, we are seeing the world. >> we will see if you double down on those claims hold an event in wisconsin. republicans will focus on the
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economy, the rnc out with a statement saying, quote, if bidenomics continues to couple american families, republican governors keep the way for job growth in red states. americans want common sense, conservative economic failures, that is what republican leaders are delivering. in wisconsin, talking about the latest gdp numbers which we been talking about, what economist were predicting, the economic debate is front and center as the campaign staff. stuart: biden's new campaign chair had an interesting take in december of 2,020. he referred to the gop as a bunch of, quote, fers. i will ask plane further. john levine is with me this morning. when you call people that, seems like a deplorable moment going back to hillary clinton.
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>> 2016 all over again it reminds me when hillary clinton -- you won't wins this thing by running a campaign of hate and divisiveness. to try to understand them and disparage them and this will only alienate and turn them off. donald trump needs to do this with biden voters to get them to vote for him. you must never hate your enemies. stuart: that is a good one. you've got a voice for a movie too. the president was interrupted by anti-israel protesters at the united auto workers union conference. >> president biden: any product, that gives the president money to spend, an aircraft carrier or tanker or staircase, no matter what it
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was it should be built -- [shouting] stuart: that wasn't great. these protesters are a real problem. democrats are protesting against a democrat president, that's a split party. >> this is cancer. they are a cancer in the democratic party, this is pro-hamas, pro houthi, pro-terrorism wingert, not a huge part of the democratic party but they are very loud, progressive, some are even elected to congress and they support these terrible things that are just and atheroma and president biden is the leader of the democratic party, has a response ability to shut this down. he is in a bit of a quandary. the fact of the matter is, 57% of american muslims say they support what hamas did on october 7th.
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in a state like michigan, president biden is trying to figure out how to reach out to these voters without alienating the vast majority. and they will not vote for trump. they can stay home. and they can't win michigan? >> and talking about estate the can go 10 or 20,000 votes, absolutely? >> a long time to go before the election and who knows what will happen in the middle east until we get there. at this moment that's a split party. great voice, you really do. i hate it when you do that, better voice than i have. what do you have on tap, kennedy under reports, that say marijuana, and van jones.
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in the campaign. and like democrats suing chicago over the migrant crisis. ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪
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>> they're already kind of running a basement approach. remember when they built a set in the white house to give him the opportunity to read off prompter only? they will create a cocoon for him. >> this administration needs to [inaudible] policies don't stop invasion at the southern border. >> any woman that concedes a match that they're playing against a man and they lose out on prize money, i will happily pay that fee. >> it's really impossible for me to see a situation where the president with the power of incumbency doesn't have this completely locked up by march 5, super tuesday for trump. it's a qn


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