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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 25, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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cars for everybody. i think people should have a very much against that it's ridiculous, actually. you want a gasoline propelled car or you wanted maybe a hybrid, you want to have a choice and that includes electric. no, eli and i have a very good relationship. he endorsed me strongly. somebody told me he is going to give me 45 million a month i said that sounds like a lot. even for elon he was going to give me 45 a month. he never told me he was giving me 45 but he did say i strongly endorse you. despite the fact that i'm against the electric car mandate. i'm all he just joined your team. >> lawrence: quickly, is there a plan for when it comes to early voting and ballot harvesting? democrats made it legal, is there a plan for the republicans to get out their door knock and get the ballots?
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>> yes, we have a tremendous group of people, tens of thousands, we have poll watchers. they cheat in elections, they are no good at policy or border o or the economy, they cheat like hell. we have lawyers at every poll booth. my instruction, we don't need the votes i am in florida and drove to another location yesterday and every house has a trump/vance assign. >> steve: you didn't drive by cha charlie crist's house, then. >> he probably has one now, too. i will say this, we had two
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le elections, first election we did great. this election has more spirit than i've seen ever before. they have seen how bad these people are at government. >> brian: next up saturday in minnesota. >> they are destroying our country, brian. >> lawrence: mr. president, thank you for your time today, we'll be following that rally. >> steve: we told your communications team you would be out by 8:00, sounds like you recovered. great talking to you. >> i am in good shape. >> ainsley: god bless you. >> steve: all right. that was good. >> brian: he stayed within himself. >> ainsley: every single house. >> lawrence: final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. >> >> steve: fox news alert, 8:02. former president trump joined us
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for the last 32 minutes, we'll hear from that interview. we have a few other stories. >> brian: more than a few. >> ainsley: clean-up underway in washington after anti-israeli protesters swarmed during the congressional address. they burned flags and put crickets and maggots in the hotel of the prime minister. [screaming] [chanting] >> lawrence: unbelievable. former president trump addressing it on "fox and friends" moments ago. >> we have to work in congress to get a one-year jail sentence. when they stomp on the flag and set it afire, when you are
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allowed to do that, one-year jail sentence and never see it again. all over the world putin and president xi of china, they r wa are watching this, kim jong looks at us like we are babies. they would not allow this in their country. >> brian: be down there with a power washer and clean it up and then go back to jail. these people need to be investigated. we would never allow them to throw an al qaeda or isis flag up. hamas got the same doctrine, the original, hezbollah is original and then hamas and we just allowed that to happen. >> ainsley: 23 were arrested for vandalism spray painting the mon monuments. >> brian: put them in a jump
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suit and put them out there with a power washer. >> steve: we just asked former president donald trump his reaction to the big speech we had been waiting for days. joke came on tv and said he is stepping aside from running for reelection. what did the former president think about it? here is his answer. >> it was a terrible speech. then terrible delivery. he looked like he was having problems and yet you watch other networks and you would think he was ronald reagan in his prime, winston churchill in his prime and it was not good. not a good speech, the look, sound, voice, everything. it is so phony what is going on. the press is so fake. anybody can see it was a problem, he's a problemed mad.
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should he stay? i guess that is up to him and the people. >> ainsley: president biden said he was passing the torch to a new generation. he said, i promise to level with you and tell you the truth, we never found out why he was doing this. he said, i believe my record merits a second term and it is time for younger voices. >> steve: he was being torched by democrats that said, we are going to lose and it is your legacy, do you want to go down in history as a big loser and he said no. >> brian: he wants to build a library with the documents in his garage. he'll have more time to do it. just leave them in the garage with his corvette in the attic. >> lawrence: we had him on for a full 35 minutes and we wanted to ask what he thought about
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protests and how does biden look on the world stage and this is what he said. >> and i think you should get a one-year jail sentence if you do anything to sdesecrate the american flag. people will say it is unconstitutional, those are stupid people that say that, we have to work in congress to get a one-jeer jail sentence. when they can stomp on the flag and set it afire, when you are allowed to do that, one year jail sentence and you'll never see it again and all over the world, putin and president xi and kim yo-jong looks at us like a bunch of babies. >> ainsley: our children are watching this, my daughter said, why are they burning the american flag. i had to explain how her gr grandfather's military service, broke my heart for my daughter to see this image.
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>> steve: union station is one long block from -- >> ainsley: look at that guy, sorry to interrupt you. trying to put it out. >> steve: right down the street, clear view of the u.s. capitol and yesterday a number of republican congressmen went back to after started to get dark, union station and actually raised three american flags to replace the palestinian flags that were put up by d demonstrators yesterday. >> lawrence: where is kamala harris and secretary of state on this? we have people that are a threat to our country. if they read the reports that iran is funding a lot of protests, people screaming allashes h akbar. they are not for helping people
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of gaza. these are people standing with people that are threats to this country. >> brian: and chanting anti-american protest. i love what benjamin netanyahu said, he said for the gays saying gays for gaza, that is like saying chicken for kfc. if you care so much, i'm sure there is a flight or two to gaza. rent is pretty low right now. >> steve: a few weeks ago, we were in the great city of milwaukee and it was thursday night when donald trump gave his keynote address. so much happened since then. >> lawrence: a lot. >> steve: joe biden dropped out and now he is facing kamala harris. when know ares look, it is
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binary choice, we all know what kamala harris staens for. as we've been detailing on this show, she was regarded as most liberal senator in the u.s. senate. >> ainsley: guy gov track. >> steve: can be 100% tied to joe biden and his record and that is a problem for her. here is what former president trump had to say about how he's going to take her on right through november. she wants to defund the police and do it more than any other person. she's most radical person probably we've had in office let alone office of presidency. she was a horrible campaigner, she ran against biden and i thought he was terrible, she was terrible and horrible and she was the meanest person up there. she accused him of being racist with the buses, if you remember.
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she is the meanest person and not a good debater, but just nasty to him. >> lawrence: interesting point. she did accuse joe biden of being against bussing. one of her finest debate moments and she got out of the race. >> ainsley: she hurt him more. >> lawrence: how is she able to be his vice president after that. you pointed to her gov track, she is most radical, progressive u.s. senator, further than bernie sanders. that is what this race is about. do you want a bernie sanders, more bernie sanders type presidency or do you want to return to peace and prosperity, economic freedom, do you want the border secure or do you want illegals voting and everything else? that ev, green new deal, that is what kamala harris stands for. >> brian: jamie raskin and nancy pelosi would not say she would
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be a good pick is because of her stances and what she's done and not done as vice president. here is where she stands as rating for senator in 2020 and cbp, norah just had this. you are considered most liberal united states senator. >> somebody said that and it was mike pence, on the debate stage. >> nonpartisan gov track rate you the most liberal senator. you support green new deal and medicare for all and you support legalizing marijuana. >> lawrence: she seemed happy about it. >> ainsley: she did. big smile. that is her record and she said that, norah called her out on that. >> brian: will he say i changed? >> ainsley: she said no
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question, i'm in favor of banning fracking, medicare for all, illegals, no more private health insurance. eliminate all that and move on. and aoc promoted 70 to 80% tax rate. we can't even afford our groceries right now. they are proposing 70 to 80% and kamalas she is challenging status quo and that is fantastic, introducing bold ideas and that should be discussed, raising money to get writers out of jail, supports buy-back program for guns. mandatory, i'm taking it. you have to give them to me. >> lawrence: very clear. >> brian: what is your choice? is her choice to walk that back? >> ainsley: how do you walk it all back? rip it up? no. >> steve: she will say -- >> brian: she was nothing. >> steve: right. she is be tied
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by trump and company to everything during the biden years. just a week ago, republican convention, you know, it was going to be kamala harris versus j.d. vance when it came to vice presidential debate and now everything has changed and you seen main-stream media go after j.d. vance and we asked former president, you're still 100% behind him and he affirmed that and said he's catching on. >> lawrence: the former president, i said, how are you going to handle this? you saw on our show yesterday, they are going to try to racialize every single thing. i was happy with what the former president said. none of that matters because of the terrible job she's done. i will talk about economy and border, that is marching order to the republican party.
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don't take bait of the left, focus on what matters to every american. we are all struggling together and everyone is seeing grocery prices up and what is happening. no american of any shade likes what is happening with the country, that is what this election is about. >> ainsley: has to be about the issues. last issue we heard, i don't like what trump does. it is how does it affect your home or food on your table or gas in your car, not having food. >> brian: as you remember, 2020 was all about the pandemic, number one, number two and number three issue. affecting every part of your lives, they were just saying who would bring normalcy to this l lifetime and a half event and more died with the vaccine under president biden than trump had without the vaccine he helped r rank. >> ainsley: we were asking about
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abortion -- >> brian: electric cars. >> ainsley: we want a choice, should i vaccinate my child or not. >> brian: he never would have mandating. this is vaccine, if you are s susceptible, you should probably do it, it is your decision. instead we had a president that said you have every reason to be angry at everyone who does not wear a mask and if you are in the military, you're out. >> ainsley: biden's policies are kamala's policies, they're in it together. >> lawrence: we'll have more of the interview with donald trump. first 23 protesters arrested. anti- anti-israeli groups are burning the american flag. >> steve: john kennedy is next. >> ainsley: and charles payne breaking down the economy. >> brian: and tomorrow all american summer concert series is back, cam ron marlow will be
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singing, mouth moving and guitar wor working.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> you should get one year jail
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sentence if you do anything to desecrate the american flag. people will say, it is unconstitutional, those are stupid people that say that. we have to work in congress to get a one-year jail sentence. when they stomp on the flag and put lighter fluid on the flag and set it afire, you get a one-year jail sentence and never see it again. putin and president xi of chinese, there is kim yo-jong, he looks at us like a bunch of babies. >> brian: that he defiled property and monump00s. former president trump sounding off on anti-israeli protesters who burned the american flag and israeli flag. this as the israeli prime minister spoke yesterday. he will meet with president
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biden and kamala harris and meet with trump tomorrow. senator, john kennedy, joins us. i loved that speech. what was it like in the gallery? >> there were things in the gallery that were disgraceful. prime minister netanyahu gave a powerful speech. in a nice way, he told president biden to stop pulling the rug out of from under israel and let israel run. now maybe that president biden is no longer running, he will do that. i don't hate president biden, i don't hate anyone, i think president biden and vice president harris is stumbling with israel is one reason president biden got out of the race. the two overarching reason, his speech notwithstanding.
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the president regretfully can't finish the sentence without taking a nap and he was about to get beat. i respect president biden when he said i won't get out of this race nunless god tells me. i'm a christian, maybe god talked to him. it is equally probable that god's voice sounded like barack obama who told president biden if he did not get out and let vice president harris run that president barack obama would destroy president biden. in washington, sometimes your friends are more dangerous than your enemies. >> brian: senator, protefsts yesterday were outrageous, chanting allah akbar, praising a
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terrorist group in the capitol of our country. the presidents put them in jail for a year, what does senator kennedy say? >> i say there is a hamas wing of the democratic party like a loan wing of the democratic party and many of them support this stuff. president trump is correct. here is bottom line, hamas is backed by iran, iran wants to kill every member of the israeli nation. iran wants to kill every american, hurt us both entire time we're dying and drink our blood out of a boot. we have to beat them. >> brian: first we have to stop financing them. senator, so much to talk about, i know this is important. senator dick durbin says there is reason to get to bottom of
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the secret service failure and they announced classified briefing, hear being on trump assassination attempt. you are on the senate judiciary committee, when will this happen? what questions do you have? >> i'm going to chase our witnesses like they stole christmas, do everything in my power to get to the bottom of it. we think the shooter may not have been left wing, right wing but a broken wing. there were huge lapses by secret service. as head of secret service, we need a wolf, we had a poodle. she resigned, that is good. she's going to be back in front of us. >> brian: yeah. she resigned, we got information from the fbi. you know where we get most information from? reporters, witnesses, people that were there, cell foep
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video. we are ahead of fbi director, we are not waiting for the investigation. we look forward to it. i'm encouraged it emzoos bipartisan. thank you. straight ahead former president trump just joined "fox and friends" for a hamp hour and talked about kamala harris, guy benson will join us next. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief
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most radical person we've had in office let alone office of presidency. >> steve: moments ago donald trump on this program ripped into kamala harris far left agenda as he prepares to face off against her in the race for the white house. >> ainsley: guy benson has reaction. what did you think? >> guy: that sound bite was most significant of the interview, you talked for a while. that is line trump campaign will use in this race, san francisco radical who is worse than joe biden. that has benefit of being true. look at her record. you talked about sean's show last night. you don't have to listen to donald trump, roll tape. >> ainsley: play sound bites. >> guy: of kamala harris especially when she was running for president in 2019. she embraced every left wing
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project you could think of. american taxpayers funding healthcare for illegal immigrants, defunding police, abolishing ice, decriminalizing illegal immigration, green new deal, reduce red meat. if there was a moment the left was having, she was all for it, she was running in the left wing, she failed, she could not c contend with bernie sanders and elizabeth warren, she is extreme. you can say, san francisco, nancy pelosi, kamala harris is a peelsz leftist with less pragmatism and less good political instinct. that is a tough pill to swallow in parts of this country. >> steve: we talked to the former president about this cycle, he is suggesting people do early voting and all sorts of
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things as democrats do. we asked him about elon musk, who one story was he was going to contribute 45 million to one trump super pac to do that, encourage people to vote early. this is what the former president had to say about the r richest guy in the world. >> i have a good relationship with him, he's a nice guy. i disagree with electric cars for everybody, it is ridiculous, i want a gasoline propelled car or you want hybrid, have a choice that includes electric. no elon and i have a good relationship. he endorsed me strongly. somebody told me he was going to give me $45 million a month. i said, that sounds like a lot. there was a reporter that wrote it, he never told me, but he did say, i strongly endorse you.
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despite the fact i'm against electric car mandate. >> steve: irony is, four years ago and eight years ago, social media was on the other guy's side, now you have guy who runs x, formerly twitter. >> guy: he also runs tesla, and trump said i'm against mandates for that type of vehicle, it is ridiculous. your point is key, if musk is going to fund get out and vote efforts, that is essential. people are like, how could someone like kamala harris win? democrats have ballot operations for days, turn out operations, this is what they do. >> steve: they are best at it. >> guy: their people vote like it is religion. they will turn out every person. republicans might have more popular ideas, donald trump might lead in polls, if they
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can't translatethat into voting, it is a nail-biter. super important to fund on the republican side. however, it is legal to vote where you live, take advantage of that. ru rules exist. other side will exploit those rules. >> ainsley: republicans traditionally vote on election day but now the message is being spread vote early, get your ballots in, if election day comes and you don't vote, that is one less vote. >> steve: in chicago, vote early, vote often, as it has been. >> guy: after the grave, too. >> ainsley: we've seen that. >> guy: in chicago. >> ainsley: good to see you. >> steve: more body cam video comeingly up showing chaos and confusion after the trump assassination attempt, disturbing new detail about the suspect's search history and arsenal of weapons, coming up n next.
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>> steve: new video is giving us an even closer look into what happened moments after the assassination attempt on former president donald j trump.
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>> ainsley: cb cotton is at the site with the latest on the investigation. >> this body camera video shows responding officers making their way to the roof that thomas crooks fired from. crooks was killed by secret service counter sniper with a single shot. next to crooks body is remote d detinator, cell phone and eight bullet cartridges. >> it is a device that is gray in color, about five or six inches tall, powered by nine volt battery. >> whose backpack is that. >> he did, picture of the bike and backpack he had. >> backpack on the bike. >> this is a picture, there it is. >> shells over here. both sides. >> at least eight, one, two,
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three, four, five, six, seven, eight, at least eight. >> fbi director christopher wray testified before house judiciary committee yesterday and revealed while investigators are trying to find a definitive motive, they know crooks flew a drone including on the day of the rally and crooks made a chilling search when he registered to attend. >> july 6, he did a google search for "how far away was oswald from kennedy," the same day that it appears that he registered for the butler rally. for about 11 minutes, i think 3 t 3:50 to 4:00 p.m., he was flying the drone and we have the flight path about 200 yards away from where former president trump
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would be speaking. >> former president donald trump is calling on wray to resign after wray testified during the hearing he has not noticed any cognitive decline with president joe biden during infrequent meetings. trump wrote, wray has to resign from the fbi, now for lying to congress. back to you. >> steve: cb, thank you for the live report. one of the other nuggets we heard from the director, in the early hours after the assassination attempt, we heard there was a ladder that took him to the top. there was no ladder. however, the director said they found on this guy, a bloody receipt that shows he had bought a ladder, only a five-foot ladder. yesterday the director said to get up to the roof, he may have
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used a mechanical device. he sounds like he pulled himself to the top of the roof. >> brian: fbi director there, six minutes and you are like what about the 2025 project? on january 6, what about paul pe pelosi? you only have five not ms, stop playing politics and ask him a question. president trump was just on and reacted to the assassination attempt and revelations coming out about all the chances they had to stop him before he shot. >> they are very brave, they made a mistake not having somebody on the roof and communications with local police was horrible. they should not have let me go on the stage. they were not communicating properly with local police. different groups knew there was a nut job on the roof and secret service, they are great people, it is such a blight on their
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reputation, should have been somebody on the roof. when you look now, it is a clear shot. >> lawrence: i can't get over the fact they let him out of the car or the former president said he was inside of a tent. >> ainsley: we interviewed someone with secret service yesterday and he talked to our producers before and in his notes, he told producers, this happens all the time, so many different people come in and look suspicious or have spread threats and they look at everyone. this guy did not have a visible gun. on the bike and backpack. they should have said, mr. president, stay in the car or get off the stage. >> they lost track. >> brian: they said 100 people had heat stroke or heat problem and another six year old were missing, these were things going over the radio.
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it was not just who is the guy with the catchel. >> steve: and zach holly talked to somebody that said there was suppose the to be somebody on the roof and according to a whistleblower, that person said it was too hot. >> brian: and far left record when it comes to the economy, look at him smiling, he's happy to be here. >> lawrence: it is hemmer time. >> ainsley: i like that. >> bill: must be hemmer time. great show, another big news day. house speaker johnson will join us live. we learned a lot about the would-be assassin and mike rogers worked with the fbi in michigan, we'll get his take on that. vandals in d.c. are likely heading to chicago, they left a nasty mark on washington, d.c.
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rewriting kamala harris in real time, dana and i will see you top of the hour, 12 minutes away. it's a big day. bounce back fast from heartburn with tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪)
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>> we're back with headlines. two suspects are in custody after a police officer was shot multiple times while serving a
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warrant in new jersey. the detective was hit at least once in the leg is in stable condition. new jersey governor phil murphy says he has been briefed on the shooting and asking people to quote, keep this officer and his family in your prayers. a warehouse in employee in phoenix is still missing after this partial roof collapsed at a commercial building during a storm last night. not clear where the worker was during the collapse. officials say the rest of the building is at risk of caving in making it much more difficult for them to enter and search. wow. flights seem to be getting back to normal this morning as delta airlines following days of cancellations and delays after the global power outage last week. the airline issued an apology for the disruption saying they plan to issue 10,000 sky miles to customers impacted. delta is planning to reimburse reasonable expenses as they continue to cooperate with a federal investigation.
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those are your headlines, lawrence, over to you. >> lawrence: no one likes air traffic trouble. thanks, carley. so moments ago donald trump the former president sounded off on "fox & friends" live on biden and harris far left economic agenda. watch >> i have the economy on my side. we had the greatest economy in history. they have a lousy economy that's so inflation. the inflation is destroying people where people pay twice and sometimes three times what they are paying two and three years ago. look what is happening to food and energy. >> lawrence: kamala harris has a history of pushing far left policies. >> i'm prepared to get rid of the filibuster. i'm in favor of banning fracking. >> would you ban off shore dreiling? >> yes, and i have worked on
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that. we need medicare for all. who hasn't had the situation where you have to wait for approval and a doctor says i don't know if your insurance company will cover this. let's eliminate all of that and move on. it is wrong where we have a situation where the pharmaceutical companies are dictating prices. >> lawrence: talking to charles payne helping to break it all down. they want to make it about something else. she has an economic agenda that's far left starting with universal healthcare. >> the bottom line is we should not even call it an economic agenld. a social justice agenda. this also you heard a woman who doesn't believe in capitalism. it is crazy. you hear president biden brag about how great america is and it's because of capitalism because of all the things she wants to destroy. think of the nations out there that have something similar to
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universal healthcare. the notion you don't have to wait for procedures. go to the u.k. if you want an important surgery and you have the money you leave the u.k., come to america and get it. you will make it worse for people. the one i want to talk about, lawrence. universal basic income. two days ago a major report was released by the national bureau of economic research. there are small programs in the country. the sam altman behind chatgpt put in his own money in 2016. they looked at it. people work less hours, people were not productive. they did nothing to go and attain educational achievement or start businesses. all you did was make people more comfortable with being mediocre. >> lawrence: tell me about the financial transaction. >> it means every time we make a transaction, a move in the stock market they want a piece of it.
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biden did the whole thing with $6 hundred with convenient mow. imagine a small business and you are filling out the forms for a $6 hundred transaction. they want a piece of everything. go after every single thing they can. this is expensive. universal basic income alone $3 trillion over ten years. you have to find that money somewhere. >> lawrence: they are still backing the student debt relief. then you go to the reparations committee. how do they pay for it and who gets the reparations? >> i'm not sure kamala harris will qualify for it. here is the thing. again, it's all about grievance, not economics. it's all about rewriting the wrongs of yesterday. they are fighting a war on america's history, on the past instead of realizing how far we have come as a nation, a young startup nation to dominate the world they want to destroy what we have achieved here. anti capitalism, all grievance
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and social justice. 0 to do with real economic or personal growth. people don't grow from any of this stuff. ban on fracking and gas? president biden bragged about oil production. the bottom line, new mexico came online in the last couple years, fracking miracle. we're destroying it right now. it doesn't make sense. >> lawrence: former president calls it liquid gold. american dynasty, a new episode. >> andrew carnegie is living the american dream. now the man who got rich forging iron and building bridges is setting his sights on a bigger dream. building the nation's largest steel mill. >> lawrence: american dynasty season two is live now on fox nation. >> andrew carnegie came from scotland. someone noticed he was brilliant, made a right friends
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and connections and the right investments and became an american ledge and. how do we leapfrog the rest of the world? not robber barrons but the visionaries. >> lawrence: people have two ways to watch charles payne. go to fox nation and also go to making money on fox business every day. he will teach you how to make money at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. charles, thank you so much. >> or how to lose less on some days. thank you, lawrence. >> lawrence: thank you for joining us today. thank the former president, donald trump, for joining us this morning and the offer still stands for the democratic nominee for president, vice president kamala harris, whenever she would like to join us on the couch, call in, we'll send someone to the vice president residence. we welcome her on "fox & friends" any time. see you tomorrow. good evening, america. [shouting and chanting


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