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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 30, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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that is not okay. communication problems with technology and between agencies. you had secret service thinking they delegated responsibly to the locals and they didn't feel like the locals stepped up to the line and providing the coverage that they thought that they were getting. they made assumptions, we assume the locals were going to do that. that is a communications failure by the secret service, that is their job, they are the ones in charge of the scene at the end of the day and they should have said what are you doing to cover that roof? we are not providing coverage, what are you doing? it was a technological failure communication, but also tech strings not communicated to the command post. it's awful and people -- we have a dead civilian. it cannot happen again. >> neil: you are right on all counts. nicole, thank you very much. "the five" is now. ♪ ♪
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>> judge jeanine: hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro come along with jessica tarlov, jesse watters, dana perino, aunt tyrus. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ kamala harris' campaign honeymoon may be coming to an end. democrat enthusiasm is starting to fizzle out, and the attacks are ramping up. and strategists are warning the vp to brace for impact. >> republicans are going to try to introduce her on their terms. i don't blame them. i do the same thing. and she is going to have to get good fast. that is all i can say. and i'm not very giddy about this, i am not cocky at all, i think we have a tough election ahead of us. she is going to get slaughtered. this is just part of -- no different than it was any other time. >> judge jeanine: the trump campaign already hammering
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kamala's failures at the southern border, with his new ad in key swing states. >> you haven't been before he. >> and i haven't been to europe. i don't understand the point that you are making. >> kamala harris failed, weak, dangerously liberal. >> judge jeanine: and donald trump himself says taking on harris will be a piece of cake. >> i would rather run against her than him. i think she is easier than he is. because -- had a certain -- >> scranton joe. >> i felt he was incompetent but he had a certain base and no matter how bad he was people going to vote for him. she doesn't have that base. >> judge jeanine: those attacks not sitting well with the liberal media. "the new york times" wants the best of both worlds when it comes to digging up dirt on candidates, complaining that kamala can't seem to shake her progressive past, all the while keeping j.d. vance under a microscope. others in the media would rather just move on from kamala's radical record.
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>> we don't have to focus on the history of who kamala harris is. we don't have to talk about that. we don't have to talk about these specific things. we have to tell people what she's going to do for them. >> i also know it was played long ago. you know, before that, since then, we have had an entire administration that people have had the chance to see her work. >> judge jeanine: all right, jesse, isn't it ironic, coming from the left, coming from the people whose only focus is january 6th and russia coll collusion, that they don't want to focus on kamala's past? >> jesse: no, no, but we will. kamala's got that new car smell, but judge, it's still a honda civic. and that will wear off as trump exposes her for what she is. she is a san francisco extremist. and you've already seen him dissecting her. apparently she wants convicted murderers to vote and she wants taxpayers to pay for sex change
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surgeries for prisoners. reparations for slavery, i personally support being 1% black. did i just inflate my black heritage? >> tyrus: you inflated my anger. >> jesse: .1%. she is far bulging i.c.e., dcom rising border crossings, the green new deal, wanted to tax flatulence. this woman is so nuts not only does she have to defend her own record, she has to defend the biden-harris record which is even worse. they put her in charge of the border. screwed that up. put her in charge of the voting bill. didn't get that past prg sent her to munich to warn putin not to invade, five days later he invades. she didn't and invent the internet like al gore did but she has not had the greatest tenure as vice president and her entire career she has had things handed to her. she didn't really run competitive races in california.
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that's a machine politics town. you basically have to maneuver yourself up the ladder there. anytime she has had any competition, she hasn't really done well and you can't trust this woman because that all of these positions she had four years ago, oh, they are all lies, i was just lying. never mind. and she hid biden's condition for four years so you can't trust her. she is a radical lunatic from san francisco at the lobbyists are going to prey upon, the generals are going to control, and the media is just going to shower with praise. she is not a serious person, and everyone who has ever worked for her quit. >> judge jeanine: you know, jessica, what jazz he says is certainly accurate -- >> jessica: i don't -- everybody laughing. >> tyrus: one thing he said right was 1% black appeared >> judge jeanine: .1% pure how does a politician who was less popular than joe biden suddenly become the savior of the democrat party? >> jessica: well, she is ashley more popular than joe biden, more popular than
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donald trump -- >> judge jeanine: two weeks ago. >> jessica: she's the candidate now. it's different. this is a whole new race, a race, people who are genuinely excited about kamala harris, and then also people who would be happy with generic d. remember we have seen all of this polling over months where it is donald trump versus generic democrat and this was part of what people used two try to force joe biden out. they set a generic democrat is on 8-10 points ahead of where joe biden is. and kamala harris has just begun. she is going to need to answer for these things that i frankly think she should just get in front of it. do a big interview and play me all the clips. show me every thing i said i will explain to you how i feel differently because i have governed for four years. i have been part of the biden-harris administration. this is why my mind has been changed about x policy related to the border, medicare for all, these are lofty ideals, in practice, progress is slow but certain, and you can only do
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little things. for the james carville interview, and carville does know what he's talking about. listening to these people who have actually won back big campaigns i think a smart, but i haven't seen anyone acting as if we are not the underdogs. even with all of this polling that has her up in the swing states now, within the margin of error or ahead in national polls, we know that this is a tough mountain to climb, but people are joyful about it now. democrats feel inspired, and that can take us to november 5th and win us the election. >> judge jeanine: you know, dana, she certainly has momentum now, but when the honeymoon period is over, she's going to have to answer to questions like why did you hide the decline of joe biden? why did you come out and say he is the most energetic guy? that was a flat out lie. >> dana: if kamala harris were to do what jessica just suggested, which is to do an interview and say i'll sit here until you play all the clips and answer all of them, i would watch all of that, and i would be amazed if she did well,
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because right now -- maybe she would do great -- but right now, the positions have been reversed staff members of hers who won't put their names on it, but they are basically just getting the media to write that she is reversing her position on fracking, on the mandatory gun buyback come on decriminalizing the illegal border crossings, et cetera. so i do think it is interesting the default position of her staff, perhaps at her direction, is to erase everything she has ever said or believed. but the point about her being complicit in the cover-up of biden's health, it's interesting how much that is resonating. and i'm just paying attention to democrats who are looking at this with nif, well, what are the common harris vulnerabilities? the honeymoon kings and queens used to go on for six months, go all over the world, rather than a weeklong honeymoon here. 100 days, perfect amount of time for her.
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the benefit of really good timing. i don't know if she will be able to get through the next hundred days totally unscathed. and the ads that dave mccormick put out using her own words against her and then trump followed up with another one today, the tapes exist, so if she were to answer all of those, i would love it. happy to do it on "america's newsroom." >> judge jeanine: the truth is, tyrus, she is not going to separate herself from the biden policy. >> tyrus: she doesn't have to. why are we doing this? listen to dear sweet african brother jesse over there play it out for us so well, but there is no honeymoon, okay? let's stop with the honeymoon talked they are the left media saying as a honeymoon. this honeymoon is like prima knocked her to the american people, look it up, jesse. it is outraging, there is no integrity in this, it doesn't matter because trump is not running against kamala, he's not running against biden, he's running against trump.
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that's all this is about. he has to have moments where he untrumps himself, pull back, calling her names, they want that. they want the bloodbath because we will all be laughing and hash tagging but half the country that works for a living is going to go why is he always talking? and this should be the opening statement. kamala harris was part of a conspiracy to mislead the american people that joe biden was actually able to run for president, actually able to be president. we had a council come out and say he is unfit to stand trial, and her statement was i can't keep up with him, so hold her to that, can't keep up with a man with dementia, doesn't matter, those are the facts, she is a part of it, don't engage, stay back, the new campaign needs to become a sh, just stay back, there is no honeymoon. they're telling us it is a honeymoon but no one feels like it is a honeymoon. if it is a honeymoon, great, her
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first rally should be trump-like, it should be full of all of these people excited, 200,000 people, lines on the street. >> jessica: tonight with megan thee stallion it could look like that in atlanta. >> judge jeanine: megan letter th 3 stallion.the new secret sen the hot seat for an explosive hearing on capitol hill. ♪ ♪ if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: a contentious hearing on capitol hill, lawmakers furious with the acting director of the
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secret service and demanding answers over the trump assassination attempt. >> i acknowledge this was a failure. >> is it not prima facie that someone has failed? a former president was shocked shot. >> i've lost sleep that for the last 17 days beer i will tell you, senator, that i will not rush to judgment, that people will be held accountable. >> is there a decision -- >> it is not -- >> is there a decision-maker? >> senator, it is a conversation, not just an absolute yea or nay. >> i am there with a gun. pointed at the president. how could they not see you? >> i believe he was obscured either at roof, sir. >> the roof is flat with ridges. >> jesse: the new secret service had admitting there are no excuses for the lack of agents on the roof and detailing just how bad the security failures were. >> i went to the roof of the agr building. where the assailant fired shots.
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and i laid in a prone position to evaluate his line of sight. what i saw made me ashamed. as a career law enforcement officers and a 25 year veteran with the secret service, i cannot defend why that roof was not better secured. >> drones? >> there was an offer to fly a drone. >> why did you not take them up on it? >> we probably should have. no information regarding a weapon on the roof was ever passed to our personnel. >> how is that even possible? >> jesse: so there is a new guy, but the same excuses, that we don't know, we don't know, but it was bad. >> judge jeanine: looked, he said all the right things. he said this was a failure of the secret service and then he immediately gives the excuses like, well, we are not going to decide who is responsible. when they ask him who made the decision to put a building outside of the perimeter?
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who made the decision to make sure that what point having local law enforcement, what is the point of having them and not being able to communicate with them? secret service didn't even go on the day that the protect he was speaking to meet with the locals. look, i've done this for years. i did it for 30 years. what you do is when you work with other agencies, whether it is state, federal, or local, you have the command center, the staging area, you communicate with each other, and one of the most important things you do is have a frequency so you are all on the same frequency. these bozos actually come out and want the american public to believe, we figured the locals were taking care of it. that's nonsense. when the feds come in, everybody found down to them because they want to be responsible for everything until and unless things go wrong. and there is no excuse for the multiple failures of this ag agency. their inability to explain any
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reasons points to me or makes me wonder what the hell was going on? it appears there wasn't just a breach of the protocols, but it's almost like these protocol failures were affirmatively ignored, all right? to place responsibility on the locals when you don't even show up on the day in question, and you are protecting a former president of the united states and you don't put a counter sniper on a roof that is flat within 130 yards, there are some actions that are so negligent, so reckless, that they border unintentional. and they did nothing to alleviate our concern that this may be intentional. >> jesse: dana, why won't they just say the name of the site commander? the senators know who the guy is. the secret service guide knows who the guys -- why are they hiding the guy who made all of the decisions at the site? >> dana: i can only imagine it is some sort of legal issue with
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the union, possibly, i'm not -- i can turn to the judge if she knows. >> judge jeanine: no. >> jesse: they are hiding -- they cover it up. what do you think of this hearing? >> dana: i felt it was at least better than the one that kimberly cheatle did. >> jesse: couldn't have been worse. >> dana: i do think it is interesting, he was her number two, it's not like you have a whole new regime here. and i also felt like in some ways it got a little bit off topic because many of the democrats do want to talk about gun control. that could be a part of the conversation but it is not the main conversation, and we don't need to turn this into a 44-month investigation that we know exactly, we have video, we know the site, we know the people, we know who was involved, and i think people are looking for a couple of things. one, the accountability. who was the site commander? fire that person. i don't know why they haven't or why they won't be able to talk
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to him. perhaps congress will be able to. the other thing, the other problems they are trying to solve, they got a little into the fact the agency has been given a lot of extra money over the past several years but the number of agents has gone down, and the number of agents on protectee service has gone down while the number of people doing investigations has gone up so perhaps another problem to solve and all of this is what is the secret service's mission? what should they be doing? and then triage the thing so you are abex actually solving the problem at hand. >> jesse: cyrus, you have done secured he for years, what do you think happened? >> tyrus: we power lift and raise our families the american way. neither one of us believe in coordinated coincidences. we can't get an answer. then you go online to look it up, unless you spell it out perfectly, you can't find it. you type assassination, i did this on the gutfeld show last night, which i was hosting, did very well, thank you. and it was amazing to me, there
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was this coordinated cover-up for answers. so then when you get the hearing, the only answer -- i'm as upset as you are. that's it. it feels wrong. this whole thing feels wrong. and i feel like the only people who are showing restraint are the people who are getting it right because no one wants to come out and say listen, i'm not a conspiracy theorist, but i feel like this is a conspiracy. the coordinated -- every level of this is a roadblock, which should make you question more. then when you want answers, yes, he was fired up, yes, he was mad, but he had no answers for us. the question is, it's the same thing be or we are still trying to figure out who made the calln afghanistan. now we don't know who made this call. obviously, it is no one there, someone a little higher up, maybe the learned doctor making these calls, we don't know, and the fact we don't know makes things all the more worse, and this is why we should continue to keep this up and there should
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be -- i hope bill barr gets it, somebody and nobody likes and then we will just stick to the law. >> jesse: people like -- >> tyrus: i love him. i'm just saying both sides will have issues. because the truth of this, the american people, those who were there on the ground, they have already solved this riddle and we are getting pieces and pieces, and those local police officers, they tried to throw under the bus, if it wasn't for them climbing the side, president rupp would be dead, so it's always funny how you want to dump it on the locals but you are the best of the best of the locals should have been learning from you. thank god we had local police officers there that were ramming gates and climbing walls and risking their life, so let's are member that. i'm about to cuss, so i'm going to stop. >> jesse: let's not do that. >> tyrus: it's hard enough to slouch with how little this chair is. [laughter] >> jesse: just don't break it. you know who showed a lot of restraint? to tyrus' point, the president. he could be saying on television right now, the biden-harris and
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ministries in a most got me killed, and he hasn't said that. >> jessica: the president is joe biden -- >> jesse: former president, 45. >> jessica: i know, because i didn't know he were talking about. >> jesse: i know who the president is now, okay? come on. you know what i'm talking about. he showed a lot of restraint, jessica. he almost died because of the biden-harris administration's incompetence. >> jessica: i have heard you and the viewers have heard you say that, and that is what j.d. vance said and probably why he got picked to be his vp, because he was the first one out of the gate by saying they are the ones responsible for this. i think donald trump is being interviewed on thursday, is it, and we will hear more about t that. but in terms of the hearings today, i was -- i think it was jon ossoff that was questioning at this moment, and he asked about the coordination with the locals, and the acting director said it would take months to set that up. >> judge jeanine: let me be clear what it is, what are you talking about, wants to set what
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up? >> jessica: good enough communication between white -- just relaying -- >> judge jeanine: that was b.s. >> jessica: i'm saying that it is. months to set up the communication between defense protecting the president and local police, i could get a gang communicating with another gang in another language on the same frequency. >> jessica: i -- >> judge jeanine: that's baloney, you know it. >> jessica: that's why i was raising it. to me, that felt so unsatisfactory. [laughter] >> tyrus: your pivot game is strong. but you are right. let her finish, judge. >> jessica: it is genuinely why i brought it up. the other thing i wanted to say is rick scott was on with martha in the 3:00 hour, and he was talking about their reaction to the pulse nightclub shooting and the parkland shooting, and that they had 2-3 press conferences a day to make sure that people at home didn't start feeling in the dark about this or spouting wild
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conspiracy theories. he said the stuff we are hearing now is a result of this black hole that we have around this thing and that you have to wait another week to hear from someone, and it's not the same person you heard from before. so... i thought that was a really important point to make and that they should be more transparent, and i'm glad that we are in agreement today. finally you have accepted it. >> tyrus: judge, do you have something to say? >> jesse: force an apology. >> jessica: going to apologize. >> jesse: set a bad precedent on this show. up next. [laughter] >> i am white, i am a dude come and i am for harris beard >> jesse: well, we just got some video from white dudes for kamala, and it's much worse than you could have imagined. ♪ ♪
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>> dana: well, democrats i found a new way to rally support for kamala harris, with virtual safe spaces vehicle last week the campaign hosted various zoom calls with titles like "when with black men, south asian harris, white women answer the call 2024. last night it was time for white dudes for harris. >> so much politics is just vibes. having said that, the vibes right now are incredible. >> the party not so much being white, and i certainly am, but because i'm a dude. i'm white. i'm a dude. i'm for harris. >> the idea that men can gather to talk about how we feel... interesting, powerful concept. >> what a variety of whiteness we have here. it's like a rainbow of beige.
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>> dana: what do you think about that? a rainbow of beige? >> tyrus: sounds like a fun day to me. this is so racist. the polite racism cracks me up. jesse is supposed to be the embodiment of conservative racist face, but it's never a -- >> jesse: i thought it was -- >> tyrus: ever bring up race. it's always the same thing for your white dudes for kamala, awesome. start setting up white dudes for tyrus p which is no sense. we have lack dudes, black brothers for trump. we all lose our blackness as soon as we show up for the meeting. what if we have white guys for, i don't know, nazism, where do you draw the line? why is white the issue? or men? according to them, everything is gender-fluid. you could literally be in a meeting and realize the whole time you're in the white dudes
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for kamala that you are really the black women for kamala meeting next week. this is pathetic. this is what they do. and i'd just like to point out, there wasn't one regular dude on there, it was all guys who haven't done movies in a wild. and none of them looked the camera dead in the eye, they all looked to the side, which is acting for i need to check. none of them looked in the camera, and said i'm light-skinned for president trump come our meeting is tomorrow at 4:00 p.m., i will be there. because i don't believe in this stuff. >> dana: it did feel a little bit like the struggle session. a lot of feelings were being discussed. >> jesse: well, i strongly disagree with tyrus. finally, a politician is speaking to me, a white dude. the white voter has been completely overlooked in this country. i felt trump was really not speaking to me, and now kamala harris is finally bringing the white men out of the wilderness in this country and asking them how they feel, pandering to me, catering -- >> tyrus: you love the
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hobbits. you are a "lord of the rings" junkie -- >> jesse: calling me weird, tyrus? >> tyrus: yes, because a little weird -- >> jesse: call me white dude, call me weird, but i'm into this be if i signed up for the zoom and i thought it was going to be great because they have been calling me toxic for quite some time at i thought maybe we were going to get over that and they were going to talk about wages and security, but no, this was a struggle session for pale, hairy, flabby california artists, and it was basically saying, if you want to be accepted by women, you should vote for a woman. no i don't see why any man would vote democrat. it's not the party of virtue, security, it's not the party of strength. it's definitely not the party of family. and to be a man and then vote for a woman just because she's a woman is either childish, that person has mommy issues, or they are just trying to be accepted by other women. and i heard the scientists say
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the other day that when demand was for a woman, he actually transitions into a woman. >> dana: is that right? the science -- >> jesse: that's what the science says. >> dana: jessica, did feel a little like hillary 2016. outreach to groups, the reliance on celebrities feels a little strange. and this happens in ten days since biden unburdened the party by his presence. >> jessica: so first of all, everything jesse said was wrong. i just want that on the record there. >> jesse: what? one thing -- >> tyrus: he quoted a scientist. >> jesse: science. >> jessica: so that's definitely something that the harris campaign is paying attention to. remember the woman card with hillary, the deal me in? >> judge jeanine: i remember that. >> jessica: the judge and i are having a day. >> judge jeanine: having a day-to-day. >> jessica: in the autopsy of the campaign, there was a lot of discussion of overplaying the woman card, that it was making
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it out to be too much. and visiting wisconsin also would have been good. so that is one of these concerns be a like you said, these affinity groups exist in every election. i was at the rnc with you guys. i saw people wearing their swag for whatever group they belonged to. >> dana: didn't see -- >> jessica: it was basically the whole room. i did see one black -- one black americans for trump t-shirt there i went on trump's website, veterans for trump, black americans, latinos, totally normal, but there were tens of thousands of people on this cal. they weren't all hollywood elites. there was a lot of regular people that wanted to come a, show support for her, and the democratic ticket, i'm not saying everyone is obsessed with kamala harris and they are just embracing what the ticket looks like now. but the conversations that i thought were really important, and this is a policy issue, is the number of men that were
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expressing come a, regret from past elections, that they didn't do enough to get the democratic candidate elected, and that black voters in particular are the ones that always show up and that white voters let them down, and then the second piece of this, and it came up over and over again, was the concern over the implications of the dobbs decision and how many of these men were saying, my daughter is less free than my mother was. or i'm protecting my wife's freedoms, and that's why kamala harris' theme is freedomt the right to control your own body and to make your reproductive choices. >> dana: but in my mind, judge, i could imagine if kamala harris had rejected the segregation of these different groups -- i understand the outreach -- but to stay on for everybody. that would have been so refreshing. >> judge jeanine: i think it would have been refreshing, but i don't think that's who kamala harris is. you know, kamala harris is working on the white guilt, the white privilege, and all that. i heard some of those men, too,
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jessica. there was one guy who said, when hillary clinton lost, i cried over my twin daughters' bunkbed. you know, that i didn't do enough. whatever. i don't believe, honestly, that these men, these white men, who apparently feel that they have redemption now, that they are coming out for trump kamala, ridding themselves of whatever guilt they might have,r policies, with the economy, with immigration, with foreign policy, and with crime. you worry about your daughters, you should worry about kamala harris wanting to defund i.c.e., defund the police, et cetera, et cetera. it's almost like they have reincarnated her and she is now the female barack obama. she went from the -- this is what i can't get in my head. i was away for eight days. she went from the most unpopular candidate, below jill biden, two now she has been reincarnated. i don't get it.
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politics bite segregation i don't think is a good thing, but in the end, it is what they think they need to do to win. i want to say one thing. the men who voted for me didn't turn into women. okay? >> jesse: i said -- >> judge jeanine: when a man votes for a woman -- >> jesse: may beat -- >> judge jeanine: maybe they did, didn't turn them into a woman. >> jesse: i'm not so sure -- >> dana: we will have to check with the scientists say about that. all right, head, they can force to apologize after getting caught censoring donald trump. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: mehta is back in the hot seat. admitting its facebook servers wrongly censored the post-shooting fist bump photo of
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trump. supposed to target a doctored photo. it has been fixed and we apologize for the mistake. meta ceo mark zuckerberg offered this. >> on a personal level, seeing donald trump get up after getting shot in the face and pumped his fist in the air with the american flag is one of the most badass things i've ever seen in my life. >> jessica: tyrus, i want to start with you about the zuckerberg comments. are you surprised that he went and did that, considering -- >> tyrus: i think he is a terrible human being who puts money over people. there's only so much money you can have. this -- i talked about this. apologies aren't good enough come at this point. you apologize for once again censorship, once again influencing people. you have the ability to turn off a donald trump thing like that but yet a sex trafficker, a pedophile can exchange pictures
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back and forth, so i don't want to hear i'm sorry, that doesn't mean anything. your part, a willing participant with a cover up to influence elections. oh, every time some thing happens, someone posts a picture, if i didn't interview with laura, trump, and me laughing and talking about working out, somebody posted it and 45 comments, taken down the next day. save me. save the apologies. i'd rather admit yeah, we're going to catania to do this stuff and when we are caught we are going to backpedal. attacking the algorithms. they don't do door-to-door, when somebody is looking -- very clever -- if you wrote assassination attempt, you know what would pop up? truman. fidel castro p again and trump's indictment, trump's indictment, trump indictment, trump indictment. that's not an oops. that is continuing to try to do things to influence.
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save your apology, get a haircut haircut, and stay off. >> jessica: so dana, this raises the issue of the algorithm, because ai is policing the majority of our lives come at this point -- >> dana: he should get on top of the algorithm. >> tyrus: run by human beings, so let's save -- >> dana: amazing this seems to only happen one way. the ripple effects of this happening, it can get accounts suspended, hold up your fundraising. it is not just the photos taken down, it does seem to have cascading effect an end pro problems. >> jessica: but to dana's point about it going one way, elon musk, for instance, shared a doctored video with an ai-generated voice of kamala harris, completely made up. >> tyrus: he also called it parody. >> jessica: then you wouldn't be upset about -- >> jesse: compared to what elon musk -- this company, google, is like $3 trillion in market share. all of these -- facebook.
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amazon. trillions of dollars in market cap. these companies should be busted up. these are monopolies. >> jessica: elizabeth warren over here. >> jesse: in the '80s, that reduced prices and increased competition. we busted up standard oil. these guys, the owners of all of these companies, these big tech companies, make john rockefeller look like homeless, jessica. these guys have amassed way too much wealth and power. they have dominated washington. you can't do anything in d.c. anymore without these guys saying okay. trump should get in there and bust up all of these monopolies. >> jessica: do you think that would happen in a trump administration? >> judge jeanine: yeah. i do. i do. but look, the point of this segment for me is that the image that is emblazoned in our minds as a moment and american history and the psyche of our culture, we have been told that it is an altered photo. we've been told that it's not accurate. by mark zuckerberg, who gave
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$400,000 to joe biden four years ago and tried to convince us, you know, facebook and meta it all the rest of it was on the straight and narrow. the truth is every error that happens is an error that works against the right, never against the left. trump's deplatformed, i'm deplatformed. it's an outrageous power move by big tech, by mainstream media, and by the left. and it just keeps happening. and if anybody doesn't believe that this is going to keep happening, then you are in fantasy land. >> jessica: conservative sites do have the top billing on facebook and the conservative podcasts, if you look at a -- >> judge jeanine: good. >> jessica: well -- >> judge jeanine: if that's true, good. >> jessica: it is true. >> jesse: media are not rigging elections, these guys are. >> jessica: up next, looks like kamala harris' search for green school buses has gone bust.
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♪ ♪ >> who doesn't love a yellow school bus, right? can you raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus, right? >> tyrus: nobody loves the
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school bus, kamala, not even bus drivers. kamala harris dreams of electric school bus or being a boondoggle. we have been hoodwinked. $11 billion to electrify school buses in america but so far only 60 have been made. jesse, i believe hoodwinked is an appropriate description of this. >> jesse: and you know what that word means. >> tyrus: yes. dana explained it to me i never used boondoggle in a sentence, and i'm proud to say, thanks to dana, i did today. answer the question. we don't have all night. >> jesse: it wouldn't be the first boondoggle. i remember the trillions of dollars they spent on electric car chargers -- how many was that, nine? she also said she was going to wire the whole country pewter member broadband in rural america? guess how many things they wired? zero. trillions gone, zero internet access anywhere where there
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wasn't before. >> tyrus: dana? >> dana: $5 billion electric school buses and only made 60 buses. they want credit for the bills they pass but want to take the consequences. >> jessica: i don't think this is going to matter at all. >> tyrus: i disagree. judge? >> judge jeanine: i want to know who got the contract, no-bid contracts, what contributions did they make to the biden administration and campaign? it's real simple. >> tyrus: could go hmm... >> jesse: gretchen whitmer was an investor. >> judge jeanine: yes. >> tyrus: "one more thing" is up next. hm... ♪ ♪ what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot
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>> judge jeanine: time now for"" jessica goes first. jessica jeivelg okay. i want to tell you about brook huck a bee youngest female mayor in new york city. agricultural technology management. also running the town of airbe,
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georgia. took over for her dad greg. investment and forming a police department in a small town. >> judge jeanine: every town should have a police department. dana? >> dana: jesse likes to get an award when he goes and gives a speech. in fact, i never asked for one. better than anyone got. this was from the internationall expo. i spoke to them july 3rd. it is crystal. and jesse, i just thought that you would be so impressed. >> judge jeanine: it's beautiful. >> charlie: your name right here in dana perino? >> dana: the bowling alley people are my people. thank you for having me. >> jesse: crystal. if you are going continue to variety me to speak crystal is a very, very nice touch. thank you very much, dana. >> judge jeanine: jesse? >> jesse: we would like to tell you some material. high quality material. don't get it twisted. this stuff is going to make you look hot on the beach. we are talking shorts, tank
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tops. bowlingesque shirts. /hawaiian shirts. dry off moisture from the pacific or gulf of mexico whatever you happening to be skinny dip. flip flops are going to keep your calluses nice and clean. go to fox news shop to purchase or corns whatever you are afflicted with. "primetime" former kamala staffer tells all. oh. >> judge jeanine: this audi convertible to match for turkey. thought his reflection was out to get him. the turkey clawed, pecked and jumped at the car in the 15 minute assault. owner of the car originally thought someone struck her parked car until she saw a note on windshield from a good samaritan who showed her this video. go ahead, tyrus. >> tyrus: forget whatever you were going to say on the tv check out comedy tour everywhere. i will noise. >> bret: check out


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