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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  May 15, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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it's from around the bay area. world news tonight with tonight, breaking news. president biden's surprise debate challenge to donald trump. tonight, donald trump saying yes. both agreeing to two presidential debates. one right here on abc. also tonight, the chilling images, the attempted assassination overseas. and here at home, we're tracking severe storms on the move right now. first tonight, the debate showdown between president biden and donald trump. president biden issuing that challenge, former president trump accepting. the first debate before the conventions on cnn.
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the second debate in september, right here on abc. mary bruce live at the white house tonight. both biden and trump convinced they can outperform the other. also tonight, the troubling images. the attempted assassination of the prime minister of slovakia. the leader shot multiple times at close range. he is now in what authorities are calling a life-threatening condition. his security detail pushing him into the car. here in the u.s. tonight, another bridge accident. a massive barge hitting a bridge near galveston, texas, causing partial collapse and an oil spill in that bay. crew members pulled from the water. the harrowing dash cam video revealed in court showing a semitruck crashing on a bridge. the truck hit by another vehicle. the driver losing control. her truck then dangling 100 feet above the ohio river. tonight, the fighting intensifying in northern gaza. israeli troops also positioned near the southern city of rafah. matt gutman with late reporting from israel. the war in ukraine.
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tonight, russia increasing its attacks near kharkiv. ukrainian troops forced to pull back. tonight, ukraine says tens of thousands of russian troops are amassing along ukraine's border. and james longman is inside ukraine. tonight, another american tourist under arrest in turks and caicos. this time, an american mother, after ammunition again allegedly found in luggage. we're tracking severe storms across the south and into the east. damaging winds, large hail, possible tornadoes. tonight, after growing complaints about the rising cost of fast food, mcdonald's reveals it's about to test a new value meal. how much and what you'll get. and tonight, right here, best in show. you'll meet sage and her handler, and why this was an extraordinary moment for him. good evening and it's great
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to have you with us here on a very busy wednesday night. we do begin tonight with this presidential debate showdown now coming. president biden and former president trump both agreeing to two debates. the first in just a matter of weeks on cnn, before the conventions. the earliest debate ever for a general election. it will be the first debate stage faceoff, biden versus trump, since 2020, when they met twice. early today, president biden issuing the challenge. trump, who refused to debate his primary opponents, saying yes. and within hours, two debates were set, one in june, the other in september, right here on abc. our chief white house correspondent mary bruce leading us off at the white house tonight. >> reporter: tonight, in a true campaign surprise, president biden and donald trump agreeing to two one-on-one debates, the first just a few weeks from now, at the end of june, the earliest general election showdown in american history. trump has been pushing for debates for months. >> i'm trying to get him to debate. >> reporter: this morning, biden with this surprise challenge. >> donald trump lost two debates
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to me in 2020. since then, he hasn't shown up for a debate. now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. well, make my day, pal. i'll even do it twice. >> reporter: biden then taunting trump, referencing the one day a week that he's not tied up in court. >> so let's pick the dates, donald. i hear you're free on wednesdays. >> reporter: trump firing back, "just tell me when. i'll be there. let's get ready to rumble." >> i really think he has to debate. he might as well get it over with. probably should do it early so that he can -- you know, because -- he's not going to get any better. >> reporter: a short time later, the debates were set, the first on june 27th hosted by cnn, before either candidate is declared the official nominee at their party's convention. and the second on september 10th, hosted by abc news, just weeks before voters head to the polls. there will be no live audience, just the moderators and the candidates themselves in a television studio, face-to-face. and tonight, inside the campaigns, they are well aware the stakes are extremely high
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here. both men confident that they can outperform the other. donald trump, of course, has been pushing for this for months. president biden eager to show the stark differences between the two of them and jump-start this race. they both are now looking forward to this, of course, the first debate now coming, we know, june 27th on cnn. the second debate, just weeks before the election, and abc news will be having that debate on september 10th. and abc news tonight is announcing the moderators of that debate, david muir and linsey davis. david? >> david: mary, thank you so much. again, september 10th here on abc. in the meantime, a lot of other news to get to tonight. the major story overseas at this hour. the prime minister of slovakia fighting for his life after what officials there say was an assassination attempt. the troubling images coming in here tonight. the moment robert fico and his body guards walking to greet supporters there, when a man reached out, firing five times. the gunman was wrestled to the
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ground right there. the prime minister flown by helicopter to a hospital. surgeons trying to save his life. tonight, he is in life-threatening condition. that is what they're calling it. slovakia, of course, a nato alli. president biden is among leaders condemning the violence and praying for the prime minister's recovery. here's abc's tom soufi burridge. >> reporter: this is the moment slovakia's prime minister is shot five times at point blank range, in what officials say was an assassination attempt. and tonight, doctors say, after hours of surgery, prime minister robert fico remains in a life-threatening condition. watch as fico is flanked by body guards, approaches a crowd to greet supporters. then gunshots ring out. look left, you can just see the prime minister collapsing. the gunman then wrestled to the ground, a handgun just visible over that metal barrier. fico rushed into his car, knees buckling, held up by his security detail, then helicoptered to a nearby
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hospital with extraordinarily serious abdominal wounds. robert fico is a three-time prime minister, a controversial and key figure in slovakian politics for more than 30 years. his views growing increasingly far right and pro-russian. he was re-elected last year campaigning on ending aid to ukraine. tonight, slovakian officials saying there was, quote, a clear political motivation behind the attempt on his life. there's no doubt about it. officials tonight saying the suspect taken into custody at the scene planned the assassination "shortly after the presidential elections." slova slovakia's outgoing president from an opposing party, calling the shooting an attack on democracy. and david, tonight, that remarkable image, the slovakian prime minister shot at point blank range. tonight, he remains in the hospital, doctors saying the next few hours will be decisive. slovakia is a member of the european union and a nato ally. world leaders in shock over this apparent assassination attempt. president biden, david, saying
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he was alarmed at the attack. david? >> david: deeply unsettling images coming in tonight. tom, thank you. meantime, back here in the u.s., yet another bridge accident. this time, a massive barge hitting a bridge near galvisega, texas. causing a partial collapse there and an oil spill right in the bay. crew members were pulled from the water, they were rescued. abc's mireyavil villarreal from texas tonight. >> reporter: tonight, evacuations under way on pelican island, texas, after this barge broke loose in the galveston channel, crumbling a portion of the causeway and shutting down the only road to the island. >> there was a piece of the bridge of pelican island, fell off and fell onto a barge. >> reporter: the impact this morning collapsing the railway tracks from sheer force, concrete crumbling onto the barge, causing a leak onboard. a trail of black vacuum oil strewn across the bay in its wake. two crew members rescued from the water. >> there was a tugboat undertow with two barges is reported to
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us that one of the barges broke free, and that's what caused it to drift out of where it should have been. >> reporter: bridge inspectors seen assessing the damage and the coast guard shutting down a portion of the gulf intracoastal waterway. >> it'll be significant to maritime commercial traffic up and down the texas coast. >> reporter: late today, emergency officials allowing cars to leave from the island and slowly cross the causeway. >> at 20 miles an hour, widely spaced, so everybody's clearing unless it's real big. i guess you can't get off. >> reporter: david, local officials are reporting the leak has now been fixed, and while we don't know exactly how much oil was spilled into the bay, we do know this barge could hold up to 30,000 gallons. so, needless to say, the cleanup here will take a lot of time and effort. david? >> david: mireya, thank you. in the meantime, we turn to the hair rogue dash cam video revealed in court, showing a semitruck crashing on that louisville bridge. the truck hit by another vehicle, the driver losing control. and you'll remember those
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images, her truck dangling about 100 feet above the ohio river. then that daring rescue. well, tonight, the other driver blamed for the crash now facing charges. here's abc's alex perez. >> reporter: tonight, heart-stopping video from multiple angles capturing the crash that led this semitruck to careen into and precariously dangle over the clark memorial bridge in louisville. watch closely as that pickup driver swerves out of his lane to avoid a stalled car, slamming into the semi, which then crashes over the bridge. 26-year-old truck driver sydney thomas hanging onto the wheel as the semi's hood breaks away 100 feet above the water. >> we're bringing you some breaking news right now. this is a picture of a truck hanging over the side of the clark memorial bridge. >> reporter: louisville firefighters took nearly an hour to hoist that driver to safety and were hailed as heroes for the daring technical rescue. these videos presented as evidence in court today. the driver of that pickup,
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33-year-old trevor branham, facing a number of charges, including driving with a suspended license. he has not yet entered a plea. and david, thankfully, the driver of that semi was not injured. an attorney for the driver of the pickup says he feels terrible, and thanked those who rescued her. david? >> david: alex perez reporting in on this again tonight. alex, thank you. meantime, there is new trouble for boeing tonight. the justice department saying the company has violated an agreement it made in order to avoid prosecution after two deadly crashes. after those crashes of 737-max jets in 2018 and 2019 killed 346 people, boeing made changes to the plane and agreed to enforce certain safety, compliance, and ethics programs. but after that door plug fell off that max-9 in january, the doj said the company had failed to comply. well, tonight, boeing disagreeing with the findings. the doj now weighing what action they might take. overseas tonight, and to the fighting intensifying in northern gaza, in the same areas israeli forces said they had
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cleared. and it comes as the biden administration moves forward with $1 billion in new weapons for israel. abc's matt gutman from israel tonight. >> reporter: tonight, fighting in areas israel had previously cleared and left in northern gaza intensifying, with shells slamming in, bystanders scattering for cover. fires smoldering, survivors digging out the wounded. hamas releasing this video claiming to show militants blowing up a tank in southern gaza. the biden administration moving forward with a $1 billion arms deal with israel, after suspending a shipment of 3,500 bombs last week over concerns about israel's plans for a major invasion of rafah. prime minister netanyahu doubling down again today. >> we have a disagreement on rafah. but we have to do what we have to do. >> reporter: these images showing the mass exodus from rafah. it comes as an unprecedented
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public rift erupted in israel tonight. benjamin netanyahu's own defense minister blasting the prime minister's indecision on post-war gaza, warning netanyahu that israeli military rule in gaza would cost them the war. israeli military officials say the lack of a decision has enabled hamas to slip back into areas where they'd lost control. david, u.s. officials say that giant floating pier, which the bidennnounced months ago, is nearly completed. it involved nearly a thousands u.s. military personnel. and we're told it's been moved into place off the coast of gaza right now, could be operational in the next couple of days. and u.s. officials hope it will be able to funnel a tremendous amount of aid directly into gaza, alleviating some of the desperation there, david. >> david: matt gutman from tel aviv again tonight. matt, thank you. mean time, there are also major developments in the war in ukraine. tonight, russia increasing its attacks near kharkiv, the second-largest city. ukrainian troops, in fact, forced to pull back. and ukraine now saying tens of thousands of russian troops are
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amassing along ukraine's border. abc's james longman inside ukraine again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the russian onslaught in the northeast forcing ukrainian troops to retreat and civilians to flee. you can hear the gun battles raging as this police official in the border town of vovchansk describes the situation as "extremely difficult." ukraine is fighting back but russian forces pressing ahead, repeatedly shelling the country's second-largest city, kharkiv, just a few dozen miles away. developments in the northeast and along other parts of the 600-mile front so concerning to president zelenskyy that he postponed all upcoming foreign trips to monitor the fighting. it comes as secretary blinken announced another $2 billion in aid during his visit, most of it coming from the $60 billion already approved by congress last month. >> we're rushing ammunition. armored vehicles. missiles.
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air defenses. rushing them to get to the front lines. >> reporter: and david, president zelenskyy may have had to cancel his upcoming foreign trip because of the seriousness of the situation in kharkiv, but vladimir putin has tonight arrived in china, shoring up support for the war which does seem increasingly to be going his way. david? >> david: the images coming in from china. james longman, thank you. back here now, opening arguments in the federal corruption trial of new jersey senator bob menendez. prosecutors saying menendez, quote, put his power up to sale. today, his lawyers seemed to place some of the blame on the senator's wife, nadine. she's charged, as well, but is being tried separately. we also have news tonight on the economy here at home. a record close for the dow, after a new report showing inflation now easing a bit. consumer prices in april were 3.4% higher compared to a year ago. the pace of inflation slowing
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from last month. housing and gasoline prices were higher, but most other so-called core prices, the smallest increase in three years. groceries are down. investors cheered the news today. all three major indices reaching new highs. the dow closing at 39,90, up nearly 350 points on the news. when we come back on this busy news night, this evening, an american mother now under arrest in turks and caicos, yet another case of ammunition allegedly found in luggage at the airport. we're also tracking severe storms across the country, moving into the east. damaging winds, possible tornadoes. we'll time it out. and also, the new offer on and also, the new offer on fast food, in a moment.ou have o kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away
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a chance to live longer. tonight, we're tracking dangerous storms across the south and into the east. severe thunderstorm watches now in parts of the plains and the carolinas. concerns about damaging winds, hail, possible tornadoes. also, severe storms tomorrow from texas to alabama, up to three inches of rain and flash flooding possible. our weather team also telling us about record heat across the south for the rest of the week. triple digits in texas, temperatures well into the 90s in florida. tonight, for the fifth time in six months, an american tourist is under arrest again, ammunition after allegedly found in luggage in turks and caicos. officials say she and her daughter were taken into custody following an airport security check. two rounds of ammo were found in the mother's bag, according to authorities. her daughter was released. the mother is expected to make her first court appearance tomorrow. authorities say a conviction comes with a mandatory minimum
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12-year prison sentence. when we come back here tonight, this new fast food deal from mcdonald's to combat rising customer complaints about prices. so, what they're offering now, and for how much? and tonight, best in show. you'll meet him right here, the top dog, but why the dog's handler is making a lot of news tonight. you'll love this. i understand. for years i struggled with both... then an expert physician told me about axonics therapy. i tried it, and it changed my life. i want that for you too! visit to get started. let axonics help you find an expert physician to see if axonics therapy is right for you. results and experiences may vary. don't let leaks hold you back. (traffic noises) (♪) the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. (♪) at enterprise mobility,
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salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. to the index, and for the first time in five years, overdose deaths in america are on the decline. the numbers are still staggering. more than 107,000 died of drug overdoses last year, down from 111,000 people the year before. that's about a 3% drop. still, an overwhelming majority of deaths linked to fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. after a growing number of complaints about high prices, tonight, mcdonald's now responding with a new value meal. beginning june 25th, the fast food giant will offer a $5 value meal, either a mcchicken or mcdouble along with four-piece chicken nuggets, fries and a drink. the deal will run for a month, they say. they're trying to win back customers. when we come back here tonight, best in show.
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here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. finally tonight here, best in show, and her handler, both america strong. tonight, we have a winner. >> the best in show winner is the mir sure poodle. >> david: sage, the miniature poodle, winner of the 148th westminster club dog show. >> sage coming up big when it matters most. >> david: 3-year-old sage from houston, texas. >> listen to that crowd.
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>> david: beating out more than 2,500 dogs, including six finalists. mercedes, louis, micah, frankie, co comet, and monty, a finalist last year. but in the end, it was sage. >> oh, goose bumps! >> david: and the other big winner, sage's handler. >> look at him! >> so excited for him. >> david: hugs from the other handlers. waving to the crowd. he's a favorite among his peers. >> i'm so happy! >> david: he's competed in an incredible 45 westminster dog shows. here he is back in 2002, when he won that show, with, listen to this, sage's great-grandmother, named spice. well, tonight, he's officially retiring. >> this is my 45th westminster, today's the day, my last show. >> repor >> david: he told us, it was my dream to come to this country
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and win the westminster dog show. this evening, kaz and sage, top dogs. >> on top of the dog world, in front of us all. >> david: we congratulation sage and kaz, an agreement between protesters and school officials at san francisco state. >> thank you for showing up today and for every march and rally. and thank you for being in the encampment. >> both at san francisco state and in san diego. >> and here is san diego dueling protests, heating things up as protesters on both sides clash while at harvard students, protesters start to wrap things up. good afternoon. i'm kristen sze and i'm larry beil.
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>> thanks for joining us. campus demonstrations protesting the war in gaza have been going on for nearly a month now. the first protest began at columbia april 17th. now, some of those protests are starting to wind down as students reach agreement with university officials. >> today, students at san francisco state reached a deal with university leadership over divestment from israel. this comes after two weeks of a campus encampment there. >> abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn live at san francisco state for us now with more on the agreement. suzanne >> kristin. larry, we can tell you that students for gaza say they are seeing progress here at san francisco state, and that's why they're scaling back their encampment. they plan on taking down about 30 tents or so. and they started this afternoon. now they say that they're planning on staying here, though, and that more progress needs to be made. they say the fight is far from over. >> this is progress, not a victory. there is no victory during a genocide. >> this fight is far from over. this is exactly the power of mass action. >> students for gaza at san