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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  January 8, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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>> yeah. and to be there on the ground inside the way you and others were. like security. you don't know how it will end when you're in the middle of it. >> thanks. >> thank you for joining us here on the beat. we'll be back monday night 6:00 p.m. eastern. stay safe. the "the reidout" with joy reid is next. is next. breaking news tonight. after thousands of 280 character communications to his tens of millions of followers that range from stupid and juvenile to lying and frankly dangerous, donald trump has been stripped of the precious. jack and company permanently suspended trumps twitter
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account. finally accomplishing something the entire white house staff have failed to do. shutting him the hell up. twitter cited the risk of further incitement of violence and finally taking action. meanwhile tonight speaker nancy pelosi has given trump a choice. resign or face a second impeachment or removal by the 25th amendment. the move comes after democratic members of the house held a nearly four hour meeting today to discuss the options. she told democrats that top military officials are assured her that steps were in place to prevent trump from initiating any military hostility. including nuclear strike. take that in for a second. meanwhile the move towards the impeachment option is on the express track. three democrats drafted new articles of impeachment. and plan to introduce them as
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soon as monday. they state quote the president threatened the integrity of the democratic system. interfered with the peaceful transition of power and em perilled a government. betraying trust as president. growing number of politicians from both parties have expressed openness to impeachment. alaska republican senator called for the president to resign immediately. saying bluntly, i want him out. the rapid momentum toward a second impeachment two days after the trump mobs stormed the capitol. resulting in five death ts. including a capitol hill police officer. just hours before the deadly siege trump kp his family attended a rally where they all encouraged supporters to quote fight. >> an actual fighter. one of the few. a real fighter. thank you, mark.
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>> do the right thing, fight! >> moments after that little party, trump took to the stage. urging support ers to march to the capitol. >> we'll have to fight much harder and mike pence is going to have to come through for us. if he doesn't, that will be a sad day for our country. we'll walk down to the capitol. and we'll cheer on our brave senators and congressman and women and probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. because you'll never take back our country with weakness. >> a day later trump leased a heavily scripted and edited video message urging a quote peaceful transition of power.
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not once mentioning his successor. he did it at the behest of white house legal counsel in order to ward off legal trouble for trump once he leaves office. this morning trump showed us who he really is. tweeting on his suspended account quote the 75 million great american patriots who voted for me will not be disrespected or treatly unfairly in way, shape or form! he was defending vigilants, president-elect called for their prosecution. >> these are a bunch of thugs. thugs. and terrorists. domestic terrorist. they should be prosecuted. the difference is this had the active encouragement of a sitting president of the united states. he's been an embarrassment to the country. embarrassed us around the world.
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not worthy to hold that office. >> the end of the trump administration should come as no surprise. for four years he has behaved like a maniac. and will leave the united states the same way he left most of his businesses. in a giant shamble mess. for more i'm joined by wom congresswoman of washington state. white house reporter. and the former acting solicitor general. normally i would go to the congresswoman first. i want to apologize for not deferring to you. donald trump suspended from twitter. it doesn't seem like it would be the biggest story in the worltd. he used that twitter account to fo meant violence and spread lies. including to advertise the quote wild rally that took place turning into a siege on wednesday. trump has in the past said that in the 2017 he said without the
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tweets i wouldn't be here. i have over 100 million followers between facebook, twitter and instagram. over 100 million. i have don't have to go to the fake media. he got around people like yo. what you make of the fact he is permanently suspended? what does the white house think? >> as someone in trumps inner circle put it to me, that this losing his twitter account probably hurts him more than his impeachment. this was indeed uniquely him. and i don't think can be overstated how parent twitter was and still is. was to his rise and is to his presidency. he has over 88 million followers. he used it to get around the mainstream media. more than that he used it to as a messaging tool for his supporters. he used it as policy. he announced wild policies by twitter and firings.
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cabinet member dismissal. by twitter. he attacked mebs of his party. on twitter. he got into international incidents on twitter. this was of the life blood of the trump presidency. there's something fitting here as he's under siege from all sides in his last 12 days. it would be taken from him. his one means to fight back. he portrayed himself as a counter puncher. he labels himself. and now he can't. not in the way he would want. there's no size no shortage of relief throughout washington of this. members of his own staff. fellow republicans, supporters of his who believe twitter held him back. he kept getting in trouble for the ways he used it to communicate. and it was his undoing. we saw that play out as he did incite people to go to the march on the capitol. and as it was happening, he used
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twitter to release a video in which he told them he loved them. as the potential exit from office early exit is a real possibility. far more so impeachment than 25th amendment. he lost his best way to fight back and control the story. and instill fear in the republicans he needs more than ever. >> including instilling fear in members of congress. congresswoman, color of change and also vice president-elect kamala harris has been early and vocal advocates for twitter to suspend the account. they called it dangerous and pushed and pushed to have it happen. people didn't really listen to either one of them. as somebody who was put in jeopardy by trumps tweets, he did advertise the quote wild events of wednesday in advance on twitter and used it in including to go after mike
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pence. after which he was targeted. people were screaming and threatening him. he's finally suspended and do you feel safer without trump having access to the medium? >> we don't have your audio. we'll hold on. we'll try to fix it. let's see if we can fix that. i'll come back to you, on the -- we have you back. go ahead. >> thank you. joy, it was so essential. and you know that we have been trying to take on all sorts of platforms by raise the questions that concerns that ra shad and other civil rights activists raised for months. when i question mark zuckerberg. this is essential. it's late but it's essential. just as one of maybe a dozen or more members that were stuck in the gallery. even after members were cleared off the floor.
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the reality is that donald trump committed sedition. incited a violent group of domestic terrorists and insurrectionist to go to the capitol and this was the worst and most destructive assault on the u.s. capitol since the war of the 1812. that's the significance of what we're talking about. these people i heard the gunshots as they were being fired into the chamber. we saw because we were up in the gallery. we saw the barricaded furniture against the door. and the reality is that donald trump has done this over and over again. you remember joy the summer last summer. when i questioned bill barr about the treatment of the armed maly shah that stormed the capitol. and the black lives matter peaceful protesters after the murder of george floyd. the armed going in and storming
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capitols was a precursor to what happened two days ago. i want to be clear, there is no way in my opinion that that could have happened without planned assistance from the white house. and perhaps from intelligence agencies whether explicit looking away. or implis looking away. or providing of information of where the office of the parliament where the senate is. the where the office for the house is. where jim clyburn's actual office is. not the whip office. but where he sits with his computer. which was taken. there's no doubt in my mind. there were people inside the capitol inside law enforcement perhaps even other members of the other side that may have been involved in this. it's a terrible thing. that's why we're moving quickly to -- if he doesn't resign or
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mike pence doesn't invoke 25th amendment which i understand he said he didn't want to do. i do you believe the house of representatives will impeach him. and it's necessary for the safety and the security of the country not to say anything about the accountability. which requires -- >> that is a big deal. what you said. the idea there had to have been coordination. and the terrorists were able to locate offices they shouldn't have just regular people off the street known where they were. let me play the speaker who is taped an interview with 60 minutes. take a listen. >> does anybody running the executive branch of the government, who is running the executive? >> sadly the person who is running the branch is a deranged, unhinged, dangerous president of the united states. and a number of days until we
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can be protected from him. he has done something so serious that there should be prosecution against him. >> well, i gather that the 25th amendment is off the table. >> it isn't. nothing is off the table. >> let me bring you in. speaker will bring a privileged resolution on impeachment. you can clarify for us that i assume means they don't have to go through the committee process. the judiciary committee doesn't have to do the hearings. is that accurate? >> yes. they are trying to fast track impeachment. obviously no final decision have been made. i think the house is is right in thinking impeachment right now is important. i know very significant to donald trump personally that he lost his precious in twitter. and so on. really, there's something far more important has to happen. this person has to be removed from office.
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there has to be a signal sent so future presidents don't act this way. and every person in congress has to go on the record and say do they stand with the thug the want to be pretend dictator or not. the excerpts you were showing about trump stoking the violence both before january 6 and on january 6. potentially violated a number of criminal statutes. but at the least impeachable offenses. and he is acting surprised. give me a break. he is shocked to learn he can be held accountable even though he did the responsible thing turning around and hiding in the white house right after he gave the speech. this is not the way any person should behave let alone the president. >> you were calling for impeachment before what happened on wednesday. now what we are facing is that the obamas the former president and first lady the former president george bush.
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former president clinton will be at the inaugural. we're facing a situation it's not clear whether there wasn't coordination. negligence on the law enforcement side or active engagement. people inside our capitol knew exactly how to get to the speakers office. and how to get to offices they shouldn't have known where they were. there were people threatening the life of the vice president of the united states. while he was nearby in hiding. is there a way to get impeachment done. not symbolically in order to punish trump obama sendr send h message. but to get him out. and how fast can this happen? >> 100%. the resolutions the indictment are introduced on monday. there can be a vote tuesday. go to the senate wednesday for a troil. this is not a trial that will take long. all the facts are in front of us. the blood it in front of us in the u.s. capitol.
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that's all you need to know about the president. >> congresswoman, is that what you foresee happening? you have been in the meetings with the speaker. is this a monday tuesday wednesday done fast track process? >> neil is right. it's an hour of debate with the privilege resolution. it is very quick. on the floor of the house. the evidence is right there. we are the evidence. we were all there. we saw it. there's video of it. my guess is the senate could try to delay it. it will be up to people like lisa murkowski and others who said they think the president needs to be removed. and resign or removed. that is what's on the table for trump. he can resign. and that we have to get him out as quickly as possible. you act if i felt safer that the twitter is suspended and i think it's essential. but this is the man who has access to the nuclear codes.
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he has full and complete control of all of the intelligence agencies and all the law enforcement. joy, the french intelligence and nato intelligence officials have come out and advised leaders of their countries that this was attempted coup. based on the evidence they have seen. i just want to emphasize how deeply unsafe we are and we have 13 days almost 12 days before the next president will be inaugurated and none of us. i say this as a woman of color. none of us know if we can be safe. in the capitol. we don't know who is protecting us and who is not. i think this is -- i'm not talking about members of congress. staff and the population. of course the country. because that is what this is about. democracy and constitution.
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>> that's absolutely the thing that is frightening. it's not clear whether there are people mixed into the people supposed to be protecting members. very quickly, that inside the white house, how much fear is there about how dangerous donald trump could become if he's given 12 more days of power? >> those who are left and it's a very small group. the inner circle hallowed out. these are the true believers. i don't know in that in the west wing there's much of a relief he's dangerous. we have heard testimony now from a number of people who just left the white house. let's not give them too much credit. there's two weeks to go before this administration. that's a convenient time to quit and protest. we have seen cabinet members and officials leave. warning about what the president could do in 12 days. there are circles and republicans who do worry about what could still happen.
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this is a president who is seemingly by our reporting furious at his vice president and members of staff. and members of his party. vowing to back primary challenges to anybody who stood up to him. talking about running again in 2024. he's trying to be relevant here. at this point, none of us should make a prediction as to what the next 12 days can hold. >> absolutely. he can plan it on parlor. he's off twitter. he's a maniac. glad you and your staff are safe. we heard neil say it. it can be a three day thing. done on wednesday. security breech with three top successors to the presidency and the future vice president all in harm's way. with police easily over run by the trump mob. why aren't more of the criminals being arrested? plus.
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trump the international disgrace. what america lost this week in a esteem, credibility and influence around the world. >> we witnessed was an assault on the democracy. by violent rioters. incited by the current president and other politicians. >> plus more on tonight's breaking news. twitter suspends donald trumps account. permanently. back with the "the reidout" after that. at ♪ ♪ and then what happened? where's our family from? was he my age? so nana and pops eloped? ...and then what happened, daddy? well, before us, there were your great,
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get a $50 prepaid card when you switch. nationwide 5g is now included. switch and save hundreds. xfinity mobile. law enforcement was unprepared. the failure to defend the capitol resulted in a national security breech. with protrump thugs ransacking lt offices of our elected representatives. we already know that a laptop was stolen from speaker nancy pelosi's office and national
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security equity may have been among the record stolen. there's the question of whether some officers were sympathetic to the insurrectionists they were supposed to defend against. law enforcement official familiar with the groups responsible for the siege says that their past actions which have often exhibited prolaw enforcement tendencies likely dictated the behavior of federal officers on the scene. needless to say the attack could have decapitated the legislative branch of the government. rioters carrying zip tie handcuffs. suggest they may have planned to take hostages. the plot against michigan governor last year. "new york times" has audio of chants from inside the building suggesting mike pence became a target after trump targeted him in a tweet. heroes an excerpt from on the daily pod cast.
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>> you hear dozens of people shouting where is pence? find pence. >> wow. hang mike pence. extremist made little secret of the ambition to occupy the capitol in the weeks before the attack. the siege has claimed the life of a police officer. war veteran. ho died last night after rioters struck him with a fire extinguisher. so much for blue lives matter. i'll start with you. i want to start with that breaking news that twitter has cut off trump from one of the ways in which he has incited violence including the violence on wednesday. taking him off twitter. do you have reporting on how that came about? >> this morning, a lot of employees met up with some
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executives at twitter today. it was a meeting. and we let them have it. they weren't comfortable working there if this guy was still in fact on their platform. and that was it. that is a big part of what happened today. i was leaked internal messages from twitter and said foe meanting a coup is a hard line. we can draw a line at what's happening today. and by the end of today that was it. tonight twitter said no more donald trump on the platform. >> let me show you. a coup means this violence. a police officer basically being crushed in a door way. by the trump mob. let's play that. >> it's disturbing. warning you.
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>> we also saw people walking around with police shields wearing the police uniform. parts. meaning they picked up and took police uniform pieces. the police chief claimed in a presser yesterday there was no intelligence suggesting there could be a breech in the capitol. i have been watching you all day. that sounds like bull shit. is that true. they had no idea it was going to get violent? >> it would be massive intelligence failure if they believed that. first of all i don't understand the new talking point i'm hearing that they didn't expect the specific people to be anticop. the boo ga loo movement is taking back government. we spent the last six to seven
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months reporting on the state houses being stormed with they were planning the literal hostage taking and murder of michigan governor. these people planned for this precise thing. we know they did. the names of the events and merchandise they made were occupy the capitol. storm the capitol. we knew it was happening. i want to stress this. the thing they were debating on the internet was who they should kill. which people they should kill inside the capitol. they were told that if mike pence didn't over turn the election, they needed to storm the capitol and do something about it. that's what they were talking about when you heard the mike pence audio. they thought he had the keys making domd trump dictator for life and chose not to do it. >> to under score that, you have been doing reporting talking with law enforcement. it doesn't sound credible they had no idea.
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trump saying it will be wild. people were all over parlor and fbi can monitor. and twitter. saying what they were going to do. as you mention we were talking about this earlier, you already had a plot to kidnap and try to maybe kill the governor of michigan. that just happened. it's not as if there was no precedent for this behavior. >> that's right. the group had connections to timothy mcvay. 20 years ago the worst domestic terrorism attack on u.s. soil. and the group he was connected to that met with him. is now plotting to kidnap a sitting governor. in the 20 years nothing could have been done? that tells me exactly the sort of how law enforcement looks at groups and deprioritize the threat and don't think this was a intelligence failure that they
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didn't know it was happening. they failed to communicate it adequately. and failed to take appropriate steps to counter this. the congresswoman said before whether this was by design or default. that's what happened. it was intelligence no one took this seriously. that's insane. >> no one took it seriously or complicit. either there were people inside. we heard the congresswoman of washington state say it was wasn't clear there weren't people inside the capitol police department itself who were sympathetic to this. not just incompetent. maybe sympathetic. we know some of the ordinary joes who were weakened warrioring. we have a guy in idaho saying he apologizes for storming the senate floor. he's some guy. and insurance sales man. and real estate. a lawmakers west virginia
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lawmaker charged. he recorded himself inside the capitol. hanging off the wall. you did have allegedly off duty police officers flashing their badges. these were some of the ordinary joes. they weren't all. some of them were knew q anon-leader. >> to make is one step further one of the senior law enforcement officials said this needs to be investigated to look if there was a higher conspiracy. this was a planning. the people knocking down the door and roaming through the capitol freely weren't the only ones who organized this. are we going to investigate the groups? we did a fantastic job post 9/11 in stopping international terrorists. bin laden didn't fly planes into the world trade center. we dismantled al qaeda and isis. why can't we do this here? who radicalized them and ideology and leadership.
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it's crazy. >> isn't there a known a guy named jason. you have identified them on msnbc today. >> yeah. that's him there. he's been around in q anon-circles for a a long time. he's very available. that doesn't mean don't send tips to the fbi. if you know where he is, call them. i want to talk about history here. how this happened. a couple years ago after charlottesville, groups like proud boys have to be at the front of the line and people can follow us in. that is what happened here. if you had some supporters who believed in this sort soft stuff on the internet and showed up
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because they like the president. they were in the space because of the big tent. the proud boys opened it up. radicalized people and wanted to pose for an army for the president. that's what happened. >> very clear. maybe you should be running security in d.c. thank you. still ahead. congressional republicans create a monster that is threatening to devour the entire party and yes the country. yet none of the enablers seem to be willing to accept responsibility for actions. america won't forget. and neither will this show. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer,
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that's what we do, so you can do you. new chapter wellness, well done. from the moment donald trump announced his candidacy. five and a half years ago. the country was warned what could lay ahead. with some of the strongest warnings coming from republicans. >> i think he's a kook. he's crazy. he's unfit. >> he's a liar. he cannot tell the truth. he combines it with being a narcissist. a narcissist at a level doint think the country has ever seen. >> leader cannot say whatever they want. words have consequences. they lead to actions others take. when the person you were supporting for president is saying things like go ahead and slap him around. i'll pay legal fees.
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>> all that huff puff didn't stop the republicans and the party from becoming helpless lemmings. sycophants. as donald leaves the presidency in 12 days the republican party has reaped what they sew. losing control of the white house. and both chambers of congress. being forever stained by the atrocities that took place over the last four years. including the deadly storming of the capitol this week. joining me now professor of journalist and politics. and editor as large for the bull work. let's play ted cruz. he is now trying to run and back and skid addle away from the assault on the capitol. let's play him. >> i do think the president's rhetoric and language has been over the line. it was irresponsible. it was reckless.
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and i think he needs to recognize it. >> each of you look around the men and women that are gathered here. you are patriots like the patriots gather at bunker hill. and gathered at valley forge. and the patriots who forged this nation. the men and women gathered here across the state of georgia. are fighting for the united states of america. >> that was second clip was january 2. days before the assault on the capitol. i have a word for this guy. i'll let you tell us what you think of him and his future. whether or not he destroyed himself politically. >> a long time ago he was known as the most hated man in the senate. that was hard for him. this is not breaking news. ted cruz is a cynical and a demagogue.
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this is played out. this is not a man who is deranged. this is not a man who is crazy or stupid. he knows what he's doing. a deplorable human being. who knows exactly what he is doing. for years, he has been sticking oppositions he nigh were hopeless. and lied to supporters. he manipulated various issues in order to advance his own career. in this particular case, he decided he was the fact donald trump said his wife was ugly and his father killed jfk and tried to remake himself. and this week this month the last several months he has been playing with matches. and people died. and he got burned. he went all in on this. people need to understand that he and josh holly are there's a sedition caucus. within that, there's a charlotten caucus.
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they know what they're doing. they know why they are aligned. cruz in many ways once again exposed himself for what he is. >> yeah. you did mention the jr. bird man of the sedition caucus. josh holly. he had a rough week. his big donors dumped him. both of the two major newspapers in missouri. called him trash. and told him to resign. he lost his book deal. and a black woman publisher who yanked that book deal. for nothing. if josh holly walked through an entire crowd of trump supporters, they would have no idea who he is. he is not a major deal. he is now a major flaw. what becomes of him? >> all of these people who thought they're going to get rich and power off this. i'm going to have a viral
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moment. it didn't work for any of them. because people died. the capitol police officer died. this whole thing was a cute way to try and galvanize the maga crowd and put yourself in a good position until 2024. it was a terrorist attack kp people died. now they face consequences for it. here's the thing that concerns me about some of the republicans in general. i was tweeting about it this morning. today is the ten year anniversary of gabby gifrds shot. ten years ago today. in arizona. we have the conversations to tone down the rhetoric. maybe this will be dangerous. and the republicans said you're a bunch of democratic snow flakes. this is where it leads to. right? it never leads to success. sarah palin doesn't have a career. it doesn't lead to the extreme people supporting you. lindsey graham is chased down
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the hall way by maga people. it's not helping him. all they did is succeed in destroying this country. the fabric of the country. the safety of the country for political careers that will not exist. if they are about that life and want to start a full revolution. fine. they're not. they are a bunch of cowards who think if they scream loud enough they can intimidate people into a political future that doesn't exist. >> the reality is the only person who can do the trump act is trump. he has a whole life of celebrity backing that up. and fake riches people thought he was the richest ever. none of the people are going to be seen as the equal of macho trump. >> that's right. that's what made josh holly a phony. he wanted to dress up as trump and thought there was going to be trumpism without trump. and pretended to be a fake pop list and have this attitude on twitter.
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it was all artificial and blown up in his face. i'm glad jason mentioned that scene where lindsey graham who has been -- he's been donald trumps flufr for four years. he's been so loyal. he's done absolutely everything. he's walking through the airport and people are saying you're a traitor. audit the vote. this is the fate. you can never be trump. you can never go back. there's no loyalty. there's always a point. that will be ted cruz. that will be josh holly's future. and an important point, there's a real cost. not just to them. but to the country. these folks were so cynical they were willing to lie to millions of americans and willing to give cover to the lies -- >> willing to let people die. yeah. >> people did.
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>> they were willing to let people kill a police officer. they are supposed to be the blue lives matter. they were willing to let a cop die for their lies. thank you. still ahead the assault only lasted for a few hours. cost to america on the world stage cannot be calculated. what america lost this week. t t.
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day. not just for americans but for democracies around the world who model their governments around us. it was a moment of celebration for russia and iran, who rushed to can credhris -- to criticize. you don't believe in it anymore, so why should we? >> i'm excited to talk with you, ann. there's a narrative in which the thing that america has said aboutist, all of this time, particularly post world war ii, is kind of bs on the a lot of people. the russians think that he with just lord it over them when our democracy is weak and brittle. and those in the congo laugh at
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our government. they pubumped off a democratic government. do you think that that narrative is strengthened and is it valid 54 peop for people to say, it's a lie. >> if you look at the relationship of america and the estimate are of the world, you do see, over many, many decades, you see a combination of the dislike of america scorn for america and america is hypocritical and then respect for a country with institutions that continue to roll over and a country that expanded the franchise that became more democratic over time and abodid build a democratic coalition.
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all of central europe was clammoring to get in, because we had established this idea of prosperity, and democracy and freedom and equality. and you know, there of course were times when it was hypocritical and of course times it was false. but the power of our example has been something that is very real, and much more real, are really, than our, you know, our diplomatic prowess and our money and military. this was the thing about us that people admired. this is why people wanted to come to the united states. and by undermining that. not just by the way, this week. but over the past four years. i do believe that the trump administration pro foundly weakened america by showing scorn by the democracies and by, by ignoring our allies, the, did -- the trump weakened our standing in world. >> and what, what, how does it play out?
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what then happens. then what? because we are weakened? >> these are not black and white things and there won't be an affect tomorrow. but our word will be taken a little less seriously. our opinions will matter less. the institutions that we have created will be weaker. much more worrying and much sadder, actually is the fact that our people who have admired us or who have joined democratic movements from hong kong to minsk, will feel let down. you know, there's a lot of people all over the world that live in autocratic countries who admire american kpachexamples a look to america for advice and will feel betrayed and they have a right to feel that, because the leaders of their countries will use this story and particularly this story this week and of the trump administration to keep, to laugh and jeer and say, oh, well,
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democracy was always fake. american democracy was always weak. and this is of course the message that autocrats in places like russia and china send to people. don't join a democracy movement, look how terrible and badly they end. >> yeah, indeed, those pictures going around the world are really toxic andhorrific to think that the world is watching us basically fall apart. thank you so much, really appreciate the chance to talk with you. and up next, my closing thoughts on the week. stay with us. stay with us in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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this week, a mob of right wing criminals penetrated the halls of our capitol, threatened the lives of members of congress and the vice president while forcing violent symbols of white power, hate ain the bowels of congress. this week was a lot and we still don't have the facts and footage and answers. but what we know, remarkable news managed to break through the madness and that was the huge turn out fueled by a black led people of color contingent that secured victories and flipping the senate and stripping mitch mcconnell of his shell.
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this is their last gasp at a dying administration had that got voted out by 81 million americans. so, you may be scared about what happened on wednesday. and what it all means for our country and for your security. but their scared too and in 12 days their leader, will not be in the white house anymore. and that's tonight's requesti"r" "all in with chris hayes" starts now. on "all-in," resign or beimpeached, tonight, congressman jefrryes on what democrats are planning and when. and then as the president is permanently suspended from twitter and a republican senator kaus for his resignation, the scope of the trump inspired democracy comes in to focus.


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