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tv   News  RT  May 3, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the going on the ground can the, as us has to already is drug down on the pro policy here in raleigh is iran office, scholarships to students expelled from american universities over there support for guys that i know refuge for the refugees. us senators, urge president biden to have her with the bank. i made reports of the winehouse is planning to allow some guidance to move to the country. and brandon is dr. diplomats pushes key up to a type of russian territory. and that's, that seems like just more support from the u. k. it comes as ukrainian loss is region $1000.00. so it does a day, according to moscow, the
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hello the welcome to our, the international reaching you live for my new center in moscow. i am michael port you now the publish tina lose. monday is gaining momentum. world wide book western authorities are reacting with club downs, flashes of protest as a numerous arrest. now police crackdowns is taking place in paris and in the united states city of portland, oregon. where protest as web leasing then forced to retreat, riley was demands. the ends, genocide and guidelines also held in australia. while in mexico, activation setup has come similar to the previous ones to the united states. america forward ease of arrested, more than 2100 people as a full policy and in demonstrations on college campuses around the country. how one of the latest hotspots in the us was at the university of california in los angeles, where dawson's approach asked us where detain, radi organize, and
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u. c. l e alumnus run boats as took us through how police brutally cracked down on what had been a peaceful demonstration. the police came in and violently attacking the students, pepper, pepper spray the students in arresting them even though about 24 hours before the students were brutally beaten by a mob of fascist zionist attackers. who use weapons against them who use torture tactics against them. and now one person was arrested for attacking the student protesters. a lot of the people who are attacking the students. they're not students that you see of a, they're wrong people there resign. is there people, some organizations that are fashioned organizations who are planning and coordinating, to attack the students? so those of us or community members unblocked the community organizations. we're also going to support the students. they were not being buying it. they were simply indian kept me trying to, defending count meant to continue to the demand that you c, l,
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a stop investing in debt, stop giving their money to support the genocide being committed by israel. i don't bought it and told demonstrate us that despite widespread criticism, he has no times to rethink washington's middle east tactics. he condemns the protest as supposedly understood, but take this by many jewish students taking part in it. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence. people are scars to say. the american people are heard. let's be clear about this as well. there should be no place on any campus, no place in america for anti semitism or threats of violence against jewish students . the author of the protests in the united states congress approved and i just submitted them awareness act of the legislation seeks to broaden the official definition of i to submit to them, which is punishable as a hate crime in the united states or the wording established bobby into national
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a whole of cost remembrance of lions appears so vague that it could possibly be used to solids. any criticism against easel angie semitism is a certain perception of jews which may be expressed as hatred towards jews. manifestations might include the targeting of the state of israel, conceived as a jewish collectivity. anti semitism frequently charges, jews with conspiring to harm humanity. the broadened destination of, at the summit as it may need display of hatred of jews or the state of easel is to be outlawed. also that can be no. busy no comparison of actions bobby's rarely spades to those of nazi germany. and back to the session. to prohibit accusations that the i d. f is committing genocide in gaza. critics all the codes and that the legislation could be used to ban pro palestinian ronnie's
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and to semitism is wrong, but i will not be voting for the anti semitism awareness act of 2023 today that could convict questions of anti semitism for believing the gospel that says, jesus was handed over to harold to be crucified by the jews. but while the for us senators urging president biden to scrap plans to take in any palestinian refugees from war torn garza, we demand that your administration ceased planning for accepting jobs and refugees until you adequately answer our concerns and focus your attention instead on securing the release of us hostages, held by him us. now the letter came in response to receive the newsletter reports that as a report that the bodies administration was considering allowing some policy and some guys into the us as refugees. now according to the report, senior officials across several federal agencies this across some different options to reset with people from guys who have families who are american citizens or
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permanent residents. those who pass a series of eligibility medical and secuity screenings would qualify to fly to the us with refugee status. the right, let's trust, live to a member of the class that dies party overcast. if all 5 is good to have you join the right now. now if the mean, thank you. now if these guys ends have passed all the requirement tests and checks, why wouldn't these senators be concerned about the possibility of accepting them as refugees? when 1st of all, we know that the policy and the recent deals especially on the drunk in the united states, was very old style to immigrants. and then in general, ireland to so good it alien said, and they also a few kids. so apparently we think the congress still there are many uh,
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representatives. well, the whole style to anyone comes from a boat. but the, i think the main issue here is different. i think that the, there is a kind of a job. and because a, it's those they probably see me and so what do you recognize of refugee is open ops asylum seekers. that means that the united states recognizes that they are the best secure data to say the least. and even they do recognize those bodies deals as being a better secure data. so why do they steal a sees the government is went to best with you? and then there is a sort of a contradiction here again in the policy of the bible's ministration. which site, you know, can barely of those steps. a huge contradiction to what you put it is really class . now, is this all about a political point scoring from your assessment? is this what is happening here?
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i believe so because as we, as we've seen in the last 7 months, i mean you're eating the hit in the ply or a item that you will discuss the usual bell, secure things. and you know, demonstrate those say, again, the for the policy of the government to be the uni valves. if you in the united states, i'm going to be a fate died, little thump a semi diesel. so we can see clearly that the only thing is that i'm the party deep . so by the ministration which i, i cannot the applicant them to spend, but i cannot accept. so this is part of the ongoing, a book receipt of a doctor, ministration the water and the leak is where the lake of justice will pay you anywhere, so lights, etc. but the product, this is exactly the opposite. it's a, as while of the demonstrators in the united states, i can say i have, it's a because we clearly know that the, and they sent me to use them. i would level to say that the doesn't exist, but the,
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these quite the mileage united income vice on to the s. and so those demonstrations which i totally endorsed and support. and as you said before, for many, many joys, especially for joys from joys, voice, little bits, but i bill stops thousands of jews participate then by the way, last week or 2 weeks ago, when we all celebrate the end of july to celebrate dental circumstances, they bustle they ever be a bustle. bill said there a i saw that the, there was a celebration of jews of ubs in our lives together in columbia. you invested you points as in other places. so a, this is a lot of thing that shows the bulk is the not too many, not to say line a, of the administration and same about the issue. the key is because as in again, it's only politics because even though even didn't really get in there really was wonderfully stimulus in gaza,
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who have been bombed of it in cubes and destroyed for 7 months now. so you have the power to stop it, by the way, for the benefit of one of these ladies too. and you don't. so he's like pushing someone, you know, up the stairs. does that mean get down the stairs and catch the voice and say, i said, that's the same. i cannot understand. that's no one can understand with all the double standards, no one really can understand should not be yours. yes. now the us military has started the construction of the guys a pet, but some reports claim. instead of being used to bring aid into the enclave, you will bring years to take refugees out. but what are your fear and get to the real purpose will be, what are you assessing? what are you hearing? i think this is part of what they said before. i mean the end d a by themselves. ministration sees the ongoing disruption and keeping in the god
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this week and on the other end, i finally, it aids those who are the victims of the ongoing destruction and keeping you named you guys out. so it seems that you knew you are for the actions me stop by them twice to a, you know, due to things which out internally conflicted. i a contradictory and the it seems like twice to combine them despite the contradiction in order to find support on both sides. that $112.00, that went with the only way to a large policy that the by the ministration must have adopted months. the goal was to stop the world to release the hostages, and to begin is full founded serious a, b stopped. what was this, the basement, the police damien, state it along side the state of visa and ending the occupation instead of doing
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that. as you said, a few times before, a me still by then any zip ministration to allow you to on the one hand, continue with the sort of guys are in. on the other hand, to us these, the victims of that, the sort that doesn't make any sense me. now, if the rest of the g, some guys that had given the opportunity to settling the united states, if we have to create this scenario, how will this affect the country's policies, especially the america palestine policy and relationship? how do you think that's going to pan out? what scenarios are you seeing in the way we have talked to you about on the relatives of the bodies deals who are already in the den, stay or beside in the united states. and it's a very mine or not, so we are not talking, you know about thousands and thousands of spirals. i know we are talking about
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maxime, only if i'm not too long about the 1500. but it's damian's way of a long gaza. why we left the results low aside in the united states, but up something wrong about the number, but that's fine. but remember that's more or less the number of suites and my know what you chose to influence the policy. it's a shot you just the, of the agent just to kind of work with magic, you know, a, a p, the a and the so i don't thing but it may need to be changed anything. and by the way, instead of creating refugees and they're often accepting them or welcoming them, just stopped the creation of the that's easier in mobile, just all right. now here's where a likes to promote itself as having the most moral ami be. these are the words on think i mean that then yeah, yeah. when we see the level of civilian casualties in gaza, what would say that's a huge contradiction here between what the moral all me will do what, what,
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what is your thinking? the best of all me to say that the code of conduct yeah, according to my b leaves and like the oil a g. and there was nothing like a more well i'll be in my do. there is a contradiction. damage between the military and melodic. so let's begin with that, but every insane dots, a thing that these kind of competition between one army and another which is more more well, it's ridiculous. and they, so i, i've never adopted, you know, in those thought shape, if pale or free a, when it's all concepts and really tiny, and melodic d, as i said before. so he does have steps for these gladly. i'll meet you there. so way i think that's the point we have to emphasize does not, and definitely definitely we have talking about, you know, the width of the bank and then also the gods us to me. but i'm able to page, i'm
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a slash stage for almost 60 years. what kind of an army can be more like? feet operate mainly as an occupation. it branch. i cannot pay. i cannot that accept up. absolutely not. all right, thanks for putting things in context for us. yeah, of a cast of member all the connected to how does want to you? thank you so much for your insight. thank you. on the best moving on now. the us government is cracked down on the, protects his drawing, that international reaction, including from turkish president edward on a. he said that the interest of ease will have started to define the framework of western democracies. the snow cut out and make sure all the same is democracy, defending academics, intellectual journalists, and politicians are burying their heads in the sand and waiting for the events to calm down. do you know why? because israel's interest draw the boundaries of western democracy. everything that
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touches israel's interest is anti democratic and anti semitic in their eyes. so i mean, i think it has bad oil imports and exports for me as well. and that's valid even more restrictions in the coming days in response to the idea of mass killing in gaza. and the 2nd phase of the measures taken to the state level has been initiated. an export and import transactions with israel have been suspended, covering all products the key will strictly and decisively implement these new measures until the israeli government allows the uninterrupted and sufficient flow of humanitarian aid to gaza. encore, his decision to put an end to all important export transactions with israel. set a precedent for 2 to k is really relations. we understand that in early april 22 decided to put a restriction on 54 product groups against the imports and exports to as well.
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among them were of course, many construction materials. the trade volume between $2.00 to 0 is not necessarily significant, it's, it's at $7000000000.00. and the g d. p up to k is roughly one trillion dollars. so turkey, it doesn't have a lot to lose with respect to its relations. his trade relations with israel, but israel does not necessarily have the same luxury to do so because according to the israel builders association, israel imports roughly 70 percent of its iron. and one 3rd of its concrete from 2 to yeah, which will put a lot more strain on the construction sector as well as the general economy, as well as at a time when mount pressure is mounting against these, where the government's, there were, of course words exchanged between officials is really for minister israel, the cost of to twitter or x. the social media platform to issue is frustrating and concerned with respect to concord, us decision to put an end to old trade relations. this is how i dig taser
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behaves disregarding the interest of the time these people and businessman and ignoring international trade agreements. i'm instructed the director general of the as rating ministry of foreign affairs to immediately engage with old, relevant policies in the government to create alternatives for trade with turnkey, focusing on local production and boards from other countries in his statements for minnesota cards. and did say that tel aviv we'll be looking for alternative methods so important that god's that it needs what the minister did feel to the state was of course this will come at a higher cost. it comes at a time when israel expelled palestinian workers as a result of the attacks by hum us in early october of 2023. but there's more pressure that is mounting against these where the government on wednesday turkish for municipal hawk. you don't stated that lawmakers with a non could of a working and preparing the legislation in the paperwork necessary to intervene in a south africa's case against israel at the international court of justice. if it
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went on coded, does take this decision and different when it is accepted. this also means that typically will become the 1st member of the organization of as lemme cooperation to do so. this whole set of presidents for assignment countries. it will also set a precedent for many nations within the broader middle east. but this will also add to the mounting pressure against tel aviv, particularly at a time when pressure is mounting against the israeli government at home as well. all ukraine has the right to strike a russian territory with new gay supplied weapons. that was the escalated re message from the british foreign secretary david camera. and i see placed ministry a to get the united split by the prime minister that we will give 3000000000 pads every year for as long as is necessary. and we've just really m e we can in terms of gifting equipment, to the biggest of adequate we've, we've, we've been able to give so far. you credit absolutely has the right to strike back it russian. you can quite understand why ukraine the feels to need to make sure
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it's defending itself. it's getting the russians out of his country and it has the ability to strike back. well, let's discuss this was, are these tables joining me right here in just to do change you to have you joined me right now. why is best such a desire from the u. k to escalate the drain and the conflict? ok. well, i think it's important to get a bit of context and understand that the great britain or the united kingdom has been a, you know, very energetic advocates of perpetuating the conflict in ukraine. their secret services are involved very intimately in the prosecution of the conflict. we know that they're seeing a naval officers have been involved in the attacks against crimea and on a wider scale. so the rooster phobia is an old thing in the united kingdom, the term jingoism, which is the fear of foreigners, comes from an old home that was written about the russians in the, in the 20th century, for fears about russia invading status bounce with the english, debated at 1st,
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so this is nothing new within the context of ukrainian conflict. we have to also understand that just after the special ministry operation been gone, it was as far as johnson that was dispatched to have to basically pull and below. the reason i ask you what you found it to go to a new table when there was a piece deal insight. so this isn't something new. and in the context of who driving the conflict, a lot of unless some people close to the uh, with an ear to the ground on this suggest that the british are very, very energetic advocates. now, there are other voices of course, which suggests that there should be a temporary help. this. what are the few and far between what i want you to listen to the hung, gary and foreign minister of his point of view around the escalation of the conflict to say he's suggesting that the european union wants to spend a $100000000.00, essentially ensuring that the conflict can be perpetuated for at least the next 5
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years, some of the, some of the, a big a big boss. and i can get with all these things to be more and more distant to us, european, since nato is moving forward at a fast pace along the previously drone the red line, especially on tuesday. we received the proposal and how the secretary general alternate type intends to collect the 100000000 dollars from the member state, which may tie wants to pump into the war. in addition, this $100000000.00 should be collected in find years, which means that the nights are the accounting on the permit on getting eligible for at least another 5 years. i need to have little. so it's quite remarkable really. and you have to ask yourself that in with the reality of what's happening on the ground, and you claim that many the leads in europe and the united states. and the rooms and c escalation really is the only mode of forward movement rather than accepting that things may not be going as well as they would hope. but in this 5 years, i wonder if anyone is still going to be alive in the ukraine. if they keep it that
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way. now, are there any opposition to this? re this escalate to re rhetoric? that'd be pushing forward. yeah. well i suppose on an official stage a country like hungry victoria bon on this like you know, as well robert fee. so there is official opposition, but regarding what actual ordinary people, the army tax payers or funding this ongoing conflict. and just some interesting numbers from uh, hugo of a. so 41 percent of people in europe, according to the polls would like to see a settlement negotiated settlement essentially peace, but only 31 percent wanting to see the perpetuation of the conflict. this is continual escalation, which seems to be the standard corporate view. if you like of the you in brussels of london and america. now we can also listen to another home gary and at m e. p. member in europe in parliament. and his view that again, a temporary view with
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a more calm view of reality when it comes to the conflict that some of the other hayes, that's what we call the brussels bureaucracy, the political lead of the country. so the are being union in their own bubble. see, this is along the way to war when enormous possibilities the seed as their own war . however, among the citizens, there isn't only well in pro peace position. and in europe at some of them get in government. those who represent it, we do the right thing. this is our job and not simply because we are morally right . but because based on the rules of democracy, we represent the interest of the vast majority of european citizen stands. we just pro piece so voices of reason, a pro peace and you have to suggest that given this conflict, there's a notable absence of a peace movement on the left in the united states. if we see the same sort of
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issues we're regarding palestine as well. where is the anti war movement where the protest and the war in ukraine, they seemed to be almost entirely absent based on the big questions, had the, the majority of all the world asking new ways, diplomacy, ways, piece. where is negotiation? how do we sit down and dialogue? you know, but i see these right now. what are the best options that left for ukrainians is a piece or farther offensive on the ground? well, as we can, we can see from what's happening on the ground and it, it is now begrudgingly accepted by the western media, the western press. and the western governments. and the reality on the ground is that ukraine militarily is retreating. it has had a huge lack of the military equipment. a military package was passed there last week by the us government, but a huge amount of that. 80 percent of that, according to speaker johnson, will never be spent in ukraine. we've also got
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a situation that when this escalation occurs, the there's a a delusion if you like, and the west indies think tank fancy that it will never lead to any response from the russian side like a circus showing who has mentioned today. the russian minister of defense, that's a 1000 ukrainians are dying a day. essentially that when you find your plan has a, an empty pot. if you like of mine pur, increasing calls for european countries, this fact military men back into the country to go to this terrible, terrible conflict. but as we seem to have today, a 1000 people a day or time. and in addition to that, and, and really as, as breaking news, just as i came on there with you, marie is a higher over the farm industry, spokeswoman made it very clear that at any get tax on crime you this escalating a suggestion of attacking for me at the church bridge at this is all civilian infrastructure, of course, which last time it was attacked, killed civilians. she suggested that this will lead countries directed us directly
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to london at brussels on to washington that these attacks will lead to retaliate treat responses from russia. and so again, the idea that the wish it will never respond and that it will always, uh, you know, it does this idea of what she can only see and it can never be seemed against. it seems to be a grand is western policy making under this think tank reality, which is not a real reality push. i'm a response. so it's a dangerous thought. well, i'll put it in his set. that raw size all is ready for downloading for peace. way to see how these things about our tables. thank you so much for your time, man. thank you. now in a show of solidarity, truly, ronnie and universities are offering scholarships to any american and european students expelled with taking part in pro palestinian raw. these are the costs of the cost is an. busy recommendation will apparently be compet. now for more on
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the story that's for us live to our to you correspondent use of july the joining me right now. you said, uh, quite the long usual offer. take us through the details of this offer as well, of course, as the savage of course, as a savage crack down on the pro palestinian demons, traders intensifies in the u. s. at one in universities are offering a sanctuary for students in the us and europe, who are facing expulsion and other repercussions for their participation in the demonstrations. they're prestigious shaheen. finish the universities. now, in tonawanda is offering golf course. it's a 2nd academic center to offer scholarships for those who have been expelled or threatened with expulsion for speaking out against as well as actions in gaza. the offer follows a similar initiative by she was university on your marketing,
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a growing trend of support for protesters facing backlash for their pro palestinian stance in the west. shaheen, the hedge to university side. the scholarships provided covers all educational experiences with accommodation included. it also offers additional support to palestinian students impacted by the ongoing conflict in gaza, apart from other scholarship offer campuses across iran have been yeah. and within days, the scene of riley's denouncing that he was a support for his rarely atrocities and condemning what they called violence suppression of peaceful protests. they're wanting to suit us also, of course. so echoed there. um, the, the, the approach maintained by it wanting officials are that what is happening on the american campuses calls into question the united states claim of being the cradle of free speech and human rights. of course, this is while the united states is maintaining 0 tolerance towards all these actions and our freedom of speech. this is one of this one
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a one year leader. so if we meet or i to not how many has also echoed such remarks . and he said that this shows the legitimacy of iran specimens of towards the west . i want to, as on was the vase behavior of the american government towards the student process has shown that roger's minister finance pessimism towards the u. s. and has supported this slowing down with the united states. it shows to everyone that the us is that complex of israel look for the us and their relation. the entities are doing to justify protests against israel. disputants of american universities, the north, sabotage deal or says fly, or do anything or anyone. they did not even break any clause, and yet again, they're being treated like this to them because that score slots one has since day one expressed. it's the opposition to the result for
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