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tv   News  RT  May 19, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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is the the idea of attack on the refugee count kills at least 20 palestinians as a full desk called in garza from his lady shelling. supposed his 35 south. the police clash with protested intel of beavis thousands valley against his way. the prime minister netanyahu all while the looming threat of mutiny costs a shot over the ambassadors, leaving the prime minister netanyahu. i look you in the eye to night and tell you the choice is in your hands. if you choose to follow the path of fanatics and lead the entire nation into an abyss, we will be forced to quit the government,
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the boot and state visit to china. the staging roll out the red carpet with the chinese and brush and type of stage signing more strategic deals, not the way for and multi pose know, well, the very will welcome this is the weekly on all the international with the latest world news update along with around up at the stories that shapes the weight is good to have your company. a top story, this our as the as well. well. so it's offensive on garza, at least 20 palestinians have reportedly being killed and attack on the news, the right refugee camp. and again, claims that central region with us as the guns, a desktop, some idea of showing suppose is $35000.00 students upside to leave
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the reading power and say, giving final cases to the slain. children in new threats is ready for says targeted one house in the account that was sheltering displays, palestinians, palestinians, and no tony suffering from these weighty store like split, facing and a cute human. it's harry and crisis with shortages of all essentials, locals, q up for the crucial supplies, which it hot is sufficient to feed and we want to need you and agencies are raising the anom levitas firewood and crying says warning that 8 operations are stuck on very worried i think that it's a world which has lost its way and we need to help find its way back to those new ones that we will live to create. the humanitarian operation is stuck, it's completely stuck. we can't do what we want to do. what is the hope for these people? they don't know what's coming next. by so was the supplies from the central system
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. i've been disrupted on civilian struggle to join queues to fill by jerry comes local. say life has become unbearable with no one willing to help in that desperate need. it was on the travel long distances to fill one or 2 containers with water while you know, there are no wells. there are no services, homes were destroyed and i want you to look killed. we live in human radiation. in fact, no one cares about us. i thought we'd not okay with national when it's porter. we need to pay when you like to leave it. we want to return, so homes, our children have been thrown into the track that i love, the fact that he makes your life is unbearable for you. we transport water from use the c walk approximately 5 to 6 kilometers comes. we bring 4 to 5 containers of water and it spills on the road is no other way to provide water for us some way you but the ability of digit gloves for 14 days. um, border crossings have been completely closed or something,
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and no human attorney an 8th, as getting into casa and including food, water and a few weeks. this is, has resulted in some hospital, announced that they were complete. if you had the pleasure and resulting and posted the review, and if use it's uh oh patients ask what's happened in hospice in i'm now a, the situation is getting worse on thursday. expectation of this for the crossing is going to be continue close. this will result in a complete class for the health care system, as most presents when the no more events continue providing their life. stephen services with a few of the sessions fuel is also needed for the continue or ambulances, as ambulances need also q. and also as for the humanitarian aids we.
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1 a this situation on the ground is for the test are asked to speak to before even the loser of the crossings. this for us to the lives of civilians, a garza who wouldn't have no more as to that, i ordered you before the complete the closure. the amount of the human is already at ease that was getting into gaza. it was already enough enough. and now with a complete exposure, this means of time and is internet and would result in thousands of civilians will be losing their lives because of the start ration thousands of his way. the protest is a valid intel evey gave us the car and stuff and then resulting it. police using was a kind of detaining demonstrations the dentistry to the uh, jane benjamin netanyahu to resign and cool a snap election protest is also want the government to secure the release of dozens
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of these way. the hostages still being held captive in gaza. the is rarely prime minister, also spaces pressure from another side. and he's really will cabinet minister his register without getting less and yahoos, governments are less his dom on some that for the guns has given the premier 3 weeks to agree to his post will plan for does that on there as well. it. so what's the new prime minister netanyahu? i look you in the item. now i can tell you the choice is in your hands. the nets and yahoo of a decade ago would have done the right thing. are you willing to do the rights and patriotic thing today? the people of israel are watching you, you must choose between zionism and cynicism, between unity and factionalism, between responsibility and lawlessness, between victory and disaster. if you choose to follow the path of fanatics and lead the entire nation into an abyss, we will be forced to quit the government. we will turn to the people and form a government that will gain the trust of the people. we will form
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a government based on broad unity that will bring correction, unreal, victory to auto body and woman. if this plan includes the return of all hostages from don. so he wants the enclaves to be run by an international civilian governments that would include american european arab palestinian elements, but without the involvement of westbank called far seas down. so say what was to see guns a demilitarized and occupied by the is ray, the military, which he calls security control. benjamin netanyahu, his office has responded to the demands, claiming they would mean defeats for, as well. the condition said by many guns are whitewashed woods, that clearly mean ending the war and the fee for israel abandoned the most of the hostages, leaving him us in fact, and establishing and boasting in state to many guns is the latest is way the officials who openly opposed in espanol who earlier this week, defense minister,
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you'll have gone to accuse the premier of mismanaging the will efforts belong to mounted but nothing you all who commit to palestinian governance for the end slave as opposed to israeli occupation as we settlements in january, the prime minister survived the no confident suppose in parliamentary for his failure to bring all hostages home is way the journalist m e a r. and so he's the prime minister has longed out state as well. so i'm in office. any statements by mr . guns was to his being eagerly await to see it. but um, what uh turned out to have been his uh statement was directly disappointing because no child and political leaders and we shouldn't be have a rather than do something immediately. and now the two's right now, leaving the governments and leaving the men to replace a call for to meet us and the elections gave understand you all as 3 week
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old to match them, which is really lovable. and the tell you is both the most haste. the domain name is rules and majority of these rarely state sleet case and be spicing because both of his responsibility for october, the 7th, and his insistence on evading the comfortability for him, however, seemed to conduct had been to follow him and he's still enjoys. and majority, so the total have uh, at least half a dozen members softly could lead to by gallons bolting from the government to topple the government the incumbents. helena strategic pod assume vladimir putin was given a well combined siege in pink as the russian president visited. china for a 2 day state visits,
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both need is met and badging for the top level. folks paused for further cements that partnership. here's how president posey and was greeted the an on a god a marching band and count on something to the beads of the symphony of pomp every minute detail rehearsed to absolute perfection. we are in central badging behind me is the building of the parliament and over there in the distance, the 2 delegations, the russian and the chinese delegations here as they are about to greet the 2
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leaders here. you can see the, on the god, everything is very, very solemn. you can see there's actually both men and women represented in the front rows of about to meet both a lot of my food and i'm changing, paying the we don't get to see this kind of reception every time we have the front row seats mutual respect to the degree of reverence has never been vis expressive of the continuous strengthening of russian chinese development, comprehensive strategic interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation meet the
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fundamental interest of our countries and our peoples. and are in line with the needs of the world community and time. relations between china and russia are irreplaceable. their significance is hard to overestimate the which i apologize for speaking so long and not letting the interpreter do his job. i feel at home here. it's like i thought everyone here already speaks russian. the know that translated into hours of 2 weeks and a speck of signed documents, no strategic partnership, and the brakes book, the pillars on which russia china relations stand high during the visit, the delegations agreed on must go further expanding its presence on big things. kolosso agricultural market, and while the us has been ramping up its efforts to make rushes, banking sector toxic through sanctions blackmail most to
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n b gene discussed ways to get around that. now the 2nd leg of the journey. so a lot of my posting. 6 calling from capital b g to the north eastern city of had been the now over there, he met with chinese students and shed some of the behind the scenes details of his visit. my dual credit. this started yesterday, my friend, the president of the people's republic of china, treated me to this dish of peking duck. i'll tell you honestly that i thought about eating only one piece. well, you understand right? but i couldn't resist because it was so delicious, disreputable, of course, but the biggest revelations came just off to that to the enemy's your conference, which was truly in your face event for everyone. still hoping to see russia
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sidelined and isolated, it is important that those who are trying to maintain a monopoly on poll issues. understanding that a multi point a world is emerging before our eyes do everything that depends on them in this case. so that this process is natural, peaceful, conflict free. and that the opinions of all participants in the international process is taken into full account. it was also the 1st time vladimir putin spoke about russia's new advance in the heart of region in east and ukraine. and that it's not actually about taking the city of heights of well, at least for now ukraine is showing residential areas of russian border territories, including belgrade. civilians are dying. it's obvious that firing right into the center of the city. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. that's what we're doing. as for the city of car cost today,
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we have no plans of taking it. and once again, put this trust, both most goes readiness for peace talks and the futility of any such effort that does not account for russian interests. we analyze everything. of course, we are following what is happening around the announce meeting in switzerland. we are not going to switzerland, but we never refuse negotiations. unlike ukraine, they are the ones who withdrew from the negotiation process. they are the ones who said they were going to inflict a strategic defeat on us. they declared that they were going to fight to the end. in fact, not to the end, but to the last ukrainian. it was president supporters, 1st 4 and visits since he's latest a new generation. and on these guys celebration of deep friendship between russia and china. and the failure of us sled attempts, a geo political segregation, and while hates is in the west, i surely still going to have the defined display in the east,
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sadly speaks for itself. washington's latest functions against chinese electric vehicles is assigned to us also industries. they use them as competition as often as my page and explains the move during amazing, with students on professors at home and university during his trip to china. a sensory integration when you have to sanctions of course, look like sanctions on the outside. but to a certain extent, such elements of economic warfare are not being used for the 1st time. why have such restrictions been imposed on the chinese automotive industry? because they have become better and cheaper than european and non american ones. that's all they just killed the competition. in this case, the chinese competitor is not allowed to enter the market and say, what does that sound surprises in buying and imposes a fresh round of tower. it's on a range of chinese goods, something he says, we'll start badging from cheating. now tony's electric cars will be taxed 100 percent with somebody, conductors and solar panels being taxed, 50 percent power,
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strong critical, many roles like a medium or co bolts have risen to 25 percent. and a bid to protect themselves from the tax hikes chinese manufacturer is a set to base. i think that sites on last in america, when a ton is biggest economic is b y, d speeding up construction on a new plant in brazil. and just looking to expands to mexico, says tony's money assigned to his aim to capitalize on growing demand in the region . we spoke with carlos ro, has a political, the economy professor at the national tournaments, university of mexico. and he says, washington is all full of the free markets and to listen to us. so i put it with of the ones that i see there is definitely a strong contrast between the fee monkey that audiology with which the us build. it's more of a few people globalization and what is happening now, such a clear to turn to protect and these monks, the end of an era. one could say that status if we look closely conformed to the
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principal of the exception of the is the us and he has to, in his relations with the, with the free market. but only if it does not affect its interests. it's not a chinese trying to gain enough advantage over its competitors or doing self in the order. so not doing what we're witnessing, the structural consequences of what the us itself promoted in pursuit of financial control. these measures signify market restrictions, but cannot hold or counting decades of chinese industrial development. g o economic changes have margin, especially for the us to distance itself from production chains in china. the question is, how quickly they want to do this. also, is there a possibility to quickly adjust the us strategy of financial dominance, and are they being forced to take measures con, 3 to the principles? to avoid being pushed out of high tech markets? we turn to ukraine, where a cube sports is
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a now facing an upheld basso. russian troops have taken control if the same assessments and they talk of region and all but another 5, the countries limited gains and these are for those yeah. region also used on bass bass correspond to the steps we need brings us more, these house earlier this week and a major policy. ukraine motion forces to control of the symbolic, the impulse and vintage of, of both in the end is up what, what was your region intense function took place here and what was one of the cranes only gains of it's much warranty, but filed counter offensive rep, boston and live 75 kilometers northeast of municipal, the regional capital. it was here. but next to it military hardware, military vehicles, with damaged or destroyed. the so called game changes is up on the wanted western supposedly invincible equipment burns. and in terms of its technical and technical characteristics, how much of it often even fall short compared to some models of soviet made weaponry? want to the already is not one display in the russian capital. drawing huge crowds
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to pump the polk where they can see military vehicles, including the so called invincible abrams tank mall rushing like huge a volunteer is in the hawk of region crossing through defensive lines like fatah. in fact, the bbc reported last week that those defensive lines simply didn't exist with reports of russian troops advancing through online to areas and you crate and simply giving up with i'm following a single shot. is let to save us questions being honest with the area previously said to be heavily fortified. many of the mounting offices as to where that money has gone. i mean the allegations of corruption. there was no 1st line of defense. we saw it. the russians just walked in, they just walked in without any mind fields. either, it was an act of negligence or corruption. it wasn't a failure, it was a betrayal. at the time, the guy, harold is impulse and success is on the battlefield. but you crate yourself with heavy losses, and now it seems as well as comp and nothing with russia really taking control this
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of the quote the carrier, despite deploying such a norm as forces if the enemy did not manage to reach even the 1st line of our defenses well, there are still 2 more lines beyond that. the last 166000 killed and wounded over 800 tanks and nearly 2400 are emerged fighting vehicles. so yes, another 5 you on the bottle fail despite the constant flow of volumes of weapons to key have as nice. so i'm re continues to, but this is steve sweeney. don't. yes, republic football t as much and makes basil failed advances kia so it's not a surprise visit from us. secretary of state johnson, the blinking express washington's on wavering support. despite ukraine's front line fail is blinking, attempted to lift spirits during his trip with us on tany is performance, while the neutral cody and mobilization noise being and forced on ukrainians
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the basic, it's hard to keep the ball and belted out, walking in the free world. us diplomats has back to cranes. mobilization has met and literally being dragged off by conscription, offices incense to the conflicts, people who debt to film these abductions, risk being beaten. the file storage sees a warning throughout disturbing images. a head we are seeing is associated with the young adults, the woman who says she was beaten by an enrollment officer off the filming her boyfriends being dragged away again, a warning you might find this video upsetting the
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. the mobilization though requires all conscripted men between the ages of $18.60 to update the personal data within 2 months without waiting for summons. it also cancels the does that delay of service that employees of defense ministry enterprises were allowed. and the dope has also expand it expanded rather who can distribute some of that and say, i think the heads of educational the institutions to the list. president vladimir lensky signed a little earlier authorizing the mobilization of prison convicts, according to ukrainian media report, some 10 to 15000 criminals will soon be rushed to battle with minimal training. k of claims and move is needed to make up for a critical shortage of non power. and his regular military has been heavily depleted political commentator and on that one deal. and the surveys that he's the graphics, the grabbing people on the streets has no legal basis. there is absolutely no
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justification for snatching people on the streets from their homes and will seem to to, to go to bed to try a bit easy saying some people that you find that haven't even healthy guy enough find themselves heavy to battle. one of the strongest honors in the world, it's showing the kind of situation that is it is, it is man and his on find themselves. stories of this ration where the results, it's a human rights violations. but of course, you look at when supervisors, but issues are committed by the end of the wasted ations country. supported by the way you find it. nothing's done. you find that it's a national organizations, have nothing to say the us government does not care about the you crazy people that the government, the only thing the us government has proven to care about is left this politically
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expedient to the time. and they have an invasion, they have to political emissions and that part of the world and ukraine is, you know, a tool towards tools was expanding in eastern europe. so breaking news for, you know, a helicopter a carrier and uranium presidents. abraham bracy has reportedly crashed according to the country's media of associates claim, and experienced a russ landing, uranian foreign minister, and governor of east. as a by john, i also believed to have been on both the ax off. let's get more details. now. let's close to a correspondence using the denali joining goes from b radian town. so use of get to see you. what can you tell us about the helicopter power? you and you're wrong. talk official of the
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i u sub it's nikita studio, can you hear me? okay, okay, we seem to be having some connection issues with our correspondence that we'll try to get that fixed and then i'll take you over to him later in the programs. find out the details on that breaking news story. let's move on. so now the democratic republic of congo military on sunday, held off and attempted to know the presidential offices in the countries copies of the military spokes person size 3 people were killed in the shoots house involving arms, congolese militants on foreigners lift, focused on the the armed forces of the democratic republic of the congo inform, national and international opinion that an attempt to include it has been nipped in the bud by the defense and security forces. this attempting vote for and there's an come gleese. these kimberly's and the foreigners have been put out of harm's way. their leaders included the armed forces of the democratic republic of the congo,
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asked the population to go about their business freely and quietly. the defense and security forces have perfect control of the situation. we will return to it as forcefully with proof and supporting images. the government, sorry to throw took place in the as of sunday morning and also targets it'd be a called economy ministers. residence classes were reported between men and military, uniform and administered as the gods. but before we go, some more details on the breaking news story, we're bringing you this, our a helicopter carrying a rating and president and for him. racy has reportedly crisis, but that's according to the countries media, other associates claim and experienced a rough landing radian for a minnesota on the governor of east. as of 5, john, i also believe to have been on board the ashcroft at the time. red crescent search and rescue teams along with military forces have those de la scant operations to locate the helicopter. local sources report that heavy fault is complicating those
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assets, leaving the ashcroft status on said 3 helicopters, the companies be arranging precedent with to arriving safely at the destination. the stud carrying presses to raise the account of some sort of difficulty the crew managed to make contact with k, be fully updated on this breaking news story and hopefully get you some live details from around later in the program to stay with us. that's what that's in the corner. we'll say good bye for now. we'll be back at the top of the now with all the very latest, thanks for joining us here. and i'll see international the . so i understand that you served to him as prime minister of stock. you joined 1991 in 1992. yes. can you describe a little bit about law what the implications have been since then? up until now?
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big changes make changes because in the time we're just turning in that time check with somebody and, and neighboring countries from 40 years socialism to a democratic society market economy, a free press, the big changes. so we understand that the developments over the past few days have been a month from on the biggest to out to your what can you personally say about a little back the so i know beneficial, but actually coming from that time he started as a young socially slowly edition in, in the both post communist party is the lucky are,
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and 2 members, members of sole requirement. and despite the fact that the deals, socialist iowa schools are about to gratian, but to our relations were correct. and this, yes, for some time we are practically in the same political camps opposing or the government us about. yeah. so coming back to the assassination, it's out to you hasn't seen such a chance on politicians in lives for decades. do you think the risk is gonna link test time goes by i think so i think so because the tension is not just the case of slovakia.


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