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tv   News  RT  May 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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the the, the big, the size, dave, maybe the idea of the current mazda is of ukraine to a located overseas, is to place the burden of making on popular decisions on the current executive branch is loving or putting saves. ukraine is essentially under western control on point side. that's loving. there is a lend, steve, whose presidential term expired last week is no longer legitimate, while ukraine's parliament, other speaker, still on the used top debt, will not admit that some of the blocks members oppose. lifting a restriction for western supply weapons to be used to strike deeper into russia and also as the the lead for j todd. sorry to interrupt the body. harvey was roughly that indicates the fact that you guys are being expended. and
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that the combined r t here is from my gals, that base journalist who reports that i d f. tongue, sorry, advancing into the hearts over off up leaving major casualties in their way. so it's not a freak out or just the international community to take action against israel to the ritz killing of palestinians on and on the president. it's you, the rubber, your accounting then use our from to day across the world. welcome to moscow onto our teacher national break. the have us ukraine's western allies are seeking to place the illness on making this like decisions, including about mobilization on the current government in order to easier replace them later. that's according to the russian president speaking, while on
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a visit to his back. the most would be the 1st day of see, well, maybe the idea of the current mazda is of ukraine to a located overseas, is to place the burden of making all unpopular decisions on the current executive branch. that's including the adoption of the decision to further lower the mobilization age. and after the adoption of this and other unpopular decisions, the current representatives of the executive branch might be replaced by people free from the responsibility that lays on their shoulders for decisions that are unpopular among the population. a full, according to vladimir important, one of the biggest issues regarding ukraine right now is the legitimacy of vladimir zelinski. his presidential term was supposed to come to an end of this month. the new election still haven't been held. and flattery important says that the, the constitution, which it seems that he's been studying quite thoroughly, should be used as a roadmap in this situation. and he says, in this particular case,
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authority over ukraine should be moved to the parliament. that hasn't happened now . he says he understands, that's one of the reasons why a presidential election has been held there is uh, because uh, the martial law is set in place in ukraine. but fortunately says that this could be easily resolved if the ukrainians canceled the law lifted the band and then allowed their people to vote and decide whether or not stable once latimer resiliency to stay in the office to legally. or they want someone new to come in. uh, this leads us to another issue for it is for instance, if moscow in key, if we're to hold something you radical piece talks, then putting says in this current situation, they're not really sure who is authorized to hold these negotiations on the green inside. who will sit there on the other side of that table? and among the questions post that was one on the west intentions to allow kids to use and weapons to strike inside russia. what was the martian president's call into
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the us? speaking about these calls made by some what's an officials, including the head of nato, to officially allow your brain to use western made weapons and attacks targets on the russian territory. putting says that they hear these calls, they're closely monitoring them. but then he says that the way some of these weapons so technically works is that even if you queens were formerly allowed to use them, then the way the works is that to the west would still be responsible for these attacks. here's why. the elizabeth which nettles eventually then this new high precision is long range, weapons custom cannot be launched without using space recognizance. in addition, the final target choice and the so called flight mission, can only be made by highly qualified specialist is based on this technical intelligence. who is doing this. this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the systems to ukraine. this can and does happen without the participation
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of ukrainian military personnel. and other systems are also being prepared on the basis of space exploration and are automatically brought to the appropriate calculations. is this task is being prepared not by ukrainian service men, but by representatives of nato countries. but these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. they should remember that this is as a rule, a states with a small territory and a very dense population when you much to and this is a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. so this is a serious matter of the condition, and we are of course, watching it very carefully flattering and putting, also commented on caused by some european states including baltic states, defense needs, old military instructors to ukraine. well pollutant says that westerners have been fighting washer and ukraine for a while. now. moscow clearly sees it, and he says they've been suffering severe losses and supplied me important things
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that turning these mercenaries formerly into nato military, instructors could be a way off, legitimizing these, this right on the shows. the key of military are saying that for and specialists may appear in ukraine. of course, they have been there for a long time, under the guise of so called mercenaries. we hear the radio communications in english and french and polish. and they are suffering losses. and it's getting more and more difficult for them to be hidden or so maybe the time has come to officially show that presence to legalize these losses. also, polish authorities declared that they are ready to send their contingents. they claim they do it to protect their own board and to allow reserve ukrainian units to be moved to the front lines. it's not a good decision. it's another escalation and another step towards a serious european conflict. by them, they will be in the striking range of military forces. do they want it?
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they are welcome. we will still do as we see fit, spoken, a godless of who is on the territory of ukraine. i'm going to look them once again . well, let's take off, that's a lot her point because french evolution expert on current refers commentators through the law through say it is clear a foreign forces. how being present in ukraine since 2014 and mr. mccaul is only trying to make the loss of french troops. official in the west does not realize the real losses that they may face if everything was fine for ukraine, it would be the opposite way. the thing is that i strongly believe. but despite the language, the effect, despite the what is said, they are not realizing where they're going to put their feet in. we all know and this is not something new that we have friendship. barrett are in ukraine and they,
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it's even before 2022 because we know that they were there since 2014. so since 2022 m. the beginning of the special military operations it's, it's, it is something that is understood but unfold. uh, by officially using this, it would also be an opportunity for, for present chrome to justify the dad, the front desk that we already have in ukraine. and that's uh, that's where he might be burdened that he has to justify with less so many minds. well, something else link to all of this, it comes as they use. foreign policy chief has admitted that only some european countries want to lift restrictions on key of using western supplied weapons for strikes and russian territory. we allow our arms to be used below. below the longer for the inversion, great,
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while shall member states go through, started deciding they can disclose today. now, according with the law of war is perfectly possible. that is and no contradiction could retaliate to a quick fight against the one who finds your gains. me from easter to the risk of escalation. sure. where we put them that they were way strong. on one hand, doing this press conference, you see missed that the new military aid for ukraine was being blocked because it requires unanimity and well hungry for one is dissenting. and on the other hand, when it comes to individual european countries wanting to say, do you crate, okay, well, go ahead and use the weapons that our country gave you to hit target steep inside russia and risk escalation, suddenly browse all cool about that distance. so why is broad even bringing this up now? well, i just mean that just took place in brussels, breathing down the neck of your own defense ministers,
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was ukraine's defense. chief risk them are off and also nato secretary general and stilton bird who is musing over the weekend that you friends, defense, ought to now mean all sensitive strikes on russia and back home, used about sending friends trips to ukraine and said just over the weekend that europe is multiplying external and internal enemies, even german chancellor, all our schultz has said, look, we gave you create our weapons under the conditions that they don't use them to bomb russia and we're not willing to move those goals, hose and risk more problems. spain is also sad, now forget it. even those ones, the personally went there to push for it recently. and he's not the only one heading for a face plant with his rhetorical gymnastics routine. if you're talking about statements, but again, stopping burger, someone else, but ukraine could use weapons that are supplies to it from a broad size thing. this is completely logical. your brain is fighting award and they are defending themselves. and as long it's,
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it's in the interest of their self defense and restoring the discharge for integrity of their country. it is quite feasible that they have to strike also inside the rush. so from my perspective, that should not be the due date for the false group. and one of them it did. we think that we should allow you print to neutralize russian military sites, but we must not allow them to keep the russian civilian structures kind of and i say they sound like they graduated from the benjamin netanyahu. yep. sounds legal to me. school of international law from the spokesman, dimitri pest, golf qualified to use current vive as quote, war time, ecstasy, and hum, gary, and for a minister of peter, see how co said over the weekend that europe has fallen into war psychosis and that its foreign policy has become a one trick pony beginning and ending with ukraine. like to go to the cam and the ukranian casualties are becoming more and more than bearable. the korean men are not being allowed out of the grain. and now they ones that contribute to being used
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into the war. and obviously as the escalation hates, this neighborhood. first one can almost clearly hear the argument that the soldiers should be sent from the geographical proximity. first of all, these means that they want this in central european use, including hunger in youth. to do more with mandatory, you're being conscription. what seems to be happening here overall is that there are leaders at the very top of these institutions of global governance, light burrell at the you and stilton berg at nato, neither of whom are elected through any kind of popular democratic vote. giving a blessing for an esl, a tory joy ride of swords, and some u. p. and countries are following right along with it, while others are desperately right now trying to hit the brakes on the ground car before it goes straight off eclipse. get something else to tell you about in gals a, a long anticipated stroke, feared grand operation in rafa is reportedly on the phone thing. a local journalist has told archie that these really tongue so now advancing into the center of the
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city. with some 21 people killed so far. explain the serious and the expense of targeting the high contain scription, the more on target and also the people that bought some from it is still on the on the operation for the atlantic. so that i pay. yeah. they have already been that's a fine. yeah. yeah. an area that was there as a service area by the delivery process. the parents are advancing the actually in the said, in the buddy. no, no thank eastern part time by approaching that earlier, it seems that the the forces are trying to enter our struggle, which is in the body. hot was rough on that or is indicate the fact that the god
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just with our times are being expanded and that the commodities is going to, they're in a 200. that's where i happen to be in one of the cost. but then there's a large number of where it brought to the hospital because of the apartment. i went to the place itself. i saw the ice on the impact of the fire. and i saw that some of the bodies were for lifted by people who are just starting to fine. what ever remains of devices that you have thrown on truck, ortiz, middle east correspondence, grief and motion to further breaks down. now the latest developments for us surrounding the situation facing rough, it is very important to say, 1st of all that so far, there hasn't been any official announcements from israel, about an unanticipated large scale operation and rough uh, but for days the idea of has been conducting what it's called limited operations in
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the area with cavities rising, including i'm on civilians. now we hear about is really tang tillery and heavy bombardment on the ground. we also hear from our correspondence on the ground that civilian infrastructure hayes being targeted. we also receive pictures showing guys on leaving rough or, and so cold humanitarian zones that were supposed to the raft. huge and protect civilians trap taina war zone. so the situation on the ground is very, very tons. and this escalation comes after a deadly attack by israeli army. earlier on sunday, when the idea of heat, a camp full displaced people according to the government, media office and guys, or at least 45 people were killed and 200 others were injured including women and children. shortly after that, the attack, the idea finance that's to senior have mass officials involved, according to israel and directing terror attacks across the west bank had been
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killed, had the army also reported that the strike was precise based on serious intelligence . and that the target was a have mass compound, but again, innocence, palestinians died from a disturbing german, antonia who cold stays rarely strike a tragic mistake though in an investigation the un relief chief reacted to this comment saying that colon it's under stake is a message that's means nothing for those killed says, grieving and those trying to save their lives. let's take a listen. no. the rough uh, we have already created about a 1000000 non involve presidents, and despite our best efforts not to home, the northern volk, unfortunately, a tragic mistake happened last night. we are investigating the case will present conclusions because this policy, whether the attack was a war crime or a tragic mistake for the people of gaza. there is no debate. what happened last
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night was the latest and possibly most cruel, abomination. to call it a mistake is a message that means nothing for those killed. those grieving and those trying to save lives is really attack sparked world wide condemnation. and he's the latest reaction from south africa, the country that earlier these 2 years, you remember initiated, legal battle had the international court of justice, the u. n's, highest, quote, accusing israel off committing genocide and gaza. let's take a listen. we must pose the question of how long the international community will continue to watch as an entire population. is it? no, i liked it before the world can unite to generally act against these brutal and incessant attacks. nothing can justify the deliberate killings and injuring of civilians as an entire population in the jewish destruction of the scale and speed without power . low in modern history to rustle has become a red line for the international community months after the war. and guys have
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started thousands tens and hundreds of thousands of gallons displaced from the north of the street, found refuge around the city of rough funding of egypt, and bold and many included in these rules. key ally, the u. s. have been opposing the idea of the operation in such a densely populated area. and israel vowed to evacuate civilians before any military activity and indeed many managed to escape, but many are still there. the place is still crowded and has rails badly attack on civilians in gauze, sparked outrage worldwide held julia has requested an urgent un security council meeting that we are expecting later on tuesday. for the 1st time since the beginning of the war almost 8 months ago. the european union is now considering sanctioning israel over its operation named gaza, as, according to the irish for a minister, also had called ition of n g o is has urgently appealed to the un security council to enforce the international court of justice as orders regarding israel is offensive and rough uh,
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earlier the i c j, as you remember, roads to stop the idea of some military operation and rough. but so far we see the opposite. these really army goes deep, intensifying it's attacks as from bergman's and earlier benjamin and said, yeah, who's really prom and a story said that no one will stop it as well. and this is what we see happening now. and unfortunately, we might expect more tragic events and modesta of course, from both sides. well, so it's african m p 's alone am cubic did not hold back and speaking towards see he says that israel has for, for that it's right to stand with the rest of the civilized world after it's unprecedented. the sold on palestinians in response to the october 7th, attacked by some this is the die of 40. it's horrendous, uncivilized body. we can call it all the names that we try
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to define what it is. but this is the grading scale middle genocide against the most and people of casa, and a clear violation of the international laws. because is why in bytes few days of the order of the i, c, j decides to ignore and disregard what has been communicated. which forms puts in process of the, in the last or convention to respect the rule of international law. but is what i am is printing itself as a country that is above the law and did expect everybody else to be quiet in the midst of the depths of the most and people, the timing of this escalation and the brutal killings. why? that is why it does 2 days of the order of the us. we use a j. it's it's, it's,
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it's, it's totally. and it actually informs us that it's a play turned out. ok. they are defining themselves outside of all the human seem that when they think that they are above all of us as the nations of the when it comes to life. and that's why we're making a claudio on call for the peoples of the wisdom, the progressive governments who come on out twice so late is late in this blatant auto games and they tend to visit the gods of the in the floor is something that to move more than just condemnation, it requires us to begin a process of isolating is ryan then squeeze once the june out of their life. like because what they're doing is not dissolving for their in life any longer. as a government, they have, they have said slowly, they're moved to the standard. that's a center of the government. they have to,
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to move, to the extent that i think they must be expelled from the united nations. they must be expelled from all the international protocols and conventions. they don't have to sit on the table with other nations of that, with this isolation, most of the energy unprecedented. so that we can put as much pressure on them to stop the killing against the people for the start. okay, another story we're across today. georgia in parliament members have faced off with the president and over written, heard vito on the so called foreign agents more the countries prime minister saves the current scenario, has echoes of the events which unfolded in ukraine a decade ago. what we see is that some individuals, the global war party, tried to use the letter of joining the european union for rights in georgia and the change of power. we have all seen what such processes have led to the new grain. in
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reality, such blackmail has brought you green to the present day. well, some more. i'm not joined in the city by archie correspondence. donald courts her don't good to see you. the p. m. they're not holding back. take us through what? on folded earlier in georgia? well, this george and for an agents bill, i mean it's got over whelming support from the countries highest elected body, a whole 84 parliamentarians voted to override the president's veto. where at whereas only 4 of these parliamentarians voted against that. and this is something that actually didn't surprise everyone, anyone. everyone knew that this was going to happen pretty much, even the president of the country who's pro western said that this decision to veto the, for an agents bill was more of a matter of principle for her. so at any rate, this is a law that's going to come into a force very soon in the country, and it was brought through a completely legitimate democratic process. interestingly as well, you've got western countries don't strongly act opposing the georgian belt. that is,
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despite some of them having similar even at tougher legislation in their own nations. what are they saying? yeah, we can start with the united states for it's part of has the oldest for an agents law in the entire west. and it's very, very strict in comparison to the one that was just passed in georgia. and i mean one might even go on to say that the georgia in law is very lenient. they would just require agencies that receive over 20 percent of their income from abroad to register and the government database. and despite all that, washington's already been lodging condemnation and threats against those who, according to the united states, are apparently the babbling against democracy. of the georgia in parliament voted to override the georgian presence veto of an anti democratic for an influenced bill that fails to conform to european norms effectively. turning the bill into law, the united states condemns this act. last week,
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secretary blinking announced that anyone who undermines democratic prophecies or institutions in georgia, as well as their immediate family members, may be found in eligible for us visas under newly announced policy. precluding travel to the united states. yeah, there we have the us downs, but some you officials are certainly no strangers the following washington's lead on foreign policy don't. to what extent are we seeing that play item this case? while the european union is also doubling down on its own threats, we heard from joseph burrell and the commission. they both said that they're considering all possible options in terms of how they're going to react to these developments coming out of georgia. we don't really know exactly what that means. that's all they said, considering all possible options. while we've got other officials from a use states essentially saying that they're going to block any possibility for georgia to actually become a new member state, which some people in the country wants a. this is all because a sovereign country decided to pass a loss in its own country a very sad day for georgia and the rest of europe.
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the passing of this law effectively puts george's accession to the you on hold with no benefit for anybody. almost anybody. we are dismayed by george's problem, his choice not to use this historic opportunity to move on with the integration and to leave its people in the large, been waiting room for in depth in the future. despite popular opposition and international appeals. georgie is ruling policy has to day post the foreign agent low to sign into a position media or in the n g o's. unless the ruling policy changes its course of action, georgia will not advance on policy you membership to of course, again, there was no mention of the for an agents legislation that also exists in the european union because there they call it a defense of democracy package. so it's entirely different apparently. so, i mean, for all these western states, states, lodging threats, etc, democratically elected george and parliament for passing a war and its own country. it just looks really, really hypocritical,
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especially when the parliament itself is saying that this law is to ensure transparency in the country. and that over overriding the presence veto of it is not only a victory for the parliament, but a victory for the country sovereignty as well. probably many years ago, no one could have imagined that georgia would be able to make an independent decision despite facing resistance on such a scale. for this, i think each of my colleagues and most importantly, the georgian people, if not for their unprecedented unity and wisdom, this would not have happened. a very interesting comments, aren't they? what exactly is the george and parliament majority leader in plain when calling to move an independent decision there? well, for decades there been thousands of us. the state department funded a and g o. as in georgia, actually trying to spread attitudes better hostile towards russia. among the
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younger generations, they've been working tirelessly in the education system of the country and in the media organizations of the country. that's why last year we've seen such a last year and this year we've seen such a violent reaction to this legislation where they were riots and back to the last year when they 1st wanted to put the sledges legislation through. and this year there was violence as well. uh, and on top of that, you know, the us and its allies have in the past britain, sanctions, even in response to this legislation and a number of penal measures that, you know, revolve around that against georgia. and it's something that altogether, the prime minister of georgia is actually said that was a giant attempt for the west to open the 2nd front against russia or the 3rd. see what very interesting. so to say that since the beginning of 2022, there was a strong interest in having georgia opened the 2nd from here to which would have seriously done much impressions positions on it. and it would not have been easy
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for russia to fight them to the front sort of product. all these would have destroyed our country, as some people didn't care about the fate of our country. it was the only thing they cared about was weakening, rushes position was witnesses, but now i saw with my own eyes what cobra kids they was talking about in that interview actually. because last year i went to cover the 1st wave of unrest when they, when the parliament wanting to put through this law. and i saw how the riders were throwing molotov cocktails. you know, there was, they were screaming about some sort of, sort of a parent say tannic influence a rush on the country. these are really like a very crazy people that were in these protests. and i would have, when i went to cover, i would have gone to cover what was, what's going on right now as well. but i was actually detained at the border and then deported. likely because of that journalist to work that i was doing last year . but at any rate, this law is now set to come into effect. very soon they overrate they, they were able to override the president's feeder veto. so it's unlikely that the
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protestors that are still out there in front of the parliament. right now we're going to achieve very much. thanks for breaking the time for us donald quarter. know i'm a senior figured just to stay with this story from a prominent georgia news and analysis agency says that countries law efforts are triplets really don't have any criminal enforcement in trying to enforce solver and say, compared to other countries. really ask, is that going into the fortune and visit with georgia in law is very toothless, which does not provide for any criminal liabilities. in comparison with this for encounter parts of the american french draft law, which has now been introduced with a russian law. although it is persistently called the russian law by the george and opposition, it is amazing, unprecedented such a reaction. the cynical reaction of the west such solidarity against little georgia and its.


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