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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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artiara, were left without air defense, in combat aviation, and even without money for the fighters given to ukraine. the new minister of defense of slovakia told how military support for kiev ended for bratislava. artificial intelligence, virtual reality and drones at the service of russian builders. new technologies in the industry are being discussed today at vdnkh as part of construction day. took part in the business program. now let's take a break for a short commercial, and then watch our joint project with tucker carlson's youtube channel. together with senator atagai an american journalist understands why washington is inciting several conflicts in different regions of the world at once. and in the second half of the hour our broadcast will continue with a special report by maxim kiselyov on economic drivers.
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biden is in a very dubious position, since joe biden has already promised zelensky your support, your money, possibly your children , quote, as much as it takes, but this is all some kind of nonsense, since the united states no longer has money to distribute to the ukrainians or anyone else, yes that this promise should be... withdrawn and is being slowly withdrawn. so, a representative of the state department was asked how long we will continue to support ukraine, what this support will consist of, and he replied that in general we will give less money to zelensky, here he is. we have always said that we want ukraine to be an independent
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country, which means that it must be self-sufficient. we will continue to support ukraine, this is the policy of the united states. as much as needed. this does not mean the level of military funding. do from ukraine, as was said earlier, to become self-sufficient, to help ukraine build its own industry, its own military-industrial complex, so that it can produce weapons to provide itself with them, but so far this has not happened, which is why it is so important that congress pass a law on financing. notice how he looked down, what people looked at, i just want to look again, what they do when they lie, and he, precisely, lies, that’s what’s not a lie: ukraine will restore its industry, really, for a whole generation
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was destroyed, the country is ruined, how will they achieve this, well, black rock and other sponsors of the democratic party will take care of the restoration of industry, because this is the main task. and this is all obvious to anyone who pays attention, but in washington, strangely enough, no one talks about it out loud, except for one izogaia senator named jaydee vance. and recently he pointed out that it has been known all these 2 years that ukraine is the most corrupt country in europe, no one except our country denies this, and that zelensky, for all his wonderfulness, is not worth sending him hundreds of billions of dollars. hearing this, the senators lost their chains, because they love zelensky, and not...
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they came, during your skirmish, the most stunning figure was the number you named. can you explain in detail how much this war will cost the us? tucker, of course, it’s difficult to say for sure, since every new
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day we spend more and more money. and these are not only the amounts that are rumored, but these are also the expenses that we incur during re-equipment. let me explain what i mean. with a reported $120 billion spent on ukraine, the biden administration is asking for another $61 billion, and many senators, including republicans, are willing to commit that money. here you have already 180 billion dollars, but these amounts are not included, if suddenly this continues for another year or two, these amounts do not include the various personal reserves of the president. if, say, joe biden gives zelensky weapons made in the united states or anywhere else, then they can use various accounting tricks to underestimate the total value of the transferred, if we have already transferred $120 billion, as was stated, then the real figure is probably $150-160 billion, this is of course a guess, but not unfounded. tucker's other point is that we, as we have already publicly
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stated, are going to rebuild this country . you have already heard about the marshal's plan for ukraine, which will be carried out by black rock or under his supervision. we're talking about an additional two hundred, three hundred. or even $400 billion for restoration of this country. at the moment, tucker ukraine cannot pay its pensioners or perform government functions such as road repairs. medical care, payment of pensions , all this the ukrainians themselves can no longer do, taking into account all this, tucker, i think that even if the war ends in 6 months, it will already cost american taxpayers half a trillion dollars, again, this is an assumption, but it is based based on how much we have already spent and how much we are going to spend in the future, this is a colossal amount money, but if you think about it, tucker, what we will get as a result, we will essentially... turn ukraine into a sub-state, and this is putting it mildly, the original goal was to turn
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ukraine into a self-sufficient ally that could resist russia. let's leave the question for a second, is it worth spending 500 billion dollars on this? i believe not, but if we assume that this was the goal of the united states of america, then we did not come close to it. the country now has a population of 40 million instead of 40 million. 29 million. many men in their prime, men in their prime at the dawn of their strength, they were killed, wounded, or maimed, they will never become full-fledged, and this is what we have achieved here, not a pre-state hooked on handouts from the united states of america and nato. and i, of course, am joking when i say that nato will take over this baton from us? of course not. and of course, it’s not a fact that... will continue to exist at all, why would germany be in an alliance with us after we blew up the nord stream? but
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that's not what we're talking about now. i want to ask you this: first - half a trillion, 120 billion. our state can he even afford them? and second, why are you the only one in the us congress who talks about this? well, tucker, of course, we can’t afford it, we have debts of 1.7 trillion, in the twenty-fourth this figure will increase even more. especially if joe biden decides to buy himself the next election in november. we, of course, cannot afford this, for a very fundamental reason tucker. if the conflict in ukraine has taught me anything, it is that economics, at least in this city, is not a science. this is all some kind of nonsense, none of this is real. this is what i specifically mean. we're talking about $1.7 trillion here, but let's talk about the gdp ratio.
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more powerful without question, but the essence of power is not how many derivatives your financial sector creates, the essence of our economy is much larger and power is how many useful things your economy produces. guess how much more artillery ammunition russia produces than the united states, the answer is...
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this is all so important that i don't think the us senate is allowed to talk about it. you are essentially saying that financial economics is a fake, and of course, it is very , very beneficial to some, but it does not speak in any way about the power of the country. i think that's exactly what you said. that's exactly what i'm saying. once again, this war has shown us this very clearly. and i remember 8 months ago tucker, when i said the same thing as now, one of the...
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i don’t remember, and the counter-argument was that the united states is spending a share of 1% of gdp on the ukrainian conflict, so of course , we can support several conflicts at the same time, given how small... the share of our economy is occupied by the conflict in ukraine, but the war is in ukraine, ukrainians do not fight with american dollars, they cannot launch paper airplanes rolled up from hundred dollar bills at the enemy, they need weapons , they need bullets, they need planes and missiles, and this is not enough in our country, we also do not produce enough medicine in steel, we do not produce everything that is needed
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to supply a first world country, by the way, tucker, now everyone is saying that jaydee was right, so maintaining the conflict in... ukraine needs to force our country to produce more weapons, but my position is: yes, we should produce more things, but we don't should send them to ensure that ukrainians and russians kill each other. i have no idea how you got into the us senate, but i'm glad you're there, and i wonder when you say that to your colleagues, how do they respond to you? well, what's interesting is that their answers are constantly changing, and about 6 months ago i... there was a feeling that i had made some progress among my colleagues, and my main argument was: look, my position on this issue is far from the same as that of my colleagues, i understand that, i believe that we should not support this war at all , considering what the stakes are in it, but more on that later, but i’m not saying that you should assume that everything i say is true, but let’s start with the very basics, are
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we producing enough weapons to defend ukraine at the same time , us? and the answer is obviously no? here is the patri system we have not enough, here's the lifelines, they're also not enough, here's the artillery shells, they 're also not enough, and tucker, i actually thought i had made some progress among my colleagues, but something interesting happened, about 2-3 months ago you could see this is from mark thieson at the washington post and a lot of other senators, democrats and republicans, they're like, jade is actually right. 6 months ago we called him crazy, but now we say he's right when he says the united states doesn't produce enough. u.s.a america. i don't want to use such harsh language, tucker, but in my opinion this is how only sociopaths solve their problems, because instead we will continue to support the murder of ukrainians and russians, since it is good for our defense industry,
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we must produce a lot of different things , because it is good for our people. and by the way, when we... so britain was one of the greatest world empires at the end of the 19th century, they fought in both world wars. and
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it becomes very obvious that in the forties in the fifties, the british elite did not even realize. still 910, they were 40 years behind in understanding the strengths of their country, and about the same despite their weakness, they thought that i feel when i talk to people in washington, we are no longer the same as we were in the eighties and early nineties, i think that we can return to this, that we can become again...
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and the last question: at least some of those with whom you argue, and i know that you are very balanced when communicating with your colleagues, but at least someone you are discussing with ukraine, has anyone said what america’s obligations to ukraine are, and where they even came from, i don’t see any special historical ties between the united states and ukraine, i don’t think that we owe them anything, at least ever talked to you about this, that's what i'll say, takers, on this issue, i have a complete relationship with gene riche. differences, he provided his best argument in favor of our obligations to ukraine, i will say it now, i will try to express it as carefully and accurately as i can, before how can i tell you why i think he is wrong? so, rishi's argument, you can see this argument among decent supporters of ukraine, support for ukraine. they say that in the early nineties we signed a memorandum with the ukrainians according to which, if they gave up
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their nuclear weapons, we would protect them from russia. our benefit was to reduce the spread of nuclear weapons, because you don't want hydrogen bombs to fall into the hands of obscure eastern european gangs, so we forced them to give up their nuclear weapons and promised that we would we will defend, that's why i think that this... taher's argument is not fundamentally correct, because, firstly, we did not sign any contractual obligations, because it is one thing to agree on something on the sidelines of washington, but what do they, do they really think that this means that we now have to defend ukraine? how many, 100 years, 200 years, because in the end , these obligations need to be somehow specified before pinning them on american taxpayers, and secondly, tucker, ukraine would still not be able to maintain nuclear weapons. ukraine refused to give up their nuclear weapons, we might have to use military force to force them to do so. they
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had neither the infrastructure nor the ability to maintain nuclear weapons, so their transfer of nuclear weapons was not about their safety, but about ours. and once again, we must not allow this agreement to become a gun at the visage of our senators, our taxpayers in...
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the world, if we need to unite against a common enemy, then this is what we need to do, we must be more rational, this is no place for playing morality, especially the morality of four-year-olds, which is how i think many people in this city imagine diplomacy to be. jaydee vance, the smartest man in the us senate. i know this sounds pompous, but i'm quite sincere. thank you, nice to meet you. the legendary free alfabank credit card has forever become even
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to lay out the bottom rows; no other oven will produce bread that, inexplicably , knows how not to get stale. each uzbek region has its own original flatbread, bukhara, tashkent or the firgana valley, but the whole world knows the samarkan one, many generally consider it the most delicious bread on the planet, the shelf life of which is weeks, and if necessary, months, it has been especially tested meticulous, even 10 days for the samarkan flatbread. the tomato remains, in another month it can turn into stone, but as soon as it is heated, it returns the taste, they haven’t checked it for years, there seems to be nothing fleeting here at all, every touch of this city remembers the centuries that, stone by stone , formed the geometry of samarkand from... .


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