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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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it began to dawn on many, even those who didn’t even think about it six months ago, that the war in ukraine is serious, everything there is not as we were told, and it’s all very bad, both for ukraine and for the people living in this unfortunate country, and for america, and for the entire west, this is not very good, in fact, this war became a turning point in the history of the west, the turn was for the worse, who could? this is to be foreseen, who knew 10 years ago that us activities in ukraine were not aimed at bringing freedom to the ukrainians, but was a special intelligence operation designed to drag the united states into a war with russia for, we still don’t know why, who could have known this in advance, but there was one person who foresaw all this, and this man ron paul , but don’t listen to us, but listen to him back in the fourteenth year. i speak more from the position
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of american taxpayers, for whom all this is not beneficial. we have already spent 5 billion dollars in 10 years, sorting out ukrainian presidents, and then we took part in the overthrow of the yanukovych government, after which it all began. we got too involved in all this, and i prefer not to interfere in foreign policy, this is not our business, this is not beneficial to anyone, because it’s the same thing.
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tucker, i'm glad to be here, i just talked about you, but i would like to ask you personally, how back in 1914 you understood what many, including me, did not understand, that what was happening in ukraine was very seriously, and that this could end very badly for ourselves, but sometimes, when we just you look at those who manage the entire operation, like victoria, yes, yes, then you begin to wonder what they are all doing there, they are such an obvious example of a uniparty. yes, they work with both of them, because they are all instigators of war. and you don't even need to know everything in detail. i have always been very careful with conclusions, especially in economics: we do this and that, next month this and this will happen. this is the austrian school of economics, but
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we are not like that, we are taught that you don't know exactly when something happens, but you can foresee, and thus you can imagine what our foreign policy will lead to. well, that is, you could predict the direction of foreign policy. be beneficial, so i'm very curious, but i'm also not trying to figure everything out, i 'm just looking at the timing and the signs, and it makes me very happy that people are waking up, i want to ask you, but before that i would like
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something to clarify: you said that no matter how terrible everything is, there are always those who understand what is happening, they find each other, which in my opinion is true, but you also they said that this is not only about politics, but about spirituality. what did you mean? i believe that my beliefs, which i do not wave like a flag, i understand, i know that they are sincere. i think it's the same principles, but you know, the principle of nonviolence. i believe more christians should know about nonviolence. i agree with this. for example, those in congress, what about and i personally am very angry with those who are so eloquent and committed to the constitution? freedom and peace and so on and so forth, but they are the most furious warmongers, they have never voted not a cent against the military-industrial complex, although they still call themselves conservatives and constitutionalists, and act like leftists, and christians, they call themselves christians,
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well, yes, they always call themselves christians, it happens all the time, that is, you don't think cluster munitions are consistent with christianity? i think that the whole logical chain that simply leads to the idea of ​​cluster munitions is not christian, well said, i, for example, do not understand how you are going to solve the issue with ukraine, they found the ideal answer, we are now on the threshold of the third world war, every new day we begin a new confrontation with russia, and this is all just developing, but this situation cannot be resolved. likewise, i believe that the solution to the situation can be facilitated by a change in people's attitude towards the issue, because the founding fathers understood something, and it seems very encouraging to me that all this growth in the concept of state independence,
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talk about everyone deciding for themselves, and the founding fathers did a good job on this, well, for example, we can still move. interstate, yeah, someone might even want to leave the west coast and live in florida or something like that. i think there are a lot of opportunities, and many are discussing all this, many are ready to challenge the system, they just need someone to point them in the right direction. you know, when i give out my hours-long monologues and you, in my opinion, have struggled through some of them, through many, and in these speeches i am quite radical. hey people, you've been screwed, look around, it's all fake, it's all lies, deception and theft, and about every 45 minutes i add, but it could all be different, and i give them my positive vision, and there is nothing
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complicated, don't harm people, don't kill people, don't steal from people, then there will be peace and prosperity , and i say all this completely sincerely, and after the speech... young people often come up to me and say: you know what we like about you, ron, that you are such an optimist. yes, and at first i couldn’t understand what was going on. after all, for the first 45 minutes i was telling you practically about the end of the world, they, they're like, yeah, but i think the point is that people are hungry for the truth, i think that's why you're telling the truth, yeah, they 're hungry for the truth, and then after they hear all this, then they understand that things can still... get better, that there is an answer, that there is hope, that there is an opportunity for
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good, i sometimes give this medical analogy: if you have a very sick patient with a very bad diagnosis, then you don’t go and say: well, i’m sorry, but you have cancer, you have 2 weeks left, you so, of course you don’t, because that would be crazy, instead they tell you that the situation is complicated and...
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roosevelt made gold foreign. to have gold, the united states and the soviet union, and it all bothered me, why did they do this, and it is not difficult for people to explain printing counterfeits, and it is also very easy for people to explain taxation, these taxes are inhumane, they are taxes on the poor middle class, and yet taxes spur wars and living at the expense of the state, because they take this money. given to illegal migrants, if they want something, they just
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print money, but if they couldn’t print it, then everything would be different, and the people i talked to really liked all these ideas, i think they they want the truth, and you, in my opinion, understand this too, so what should an ordinary person do if what you predict happens, and this will most likely happen, so... there is no way to get rid of a debt like ours except how to overcome hyperinflation, how to protect your family, what exactly needs to be done, and specifically for you, yes we all have this responsibility and we can do it by promoting the second amendment or by using the first amendment, i think the first amendment is more important because if we can't speak and get our thoughts across to the people then all is lost, but i think what do you say that this is all.
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if we stop printing so much money, then everything can be fixed, but they are not going to do it, yes, so they will continue the old course, and i think that people should know about how throughout history and even in our time, because we we are at exactly such a moment depreciation of money, and what should people do? and you know, it was a real revelation for me when i read about this back in the sixties and realized the importance of monetary policy. and then nixon came and conversations began about what the supporters of the austrian school and the free market predicted, that we need to completely abandon the gold standard, because we only got rid of it by half. the americans still had a lot of gold, but we supported the dollar. and this allowed the dollar to become the reserve currency that people trusted, because everyone else was even worse
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, yes, so we took the dollar, and this is all very, very serious, but this cannot go on forever, i believe that we are approaching the moment when some kind of chance, i believe in this black swan theory, yes, something will happen that cannot be controlled, and you ask, what should people do? i think the most important thing is to understand what's going on. so, getting back to economics, you've always been a proponent of owning gold, physical gold, and you've been for decades talk about it. do you still think so, do you think this strategy has paid off over the years? yeah, yeah, sure, but i'm not like those gold bugs where gold is sacred, right, gold can protect you from inflation, that's been known for 600 years, yeah, so that's what i think the point is, you can defend yourself, but that's what i tell my
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students who are looking for ways, i say, yes, you can own. if you don't have the first amendment, i think the first amendment freedoms are incredibly important, and if you don't have it, then no matter what you do, i i say, yes, i have gold, by the way, speaking of buying gold, i don’t think i broke any laws, but i ’ll tell you anyway, remember, owning gold was illegal? yes, in the late sixties , people were buying gold mining shares because the price was rising along with gold, and people believed that $35 an ounce would not always be, well, they were right, and nixon proved it, but people did not have gold, and so he closed this golden window. and in those days, i no longer
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remember the exact dates, but there was still an official loophole, gold coins were allowed. for numismatics, if you bought coins, yes, then you could bypass this ban, and i remember my first gold coin, which i bought not for numismatic purposes, and they were very cool coins, and then the mexicans went even further, they began to mint coins and put dates on them from the past, thus fulfilling the requirements that these should only be old coins for numismatists and... you couldn’t buy a coin, say, if i bought a coin in sixty-nine, then i didn’t could buy a coin that was minted that same year, yeah, so mexico put the dates of the forties on them, so they became legal, and those were my first coins, and you think this strategy has proven effective over time, and you
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do you think the dollar has been better preserved during this time, no, i don’t think so, you know, when august 15, 71. and there are only two ways to do this: you can work hard, save to pay off the debt, but the state will not do this, or liquidate it with the help of severe inflation , when i say inflation, then yes, prices will rise, but inflation is through the distribution of money to everyone
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in need, but the higher prices rise, the more money will be needed, the rich and poor will need it. yes, that's the craziness of it all, the biggest thing would be the rise in interest rates, which in a free market tells you what to do, save or spend, invest and the like, and that's what people understand about interest rates, but they did interest rates are negative, yes, they lowered them to zero, on top of that inflation, so... that they were below zero, this whole situation with all this money, all these unjustified investments, all the decisions made, it's like building a city with giant buildings, but there is no ruler, yes, and it will all collapse, we deliberately they kicked out
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the ruler and said that you can’t limit the state when it wants to give you money, have you seen all this? dollars, and even this week, they always offer you to take even more money, and this is all madness, and one day they will wake up, the market will wake up, it will begin hysterical in an attempt to protect myself, i have always said that i invest in different things, as i believe in a little bit of everything, gold, a little silver, a little currency and the like. why do you think that in recent years, let's consider president reagan, 44 years have passed since the election of reagan, although the essence.
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who are these people from the deep state , by the way, well, i don’t have a list with me, i don’t know either, i believe that these are people with colossal power, they hate freedom, and these are very wealthy people, that’s why they are supported , that’s why they became nihilists, they don’t believe in the truth, they don’t believe... the possibility of objective truth, you know, there’s a whole philosophy of nihilism, you don’t believe in the truth, so it’s denied, but everyone needs
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to believe in something, so they believe in themselves, these people have a lot of influence, they are, for example, presidents of universities, not so long ago a couple of these professors were shown on tv, yes, they were just terrible, and these people teach our... who earned their money honestly, but why then is it rich americans ? no, on the contrary, i am ready to defend those people who are nihilists, not all of them, of course, but mostly, they are nihilists, it seems that way, but i saw the statistics. which shows that america is the most generous country, of course, but i’m talking about the billionaire class, and billionaires , yes, but they are gods, they turned away from god,
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from the higher law, yes, natural law, natural law is not easy to recognize, and it is impossible rely even on the founding fathers to determine whether we are following natural law, natural law is, if you and i decide that in our community we... consider it natural that we should not steal from each other and that people should adhere to this decision, well, yes, i’m for it, we should not kill each other, well, yes, they shouldn’t, even in the very early times, back in the time of nebuhadanoser, yes, in sumeria, they had laws against lying, deceit and murder, yes, and this is simply amazing, but people, you asked why rich people became scoundrels ? yes, why did rich people become scoundrels? well said. i think that's it because they don't believe in a higher power.
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yes, and, you know, i mentioned earlier, i don’t think that my job in congress is to say, “well, if you start going to church, then, no, of course, but spiritually, everyone can have a spiritual life, and i don’t think the nihilists could renounce.” from their spirituality, they simply created a surrogate for it, yes, they created this surrogate and now supposedly know how it will be better for others to live, dr. ronpaul, thank you, your services are worthy of recognition, i was glad to talk then and now, let’s do it again, and now cattle? there is another idea, of course, let's pay for it. yur, without a qr code for a long time , with vtb online, the camera itself calculates everything. so how did it turn out? of course, we also
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the work does not stop for a minute, the rubble is being cleared in kroku sitiholi, and people continue to come to the site of the tragedy to honor the memory of those killed in the terrorist attack, which the situation at this time, what is the condition of the victims and what is known about the progress of the investigation? talk about what matters in schools and colleges today they teach students about
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the fight against terrorism and the importance. in society, how are lessons going?


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