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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  August 10, 2013 6:00am-8:00am EDT

6:00 am
where best friends are made. first i chse my favorite... next i stuff her... time to make a wish! then i dress her. thanks, mom! my turn. [ female announcer ] build-a-bear workshop. animals and outfits sold separately.
6:01 am
[ female announcer ] build-a-bear workshop. ah! just the way i like it. we're really happy you stopped by to visit us, amy. chao! chao! so, have you thought about that offer we made the other day? would you like to come live here? thanks for the invitation,
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but i can't accept. why? we want you to stay here with us! we really care about you! please, cream. i know! i'm really glad i have a friend like you. but you don't have to worry about me. it's been lonely without sonic around, but i know he'll come back. dr. eggman: i am back! and badder than ever! i've come to publicize my dastardly designs for building the eggman empire. i'm all set to spread misery and mayhem around the globe! you'd better quit your foot-dragging and race to the rescue, sonic. otherwise, this world will have to face the music! yeah! how embarrassing. what dance is that? i think it is called "the jerk." aah! aah! aah! what was that? i think something hit us! hey, who is the wise guy that hammered our hull? there's something about that hammer
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that looks awfully familiar. amy, why did you hit us? we were not bothering you! don't you have any idea what time it is? turn down the volume, or i'll knock that flying loudspeaker out of the sky! just because your boyfriend's not here, don't take it out on me! that is right! you should not blame dr. eggman! it certainly isn't my fault he hasn't shown up yet. bokkun: i bet the reason sonic stayed back on that other planet was 'cause he couldn't stand to be with you anymore! amy: aaaaaah! amy's a hothead, but now she's hot all over! talk about fired up! she'll cook our goose. perhaps we should say we are sorry. she's the one who's gonna be sorry if she messes with me! you better cool off, cupcake! we've got your hammer up here, so you can't touch us! aah, another one! aah, another one! she has more hammers than a hardware store! don't strike me just because you struck out with sonic! aaah! you creep!
6:04 am
dr: eggman: where's your boyfriend? bokkun: don't tease her. she's mad enough already! that's because sonic dumped her! amy: i was not dumped! dr. eggman: oh, yeah? then how come sonic's hiding from you on another planet? amy's not too happy. she'been like that since we came back. i know why. she misses having sonic around to hang out with. yeah, this planet can get pretty lonely. i wonder why sonic still hasn't shown up yet? what do you think? who knows? sonic's unpredictable. i'm sure he's on his way -- unless he hit a time warp during the transfer to this world. if that happened -- he may not get here for weeks or months -- even years. time warps are trickier than you realize. all kinds of crazy things can happen if you get stuck in one. of course, you're just a jewel thief, so you wouldn't know. you don't have a clue. ow! oh! what'd you do that for?
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'cause i don't like your attitude! "you're just a jewel thief, so you wouldn't know." instead of being so nasty all the time, maybe you could try being nice to me once in a while, and then maybe i wouldn't find you so unlikable. as it is now, you're as sour as a truckload of lemons. then don't hang out with me! i won't! once i'm gone, you'll be completely miserable, mister. actually, it'll be a huge relief not to have to deal with your batty behavior. but i'm sure you'll come flying back. aah! oh! that does it! it's been a real kick having you around but you better behave yourself or i'll have to give you the boot! i'm gonna keep pounding away till i've got you tenderized! from now on, you're gonna respect me! it's time you learned some manners. ow! oh! you better start being polite or else! i'm grouchy when i don't get my sleep! i'll teach you not to wake me up, eggman!
6:06 am
i won't rest until i track down sonic and nobody else will, either, so if you want to get back to sleep then help me find that hedgehog! i'm never helping you! he's challenging us. shall we charge up the cannons, doctor? we can blast him out of the sky. good idea. aah! aah! aah! hold on! we're not ready to fight you yet! let's lead him into a trap. follow me, tails! tails: okay. but don't try anything funny! who? me? get back here. i'm not finished with you, eggman! [ panting ] why don't you come back inside, amy? your tea's getting cold. chao! chao! chao! we'll hide from him behind these clouds. then, we can ambush that pest! ils didn't even wait for us to double-cross him! that twerp is already one step ahead of you. all right, i'll just have to up the ante
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by triple-crossing him! doctor, he is coming at us again! fire! guess he's got me. i better get out of here fast. hey, what's going on? chuck: tails, this is chuck. since you just pulled the transformation lever, i assume you're in danger right now. don't worry -- this new shield is made of a special material that can withstand almost any assault. when i heard you were leaving, i decided to give you a secret gift. i made sure you were away from the lab and made some modifications to the x tornado. i'm not as clever an engineer as you, but i don't think i did too badly for an old-timer. anyway, i did my best, and i hope your gift comes in handy. thanks, chuck. x tornado -- transform! now it's the hyper-tornado! good luck, tails.
6:08 am
eggman, look out! what is that? tails transformed his plane. it looks completely different now. and more dangerous. aah! aah! aah! aah! tails: missiles away! aah! aah! aah! aah! fire plasma blast! oh! oh! oh! oh! dr. eggman: you've wasted your time, you little pest, because in a few moments, your plane will be history! we have the perfect weapon to take him down, doctor! i'll turn the tables on tails! let's do a little fox hunting with our brand-new interceptor missile! roger! all systems are go. begin missile-launch sequence now! it's coming quick, but i can trick it! if i can't outsmart that thing, i'll outmaneuver it!
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here goes!
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here goes!
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so long! [ chuckles ] i've finally invented the perfect weapon! no matter how hard you try, you won't shake that missile from your tail, tails. this missile is programmed to only attack your plane! [ chuckles ] it adds a personal touch. you have really outdone yourself, doctor! you deserve credit focreative cruelty! oh! it's no use. i can't get away! i think tails has learned his lesson. you can go ahead and recall the missile. but how, doctor? just hit the recall button! there is no recall button. you didn't install one? thanks to you, tails really is going to be destroyed! with sonic gone, i can't afford to lose another enemy! sorry, doctor. there is nothing we can do to save him now.
6:13 am
[ alarm blares ] this is it. huh? ah! oh! oh! hi, eggman. what's up? [ chuckles ] ah, you're finally here! [ chuckles ] you won't be conquering this world, either. that's what you think, super-sap! if you dare to interfere with my plans, i'll squash you like a bug! aaaaaaaah! oh! oh! oh!
6:14 am
boy, it's good to have my buddy back. bokkun: oh, i can't believe it! sonic beat us without even breaking a sweat! decoe: why did he have to come back? bocoe: we'll never take over this world with sonic hanging around. excuse me, doctor... but why do you have a smile on your face? you should be miserable. sonic totally destroyed us. dr. eggman: it's not whether you win or lose -- it's how you plot your revenge. we'll get even with him! [ evil laughter ] ugh! so, do you give up yet? are you kidding? i'm just warming up! that's him. well, what do you know? i guess neither of us knows very much
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about how those time warps work. [ laughs ] you look awful! yeah? [ giggling ] stop! that tickles! didn't i warn you to behave? all right, all right!
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[ panting ] hi!
6:17 am
well?! what took you so long? i was worried! i wondered if you were ever going to come back. it scared me to think that i was never gonna see you again. day after day, i waited for you to come, but you never did. i didn't know where you were. i couldn't stand not knowing. i told myself i should give up hoping. i was convinced that you'd forgotten all about me. i thought you were gone forever. but then i realized that you'd never abandon me. and i decided that i would wait for you even if it took the rest of my life to see you again. now you're here. i'm so glad to finally have you back, sonic! it's such a wonderful feeling! i don't think i've ever been as happy as i am right now!
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[ sobbing ] don't you ever leave me again, sonic the hedgehog! [ crying ] don't you worry, amy. i never will. [ gasping ] [ crying ]
6:19 am
twilight sparkle just got her wings. and she's a princess! [ female announcer ] you can make your own my little pony twilight sparkle and rainbow dash. outfits, animals, and accessories sold separately. exclusively at build-a-bear workshop!
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outfits, animals, and accessories sold separately. helen: chris, it's time.
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oh, yeah, that's right! we're supposed to meet danny and francis for lunch today. let's go! whoa! easy, chris. they know you're always late. why don't you let me drive for a change? no way. chuck designed this car especiallyor me, remember? and besides, riding while you drive is too nerve-racking. what does that mean? i'm a much better driver. i've never even gotten a parking ticket, which is more than i can say for you! it's not my fault somebody turned that one-way sign around. francis: so, who's gonna test out your machine, chris? why don't you send me, chris? i'm not afraid to be the first one to give it a try. it's not ready yet. my machine's totally useless till i can figure out how to cause chaos control. but as soon as he does, we'll all be able to go to sonic's world together. sounds dangerous to me. yeah, if chris messes it up, we could all be toast. well, you don't have to come with me, then.
6:23 am
[ laughter ] hard to believe it's been six years already. mmm. it went fast. yeah, almost at sonic speed. [ thinking ] sonic... chris: you collected the chaos emeralds! now i see! you don't need the machine that tails and grandpa built. you can cause chaos control yourself. you were able to gather them all in a flash because you're so fast. even though i've been tough to deal with lately, you never gave up on me, sonic. thank you. chris? huh? aah! i'm gonna go really fast! hang on! stop this, shadow. please, you have to listen to me. how can you blame people alive today for things that happened 50 years ago?
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can't you see it's not fair? don't talk to me about fair -- not after what happened here. people need you, shadow. i am shadow -- shadow the hedgehog. no! [ groaning ] aaah! whoa! they're mine. i won't let u take them from me ever again. hmm. oh. sonic, take me with you. uh...ah!
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sonic, please don't leave. you're the best friend i ever had. i don't want you to go away. uh. huh? oh. that was close. are you okay? ugh. yeah. thanks a lot. i didn't think you could talk. i can do a lot of things. wow, that's awesome -- that you can talk, i mean. uh...sonic!
6:26 am
♪ blip! what is your major malfunction? aaaghh! i don't believe "aaaghh!" is listed in the battle-bot repair manual. i could look it up for you, sir! i'm sorry, coach gridiron,
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i accidentally slipped into my daydream program. oh, then i'll start over. this team is in last place! so let me outline what's wrong with all of you! zack-7! you are unfit to eat the ball-bearings from a bowl of waste oil! lunar league! you miserable recreants are in the loser league! (continues to rant) hey, where's sa3-d33? i don't know. you're the one obsessed with her. i am not obsessed! but do you think gridiron will notice if i duck out and spy on her? (ranting continues) ♪ hey, sa3-d33. what are you doing out here in front of ti-grr jaxxon's dressing room? blip! well... are those flowers? huh?! no! it's um, a-a-a... um toilet brush! ya! ha ha. see?
6:28 am
hi, ti-grr! why, hello, jeff. sa3-d33. sooo close! i was wondering if you might like to go discuss game strategies by a warm microwave with some soft music-- i mean, over a cup of oil. are those flowers? for me? you know usually a man gives these to a woman. oh, ha ha, no, that's a toilet brush. i'm sorry. your transparent attempt to win my affection is endearing, but i prefer my ladies a little more, let me see... feminine. ya jeff! now, excuse us, but we have a date with a hot-oil tub. later, bobby. sa3-d33... closer. hmm, what does he have that i don't have? manliness. ♪ opening theme music
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game time, you slack-monkeys! get moving! now! man, gridiron is even more of a crazy jerk than usual. relax! a tough commander is all part of being a battle bot, right? gridiron's not out of control. you! you wad of paper! look at me when i'm talking to you! much. all right you shiftless piles of slag, you are pathetic and incapable of winning a game of darts against a broke down blender! heh, heh, broke down blender. very good, sir. ... but our opponents today are a new team called... "the bloob-bots." anything called "the bloob-bots" must be even more ineffectual than you are! right? "bloob-bots?" ooooh! scary! taking the field, the blood bots! did i say bloob-bots? i meant blood-bots! clipboard! get with the program you pathetic slag!
6:31 am
those don't look like standard water rifles to me. they're not! they're waterzookas, hydro-grenades and expolodo-splash-rockets. now go get 'em! ♪ move your can, old man! what is the matter with you--?
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don't you know-- grk, arrghh! agggggghhhhh! um, sir, your heat gauge, ummm. eeeeehhhh! happy thoughts, gaaaaaahhh sir! gaaahhhh! happy thoughts! owwyyyaaaa! outta my way! aaaawwhh! garrgh! incoming voice chat from earth command. hey! tough game, huh, gridiron? greetings, supreme ambassador gary! we've been talking here at earth command country club,
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and we think you could use a mental make-over! a bot your age and your head's exploded how many times? what? twenty-two head explosions is not out of-- i mean of course, sir, you're absolutely right, sir. you get yourself a little reprogrammy-therapy asap, or we'll have you reformatted into a front-load washer dryer combo. so get on it, huh? i've got to croquet now. bye-eee. your whim is my deepest desire, sir! st3v3! go on-line and find me the best reprogrammer in the book! right! blip! go on-line and find the cheapest reprogrammer in the book! yes, sir. so where is this good for nothing code-mangler? hello, everyone, hello! and who's the patient, here today, hmmm? i am, you idiot plug-donkey! whew, you are a terabyte of rage, aren't you?
6:34 am
but fortunately the process is simple. we back up your old personality onto this drive here. then we install one of many more favorable behaviorable programs. including a free copy of my favorite video game, super monkey tennis! i don't want your monkey tennis! i just want to be nicer, ya' lunkbucket! yah, yah, very good. let's just plug this in to your data port. it's in my head. oh, silly me. let me see, a sensitive new age guy patch, combined with a mr. sunshine plug-in, and we'll change the desktop to "i feel your pain." all right? all right! here we go! welder, you're beautiful! in a creepy way? no, you're beautiful as you, 'weldy'.
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all of my children are beautiful just the way they are. come on, kids. group hug! hey he's not shouting at us? this is going to be awesome! yeah. i'm not so sure... ♪ sir, we need to drill down our defensive game. any suggestions? sae-dee-poo, the only drilling you need is to drill deep inside and find the you that's waiting to get out! we're getting slaughtered out there! what do we do? we do what comes naturally. stop and smell the roses. ahhhh! have you ever really looked at a rusty dismembered arm? it's beautiful in its own way.
6:36 am
[ whistling smurfs theme song ] [ male announcer ] the smurfs are back at mcdonald's, so take a deep breath... hang on to your party pants... and choose something smart, like milk. now you can sink your teeth into the smurfiest happy meal ever. mmm. you can even get a smurf of your very own. ♪ okay everyone... ♪ surprise!!!! ♪
6:37 am
twilight sparkle just got her wings. and she's a princess! [ female announcer ] you can make your own my little pony twilight sparkle and rainbow dash. outfits, animals, and accessories sold separately. exclusively at build-a-bear workshop!
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i'm a robot and i'm in pain! hey, at least we... um... no, i got nothing. hey, brothers and sisters! you should all be proud because we tried our best! and next we play our warm, wonderful friends, the blood-bots! have a special day! the blood bots again? we are so dead! i mean there's dead, then there's found twisted and mangled and broken as an unidentifiable piece of metal behind a dumpster, and we're even deader than that. that's it! i'm going to get that old gridiron back, then dump that quack dr. plingmonger in a garbage-- hey, fellah. you guys took a beating today, yow.
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let's talk plays some time. i could give you some tips. you know man-to-man. i want a feminine program now! oh, what did you have in mind? i have the sorority girl, the hippie chick, the sassy miss thang... all of them! ♪ look, bolts, i know you're worried about gridiron, but we'll be fine! it's old reliable sa3-d33 that holds the thunder bolts together. why hello, boys! reliable... and gorgeous! oh, you big strong bots look so handsome. could one of y'all fix ta get me a nice oil julip? sa3-d33? what happened to you? i reckon i finally embraced my feminine side.
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with the help of that dear dr. plingmonger that is. oh, i appear to have dropped my handkerchief. it's right there. my stars, you are hopeless. ♪ ah! ow! hey, beautiful, going my way? hee hee hee hee, indubitably. what do ya say you and me go paint the town? i've got some paint! and i am a master at doing trim i might add. sae-dee if you need some-- whoa! oh, ti-grr, honey, old sae-dee's got a special shade of fabulous just for you. hey, ti-grr jaxxon just walked off with the girl that i love-- i mean like. what are you going to do? beat him up?
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find out what "paint the town" actually means! ♪ oh, ti-grr sweetie, could you pretty please do that thing with your piston joints again? sure, honey, let me get my piston polish-- hey! what are you doing in my closet bucket-head?! sorry! i was just trying to find out what paint the town means! i mean, to paint an entire town... ow! oh, blip, maybe someday you'll grow up to be a real man.
6:43 am
what happened? well, i found out painting the town doesn't mean painting at all! there's only one thing to do! grow up? no! get dr. plingmonger to up my manliness right now! see if he can make you cooler too. one macho-man overhaul coming up. ♪ yo, ratch-8! how's the hammer hangin' dude!? whoooo!!!!! um... fine? yes!!! who's the man? who's the man? who's the man!?! i have no idea who the man is! so the scanner says to the paper salesman, "i said ink-jet not dot matrix!" ha ha ha get it!? is it funny if you're old? hey bro! you wanna arm wrestle?
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wooo! what's the matter, brah? you scared? huh, huh? hey, i bet i can bench press this table! heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey yeeah! oh, no! plingmonger did this, didn't he? hooo dog, the plingmeister made me into a man's man's man's man! whoo who! and what we need is a guy's night out! what do you say, welder? par-teeee! i say, i need to go. well, if it isn't the bloob-bots, yo! what are you sissies doing here on my turf? we are here to recreate. we understand the foosball table is superior. well, well, well, i think you guys are a bunch of weak kneed girlie bots! aren't ya? aren't ya! uh, blip? you might want to, oh, i dunno, shut up? i'll bet you, that we can beat your sorry butts tomorrow
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or the loo-ser has to floss the winner's back hatch! yow! your challenge is accepted! yow! but your chest maneuver is confusing. yow! word up, homies! my man plingmonger just reprogrammed me to be more youthful, ya dig? ♪ now let's go find us some shorties, yo!
6:46 am
where best friends are made. first i chse my favorite... next i stuff her... time to make a wish! then i dress her. thanks, mom! my turn. [ female announcer ] build-a-bear workshop. animals and outfits sold separately.
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6:49 am
bolts, i don't usually like crossing the line between command and ground troops. that's okay st3v3, i don't like you either. ahem. yes, but i'm super duper worried about the blood-bots. they're like nothing anyone's ever seen before. in fact, nobody even knows who made them, or just what their weapons can really do. so why don't you get gridiron to give us some counter-measures? oh, i would, but... he's making fiber optic macramé. it's a mouse pad, children! and it's textured! mmmmm. and blip has turned into a useless macho maniac. you better not be talkin' to me! not to mention sa3-d33 and welder. check it, g! this bomb is off the hook! oh, honey child, isn't he the most plum-adorable elderly thing? it seems you and i have a common problem. you have constipation? yes... no!
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our counter parts have been compromised. our problem is dr. plingmonger. and we should set him straight! oh, i can't believe i'm about to do this... will you help me? attention, attention: all thunder bolts and blood bots report to the arena in ten minutes for your next slaughter-fest. i mean match. all right. let's find that sleaze ball and make him fix our friends! and the battle starts... now! could one of you be a dear and take care of one of those big bad robots? those suckers are mine! boom! ahhhhh!!!
6:51 am
i just want you to know my children, you're all perfect just the way you are. even hideously mangled. are you sure this is the place? well, it's the address on the card. i wonder what hideous mind-altering equipment we'll find inside? the incredibly lame kind, apparently. and motivational posters? what's kind of doctor is he? so, you couldn't leave well enough alone, huh? you had to go snooping around! well, you've snooped your last snoop, you snoopin' palookas! what is your secret? come on! tell us! cough it up! what is your secret, plingmonger? his secret is, he's really a janitor? okay, i admit it! i'm not a doctor at all! just a janitor with a "robot programming for idiots" book... and a dream! is that so wrong? just give us the drive with our friends' personalities
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and we'll call it even! and if you need cleaning work, my rates are very reasonable! run faster! you run faster! i'm command! i'm not built for actually doing something! aaarrgggghhh! target acquired. ha! you think i'm scared of that? ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! my legs may be rusted, but you can't stop me. bring it on! whoo! hmm...apparently he brought it on. sir, this won't hurt a bit. oh, we all feel pain in this life, but the important thing is-- grrk! -- is to get on the field you worthless can-munchers!
6:53 am
could you dear, sweet gentlemen give a helpless lady a hand? oh, good gracious! oh, crud! jump! aw, this dope is whack! i'm goin' home to play some vids. or take a nap. argh-- that's all of them, i think. wait! where's blip? come on! i can take ya! ow! come back here and say that! ow! you guys got nothin' on me! guys, i'm really sorry. i'd appreciate it if you'd just forget i acted like a big macho idiot. i can't believe i blew the game! you mean, we blew the game. and i'd appreciate if you'd just forget i acted like a ditzy bimbo.
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and i'd appreciate it if you'd just forget... forget... and i'd appreciate it if you never mentioned that we... worked together. oh, i think i'm gonna enjoy reminding you for a long, long time... forget this incident ever happened, slag-weasel! that's an order! ti-grr! oh, hey, jeff! say, if you ever see that sa3-d33 girl again, tell her to give me a ring-a-ding-ding, would ya buddy? all right. but, blip. you lost the bet. aren't you supposed to be flossing the blood bots' back hatch? i was. but i hired this janitor to do it for me. hey whoa, it's just my night job. i still have a dream! shut your noise hole and scrub. lower, lower, lowerrr.
6:55 am
girl: don't look at me. second girl: your hair's a bit frizzy today. aw! ha ha! you should pick that up. announcer: every day, kids witness bullying. poor you. ha ha! they want to help but don't know how. teach your kids how to be more than a bystander. visit kids will spend 8 minutes decorating their little brother. brushing for two minutes now, can save your child from severe tooth pain later. two minutes, twice a day. they have the time.
6:56 am
girl: don't look at me. second girl: your hair's a bit frizzy today. aw! ha ha! you should pick that up. [girls laugh] oh, you're such a dork. loser. here. let me help you with that. oops! ha ha! announcer: every day, kids witness bullying. oh, look! your crush is looking at you. [girls laugh] poor you. ha ha! announcer: they want to help but don't know how. bully: see? no one here's gonna help you... announcer: teach your kids how to be more than a bystander. visit go! go! go!
6:57 am
( groaning ) ( grunting ) whoa! oof! ( grunting )
6:58 am
j'onn, we're in trouble! are you asking for help? - yes. - you never ask for help. just get us some reinforcements. argh! ( screaming ) j'onn: superman, you're needed. i'm in the middle of something. can it wait? unfortunately, no. it's the parasite. give me half a minute and i'll be right-- ( sirens blaring )
6:59 am
- good work. - it was nothing really. hey, i think he's blushing. don't be modest, kid. i don't even think superman could have done a better-- wait, we were just talking about you. - and you are? - oh, that's right. you were on a space mission when we recruited him. i'm captain marvel, sir. and it is an honor. you're my biggest fan. excuse me? i-i mean, i'm your biggest fan. sorry, sir. it's-- it's a little overwhelming meeting you. it's a pleasure, captain, a real pleasure.
7:00 am
- captain marvel! - captain marvel, over here! just one question! ( all talking ) gosh, take it easy, folks. one at a time, okay?
7:01 am
lois lane, captain, "daily planet." how does it feel to be part of the justice league? how does it feel? like i've waited my whole life for this. i mean, being on the same team with superman, batman, wonder woman... i still can't believe they actually let me join. ( laughter ) what is it you value so much about the league? golly... i guess it's all the good they do. not just helping people-- which is great-- i mean, that's the reason we're all here in the first place, right? but they really make a difference. they change the world. how so? well, just look at lex luthor. he used to be a super villain, for pete's sake, and now he's one of the good guys. i think it's terrific that he's running for president, don't you? uh... are you moving to metropolis from fawcett city? no, ma'am. i help where i'm needed, but i'm a fawcett boy at heart. - i have one other question! - just one more question! ( all talking ) sorry, folks, but i really gotta go. but before you go-- wait! wait! one more!
7:02 am
( clamoring ) ( bell rings ) shazam! by 1939, president roosevelt's key adversary in europe was a dictator named... - billy batson! - yes, ma'am? - you're late again. - yes, ma'am. isn't it time you learned to take some responsibility for yourself, billy? isn't it time you grew up a little? yes, ma'am. hey, guys. how you doing? captain atom! hi!
7:03 am
vigilante, how's it going, buddy? shining knight! wow! look at you! that's new armor, isn't it? - something wrong? - come with me. have you read the papers today? just the comics. "snorkel the squirrel" was hilarious. he's looking for his nuts, right? and then berkley-- that's this wacky bear-- he... holy moly! when you joined this team, you became something more than just a hero. i know that, sir, but-- you became a symbol, a symbol that represents all of us. yes, sir. we don't play favorites, we don't sell deodorant on television,
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and we don't get involved in politics. yes, sir. and we certainly don't endorse super villains for the presidency. now, now, wait a minute. i never said that i was endorsing luthor. just i think it's great that someone like him can change into a good guy. life just isn't that simple. well, maybe it is sometimes. maybe people can change! can't they? ( sighs ) you are not to make any more public statements without running them past the league first. is that understood? yes, sir. man: america is a nation of second chances. and no one embodies that concept more than tonight's guest... once viewed as, shall we say, a less-than-admirable member of our society. ( chuckles ) much less, i'm afraid.
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lex luthor has transformed himself into a respected and admired presidential candidate, and we're delighted to welcome him to "the o'bannon agenda." thank you, phil. but i'm not here tonight as a campaigner, i'm here to talk about something far bigger than mere politics. and that would be? my newest project-- lexor city. a fully-functional urban paradise built for low-income americans in search of the second chance you were just talking about. let's be straight here, lex. there are people out there right now rolling their eyes. they're saying that lex luthor hasn't changed, that he can't be trusted. can't say i blame them. but people can change. take hawkgirl, for instance. - you take her. - ha ha ha. now, phil... - hey, whatcha watching? - shh! my point is, yes, she betrayed the justice league; yes, as a consequence of her actions, the thanagarians almost destroyed our planet. but, seeing as how the league has welcomed her back into the fold, they've apparently forgiven her and offered her a second chance.
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they've taken a lot of heat for that decision. maybe they're being naive. some might say dangerously so. or maybe they just want to give her a chance to redeem herself. according to captain marvel, they're giving me the same benefit of the doubt. and believe me, i intend to make the most of it. lexor city is my way of accepting their goodwill and passing it on. i hear there's a huge open-house event tomorrow night with all proceeds going to charity. that's right, phil. and i'm hoping superman will attend. i know how much he loves charities. hey, that's great, isn't it? let's talk about your presidential campaign, lex. a "daily planet" poll of likely voters shows you're only two points... ( rumbling ) ( grunts ) ( screaming )
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you were a little hard on the boy scout, don't you think? i thought i was the boy scout. i did, too... till i met captain marvel. what did these guys want anyway? to take over the world. or rob banks. i forget. but back to captain marvel. why are you-- why is everyone defending him? we like him. ( grunts ) he's sunny. - superman? - yes? this is emile hamilton. j'onn was kind enough to patch me through. what is it, professor? there's something here i think you should see. if it's just a simple robbery, why call us? it was anything but simple. they ignored valuables--
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priceless gems, high-technology artifacts. in fact, the only thing they took was the contents of this safe... nearly four pounds of weapons-grade kryptonite. what should we do? jousting match! ride, sir finn! make haste, lady brooke! ♪ are those your quickest steeds, your kingness? no, those are. but they're resting from the foxhunt. [ laughs ] ah! behold a new home! i'm digging that moat! no need. it's deep enough. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] what happens next? you can decide at! ♪ the snack that smiles back, goldfish ♪
7:09 am
7:10 am
twilight sparkle just got her wings. and she's a princess! [ female announcer ] you can make your own my little pony twilight sparkle and rainbow dash. outfits, animals, and accessories sold separately. exclusively at build-a-bear workshop!
7:11 am
so? the lock was nano-picked. - lexcorp technology. - then luthor-- which anyone could have gotten their hands on. or, for that matter, planted here to incriminate luthor. you know it was him. i'm not entirely convinced. this is pretty sloppy for lex. he's the most arrogant human being on the planet. he wants us to know. - maybe. - maybe? i'll go to the watchtower, see if the atom can find something i missed. since when do you miss anything? since when do you jump to conclusions without evidence? go to that charity event tonight. you'll help raise some money, and keep an eye on our elusive mr. luthor. ladies and gentlemen, welcome to lexor city.
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in just a few short weeks, these children, whose lives have been bleak and troubled, whose parents have been waging a losing war against poverty, will be moving here to our city of tomorrow. now, go on, you little scamps, have yourselves a ball. ( cheering ) lex: it's the most ambitious project i've ever been a part of-- a fully-functional city to house those most in need. just think of it, ladies and gentlemen, 30,000 people who'll never again have to worry about a roof over their heads, about a safe, clean environment for their children. 30,000 people... i'm sorry. but this... this is truly the greatest day of my life. ( applause )
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i never knew you had such a sentimental streak, lex. oh, there's so much about me you don't know, superman. i'd like to thank the man of steel for putting aside our differences and lending his prestigious presence to this very special night. anything for a good cause. to superman... our hero. all: our hero! ( cheering ) ahem. excuse me, lex. i'll be back in just a moment. don't eat too much. ( all talking ) the device is in place. t-minus six minutes. excellent. make sure my escape route is secure.
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clear the area immediately! everybody out, now! ( screaming ) - superman? - no time, lois. get as far away as you can. shazam! wait! you don't understand! out of my way, lex! i don't know what's down there, but--
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hey, guys! guys! let's take it easy, okay. captain marvel, thank heaven you're here. he just won't listen. he's-- you don't have x-ray vision, i do! there's some sort of device buried beneath us, and i'm shutting it down. no! if you touch it, it could go off! go off?! so, you admit you put a bomb under this city? not a bomb. an experimental fusion engine. it'll supply nearly-free energy - to everyone who lives here. - see?! - then why the lead shielding? - it's for your protection. the engine creates energy through controlled fusion of kryptonite molecules. see?! and why didn't you tell me this?! maybe... maybe i was afraid you wouldn't believe me. let's call the atom or steel to check the device over, see if what luthor says is true. at least someone around here is keeping a cool head. - there's no time for this! - oof! you can't just-- oof! ugh! that's it! no more mr. nice guy.
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( grunting ) captain, please! there has to be another way! ( screaming ) ( grunts ) ugh! ( grunting )
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shazam! ( screaming ) shaza-- shaza-- fight's over, son.
7:19 am
where best friends are made. first i chse my favorite... next i stuff her... time to make a wish! then i dress her. thanks, mom! my turn.
7:20 am
[ female announcer ] build-a-bear workshop. animals and outfits sold separately. [ female announcer ] build-a-bear workshop. ♪ deana the dino ♪ she loved eating right ♪ ♪ and dreaming she was tall ♪ ♪ her imagination took flight ♪ she soared to new heights ♪ and flew to mcdonald's for a quick bite ♪ ♪ she shined like a star ♪ and brightened the night ♪ she's orbiting earth ♪ and feeling dino-mite ♪ ba da ba ba baaaa
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well? it... seems to be exactly what luthor said it was. i... i'm sorry. i didn't... if anyone should apologize, superman, it's me. i shouldn't have tried to make the free power a surprise. given the circumstances, i should have known better. of course, the justice league will pay for the damage. oh, no. i won't allow it. this one's on me.
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- look, captain, i want to-- - no more lectures. i called this meeting, and i'm gonna have my say. - but-- - my whole life, i've looked up to the league. you were my heroes-- every one of you. and you... you were more than a hero. i idolized you. i wanted to be you. whenever i was out there facing down the bad guys, i'd think, "what would superman do?" now i know. i believe in fair play. i believe in taking people at their word and giving them the benefit of the doubt. back home, i've come up against my share of pretty nasty bad guys, but i never had to act the way they did to win a fight. i always found another way.
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i... i guess i'm saying i like being a hero, a symbol. and that's why i'm... quitting the justice league. you don't act like heroes anymore. - he's right. - they set you up, clark. does it really make a difference? after all, i-- they? they. the plan worked better than i'd hoped. all i wanted was for superman to destroy the energy source. but battling captain marvel, demolishing lexor city while those media morons filmed every horrific moment-- it was more than i ever could have hoped for. everything's going according to plan.
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and we're just getting started. oh! mari, are you crazy? do you know what i could do to you with this ring?
7:27 am
- promises, promises. - why the ambush? seems like the only way i can get your attention. we haven't gone out in nearly a month. it hasn't been that long. not going to argue about it, boo. you're taking me out to dinner tonight. i'm in the mood for chinese. the place by my apartment? no, a romantic little spot i know in beijing. i'm not off-shift until 1600 hours. that's breakfast time in china. i like breakfast. it's a date. okay. i'm compensating for the interference. say again? this is a distress call from the mining ship hockalint. we took samples from a vein of unidentified ore, and that's when everything started going wrong. slow down. tell me what happened. radiation from the ore. ship's main power is off-line. we're stranded, and there's some kind of chain reaction taking place in the vein we took the sample from. i need your data on the ore. transmitting, for all the good it'll do.
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( equipment beeping ) it appears to be a simple hematite, but iron oxide isn't radioactive. look at the atomic number. 676. it makes no sense. shayera. is this what i think it is? it's transuranic iron ore-- nth metal, like my mace but unrefined. what about it? we're stranded on a rock pretty much made of the stuff. are we in any danger? sit tight. don't move, and don't touch anything. prep a javelin for me. i'm on my way. wait. i'm assigning a support team. don't need one. i'll handle it myself. that wasn't a suggestion. you haven't been pulling your weight as a team leader. excuse me? you're not alone anymore. stop behaving as if you are. i'll go with you. no, you won't. you're both founding members. i don't want there to be any question who's leading the mission. then i'll go. - fine. - you got to be kidding me.
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javelin 26 is ready for you on pad nine. i'll have the last team member meet you there. come on, then. yes? why did you do that? vixen hasn't spent much time in space. good experience for her. you know what i mean. sending my girlfriend and my ex on the same mission? difficult as it may be for you to believe, i don't take your love life into consideration when i make command decisions. i've assembled a rescue party. help is on the way. signing off. i don't know how to thank you... but i'm sure i'll think of something.
7:30 am
shayera: no, no, no. reset your hyperdrive vectors. nobody likes a back-seat driver, ma'am. you need another 20 hours of flight time before you're certified. and some of us are already right certifiable. vigilante, you got a problem with me,
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we can take it to the gym after the mission's over. no problem, ma'am. resetting vectors. maybe you ought to try riding side-saddle for a change. guys, i'm not seeing a mining ship out there. there's nothing on sensors, either. i followed the distress beacon, just like in the manual. not saying you didn't, but this is weird. i'm not detecting any nth metal, either. we could sit here studying on it all night, or we could go take a look-see. all right, but stay sharp. this looks funky.
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somebody was here. maybe they went into the mines. what is it? the shadow's fake. the whole mine's a hologram. we've been suckered. move! back to the javelin! vig, lay down some cover fire! scatter!
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( both grunting ) head for cover! can you even see what you're shooting at? nope, just keeping 'em honest. giving away our position is more like it. you got a better idea, i'm open. how about we fight the bad guys instead of each other? shayera hol! paran-dul? - friend of yours? - birds of a feather. did you really think you could get away with betraying the entire thanagarian empire? hold up. i thought we were the ones she betrayed. sounds like she betrayed everybody, cowboy.
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you helped the justice league destroy my hyperspace bypass. that bypass was our last hope. without it, we were helpless against our enemies. because of you, the thanagarian empire lost the war. nothing to say, traitor, or hadn't you heard? hro. what happened to hro? after you and the justice league destroyed the bypass, our fleet was ordered back to thanagar. by the time we exited hyperspace, the gordanians had already begun their final assault on our home world. in their minds, the war was over, but not for hro talek. he single-handedly destroyed a dozen of the enemy battleships more... but finally, the battle was lost. of our entire fleet, only hro talek's ship remained.
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he ordered us into a scout ship. we barely made it out. too little, too late. the war was already lost. i didn't know. you still have feelings for him. for a lot of people i've let down.
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all we want is shayera hol. if you hand her over, the rest of you can go free. let me think on that. you don't speak for the team, i do. maybe i should let them take me. we're justice league. we don't turn our backs on our teammates. still having a little trouble with that notion, huh?
7:37 am
where best friends are made. first i chse my favorite...
7:38 am
next i stuff her... time to make a wish! then i dress her. thanks, mom! my turn. [ female announcer ] build-a-bear workshop. animals and outfits sold separately. [ female announcer ] build-a-bear workshop. ♪ deana the dino ♪ she loved eating right ♪ ♪ and dreaming she was tall ♪ ♪ her imagination took flight ♪ she soared to new heights ♪ and flew to mcdonald's for a quick bite ♪ ♪ she shined like a star
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♪ and brightened the night ♪ she's orbiting earth ♪ and feeling dino-mite ♪ ba da ba ba baaaa
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this is a waste of time. we should be headed back home to join the resistance. don't confuse me. my head doesn't work so good since... it doesn't work so good. but i remember it's shayera's fault i'm this way, right? right. that's right. she hurt us all, and we're going to hurt her back.
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i'm just saying, shayera hol was an instructor in espionage wing. she's better trained than the five of us put together. then we'll just have to out-think her, won't we? hold your fire! what? that's loco! i got him! he wouldn't be flying that low unless he wanted to be seen. you think he's a stalking-horse to trick us into revealing our position. what makes you so sure? because it's exactly what i would do, and i'm one of them. i've found their trail. search in delta configuration, but search on foot. why? we don't care about the others. but she does. she's with them on the ground. that's where we look. we're going to split up.
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we'll each try to find paran-dul's ship and use her radio to contact the watchtower for help. be a lot easier without all them bird folk in the way. we should thin the herd first. we'll do it my way. you're still loyal to them, aren't you? she ain't loyal to nobody. it's not about loyalty. i understand them. i understand how they feel. well, ma'am, all this understanding is liable to get us killed. i'm not going to argue with you. i'm in charge. you have to-- what, trust you? seems to me that's been tried. vig, we can't do this now. she's mission leader. she's a thanagarian! i don't know what you did during the invasion-- - i fought them. - so did i, for all the good it done me. filthy hawks caught me, locked me up in a tiny cell, humiliated me. your people, hawk girl. i've told you not to call me-- you've been hit. i was in a fight, remember? why didn't you say anything? didn't want to raise no fuss. if you don't trust me, you shouldn't have to follow me.
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i'm going to take paran-dul's offer. turn yourself in? we've been through this already. what do you care? i'm just a filthy hawk, right? when i look at myself... maybe i owe my people the chance to pass judgment on me. you know, for the last few months, all i've been hearing is, "shayera's so brave." "shayera's so tough." - "shayera never quits." - vixen. i'm embarrassed to say that i was maybe a little jealous of you, but seeing you in action here, i'm thinking john must have been talking about some other shayera. we're in this together. that's how it's done. oh!
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you took commander talek from us, shayera. and your friend, the green one, did something to my mind, something bad. i miss commander talek. i miss being able to think without pain. but no one's going to miss you. ( grunting ) - oh! - oh! ( groaning ) i got plenty for these two. get vigilante out of here! i won't leave you by yourself. i'm right behind you. i'll ditch as soon as you guys are clear. you're wasting your time.
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right now, it's like an elephant is sitting on your-- aaah! ( groaning ) i can give you shayera hol. you still want her?
7:46 am
7:47 am
twilight sparkle just got her wings. and she's a princess! [ female announcer ] you can make your own my little pony twilight sparkle and rainbow dash. outfits, animals, and accessories sold separately. exclusively at build-a-bear workshop!
7:48 am
outfits, animals, and accessories sold separately. eve you would give me your teammate?
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my animal senses are 100 times more acute than yours. i could find her with ease. and why would you want to? you mean besides saving myself? - i believe her. ( grunts ) lead the way. ( groaning ) either of you got a med kit? we've got an analgesic projective back in the ship, after you help us. if you want me in condition to track someone over this terrain, you'll take me to it right now. do it. this will kill the pain. oh! ( grunts ) you'll be needing that when you wake up. j'onn, it's vixen. can you hear me? over. barely.
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increase your hm gain. over. we've been ambushed by a bunch of thanagarians who have a serious mad-on for shayera. over. j'onn? j'onn! i don't think he heard you, human. she's taking too long. i'm going back for her. only reason she ain't back, the hawks got her. you already know that, so where are you really going? where i should have gone in the first place. maybe they'll let her go if i give them what they want. dagnabbit, girl! i ain't gonna allow it! you're not really in a position to stop me, are you, cowboy? please. the justice league is bound to send a search party in a day or two. stay safe. vaya con dios.
7:51 am
appears that you've got the drop on me, partner. oh! may have spoke prematurely on that. now, you and me are gonna have a little confab concerning the location of your spaceship. let her go and i'm yours, no tricks. i'm sure. drop your mace and we have a deal. no! ( grunting ) who's flying my ship? consarned, dang-busted, horse-thievin', alien control panel which can't nobody work proper! i'm comin', darlin'! yee-hah!
7:52 am
( all grunting ) shayera! ( grunts ) ( both grunting ) you folks mind? doomed driver up here! you took everything from me! destroy you! destroy you! ( grunting ) you okay? i will be, if you let me drive. ( both grunting )
7:53 am
ahhh! need a lift? i was worried about you. when do you want to do this? no time like the present. mari. shayera? oh, man. this is going to be ugly. ( both laughing )
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not to mention his taste in movies. i know! "old yeller"? what's that about? ha ha ha ha! and he's such a marine! you should see his underwear drawer. he folds his socks! ( chuckling ) i have seen his underwear drawer. he still has feelings for you, you know. i know. is it mutual? what's not to love? funny thing about me: whenever i start a book or a movie, no matter how bad it is, i just can't stop until i get to the end. so even though john and i have only been together for a little while, well, i just like to see things through. en garde.
7:55 am
girl: don't look at me. second girl: your hair's a bit frizzy today. aw! ha ha! you should pick that up. [girls laugh] oh, you're such a dork. loser. here. let me help you with that. oops! ha ha! announcer: every day, kids witness bullying. oh, look! your crush is looking at you. [girls laugh] poor you. ha ha! announcer: they want to help but don't know how. bully: see? no one here's gonna help you... announcer: teach your kids how to be more than a bystander. visit
7:56 am
girl: don't look at me. second girl: your hair's a bit frizzy today. aw! ha ha! you should pick that up. [girls laugh] oh, you're such a dork. loser. here. let me help you with that. oops! ha ha! announcer: every day, kids witness bullying. oh, look! your crush is looking at you. [girls laugh] poor you. ha ha! announcer: they want to help but don't know how. bully: see? no one here's gonna help you... announcer: teach your kids how to be more than a bystander. visit narrator: last time, on dragon ball z kai! after agreeing to compete in cell's upcoming tournament, goku returned to the lookout, where he gave his friends a glimpse of the power he gained inside the hyperbolic time chamber. despite the dazzling display, goku admitted that even he
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might not be a match for the monster! the countdown to the cell games continues now! ( theme music playing ) ♪ mysteries abound ♪ made of a deep energy ♪ - ♪ energy - ♪ foes all around ♪ but i will go fearless and free ♪ ♪ i'll give you strength ♪ ♪ you give me love, that's how we'll live ♪ - ♪ that's how we'll live - ♪ my courage won't fade ♪ if you're with me, my enemies will never win ♪ ♪ we will fight for love and glory ♪ ♪ we will live to tell the story ♪ ♪ there is nothing we can't live through ♪ ♪ nothing ever dies ♪ we will rise again ♪ don't stop, don't stop, we're in luck now ♪ ♪ don't stop, there's so much to be found ♪ ♪ we can find paradise ♪ ♪ all we have to do is go, go, free your soul ♪
7:58 am
♪ dragon soul. narrator: the truce is broken! the defense force strikes back at cell! right, then. perhaps a little warm-up might do some good. ( cell laughs ) the cells i inherited from frieza and his father certainly come in handy. hmph. hm. let's give the humans a little show. that should provide some momentary amusement.
7:59 am
( grumbling, yelling ) c'mon! what are ya waiting for? outta the way! wow...! look, mom! housewife: what's happening up there? man: shooting stars in the middle of the day? goku! chichi: huh? gohan, honey! great. where'd the two of them go running off to this time? it sure is peaceful. yeah. hey... you know what? hm? i'm... really happy.


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