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tv   WGN Morning News or Paid Programming  CW  March 25, 2015 5:00am-6:01am CDT

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>> announcer: these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. >> hi. and thanks for watching. i'm michael alden. folks, if you're one of the millions of americans suffering with arthritis, osteoarthritis if you're suffering from joint pain, knee pain, foot pain, back pain, or if you know someone who is, you're not going to want to miss this next half an hour. my guest today is one of the nation's foremost sought-after
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health and wellness experts, and he's here today to introduce to us a revolutionary all-natural product that is helping thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people eliminate pain. please help me welcome mr. jim shriner. jim. >> hey, mike. it's a pleasure to be here. >> thanks for being my guest. you know, jim, for those of our viewers that don't know you, why don't you just tell us a little bit about how you got involved in the world of health and nutrition. >> well, it's a pretty amazing story, if i have to say so myself. at about 16 years old, i was actually paralyzed by a tumor in my third vertebra. they rushed me up to riley children's hospital up in indianapolis, indiana. specialists told me that i'd probably never walk again. i spent quite a few years laid up in the hospital. it was a miraculous recovery. a surgeon came in from germany. they removed my third vertebra and literally built me a new vertebra using my pelvis, used one-inch squares and built me a new vertebra. well, mike, i was in the hospital at 16, and after the surgery, they put me in a full-length body cast from head to toe, and when i left the hospital, i weighed 105 pounds. now, a lot of people hear that
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story -- and i'm very proud of being able to recover from that. but that was just the first step in my life into the health industry. as i was going through rehabilitation for my back, my father went into the hospital for his first open-heart surgery at the age of 43. so, mike, that really scared me to death. so i decided right then to take a very close look at our lives our family history, and try to understand what was going on. i mean, both my parents had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease. you know, i had back problems. you name it, we had it. so if hereditary was a part of the issue, i needed to make sure that i was doing everything that i could to rebuild my body and take care of this body that god gave us. i went back to college, studied exercise and nutrition, sports medicine. i rebuilt my body, and through that exercise and nutrition program, mike, i built my body up to 220 pounds and went out to california and became one of the 16 original "american gladiator" contenders.
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so i'm living proof that you can overcome adversity. but, mike, early on in my career, i got to noticing some things. had back problems. i always suffered with back problems. well, i'll be honest with you. growing -- you know, being a gladiator, going through college, i abused my body. >> yeah, i've seen that show. you probably took some abuse in that. >> i got beat up pretty good and i did some beating, but i got beat up pretty good. i got a -- i tore a left rotator cuff. i tore my right knee cartilage. i twisted my ankles. i had concussions. plus, remember, i had back surgery, so -- >> right. right. at 16. >> at 16, so i had always struggled with back pain. now you talk about god in a life. i don't believe in coincidence. i believe god plans everything. i was actually up in boston during a production, and i was telling one of the cameramen about this story i'm just telling you. i said, "man, my rotator's hurt, and my--" you know, i said, "i'm 40 years old, and if i don't figure out how to get rid of some of this pain, i'm not sure what's gonna happen." >> okay. >> and being in the industry
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mike, i've tried all the products. so trust me. nothing worked. well, while i was telling this story, a woman comes to me, and she says, "here, try this." >> this is the product we're talking about. >> this is the product we're talking about, the formula we're talking about, and i said, "well, what's this?" and she started to go over the ingredient, and i stopped her, and i said, "ma'am, you know i've been doing this for 25 years, and i've seen the best of the best. i've tried the best of the best. nothing worked." >> right. >> she said, "try this." and i said, "i just told you nothing worked." she said, "i'm telling you, try this. it will work." and i said, "what have i got to lose?" she gave it to me for free. mike, i'm not exaggerating. i went home -- the first couple of weeks, didn't notice anything. about the third or fourth week i thought i started to notice something. maybe i was feeling a little better. about the fifth week -- and a lot of people don't realize this, but about the fifth week my wife said, "jim, did you notice that you did not get up in the middle of the night last night? you slept through the night." it had never dawned on me that my pain -- my shoulder pain and my knee pain and my back pain --
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was keeping me from sleeping. so the next thing you know, five weeks into it, i got up and i said, "wow. i don't have any pain." mike, i'm telling you, i've been taking this product now for almost five years, and at nearly 50 years old, i do not have a pain or an ache in my body -- nothing. >> you had mentioned to me yesterday when we were talking about this that you had tried all the -- some of the drugs that are on the market, some of these drugs that can cause some severe side effects. in fact, we were talking -- you were telling me that these labels say "may cause death." >> all right. have you ever listened -- and i encourage someone watching the program right now -- before you take a pharmaceutical drug, i'm gonna ask you to do one very simple thing. tune in to your evening news tonight. tune in the news and listen to the drug ads, listen to the disclaimers, and if you don't laugh at the end of one of those disclaimers, i promise you you're on the wrong planet. because my wife and i listen to the disclaimers, and sometimes i'm thinking i'm getting punked.
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>> right. >> i mean i'm listening, and it causes diarrhea, headaches blindness, and if you don't -- hard of hearing, and if you go blind, it may not come back. and at the very end, "and in severe cases, may cause death." well, mike, i'm not sure about you but, that's a pretty harmful side effect. >> well, some of these products, and depending on who you read and what report you read, have killed anywhere -- upwards of between 50 and 100,000 people, not because they had cancer or because they had some other disease -- because they were just in pain. these people -- they wanted to get out of pain, and they died. >> let me give you -- exactly. let me give you a perfect example. the drug you're talking about -- my sister-in-law is a pharmaceutical rep, and i was blessed because i was trying to do everything that i could to not only get out of pain, but i still do a lot of training. and every person that i train is living in pain. as we get older, everybody has knee pain, joint pain, back pain. i don't care what it is -- everybody that i talk to has pain. and my sister-in-law was a rep that was selling one of these nsaids, one of these pharmaceutical drugs. she happened to have called us about a month before they pulled
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them from the market, and i had really seriously thought about taking these nsaids because i was in serious pain. nothing was working. and i know that there's people out there watching right now that have tried everything. nothing was working. >> right. >> and mary says, "jim, don't take it. they're about to pull it off the market because that product has been proven to kill thousands and cause hundreds of millions of people very severe side effects, irreversible side effects, including death." mike, these drugs are chemicals. they're manufactured from chemicals. let me give you a good example and that's why we're going to be here today. i have a really good friend of mine, and his wife is a -- i'd say a part-time triathlete. she's a stay-at-home mom, 47 years old, has got three kids, but she loves triathlons. i was actually at a birthday -- or a christmas party, and we were just talking, and she comes up to me, and she overheard us talking about vioxx. and she said, "boy, i hated when they pulled vioxx off the market because that stuff really worked." and i said, "robin, did you listen to the disclaimer?"
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she says, "jim, i don't care if it does cause death. it worked." and i said, "robin, i want you to think about something. what if -- what if i could give you an all-natural joint-relief product that worked just as good, maybe even better than the pharmaceutical drug?" >> and it won't cause death. >> "and it won't cause death. i guarantee it." >> without a possibility of causing death. >> all natural. and she said, "jim, i've tried all the products. just like you, i've tried all the products." and i said, "robin, so had i until someone introduced me to this formula. you got nothing to lose." i said, "try this product. try it, and if at 30 days it doesn't work for you, you give it back to me -- no harm, no foul." >> sure. >> i didn't see her for about two months. we didn't have any parties didn't see her for about two months. bumped into her at the grocery store. mike, she came right up to me and said, "i've been looking for you. i was trying to call brad to get your telephone number. where can i get this product? for the first time," she said, "i've been able to compete in the triathletes," and she said "i'll be honest. at about five weeks, all the pain wasn't gone, but," she said, "jim, it was livable.
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i was able to compete, and i could enjoy my quality of life. it wasn't all gone, but i felt so much better." and i said, "robin, you're only talking about a month. as this natural product goes into your body, it's gonna get better, and it's gonna get better." why? and that's what we're going to show today, mike. unlike pharmaceutical drugs that do cause harm, damage to the body, an all-natural product, an all-natural joint relief is not only going to eliminate the pain from the cause of this, but it's gonna get to the root of the problem. and, mike, that's what we've got to discuss today. because i need people to understand where the pain is coming from. let me run a scenario by you mike. here's what's happening in the pharmaceutical industry. let's say you're working around the house and you accidentally step on a nail. now, what's the first thing you got to do? you've got to get to the hospital. okay. we have the best acute medicine, trauma medicine right here in the united states than anywhere. now, you don't pull the nail out. the nail's stuck in your foot.
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so your wife rushes you to the e.r., okay. you walk into the e.r., and the doctor looks at your foot and says, "yep, mike, you got a nail in your foot." and you say, "well, what are we gonna do about it?" and you say, "well, doc, what are we gonna do about it?" and he says, "i tell you what. here. take this pain medicine." >> sure. >> "okay. well, are we gonna remove the nail?" "that's not really hurting anything, mike. let's just leave the nail, but we're gonna give you this pain medicine and this anti-inflammatory medicine --" >> so you'll forget about the nail. >> exactly. you'll forget about the symptom of the nail. you'll forget that it's the nail that's causing the problem. now you got pain. you're gonna start swelling up. you're gonna be in excruciating pain. the first thing he should have done was, "mike, let's figure out how to get the nail out." >> right. >> that's what we're gonna be talking about today, mike, is let's figure out what the problem is, and the problem is quite simply that the cartilage in our joints is deteriorating and that -- it's my opinion that osteoarthritis is not a disease.
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the drug industry would like you to believe that osteoarthritis is a disease. no, it's not. it's an issue that needs to be addressed -- a serious pain issue that needs to be addressed. but let me explain to you what's happening. >> so let me just cut you off there for a second. you're gonna show us a little bit about the actual joints and what's going on in the body and how we can actually be proactive on a natural sense, and we'll talk about that in just a minute. folks, we've only been talking with mr. jim shriner for a few minutes, but if you're suffering from joint pain, knee pain, foot pain, back pain, or if you know someone who is, pick up the phone and give us a call. jim's product, arthri-d, has been helping thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people live pain free. so pick up the phone and give us a call. we've actually worked out a special arrangement with our guest, mr. jim shriner, where you'll receive a substantial savings off the regular price of the product. plus, if you call within the next five minutes, ask how you can receive your first month's supply absolutely free.
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folks, this product is unconditionally guaranteed to work. it's worked for hundreds of thousands of people for years. so pick up the phone and give us a call. now, jim, earlier before -- this week, we were talking a little bit about, you know, what's actually going on in the body. and you brought with you here -- what is this here? >> this is -- imagine this is a knee joint, mike, and what i want to show you is just about every joint in the body works very similar to your knee joint. but the knee joint is where a lot of people are feeling a lot of pain. i talk to people every day. i train thousands of people. now, unlike some trainers, i don't train professional athletes, and i don't train superstars. i train everyday-joe people just like you -- housewives, mothers, guys -- i got an electrician who's crawling through gutters and going up through pipes to run electricity, and he's always -- >> real everyday people. >> real everyday people. i train thousands of ordinary, everyday people, and their number-one complaint is joint pain. well, very quickly, if i can get you to understand where the pain
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is coming from, then it will make sense why this arthri-d works. it's real simple. imagine -- this cartilage right here between your knee is called your meniscus, and i want you to imagine what is this meniscus doing. all this cartilage is doing is keeping these two bones from rubbing together. >> okay. >> it's a cushion. all cartilage is is a cushion, and it protects bones from rubbing together. because when those bones rub together, what happens, mike? you get friction. what happens when you get friction? you get inflammation. what happens when you get inflammation? you get pain. it's not rocket science, mike. what's happening is these cartilages are getting damaged and that can happen several reasons. it could be an athlete who has damaged the cartilage. as we age, cartilage disintegrates. it destroys itself. also, they're not adequately nutrient supplied. we're obviously not eating a great whole-food diet, so the body's not able to repair that cartilage, and if you add in the fact that a lot of americans have put on weight -- americans
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are gaining weight, it seems like epidemic proportions. well, think about it, mike. that excess weight is now causing a lot more weight to come down on these bones. if that cartilage starts to get hard and brittle or it disintegrates, those bones are gonna start rubbing together. >> so that's what's happening in the human body. >> exactly, in the human body. >> and this is just a knee, but a lot of people, they have, you know, pain in the elbows or the shoulders, right, and you mentioned the knees. >> exactly. all over the place. these joints are connected and protected by cartilage. well, no pharmaceutical drug, in my opinion, will ever help your body. all it's gonna do is send a signal to your brain to stop feeling the pain. >> it makes you just forget about it. >> exactly. >> and then it just gets worse. >> exactly. it gets worse because they didn't address the issue. the issue is, mike, you need to work on that cartilage because guess what. you still got to walk, you still got to play with the kids, and you still got to go get the
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mail, and you still got to go to work, and every time you walk or move your shoulders or step on your ankle, that cartilage is trying to protect the bones from rubbing together. i say that's absolutely wrong. your body does not need to fall apart. michael, i'm nearly 50 years old. i have no aches in my body. i run circles around 20 year olds. i just hiked the grand canyon. i can literally do things now that i couldn't do in college. >> wow. >> having no joint pain will completely change your quality of life. i've helped thousands of people change their quality of life by doing one simple thing -- taking arthri-d twice a day. because what it does, mike -- in the short term, it's going to send the response to the brain to not feel the pain. >> you know, you mentioned earlier -- you brought up the cox-2 inhibitor. isn't that what's in the drugs or -- >> that's a pharmaceutical version. that's a great point, mike because the pharmaceutical industry would like you to believe that a cox-2 inhibitor
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can only happen in a drug form and that's a lie. cox-2 inhibitors are naturally occurring in your body, and what they do is they're going to help you with inflammation, they're going to help you with pain, and at the same time, then -- mike think about this -- we are going to bring the body back to balance. think about it like your car. why do you use oil in your car? >> just to keep the parts working. >> exactly, keeps the parts working, and what it does, if you watch the car ads, oil cuts down on friction. >> sure. >> synovial fluid in cartilage cuts down on friction. it allows your joints to be more mobile, more flexible, with no friction. >> right. >> if you don't have friction, mike, you don't have inflammation. if you don't have inflammation you don't have pain. now -- >> and this product has... >> both: natural cox-2 inhibitors. >> all types of joint pain, knee pain, back pain -- >> 'cause the pain is really -- it really doesn't matter where it is. >> doesn't matter. >> it's the same thing. right? it's just inflammation. >> it's inflammation. exactly. and what we're going to do is we're going to introduce the
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body to natural components to allow the body to heal itself. i teamed up with a doctor friend of mine in florida, dr. rick nelson, owns a geriatric specialty, which means that he specializes in the elderly, and our phrase is -- and i'm proud of this -- our phrase is "we help people age gracefully." >> okay. >> that's our phrase because his number one -- every patient that comes in to him, number one, is joint pain. "doc, i can't even walk with my wife anymore because i have lower-back pain." golfers can't play golf anymore. give me a quick -- i'll tell you a quick story. just not two -- three weeks ago at the club, i bumped into a guy, don't even know him. his name's gary. gary comes up to me. he doesn't even know what i do for a living. he sees me on the stepper, and he's complaining about his knee, and i'm talking to him about golfing. he's got a -- i don't know anything about golf, but he's got a three handicap. i guess that's pretty good. >> yeah, right. >> okay. well, he's traveling to texas to be in a tournament, and he's in the senior division 'cause he's 55 years old. and he says, "jim, i'm telling you, my left knee is hurting me
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so bad that i can barely golf anymore." and he said, "i've tried all the --" he said, "i tried the drugs, then they pulled them from the market. i've tried these products, and nothing worked." and i said, "gary, i've got a product for you. i'd just like you to try it." and i said, "the reason why this one is going to work for you gary -- it's not just glucosamine and it's not just chondroitin. it's the synergistic blend. that's why it's going to work for you." i handed him a bottle. three weeks later -- and i thought he was just pulling my leg -- three weeks later, he comes, "jim!" and he's laughing, and i said, "what's so funny?" he said, "i was just playing golf in a tournament in texas, and my knee does not hurt at all." >> wow. >> now, that's impressive. >> sure. >> mike, i didn't create this product. it's all natural, comes from the earth -- god created it. >> yep. >> it's all natural, and what it does is it takes the body and puts it back in balance. that's how it works. mike, i said earlier i don't believe in a coincidence. i believe in fate, okay? i met the woman who introduced
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me to this product by fate. she heard me talking about my joint pain, introduced me to this product, and i believe that was destined to happen. i believe that someone today is tuning in to this program that's laying on the couch and is living in pain. they have joint pain, back pain, they have knee pain, arthritis and they can't walk. you're just not able to enjoy the quality of life that you deserve. try this product. i guarantee it. it works. if it doesn't work, send it back and i'll personally refund your money, but i promise you there's somebody watching today that fate has caused them to turn on this channel, and you're sick and tired of being in pain. you're sick and tired of not being able to enjoy the quality of life that you deserve. let us allow you to give you back that quality of life. today is your day to get out of pain. >> you had mentioned you take -- how does it work? you take two capsules twice a day? >> two capsules twice a day. now, again, we're not talking
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about a drug. we're talking about a natural approach. if you have severe joint pain like i did -- i had chronic joint pain. every -- my knees, my back -- i'm not kidding. i always have a smile on my face, mike. you know that. you know me, i always have a smile, but i was living in constant pain, because i did -- i abused my body. i played football, basketball, i was a gladiator. i got beat up. >> sure. >> i was always in pain. i'm no longer in pain. >> how long does it take really, for it to work? because we were talking earlier. you were saying that because of the human body and because of the abuse we've actually -- 'cause of the abuse that we put on our bodies throughout the years, whether it's through bad nutrition, through, like you said, through athletics, or just our everyday lives, people sometimes, are looking for an immediate result because of these drugs that trick the brain. right? how long does something like arthri-d take? >> it really depends on the body. a lot of factors involved. >> sure. >> how well are you eating? >> right. >> i've got a really good friend of my wife's, carolyn, and carolyn's got two kids in
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college, and they go to northern illinois university and carolyn tells stories of why she just loves, a couple times a year, going up to the university and just seeing the campus with her kids. imagine this -- 48 years old not even 50 yet. the last time she went to visit one of her daughters on campus her daughter had to push her around in a wheelchair because she couldn't walk around. her knees and hips bothered her so bad. it was demoralizing. she was in tears. she said, "jim, can you imagine? i'm just going to visit my daughter at college, and she has to push me around in a wheelchair." and i said, "carolyn, try this product." about four weeks later, she came back and said, "jim, my hips no longer hurt. as a matter of fact, i started running again." she had to stop running. first, she stopped running 'cause it got so bad. then she started power walking 'cause she needed to control her weight and guess what? now she's running again. >> that's amazing. >> that's amazing, but it gave her back the quality of life that everyone deserves. if you eliminate pain, mike, so
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that the bones don't rub together, so you don't have friction, guess what? that is how you eliminate the problem, not a drug. remember, we talked about the nail. first, take the nail out. now, if you still need some pain, we'll address that, but let's get rid of the nail. that's what arthri-d does. >> it addresses the problem. >> the problem, not the symptom. we're looking at it all wrong. doctors are looking at it all wrong. when you walk in to your doctor and you say, "i've got pain," then instead of asking, "let's figure out where the pain is coming from --" >> they just write you a prescription. >> "here, take this." >> "you won't be in pain anymore." >> "you won't have any pain." >> and you think you're all better. >> yeah, and now they even open rehab centers because they're writing so many prescriptions for pain. it's an epidemic in the united states. people are going to get drugs for pain. now they got to go to rehab just to get off the drugs instead of addressing the problem. the problem is you've got to get your body back in balance. you've got to get the cartilage in your body to start absorbing nutrients again, to absorb water, because it's a cushion. that cushion protects your
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joints from colliding. remember, collision -- when they start to rub together, you're going to get friction. let me give you a great example -- and i'm telling you god is amazing, and i thank him every day that he brought me to where i am with this formula because i told -- you knew earlier, my wife suffers. >> you had mentioned, too, that she had severe foot pain. >> oh, foot pain. you can't even describe -- you talk about pain. >> couldn't even walk. >> it's debilitating. she started taking this formula, and through her doctor helping us -- luckily, her doctor is a really great doctor, and he does believe that the future of arthritis is in natural products. he's been helping us take this product in conjunction with her drugs. now she is able to take the lowest amount of her drugs because, mike -- >> there are some people out there like your wife, you said. they have been in pain for so long and it's so severe that realistically, they're not just going to go off their drugs right away. >> absolutely. mike, that's a great point. get with your doctor because
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like you said, think about this -- the great news here in america -- over 50% of americans have now figured out that the way that we're currently practicing medicine has failed so they are seeking out alternative physicians. more people last year visited an alternative physician, a physician who doesn't use drugs, than the practicing m.d.'s. >> they're calling them "alternative" now. >> alternative now, yeah. they're called alternative because the alternative is other than drugs. well, what happens is these doctors are now realizing that there are products like arthri-d that are actually working, so they're helping people wean themselves down off of the pharmaceuticals while allowing arthri-d to take away the pain and hopefully one day, get you totally off the drugs, because drugs are chemicals. >> jim, earlier we talked about some of the people that have experienced results, but you also have some more amazing stories. tell us a little bit about some people that have benefited from this formula. >> let me tell you about randy.
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i told you i do a lot of training. i don't train athletes, i don't train movie stars -- i train ordinary people, and i've got a guy, randy, i've been working with for a while. well, one day, he comes to the club, and he says, "jim, you know, i didn't mention anything, but, you know, the last couple of weeks," he said, "my joints have been aching. my knees bother me. my ankles bother me. it's not bad yet, but it's bad enough." and he said "i'm thinking about canceling working out this week." that was the perfect opportunity for me to introduce him to arthri-d. i said, "randy, you know i don't push products on you, but let me tell about a product that i've been taking for about five years, and i feel like i'm 20 again. all my joints feel great." gave him the product. three weeks later, he's still exercising, still working out as hard as ever, joint pain totally eliminated. >> wow. >> now, mike, let's talk about that. how did we eliminate the joint pain? remember, we didn't mask over the symptom like the pharmaceuticals do. what did we do? we went to the problem and fixed the problem. >> naturally. >> naturally. >> jim, we only have a couple minutes left. are there any last thoughts you'd like to leave our viewers? >> absolutely, mike. you know, for years, i suffered
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with joint pain so bad that i could barely sleep, and i've tried every product on the market. i've been in the health and wellness industry for over 25 years. trust me -- i've tried them all with no success. i found this formula a little over four years ago, and it's changed my life. i know that it can change your life. i'm so confident that arthri-d can eliminate all of your joint pain that if you try this formula and it doesn't work for you as well as it has worked for me and thousands and thousands of other people, send the product back and i will personally refund your money. i'm that confident, mike. >> well, jim, it's been an amazing show. we'll have you back. folks, if you've been watching and you suffer from joint pain back pain, knee pain, elbow pain, if you're one of the millions of americans that suffer with arthritis, if you're suffering from joint pain, knee pain, foot pain, back pain, or if you know someone who is, pick up the phone and give us a call.
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jim shriner's product, arthri-d, has been helping thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people live pain free, so pick up the phone and give us a call. we've actually worked out a special arrangement with our guest, mr. jim shriner, where you'll receive a substantial savings off the regular price of the product. plus, if you call within the next five minutes, ask how you can receive your first month's supply absolutely free. folks, this product is unconditionally guaranteed to work, so pick up the phone and give us a call. jim, thanks again for being my guest. >> appreciate it, mike. >> my name is michael alden, and we'll see you next time.
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>> announcer: these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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carpenter or it's too hard to do yourself and get professional results. well, now you can create the custom home projects you've always dreamed of and do it yourself quickly, easily, and economically with the kreg d.i.y. project kit -- the kreg rip-cut, the r3 kreg jig, and the kreg shelf pin jig. the tools in the kreg d.i.y. project kit make it possible for anyone to build successfully even first-timers, because the kreg d.i.y. project kit turns ordinary power tools into easy-to-use precision building tools. the kreg d.i.y. project kit starts with the rip-cut. it attaches to almost any circular saw and lets you safely and accurately cut plywood and other sheet materials without having to measure or follow marks as you cut. when you're ready to assemble your pieces, the r3 kreg jig will quickly and easily create strong joints. just drill a pocket hole in one of the pieces. the jig positions it perfectly every time. and then drive in a kreg self-tapping screw. it pulls the pieces together to
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create a strong joint. and, finally, the kreg shelf pin jig lets you add shelves and customize them with ease. you can make them adjustable so you can position the shelves exactly where you want them. the shelf pin jig lets you add holes for shelf pins easily and accurately. you get perfect hole spacing and depth every time for shelves that are level and won't wobble on a new project or easily added to a piece of furniture you already own. designed and built by kreg tool, a trusted leader in the industry for over 25 years, this kreg d.i.y. project kit will have you building better smarter, and faster than you ever thought possible. >> i think for folks that are interested in building things around their house, that are interested in creating things for their home, they will absolutely be getting off on the right foot using the d.i.y. kit. >> it's got the rip-cut. it's got the r3 kreg jig. it's got the shelf pin jig. and then you've got all your allen wrenches, all your drill bits, all your collars, all your screws, and everything that you're gonna need. it comes completely packaged together. >> stick around and see how
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three couples used the kreg d.i.y. project kit to build the home-improvement projects of their dreams. see how they transformed an underutilized closet into this custom closet organizer... an empty four-season room into this welcoming, clutter-free entry-way organizer... and a messy garage into this modular garage storage system. they finished in just one weekend, using a few ordinary tools, kreg's step-by-step project plans, and the three amazing tools in the kreg d.i.y. project kit. and you'll meet two sisters whose shanty-to-chic blog site shows you how to build home-improvement projects using kreg tools. >> i wouldn't have been able to build the furniture i've built without these kreg tools. i couldn't have done it. >> i'd prefer to do the project myself, because it's a better product in the end. it's more durable, it's reliable, and then there's that pride in ownership and knowing that i accomplished something. >> kito and nadilia have a big toy-dump area in their living room, and they'd like to take back the space to entertain. >> i don't have any toys here
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because i have them all downstairs. i like to have them up here, but there's no place to put them. >> so, today, we're at the home of kito and nadilia. i've got the kreg d.i.y. project kit plans that are gonna make their closet dreams a reality. hey, guys. how are you? >> hi! >> good. how are you doing? >> great to see you again. >> yeah, good to see you. >> are you ready to work? >> oh, yeah. >> absolutely. >> all right, well, i've got the project kit plans for you. i know we want to organize valerie's closet. this is gonna make it so easy. this is the way we're gonna do it. >> i love that it's color-coded. >> it's very simple to use, very easy to follow. >> let's cut some wood. >> all right. just lock the rip-cut in at the size you need. no measuring, no marking. just straight, accurate cuts every time. no pencil, no measuring tape. there it is. i love your enthusiasm. >> it's great! it's so easy! >> so, you guys have been using the kreg rip-cut for a few -- >> wait. this is the first time i've used it. >> okay. >> that's her first cut ever. >> ever. >> wow. >> it's fast. and it builds your confidence.
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i ]want to do more. >> okay. well, let's do more. that's what we're here for. let's keep going. using the rip-cut, kito and nadilia were able to make repeatable, accurate cuts without having to measure. >> using the rip-cut, i've saved a lot of time, a lot more efficiency. >> what i like about the rip-cut is -- it's easy to use. it really is. it was very easy to make the same repeatable cuts many times in a row. >> guys, it's pocket-hole time. >> all right. so, let's use the r3 pocket hole jig to make this happen. pocket holes enable you to join two pieces of wood together. just drill a pocket hole in one of the pieces. the jig positions it perfectly every time. and then drive in a kreg self-tapping screw. it pulls the pieces together to create a strong joint. >> clamp it down. >> yep. >> look at their teamwork. >> there we go. >> you want to get the drill up to speed before you plunge to make the pocket hole. >> okay. >> and the bit stops automatically, so you can't make a mistake. >> that is awesome! >> let's take a look. let's see it. >> oh, it's beautiful!
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>> it really is. >> that's right. >> high five. >> your wife is awesome. you're gonna get super-strong joints every time. the pocket hole accepts a screw for an incredibly strong joint. plus, it can usually be hidden. >> the joint you get with the r3 kreg jig is -- it is certainly strong. >> holds the boards tighter, stronger. they don't move. it's more accurate. >> great job on the pocket holes, guys. >> thank you. >> you got a lot of them drilled. it's time to use the third piece of our d.i.y. project kit. this is the shelf pin jig. this is going to give you level, even shelves every time. can't do it wrong. you see the way the fence works against the side of the wood? we clamp that down. >> and we're ready to go. >> yeah, we're ready to go. >> let's go. >> steel-reinforced holes, a great, strong drill bit. this is why you get accurate results every time. no more mismatched holes caused by measuring and drilling each hole individually. let's take a look. look at that. accurate, clean repeatable
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results. >> awesome. >> all my shelves that i've put in so far are level, and i know that the rest of them that i build using this tool will be perfectly level. >> the shelf pin jig lays out exactly how to -- or where to drill the pinholes for adjustable shelves in a cabinet. and it was the easiest thing i have ever used. >> all right, kito, we've got all the pieces here for the large box, so let's start. >> let's go. >> the included square-drive bit drives the screws without slipping. so, what do you love best about using these kreg screws? >> they're self-tapping, which means that they bore for themselves. you don't have to pre-drill. >> yeah. all right, let's flip it over and get a shelf in. work them in there, turn them in there. >> it's very easy. >> how they fitting? oh, wow. they fit great. >> take a look at this. nice. >> is that level? >> i'm pretty sure it is. >> is that not wobbly? >> i'm pretty sure -- >> look at that. that is success. you've built the tower, the hamper, and the large box. you've got adjustable shelves on
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these. >> we built this! and i got hands-on experience with all the tools. >> all right, so, what is the next step? we're gonna install this and we've got to surprise valerie, right? hi, valerie. >> hi. >> how are you? >> good. >> what is different about this space? >> there is no toys. >> where are they? >> should we go and look for them? >> yeah. >> let's see. >> where are they? >> where are your toys? >> ooh! >> what do you think? >> [ laughs ] >> that is cool. >> what is that? >> a whole giant, new closet. >> do you like it? >> yeah. this is super-nice, mom ad dad. >> give them a hug. so cute. >> [ laughs ] >> oh! so, kito and nadilia were able to build the perfect closet for valerie, thanks to the kreg d.i.y. project kit. now they've reclaimed their living-room space, and she's got
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a great closet to grow into. it's a win-win situation. stay tuned to see how two sisters use kreg tools to easily build home-improvement projects and share them with millions of online viewers. tired of living in a disorganized house? found an organizer you really like, but it just costs too much? can't afford to have a carpenter build it? or you just don't have the know-how o create it for yourself? well, now, for the first time ever, kreg is proud to introduce the kreg d.i.y. project kit, designed to let you build high-quality wood projects faster, smarter, better, just like the pros, while saving you money, even if you're a first-timer. now you can discover the pride and joy of building with wood to create your dream projects. build a closet organizer for your bedroom, a storage system for your garage, even create this gorgeous entryway organizer. there are hundreds of uses for the kreg d.i.y. project kit that can save you thousands of dollars as you custom-build your
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own projects. call now and you'll receive the kreg d.i.y. project kit, which includes the kreg rip-cut saw guide. attach it to almost any circular saw to safely and accurately cut plywood and other sheet materials. no need to measure or follow marks as you cut. the rip-cut guides your saw straight and true for accurate repeatable results and less wasted wood. you'll also get kreg's r3 portable pocket-hole jig designed to quickly and easily create strong joints without ugly fasteners or globs of glue. just drill a perfectly placed pocket hole, drive in a kreg self-tapping screw, and you have a perfect joint that's strong, secure, and can be hidden on the back or underside. and, finally, the kreg shelf pin jig lets you add shelves with ease that will be level and won't wobble. plus, they'll be adjustable, with precisely spaced holes on a new project or easily added to a piece of furniture you already own. the kreg d.i.y. project kit also comes complete with drill bits stop collars, allen wrenches square-head bit driver, a
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starter kit of self-tapping screws, wood plugs, and shelf pins -- everything you need to get started on your dream project. >> it's very easy to set up, very easy to use. >> probably recommended it over 30 times. >> i really enjoyed those kreg tools. they're awesome. >> announcer: order now and you'll also get these three high-quality color-coded customizable plans for this modular closet organizer, this entryway organizer, and this garage storage system. plus, when you order now, we'll also include seven additional easy-to-follow, downloadable project plans for a bookcase, a table, a desk, a kitchen cart, and more. that's 10 easy-to-follow plans a $70 value, yours free when you order now. we'll even throw in the kreg wood buying guide to make choosing and buying lumber easier than ever. the full retail value of this offer, if purchased separately is over $200. but call or log on now and you'll get the entire kreg d.i.y. project kit with all three amazing tools and 10 plans that will help you build with confidence for just three easy
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payments of $33.33, plus shipping and processing. >> there's huge cost savings in doing things yourself versus hiring it out. >> i would absolutely recommend it. in fact, i already have recommended the d.i.y. kit to several of my friends. >> announcer: and kreg offers a full, unconditional 90-day risk-free money-back guarantee. if you're not completely satisfied, send the kit back for a full refund, but keep the 10 project plans as our gift to you. call right now and you'll get all three of these tools, plus 10 plans so you can build faster, smarter, and better, while saving hundreds of dollars with the kreg d.i.y. project kit. order now for only three payments of $33.33 and start customizing your home today. >> let me introduce you to two sisters who are turning shanty into chic one project at a time and sharing their successes on
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with over 20,000 subscribers and almost 2 million visitors a month, these busy stay-at-home moms have become the queens of decorating on a budget and discovered kreg tools along the way. hello, ladies. how are you? >> hi. how are you? >> we're good. how are you? >> good. doing well. i've been looking at your website and following you guys. incredible stuff you're doing. let's talk about your projects. >> well, i think both of us are on a mission to decorate our homes for very little money. we have lots of rooms to fill. and so that's really what started the whole thing. >> what did you guys discover when you started using kreg tools that allowed you to do it right and even better? >> well, we just started building about four years ago, and i would say we were very novice at the time. we had no idea what a kreg jig was. but we realized, after using it the first few times, that it was making our builds so much stronger, and it was easier than having to hold everything and pre-drill at the same time. >> can i show you a little bit of what we've done? >> yeah, absolutely. >> come join me. >> wow. oh, we're on the roll here.
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>> this is a good example of -- >> wow! whitney, you built that? >> yeah. and let me actually -- if i step around here to you guys... >> yep. >> ...this is one of my favorite pieces. >> oh, wow! >> but it's a big sideboard, and really, the whole, entire thing was constructed using my kreg tools. >> do you have adjustable shelves in there, shelf-pin jig? >> i do. i used their shelf-pin jig. >> yeah. >> it's actually the first time i used it. and i was very nervous to use it, but it was very simple. and it makes it a very professional piece, too, so... >> i'm impressed. after doing it, would you call it difficult or would you call it simple and easy? >> i would say -- we both would say -- that it's -- we always say if we can do it, anybody can do it. >> yeah. >> and we truly feel that way. >> how'd you discover kreg? >> i read, one time, someone say something like, "i would never build again without it," and so, yeah, that's when we decided to give it a try. and i will say mine sat in the box forever 'cause i was so nervous to use it, and then once we both used it, we said the exact same thing -- "we will
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never build without it again." and, like we say, if we can do it, anybody can do it. it's very simple and it's also a lot of fun. >> it looks like what you're building is amazing. thank you guys so much. it was great to have you. >> both: thank you. >> i think the d.i.y. project kit really eliminates some of the headaches that new d.i.y.ers might come across. >>: you can build a quality project and not have the skills of a furniture builder. >> it takes all of the complicated, maybe scary parts of working on a project and simplifies them. >> mike and mandy moved into their new home just a few years ago. they need to get organized. >> this is the reason why we need an organizer. it's crazy how messy this is. >> mike, mandy, how you guys doing? >> good. >> great. so excited to get started with you. would you call yourselves beginners? intermediates? >> oh, before that. >> before beginners. >> yes. >> before beginners. >> okay, well, we're gonna start. we're going to begin at the beginning, and that's going to be with the rip-cut. >> okay. >> we're gonna follow the plan. although mike had no experience building, with the kreg rip-cut and his circular saw, he easily
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and quickly made over 45 straight cuts without measuring, marking, or any wasted wood. you guys did really well with the rip-cut. was it fun? >> both: yeah. >> then mike drilled pocket holes for rock-solid joints, just like the pros, and without any glue. next, he drilled evenly spaced shelf-pin holes for level, adjustable shelves that don't wobble, a challenge even for a pro, made easy with the kreg shelf-pin jig. nice hardened steel bit. see that? incredible. >> cool. >> by staining before assembly mike was assured of a much neater and more professional finish for his organizer. >> that looks great. >> looking good. we're graduating beyond beginner. no, you're doing good. mike then assembled his room organizer, inserting the kreg self-tapping screws in the pocket holes, making strong, secure joints. only a few more steps. we're almost there. hello, hello! >> hi! >> oh, my goodness. look at this piece.
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>> isn't it great? >> you built this. >> yes, i did. >> you were not even -- you were like a before beginner and you built this. >> i did. >> i think it's totally transformed the space. >> absolutely. >> improved it a hundredfold. >> yep. >> right. >> and now it's creating that actual entryway feel that you want from this all-season room right? >> very much so. >> i never expected to be able to say i built something. >> i've got one surprise for you. i asked a couple of your friends to come over to check out your handiwork. [ laughter ] >> hey! >> oh, my god! >> come on in, guys. come on in. >> oh, wow! >> great room! >> so, mike and mandy organized their all-season room using the kreg d.i.y. project kit. now every time they walk in that entryway, they'll have the pride of saying, "i built that." coming up, see how one family transformed a messy garage with this beautifully organized storage system. >> announcer: now you, too, can enjoy the kreg d.i.y. project kit, designed to let you build with wood faster, smarter, and better, even if you're a first-timer. >> i wouldn't have been able to build the furniture i've built without these kreg tools.
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i couldn't have done it. >> i really enjoyed those kreg tools. they're awesome. >> announcer: order the kreg d.i.y. project kit now and you'll receive the rip-cut saw guide, the r3 portable pocket hole jig, and the shelf pin jig that'll help you build hundreds of projects and transform your home, while saving you thousands of dollars. the kreg d.i.y. project kit also comes complete with drill bits stop collars, allen wrenches square-head bit driver, a starter kit of self-tapping screws, wood plugs, and shelf pins -- everything you need to get started on your dream project. and when you order now, we'll also include 10 high-quality color-coded customizable project plans, including this modular closet organizer, this entryway organizer, this garage storage system, and much more. that's 10 easy-to-follow plans a $70 value, yours free when you order now. we'll even throw in the kreg wood buying guide to make choosing and buying lumber easier than ever. the full retail value of this offer, if purchased separately is over $200. but call or log on now and the
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kreg d.i.y. project kit can be yours for only three easy payments of $33.33, plus shipping and processing. and kreg offers a full unconditional 90-day risk-free money-back guarantee. if you're not completely satisfied, send the kit back for a full refund, but keep the 10 project plans as our gift to you. call right now and you'll get all three of these amazing tools, plus 10 plans so you can build faster, smarter, and better while saving thousands of dollars with the kreg d.i.y. project kit. order now for only three payments of $33.33. >> when jamie and nate moved into their new house almost a year ago, they had to move in a rush. it created even more storage issues. >> being unorganized takes much more time than i would have ever guessed. we are constantly feeling like we spend more time trying to
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find stuff, digging out of clutter, rather than actually spending time with our family. >> yep. >> oh, hey. we're gonna start the day off with nate and jamie. like many americans, they've got a real storage problem in their garage, and i've got the plans to help them fix it. let's go check it out. all right, guys, you ready to get started? >> absolutely. >> we're ready, yep. >> okay, i brought you the plans that's gonna solve this garage issue. >> good. we need some help. >> okay, i know. this is a big one. take a look. and this comes with the kit. >> okay. >> i like how they're very detailed. >> but when we put it all together, it's gonna look amazing. >> oh, i can't wait. >> unbelievable. >> okay, first thing i need are those. >> these are mine. we need these. >> no, i need those. no measuring. >> what? >> no marking necessary. >> well, then how are we going to do it? >> gone. tape, pencil -- gone. >> no way. >> yep. >> i don't believe it. >> gone. the rip-cut solves it all. just lock the rip-cut in at the size you need. no measuring, no marking. just straight, accurate cuts every time. these 4x8 sheets are intimidating. >> yeah. >> with the rip-cut, they're easy. >> awesome. >> when i didn't have the rip-cut, i'd usually have to cut
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twice or buy more pieces of plywood because i'd make bad cuts. >> using the rip-cut, i saved a lot of time, a lot more efficiency. >> it's on to step two. >> okay. >> we're gonna make pocket holes. we're giving you the r3 pocket hole jig from kreg. we're going to clamp this down and start our pocket holes. he's going to create really strong joints without glue, just using the simple kreg screw. and you just made your first pocket hole. >> simple. >> let's see what it looks like. >> take a look. >> wow. >> the easy-to-use kreg jig r3 creates strong joints so you can build professional, long-lasting projects. you'll wonder how you ever built without it. >> perfect. >> could that be any easier? >> i drilled one hole and i felt i mastered the r3 kreg jig without a doubt. >> you're gonna get satisfaction of being able to quickly make joints and be able to see your project go from a pile of wood to a finished product very quickly. and you'll have a product that's very strong and you'll be very satisfied with the completed
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project. >> so, the third part of our kit is this shelf pin jig. this is going to make sure that you get level, even shelves in your cabinets. >> perfect. >> let's clamp her down. with the shelf pin jig, you get perfect hole spacing and a prefect depth every time. you see those steel collars in there and that drill bit? no wobble. look at him sharing. what a nice husband. you can even add shelf pinholes to existing projects. that's right. >> i think mine are better than yours. >> the magic shelf pins. give you a little idea of what it's going to look like. actually, look. perfect. >> yeah. >> it's level. >> well done. >> actually, there's no wobbling, everything fits, and everything's lined up, and you do it in just a fraction of the time. >> yeah, all of the shelves were in. they didn't move at all. they were completely straight. it was really good. >> i've never had a shelf as flat as what i did with this jig. >> all right, this is where the
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excitement starts, because it's time to assemble our first box. >> okay. >> okay, we're going to stand this up. we're going to insert a few screws. did you see how they cinched together super-tight? okay, did you ever think you could have done that before kreg? >> no. absolutely not. >> it's looking amazing. the installation is going to be a snap. >> wow, wow, wow! look at this space! you guys did so good. how do you feel? >> we feel good. we feel good. >> does it feel good? >> i like it. >> yeah? >> i'm so happy. >> stuff's off the floor. car's in the garage. >> this is something that many americans don't do anymore. >> it's tough. >> they don't have what is over 14 feet of space, over 60 linear feet of shelf space. >> right. >> you did it yourselves. >> we did it ourselves. >> anyone can do it. anyone. so that's how confident i am. >> if i can do it, anyone can do it. >> you guys did it the right way. with all that customizability, adjustability, the possibilities are endless. >> possibilities are endless. >> one of the things i enjoyed
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about this project is -- this isn't something that i did alone, but my son and i were able to do that together. >> and i have the personal satisfaction of building something that lives in my family for many years. >> well, then there's that pride in ownership and knowing that i accomplished something. >> do you want to have fun working with wood? do you want to build incredible home-improvement projects? well, you can do it with the kreg d.i.y. project kit. even if you're a beginner, kreg takes you through the process step by step. you'll learn how to build faster, smarter, and better, plus get the satisfaction of a job well done. even more exciting, the kreg d.i.y. project kit can save you hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars. and it may pay for itself the first time you use it. so get building and turn your dreams of a beautiful, more enjoyable home into a reality with the power and efficiency of the kreg d.i.y. project kit, only from kreg tool. >> announcer: tired of living in a disorganized house? found an organizer online or in
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a magazine that you really like, but it just costs too much? can't afford to have a carpenter build it? or you just don't have the know-how to create it for yourself? well, now, for the first time ever, kreg is proud to introduce the kreg d.i.y. project kit, designed to let you build high-quality wood projects faster, smarter, better, just like the pros, while saving you money, even if you're a first-timer. now you can discover the pride and joy of building with wood to create your dream projects. build a closet organizer for your bedroom, a storage system for your garage, even create this gorgeous entryway organizer. there are hundreds of uses for the kreg d.i.y. project kit that can save you thousands of dollars as you custom-build your own projects. call now and you'll receive the kreg d.i.y. project kit, which includes the kreg rip-cut saw guide. attach it to almost any circular saw to safely and accurately cut plywood and other sheet materials. no need to measure or follow marks as you cut. the rip-cut guides your saw
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straight and true for accurate repeatable results and less wasted wood. you'll also get kreg's r3 portable pocket-hole jig designed to quickly and easily create strong joints without ugly fasteners or globs of glue. just drill a perfectly placed pocket hole, drive in a kreg self-tapping screw, and you have a perfect joint that's strong, secure, and can be hidden on the back or underside. and, finally, the kreg shelf pin jig lets you add shelves with ease that will be level and won't wobble. plus, they'll be adjustable, with precisely spaced holes on a new project or easily added to a piece of furniture you already own. the kreg d.i.y. project kit also comes complete with drill bits stop collars, allen wrenches square-head bit driver, a starter kit of self-tapping screws, wood plugs, and shelf pins -- everything you need to get started on your dream project. >> it's very easy to set up, very easy to use. >> probably recommended it over 30 times. >> i really enjoyed those kreg tools. they're awesome. >> announcer: order now and you'll also get these three
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high-quality color-coded customizable plans for this modular closet organizer, this entryway organizer, and this garage storage system. plus, when you order now, we'll also include seven additional easy-to-follow, downloadable project plans for a bookcase, a table, a desk, a kitchen cart, and more. that's 10 easy-to-follow plans a $70 value, yours free when you order now. we'll even throw in the kreg wood buying guide to make choosing and buying lumber easier than ever. the full retail value of this offer, if purchased separately is over $200. but call or log on now and you'll get the entire kreg d.i.y. project kit with all three amazing tools and 10 plans that will help you build with confidence for just three easy payments of $33.33, plus shipping and processing. >> there's huge cost savings in doing things yourself versus hiring it out. >> i would absolutely recommend it. in fact, i already have recommended the d.i.y. kit to several of my friends. >> announcer: and kreg offers a full, unconditional 90-day risk-free money-back guarantee. if you're not completely
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satisfied, send the kit back for a full refund, but keep the 10 project plans as our gift to you. call right now and you'll get all three of these tools, plus 10 plans so you can build faster, smarter, and better, while saving hundreds of dollars with the kreg d.i.y. project kit. order now for only three payments of $33.33 and start customizing your home today. the previous was a paid presentation brought to you by the kreg tool company.
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>> welcome to gospel truth with andrew wommack. a teaching ministry that focuses on god's unconditional love and grace. celebrating 20 years of discipling others through charis bible college worldwide, >> and now, here's andrew. welcome to our wednesday's broadcast of the gospel truth.


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