Dec 13, 2023
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carolina: un desobediente carolina: un desobediente [tos] honey... honey... nyquil severe honey. lograrás lo que tu quieres. estoy muy orgullosa de ti. find your purpose at gcu. intenté de todo para quitar el mal olor en las telas, pero mis prendas todavía olían mal. ¡hasta que por fin encontré downy rinse and refresh!
carolina: un desobediente carolina: un desobediente [tos] honey... honey... nyquil severe honey. lograrás lo que tu quieres. estoy muy orgullosa de ti. find your purpose at gcu. intenté de todo para quitar el mal olor en las telas, pero mis prendas todavía olían mal. ¡hasta que por fin encontré downy rinse and refresh!
Dec 4, 2023
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. ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] carolina: saludos. soy carolina sarassa. esta es "ediciÓn digital".voces. comenzamos con este terrible caso de un crimen mÚltiple en queens, nueva york, que terminÓ con la vida de cuatro personas, incluyendo dos niÑos. carolina: el agresor perdiÓ la vida durante un enfrentamiento con la policÍa. sin embargo, antes apuÑalÓ a dos agentes y que se estÁn recuperando ya en casa. vamos con los detalles. reportera: buenas tardes. las autoridades continÚan investigando el motivo de esta masacre que dejÓ dos niÑos y dos adultos muertos por apuÑalamiento y todo al parecer a manos de un pariente. autoridades dicen que todo comenzÓ cuando una mujer llamÓ al 911 para decir que un primo estaba matando a sus familiares y la policÍa se acercÓ a la escena. ellos ven a un hombre con una maleta y tratan de hablar con Él, sin embargo, acuchilla a los policÍas y las autoridades le disparan. la policÍa dice que vio en la escena un caos, una niÑa herida fuera de la vivienda. dentro de la vivienda habÍa llamas. encontraron el cuerpo de dos adultos y un niÑo. >> lo que me des
. ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] carolina: saludos. soy carolina sarassa. esta es "ediciÓn digital".voces. comenzamos con este terrible caso de un crimen mÚltiple en queens, nueva york, que terminÓ con la vida de cuatro personas, incluyendo dos niÑos. carolina: el agresor perdiÓ la vida durante un enfrentamiento con la policÍa. sin embargo, antes apuÑalÓ a dos agentes y que se estÁn recuperando ya en casa. vamos con los detalles. reportera: buenas tardes. las autoridades...
Dec 7, 2023
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carolina: ¿me quiere o no me quiere?taremos hablando con una experta de un tÉrmino utilizado para definir el vÍnculo sentimental entre parejas en donde el amor se ofrece sÓlo en migajas. ¿te ha pasado? asÍ comenzamos. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ borja: enviamos la bienvenida a tu "ediciÓn digital" el 7 de diciembre. gracias por acompaÑarnos, esta es tu compaÑÍa a mediodÍa. carolina: comenzamos con algo triste, lo Último del tiroteo que dejÓ por lo menos tres muertos en el campus de la universidad de nevada en las vegas. un incidente que vuelve a poner de luto a toda la comunidad de estudiantes en los estados unidos. el sospechoso fue identificado como anthony polito, un maestro de la tercera edad, quien aparentemente fue ignorado cuando pidiÓ un trabajo en dicho centro educativo. borja: esta estadÍstica es terrible, seg—— elyangÉlica gonzÁlez a preparador las reacciones. elyangÉlica: la rÁpida acciÓn policial durante la emergencia en pleno campus evitÓ una mayor tragedia, es la confesiÓn de la autoridad al revelar que un h
carolina: ¿me quiere o no me quiere?taremos hablando con una experta de un tÉrmino utilizado para definir el vÍnculo sentimental entre parejas en donde el amor se ofrece sÓlo en migajas. ¿te ha pasado? asÍ comenzamos. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ borja: enviamos la bienvenida a tu "ediciÓn digital" el 7 de diciembre. gracias por acompaÑarnos, esta es tu compaÑÍa a mediodÍa. carolina: comenzamos con algo triste, lo Último del tiroteo que dejÓ por lo menos tres...
Dec 15, 2023
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carolina: con mucho gusto borja voces y carolina sarassa en este viernes 7 de diciembre esta es tu ediciÓnempre tu compaÑÍa al mediodÍa. borjas: hablamos de el tiempo y no de cualquier tiempo el mar tiempo que hay una tormenta de gran alcance que avanza travÉs de estados unidos llevar lluvias torrenciales, vientos huracanados, y mucha nieve, afectarÁ a 160 millones de residente en al menos 20 estados del paÍs. carolina: la tormenta llega justo el fin de semanas antes de navidad y podrÍa complicar los viajes de viaje para miles de familias desde texas, florida, hasta nueva inglaterra. erika: asÍ luce el nuevo mÉxico despuÉs de que este sistema dejara su huella con un pies de nieve, ademÁs de provocar condiciones inseguras para manejar en carreteras de colorado, aunque la tormenta amenace con hacerse sentir en texas la crisis de cortes de energÍa elÉctrica del 2021 no tendrÁ segunda parte en este invierno, al menos eso esperan quienes dirigen la red elÉctrica de la zona. estos preparados y es mÁs viable que nunca tenemos mucho mÁs recursos de lo que hemos tenido durante cualquier invierno an
carolina: con mucho gusto borja voces y carolina sarassa en este viernes 7 de diciembre esta es tu ediciÓnempre tu compaÑÍa al mediodÍa. borjas: hablamos de el tiempo y no de cualquier tiempo el mar tiempo que hay una tormenta de gran alcance que avanza travÉs de estados unidos llevar lluvias torrenciales, vientos huracanados, y mucha nieve, afectarÁ a 160 millones de residente en al menos 20 estados del paÍs. carolina: la tormenta llega justo el fin de semanas antes de navidad y podrÍa...
Dec 12, 2023
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carolina: gracias, doctor.acemos la siguiente pregunta, te acostumbras a usar google? la empresa publicÓ los mÁs buscados. la guerra entre israel y gaza establece la lista de tendencias de noticias en todo el mundo. carolina: tambiÉn el exjugador de los bÚffalo tuvo un problema cardiaco, encabezÓ la lista de deportistas mÁs buscados. borja: ahora vamos con los personajes con los artistas, que lo tenemos, shakira, peso pluma, bizarrap y barbie, estuvieron entre los mÁs populares. carolina: una pequeÑa pausa, mÁs adelante, ya sabes quiÉn es el flow gpt? el artista ha creado con inteligencia artificial que enfureciÓ a bad bunny por su gran parecido ca ( ♪♪ ) ♪ todo el mundo quiere, ♪ ♪ y todo el mundo sabe. ♪ ♪ que todo el mundo quiere donas. ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ carolina: y seguimos en vivo con todos ustedes, amigos de la "ediciÓn digital" y todos ustedes saben tambiÉn que la inteligencia artificial va
carolina: gracias, doctor.acemos la siguiente pregunta, te acostumbras a usar google? la empresa publicÓ los mÁs buscados. la guerra entre israel y gaza establece la lista de tendencias de noticias en todo el mundo. carolina: tambiÉn el exjugador de los bÚffalo tuvo un problema cardiaco, encabezÓ la lista de deportistas mÁs buscados. borja: ahora vamos con los personajes con los artistas, que lo tenemos, shakira, peso pluma, bizarrap y barbie, estuvieron entre los mÁs populares....
Dec 5, 2023
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carolina: una fuerte historia.utoridades y ahora lo estamos buscando. valiente esta mujer que lo denuncio. borja: es impresionante. vamos a poner esta pieza en redes sociales para ver si ustedes pueden dar con esta persona que estÁ en bÚsqueda y captura. es importante que responda ante la ley por estos hechos atroces. es increÍble la maldad de la gente. seguimos con mÁs. caos en arlington, virginia. los bomberos tuvieron que luchar por horas para sofocar las llamas tras una potente explosiÓn que se registrÓ en una vivienda. carolina: ocurriÓ cuando la policÍa intentaba ejecutar una orden de cateo y un hombre disparÓ bengalas. nuestro compaÑero tiene lo mÁs reciente de la investigaciÓn. edwin: en cÁmara queda grabada la tremenda explosiÓn de una casa al norte de virginia. claramente se ve cÓmo una lluvia de escombros cubrÍa gran parte de la zona. el departamento de policÍa del condado de arlington dijo que los agentes estaban en la cuadra 800 de esta calle investigando a un hombre que habÍa disparado una pistola de
carolina: una fuerte historia.utoridades y ahora lo estamos buscando. valiente esta mujer que lo denuncio. borja: es impresionante. vamos a poner esta pieza en redes sociales para ver si ustedes pueden dar con esta persona que estÁ en bÚsqueda y captura. es importante que responda ante la ley por estos hechos atroces. es increÍble la maldad de la gente. seguimos con mÁs. caos en arlington, virginia. los bomberos tuvieron que luchar por horas para sofocar las llamas tras una potente...
Dec 11, 2023
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carolina: tremendo regalo navideÑo serÍa. noticia, queda tanta esperanza, nos conectamos en vivo con el doctor joseph barÓn. bienvenido a la "ediciÓn digital", le pregunto, con lo que se sabe hasta este momento, cÓmo funcionarÍa esta vacuna? >> esta es una vacuna, que primero, no es nueva, lo hemos estado tratando de investigar por los Últimos 30 aÑos, recuerdo cuando trabajaba en el hospital, y estÁn haciendo alguna de estas pruebas hace cerca de 30 aÑos, lo que hacen es agarrar un pedazo del tumor que te llenes, y crean inmunoterapia, hacen que esta vacuna vaya a destruir las cÉlulas cancerosas. como visten este estudio de 16 personas y 65% de ellastuvieron una cura hombres que mÉdico total, que es algo buenÍsimo para gente que tiene ese problema. Éste es un estudio en fase 1, acabamos de empezar, van a haber mucho estudio adicionales, y se espera que los siguientes 5 a 10 aÑos, serÁ una terapia con un poco mÁs comÚn para este tipo de pacientes. borja: doctor, entonces, la vacuna servirÍa no sÓlo a quienes nunca han tenido
carolina: tremendo regalo navideÑo serÍa. noticia, queda tanta esperanza, nos conectamos en vivo con el doctor joseph barÓn. bienvenido a la "ediciÓn digital", le pregunto, con lo que se sabe hasta este momento, cÓmo funcionarÍa esta vacuna? >> esta es una vacuna, que primero, no es nueva, lo hemos estado tratando de investigar por los Últimos 30 aÑos, recuerdo cuando trabajaba en el hospital, y estÁn haciendo alguna de estas pruebas hace cerca de 30 aÑos, lo que hacen...
Dec 16, 2023
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so the south of, north carolina or the north carolina of the south, 20 miles away from me within that research triangle bubble. and so there is that divergence between the i've somebody describe it as were there together where somebody described as a slow growth south in fast growth south those divergence are are creating cultural experiences experiences are radically different. so we've tried to come up with a way of thinking about the that would make it so that you could read about the south without having to go through this academic throat clearing all the time about what is the south how do we define it so whether or not we've been successful or another question but it does finally get back a point that i think has raised and that is that the south one final point i'd make our interpretation is the south to me fascinating. and this book really drove this to me in my eyes. the south is fascinating because it's the most region in the united states. it's the region that has gone more traumatic profound, epic historical transformation than any other region. and so as somebody fascinat
so the south of, north carolina or the north carolina of the south, 20 miles away from me within that research triangle bubble. and so there is that divergence between the i've somebody describe it as were there together where somebody described as a slow growth south in fast growth south those divergence are are creating cultural experiences experiences are radically different. so we've tried to come up with a way of thinking about the that would make it so that you could read about the south...
Dec 2, 2023
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clemson and carolina. it's crazy.rybody is excited for this game. >> a different feel for game day according to u.s. -- usc student macguffin. one of thousands of fans that traveled to the stadium saturday for the annual bowl. part of the rep -- bus was news that president donald trump was making an appearance to watch the game. a former president in town was another reason he couldn't miss it. >> i was already wanting to come . meeting any presidential candidate or former president is a great honor. i would absolutely love the honor to meet him or any public president. >> next, we are in south carolina with republican presidential hopeful nikki haley. politico reported she was initially supposed to hold the town hall. it ended up being a rally with more than 2500 attendees and hundreds more stuck outside because the venue reached capacity. here's part of her remarks there. she outlined a path to victory in the gop presidential primary. [applause] >> we have too much division in this country and too many threats aroun
clemson and carolina. it's crazy.rybody is excited for this game. >> a different feel for game day according to u.s. -- usc student macguffin. one of thousands of fans that traveled to the stadium saturday for the annual bowl. part of the rep -- bus was news that president donald trump was making an appearance to watch the game. a former president in town was another reason he couldn't miss it. >> i was already wanting to come . meeting any presidential candidate or former president...
Dec 1, 2023
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carolina: se ve estupenda imagÍnese hijos con 70 aÑos.jas: mÚsica de la buena hablamos nada mÁs y nada menos que el gran diego torres en la "ediciÓn digital", no te lo puedes perder, volvemos. covered california es un servicio gratuito del estado que ha ayudado a millones de personas como tú a obtener y pagar un seguro médico. con ayuda económica para bajar el costo de la cobertura, podrías obtener un plan médico de calidad por menos de $10 al mes. cada plan incluye atención preventiva, visitas al doctor, cuidado de emergencia y más. si tienes preguntas, te ayudamos paso a paso. covered california. tu seguro médico empieza aquí. inscríbete antes del 31 de diciembre en coveredca.com/español. salud. inscríbete antes del 31 de saludbre en es tener quien me cuide desde lejos. quien me haga suspirar. y me ayude a respirar. salud es tener a alguien que me contagie su risa. y me haga sentir que si no sana hoy, sanará mañana. sí. salud. salud es rodearte de quienes te hacen sentir bien. en kaiser permanente, trabajamos juntos para cuidar de todo
carolina: se ve estupenda imagÍnese hijos con 70 aÑos.jas: mÚsica de la buena hablamos nada mÁs y nada menos que el gran diego torres en la "ediciÓn digital", no te lo puedes perder, volvemos. covered california es un servicio gratuito del estado que ha ayudado a millones de personas como tú a obtener y pagar un seguro médico. con ayuda económica para bajar el costo de la cobertura, podrías obtener un plan médico de calidad por menos de $10 al mes. cada plan incluye...
Dec 8, 2023
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. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ carolina: hola, con mucho gusto, carolina sarassa.compaÑÍa al mediodÍa y mi querido borja estÁ libre, pero arrancamos directamente este viernes con tremendo escÁndalo legal para el hijo del presidente joe biden. lo acusan formalmente de nueve cargos a hunter biden por falta de pago de impuesto durante varios aÑos y de ser encontrado culpable podrÍa pasar varios aÑos en prisiÓn. ahora mediante un comunicado el fiscal asegura que biden, hunter biden, habrÍa gastado millones para un estilo de vida extravagante en lugar de pagar impuestos. es un tema que ha provocado mucho revuelto. nos conectamos en vivo con edwin piti, que nos tiene reacciones y mÁs detalles. edwin: buenas tardes. estamos hablando de posibles nuevos problemas para hunter biden, hijo del presidente, quien ahora enfrenta nueve nuevos cargos que tienen que ver con el tema fiscal, tres son por delitos mayores por haber presentado presentaciÓn fraudulenta y los otros seis son menores por no haber cumplido con el pago de impuesto. el fiscal general asegura que hunter biden no
. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ carolina: hola, con mucho gusto, carolina sarassa.compaÑÍa al mediodÍa y mi querido borja estÁ libre, pero arrancamos directamente este viernes con tremendo escÁndalo legal para el hijo del presidente joe biden. lo acusan formalmente de nueve cargos a hunter biden por falta de pago de impuesto durante varios aÑos y de ser encontrado culpable podrÍa pasar varios aÑos en prisiÓn. ahora mediante un comunicado el fiscal asegura que biden, hunter biden, habrÍa gastado...
Dec 4, 2023
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nevada's to get something and the new come to south carolina and here on the republican side south carolina has really robust history of picking the eventual republican presidential nominee with one exception in 2012 of newt gingrich. but that was, that was just at one time, so republicans are quite proud of themselves and nikki haley herself has said she sees her past to the nomination come down to a head-to-head here in her home state of south carolina. and now that her former, her former contender comes also skilled in tim scott is out of the race, she definitely sees this as her home turf, not trump's. the latest also not shown all to much movementow here for former governor nikki haley the latest ones we've seen from university showed that trump still holds a very strong joties you with2% of likely republican primary voters. nikki haley jumped up to about 70% followed by ron desantis at 12. she is making that movement upward and we are seeing some serious movement here in her home state, but again that margin where sync between trump and the rest of the pack is so large that her team c
nevada's to get something and the new come to south carolina and here on the republican side south carolina has really robust history of picking the eventual republican presidential nominee with one exception in 2012 of newt gingrich. but that was, that was just at one time, so republicans are quite proud of themselves and nikki haley herself has said she sees her past to the nomination come down to a head-to-head here in her home state of south carolina. and now that her former, her former...
Dec 2, 2023
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trump in south carolina, nikki haley at a town hall also in south carolina. and democrat marianne williamson talking with voters at a town hall in reno. we will also talk to jessica taylor about the latest in the u.s. senate races. first, a few minutes with caitlin byrd, senior political reporter in charleston who told us about recent campaigning in the palmetto state by former president donald trump and former governor nikki haley. >> south carolina is an important state in the republican primary lineup. you've got new hampshire where we expect the field to we know a little bit. here on the republican side, south carolina has a really robust history of picking the eventual republican presidential nominee with the exception of newt gingrich. that was just that one time. republicans are quite proud of themselves and nikki haley herself has said that she sees her path to the nomination coming down to a head-to-head here in her home state of south carolina. now that her former contender tim scott is out of the race, she definitely sees this as her home turf. the
trump in south carolina, nikki haley at a town hall also in south carolina. and democrat marianne williamson talking with voters at a town hall in reno. we will also talk to jessica taylor about the latest in the u.s. senate races. first, a few minutes with caitlin byrd, senior political reporter in charleston who told us about recent campaigning in the palmetto state by former president donald trump and former governor nikki haley. >> south carolina is an important state in the...
Dec 28, 2023
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so the south of north carolina or the north carolina of the south is 20 miles away from me within that research triangle bubble. and so there was that divergence between the, i've heard somebody describe it as we were, were there together where somebody described it as the slow growth, south and the fast growth south. those divergence are, are creating cultural experiences, living experiences are radically different. so we've tried to come up with a way of thinking about the south that would make it so that you could read about the south without having to go through all this academic throat clearing all the time. now, what is the south? how do we define it? so, whether or not we've been successful or not? it's another question but it, it does finally get back to a point that i think charles has raised and that is that the south one final point i'd make about our interpretation is the south to me is fascinating and this book really drove this home to me in my eyes, the south is fascinating because it's the most dynamic region in the united states. it's the region that has gone through m
so the south of north carolina or the north carolina of the south is 20 miles away from me within that research triangle bubble. and so there was that divergence between the, i've heard somebody describe it as we were, were there together where somebody described it as the slow growth, south and the fast growth south. those divergence are, are creating cultural experiences, living experiences are radically different. so we've tried to come up with a way of thinking about the south that would...
Dec 29, 2023
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i tried to tell her if you go to greenville north carolina or fayetteville, north carolina, anywhere west of asheville, you will be in a place that you might recognize your preconceptions of the south me be met. that gets me to the point that we were talking about, is delaware part of the south? one of the larger challenges and organizing concepts of our book, is that the south always stands in relation to somewhere else. it is not as though -- because there is no obvious geographical boundary to the north of the south or the west of the south. it would be one thing if it somehow stopped at the mississippi river, that would be very convenient. it doesn't. there are plenty of people who argue that oklahoma deserves to be in discussion of the cell. maybe, missouri? what do you do with west virginia? west virginia was part of virginia, is seceded from virginia. they are the one who successfully carried out succession. they should arguably be part of the south. the way we solve this ultimately, it was decided to write a book about the south we commonly think of as the cell. more or less
i tried to tell her if you go to greenville north carolina or fayetteville, north carolina, anywhere west of asheville, you will be in a place that you might recognize your preconceptions of the south me be met. that gets me to the point that we were talking about, is delaware part of the south? one of the larger challenges and organizing concepts of our book, is that the south always stands in relation to somewhere else. it is not as though -- because there is no obvious geographical boundary...
Dec 3, 2023
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god bless you, south carolina. thank you so much! ♪ ♪ well, she was an american gir- ♪ raised on promises. ♪ she couldn't help thinking that there was a little more to life somewhere else. ♪ after all it was a great big world -- ♪ with lots of places to run to. ♪ yeah and if she had to die trying, she -- ♪ that one little promise she was gonna keep. ♪ oh,
god bless you, south carolina. thank you so much! ♪ ♪ well, she was an american gir- ♪ raised on promises. ♪ she couldn't help thinking that there was a little more to life somewhere else. ♪ after all it was a great big world -- ♪ with lots of places to run to. ♪ yeah and if she had to die trying, she -- ♪ that one little promise she was gonna keep. ♪ oh,
Dec 28, 2023
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they would not make amends to simply do the right thing. >> that's greenville, north carolina. she plans to hold a press conference tomorrow, amc seems to agree they were disappointed with the handling of this. this is what they are saying, amc's chairman and ceo already telephoned him and plans to meet with someone. it to discuss the situation in the words, bishop barber is engaged in we are reviewing policies with our theater team to help ensure things like this do not occur again. >> we want to give you updates on other headlines. >>> watch lists. -- this. sadly, no sound. i hope you can -- i wish you could hear the guy filming this, no, stop it which is what i would be saying on that claim. -- plane. >> stop it. >> close, very close. this is an american airlines flight touching down in london, stiff crosswinds leading into that wild landing. in the airport, they reported as high as 40 miles an hour. in the meantime, they are urging airlines to inspect all of their 737 max jets for a possible loose bolt in the rudder control system. this comes after federal regulators say th
they would not make amends to simply do the right thing. >> that's greenville, north carolina. she plans to hold a press conference tomorrow, amc seems to agree they were disappointed with the handling of this. this is what they are saying, amc's chairman and ceo already telephoned him and plans to meet with someone. it to discuss the situation in the words, bishop barber is engaged in we are reviewing policies with our theater team to help ensure things like this do not occur again....
Dec 7, 2023
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from north carolina yields. all time for debate has expired. pursuant to house resolution 906, the previous question is ordered. the question is on engrossment and third reading of the joint resolution. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. third reading. the clerk: condition gretional disapproval under chapter 8, title 5ing united states code of the rules submitted by the department of education related to improving income-driven repayment for the william d. ford federal direct loan program and federal family education loan, ffel, program. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on passage of the joint resolution. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. ms. foxx: i request a recorded vote. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman requests the yeas and nays? ms. foxx: i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those favoring a vote by the craze and nays will rise. a sufficient number having risen
the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from north carolina yields. all time for debate has expired. pursuant to house resolution 906, the previous question is ordered. the question is on engrossment and third reading of the joint resolution. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. third reading. the clerk: condition gretional disapproval under chapter 8, title 5ing united states code of the rules submitted by the department of education related to improving income-driven...
Dec 17, 2023
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carolina drops to 7-3. final score, wildcats 87, north carolina 83.eer followed by frosty the snowman, frosty returns, and a new 48 hours. for us, bill raftery, jenny dell, our entire cbs group, brad nessler sang so long from atlanta. this has been a presentation of cbs sports. [narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31 at coveredca.com. >>> from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. >> now at 5:00, a spare the air alert is in effect right now, but we have some rain on the way. darren peck will join us in just a moment with everything you need to know about the alert and some warnings for the rest of the weeke
carolina drops to 7-3. final score, wildcats 87, north carolina 83.eer followed by frosty the snowman, frosty returns, and a new 48 hours. for us, bill raftery, jenny dell, our entire cbs group, brad nessler sang so long from atlanta. this has been a presentation of cbs sports. [narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get...
Dec 17, 2023
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that happened because of joe biden. >> south carolina, your home state, south carolina which catapulted candidate joe biden from the back of the pack to president of the united states. dnc chair, jaime harrison, as always, thank you very much for coming to the sunday show. >> thank you. >> joining me now, congressman steven horsford, chair of the congressional black caucus, also at that white house meeting. coyle belter, msnbc political analyst, pollster, and democratic strategist. latosha brown, cofounder of black voters matter. thank you all for coming to the sunday show. congressman horsford, you also intended that white house meeting, what more can you share but what was discussed? >> well, look, thank you for having me on, jonathan. i think the chairman laid it out well. look, the black voters are the base of the democratic party. we are the voters that secured the historic win for president joe biden and vice president kamala harris. it's imperative that the party, the president, this government, and the private sector included, do what they need to do to ensure that black voices
that happened because of joe biden. >> south carolina, your home state, south carolina which catapulted candidate joe biden from the back of the pack to president of the united states. dnc chair, jaime harrison, as always, thank you very much for coming to the sunday show. >> thank you. >> joining me now, congressman steven horsford, chair of the congressional black caucus, also at that white house meeting. coyle belter, msnbc political analyst, pollster, and democratic...
Dec 29, 2023
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we pass voter id in south carolina.applause] we passed one of the toughest illegal immigration laws in the country. we cut taxes. we paid down our debt. we did pension reform, we built up our coffers. by the time i left being governor, south carolina was named the friendliest state in the country, the most patriotic state in the country, and the number two state in the country people were moving too. then i got the call for the united nations. and my honest answer was i don't even know what the u.n. does. i just know everybody hates it. i wasn't wrong about that. but i went into the you and wanting countries to know what america was for and what america was against. i did not care if they did not like me. but i wanted them to respect america. and we got to work. we pulled ourselves out of the iran deal. we moved the embassy to tel aviv -- from tel aviv to jerusalem. we acknowledged the farce and got out of the human rights council. we made sure we focused on getting out of the paris climate agreement because it just hel
we pass voter id in south carolina.applause] we passed one of the toughest illegal immigration laws in the country. we cut taxes. we paid down our debt. we did pension reform, we built up our coffers. by the time i left being governor, south carolina was named the friendliest state in the country, the most patriotic state in the country, and the number two state in the country people were moving too. then i got the call for the united nations. and my honest answer was i don't even know what the...
Dec 13, 2023
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the chair: the gentlelady from north carolina. ms. foxx: we are waiting for one more speaker to come. so i will yield myself a minute. the chair: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. foxx: i want to reiterate some points that were made before we are not being driven by any special interest group lobby. we are being driven by the special interest group of children. we want children in school to have access to whole milk, which as my colleagues have pointed out is 96.75% fat-free, but it provides providing one of the most nutritious meals that children can have. we are seeing tremendous waste in the schools. we are not excluding soy drink. the policy that we are trying to overcome here by providing whole milk to children was a policy passed under the obama administration. we are not trying to harm minorities in any way whatsoever. we want everybody to have the choice to drink a soy drink, whole milk, skim milk, 1% milk whatever. i yield myself 15 seconds. mr. chair, what this bill has been terribly mischaracterized by our colleagues on the
the chair: the gentlelady from north carolina. ms. foxx: we are waiting for one more speaker to come. so i will yield myself a minute. the chair: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. foxx: i want to reiterate some points that were made before we are not being driven by any special interest group lobby. we are being driven by the special interest group of children. we want children in school to have access to whole milk, which as my colleagues have pointed out is 96.75% fat-free, but it provides...
Dec 14, 2023
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we had apprenticeships all over south carolina. we taught our kids how to build the things we were making. then when it comes to the veterans, lcd images of when our men and women are deployed and the tears that are shed. and then we see the images when they return home safely and the prayers that are answered. i am the wife of a combat veteran. he deployed to afghanistan. the day he came home to us was a lot of prayers answered but that was the easy part. the hard part is when we actually got home. he couldn't hear loud noises. he couldn't be in crowds. life had passed him by for the year he was gone and the transition was tough. we can't just love our men and women when they are gone, we have to love them when they come back home as well. let's do better with the transition. instead of just taking care of them for two weeks, let's make sure they are always taken care of. let them go to the doctor or hospital of their choice. they have earned that right. but i think the best way we can take care of veteran health care, i think eve
we had apprenticeships all over south carolina. we taught our kids how to build the things we were making. then when it comes to the veterans, lcd images of when our men and women are deployed and the tears that are shed. and then we see the images when they return home safely and the prayers that are answered. i am the wife of a combat veteran. he deployed to afghanistan. the day he came home to us was a lot of prayers answered but that was the easy part. the hard part is when we actually got...
Dec 30, 2023
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we pass voter id in south carolina. [applause] we passed one of the toughest illegal immigration laws in the country. we cut taxes. we paid down our debt. we did pension reform, we built up our coffers. by the time i left being governor, south carolina was named the friendliest state in the country, the most patriotic state in the country, and the number two state in the country people were moving too. then i got the call for the united nations. and my honest answer was i don't even know what the u.n. does. i just know everybody hates it. i wasn't wrong about that. but i went into the you and wanting countries to know what america was for and what america was against. i did not care if they did not like me. but i wanted them to respect america. and we got to work. we pulled ourselves out of the iran deal. we moved the embassy to tel aviv -- from tel aviv to jerusalem. we acknowledged the farce and got out of the human rights council. we made sure we focused on getting out of the paris climate agreement because it just h
we pass voter id in south carolina. [applause] we passed one of the toughest illegal immigration laws in the country. we cut taxes. we paid down our debt. we did pension reform, we built up our coffers. by the time i left being governor, south carolina was named the friendliest state in the country, the most patriotic state in the country, and the number two state in the country people were moving too. then i got the call for the united nations. and my honest answer was i don't even know what...
Dec 23, 2023
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i lived in south carolina in the south. i did that studying the history of the south, of south carolina, in the nation. i overcame that and that is still in front of us today. >> congressman, less than 30 seconds left, i can't let you go as you mentioned, you are in south carolina. nexus reported that the president is planning a january push in south carolina to drive voter turnout. vice president harris will be visiting the state next month. president biden essentially resurrected his 2020 campaign, not essentially, he did, by winning the states primary back in 2020. how could a strong turn ups for democrats in south carolina be a bellwether for the rest of the country? really quick? >> i think it will be a bellwether. that is why i will be working hard to make sure that all of the elements coming together -- so the president can't -- this year's kids -- the last time around. >> you know what? i will squeeze it one more. how likely is it that speaker johnson's idea of a yearlong cr, is that what we're gonna dump getting to
i lived in south carolina in the south. i did that studying the history of the south, of south carolina, in the nation. i overcame that and that is still in front of us today. >> congressman, less than 30 seconds left, i can't let you go as you mentioned, you are in south carolina. nexus reported that the president is planning a january push in south carolina to drive voter turnout. vice president harris will be visiting the state next month. president biden essentially resurrected his...
Dec 30, 2023
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keep in mind this is the south carolina governor and south carolina was the first state to attempt toecede. >> i congratulate her on trying to clean this up as best as possible, but this shouldn't have even been necessary, to be quite frank. she continues to talk about states rights and limited government. i keep wondering who exactly is the former governor speaking to? it does seem like a dog whistle. i think about the vice president of the confederacy, alexander stevens, he went onto say that slavery, the subordination to the superior race is the natural, normal condition for black people. this is someone who believed that no matter how much education an african-american could receive, we would always be lesser than white people. when you talk about states rights, removing government out of people's lives, but, yes, slavery was wrong, those two things can no, in my opinion, go hand in hand. >> fascinating point. thank you so much. we'll end it on that strong notion. great to see you. happy new year. >>> still to come, a fresh attack on russian soil. the ukrainian military shelling t
keep in mind this is the south carolina governor and south carolina was the first state to attempt toecede. >> i congratulate her on trying to clean this up as best as possible, but this shouldn't have even been necessary, to be quite frank. she continues to talk about states rights and limited government. i keep wondering who exactly is the former governor speaking to? it does seem like a dog whistle. i think about the vice president of the confederacy, alexander stevens, he went onto...
Dec 18, 2023
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several lawmakers in south carolina. could senator tim scott gives her a boost now that he's out of the presidential race. could we see that play out in south carolina? >> probably not. a couple things. one, i don't tim scott will do it. he may be one of the vice president candidate. so that is terrible politics for him, one. i love tim. we get along very well. but he doesn't have the popularity of some of the other elected officials in south carolina. donald trump came in south carolina last year and secured all of these endorsements. he's been back. i don't think there is any hope. tim scott does a great player in south carolina politics. he will not be able to push the state in one direction or the other. it will be awful politicians on his part. >> there is something that we're seeing that is a little different from before. you have ambassodor nikki haley and ron desantis hitting donald trump on january 6th. ambassodor nikki haley said that he refused to stop the attack. she could do more to hit him on that. but this
several lawmakers in south carolina. could senator tim scott gives her a boost now that he's out of the presidential race. could we see that play out in south carolina? >> probably not. a couple things. one, i don't tim scott will do it. he may be one of the vice president candidate. so that is terrible politics for him, one. i love tim. we get along very well. but he doesn't have the popularity of some of the other elected officials in south carolina. donald trump came in south carolina...
Dec 16, 2023
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in south carolina.o stop lights you couldn't think about doing something wrong without telling your mom. my mom started a business in the living room of our home, 30-plus years later it was a success. i started doing the books at 13 and it wasn't until i got to college i realized that was child labor. i'm not an ivy leaguer. i went to a public university. clemson university, go tigers. got some tigers in the room and i graduated with a degree in accounting. accountants are problem solvers, lawyers don't get offended, but we are. and where i worked in the corporate world for a while and then i came home to the family business and one day i happened to be telling my mom how hard it was to make a dollar and how easy it was for government to take it. and my mom said, quit complaining about it, do something about it. i truly did not know you weren't supposed to run against a 30-year incumbent in a primary. ignorance was blissed and once i realized he was related to half the district, way too many lawyers in
in south carolina.o stop lights you couldn't think about doing something wrong without telling your mom. my mom started a business in the living room of our home, 30-plus years later it was a success. i started doing the books at 13 and it wasn't until i got to college i realized that was child labor. i'm not an ivy leaguer. i went to a public university. clemson university, go tigers. got some tigers in the room and i graduated with a degree in accounting. accountants are problem solvers,...
Dec 6, 2023
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foxx of north carolina. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 906, the gentlewoman from north carolina, ms. foxx, and a member opposed, each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from north carolina. ms. foxx: thank you, mr. chairman. my amendment makes technical edits to the under-the-lying bill while also clarifying certain language on gifts, enforcement, and the timeline for the subsequent government accountability office g.a.o. study. the deterrent act includes commonsense disclosure exedgeses for industrial and intellectual property rights except when they involve national security. my amendment clarifies the definition for intellectual property of national security concerns by citing the existing commerce control list, which includes categories such as chemicals, avionics, and aerospace. if a transaction with foreign nations involves these sensitive industries, it should be disclosed. chronic noncompliance of section 117 is the central motivation for this bill. so my amendme
foxx of north carolina. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 906, the gentlewoman from north carolina, ms. foxx, and a member opposed, each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from north carolina. ms. foxx: thank you, mr. chairman. my amendment makes technical edits to the under-the-lying bill while also clarifying certain language on gifts, enforcement, and the timeline for the subsequent government accountability office g.a.o. study. the deterrent act includes...
Dec 29, 2023
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but it would have been bad in south carolina. she would be getting more attention there, presumably. i think it is a very unfortunate thing at a very unfortunate time. she needed to be perfect right now. last night was far from perfect. >> was it a fatal mistake? >> listen. i don't know. we'll see in the next couple days. i hold out hope. i don't want donald trump to be reelected. i think the only, the last best chance of the republican primary for that to happen, as slim as it is, is nikki haley. in my view, i think that there will be republicans out there who understand that trump is a threat and will look to haley. and i think that sununu endorsement will be very helpful. i've won and lost in new hampshire so i know what it is like. i think she has a shot. >> if i could say really quickly, my rebuke of nikki haley isn't because i dislike her. i'm very fond of her. she's a talented politician. she has the experience and my hope is she will do well before a lot of african american conservatives that i've spoken to who are hoping
but it would have been bad in south carolina. she would be getting more attention there, presumably. i think it is a very unfortunate thing at a very unfortunate time. she needed to be perfect right now. last night was far from perfect. >> was it a fatal mistake? >> listen. i don't know. we'll see in the next couple days. i hold out hope. i don't want donald trump to be reelected. i think the only, the last best chance of the republican primary for that to happen, as slim as it is,...
Dec 18, 2023
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carolina game, can she win south carolina? that's part of it? the theory of the case has her winning south carolina. >> earlier this month i was at the silver elephant dinner, a main gop fund-raising event in south carolina, and it was incredible to the extent that in that state, she was absent for the people there, or even tim scott, someone else who was in the race at the time was completely absent for those folks. they have kind of owned the fact that the party had changed to such a degree that even nikki haley, a governor who has like good ties in the state, is not reflective of where members of congress are, are not reflective of the new leaders of the party, and this is how donald trump has really taken over republicans. i think it's really underrated fact of his 2024 campaign, there are loyalists and kind of state party positions, the party has changed to such a degree in 2016, where he's not the outsider against the establishment, he is part of the establishment too, and that's something that nikki haley has to overcom
carolina game, can she win south carolina? that's part of it? the theory of the case has her winning south carolina. >> earlier this month i was at the silver elephant dinner, a main gop fund-raising event in south carolina, and it was incredible to the extent that in that state, she was absent for the people there, or even tim scott, someone else who was in the race at the time was completely absent for those folks. they have kind of owned the fact that the party had changed to such a...
Dec 29, 2023
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we don't have hateful people in south carolina. there is always a small minority, it's always going to be there. people saw it as service and sacrifice and heritage. >> after that horrific tragedy, we didn't turn against each other. we came together, black and white, democrat and republican, together we made the hard choices needed to heal. and removed a divisive symbol. >> now and forever, all politics is local, of course. when the locals want this -- >> they are poisoning the blood of our country, that's what they've done. they have poisoned mental institutions, prisons, all over the world. >> maybe that explains at leas t partly why haley hems and haulers on something that is so simple and ultimately so clear. back with us is shermichael singleton and mark mckinnon. mark, what's fascinating is that three tries is what it takes, it seems, for her to get to a better place on this issue. i'm not even sure if it was all that much better, to be honest. what went wrong here? >> well, this could have been a john mccain moment and inste
we don't have hateful people in south carolina. there is always a small minority, it's always going to be there. people saw it as service and sacrifice and heritage. >> after that horrific tragedy, we didn't turn against each other. we came together, black and white, democrat and republican, together we made the hard choices needed to heal. and removed a divisive symbol. >> now and forever, all politics is local, of course. when the locals want this -- >> they are poisoning...
Dec 7, 2023
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i will not go back to south carolina to explain... i will help— to south carolina to explain...olina to explain... i will help all of our allies. - to south carolina to explain... i will help all of our allies. but i will help all of our allies. but we've — will help all of our allies. but we've got— will help all of our allies. but we've got the _ will help all of our allies. but we've got the help _ will help all of our allies. but we've got the help ourselves| will help all of our allies. but - we've got the help ourselves first. we are expecting to hear from foreign secretary david cameron alongside his us counterpart, antony blinken. it's a visit clearly focused on trying to get that funding the united nations that it could no longer operate in operation in gaza. paul adams will be with us tonight. we'll speak to lord bethell test and trace minister during the pandemic on what he thinks the inquiry is delivering. good evening. in a video call with g7 leaders last night, president volodymyr zelensky
i will not go back to south carolina to explain... i will help— to south carolina to explain...olina to explain... i will help all of our allies. - to south carolina to explain... i will help all of our allies. but i will help all of our allies. but we've — will help all of our allies. but we've got— will help all of our allies. but we've got the _ will help all of our allies. but we've got the help _ will help all of our allies. but we've got the help ourselves| will help all of our...
Dec 7, 2023
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i will not go back to south carolina to explain... i will help— to south carolina to explain...l help all— to south carolina to explain... i will help all of— to south carolina to explain... i will help all of our— to south carolina to explain... i will help all of our allies. - to south carolina to explain... i will help all of our allies. but i will help all of our allies. but we've — will help all of our allies. but we've got— will help all of our allies. but we've got the _ will help all of our allies. but we've got the help _ will help all of our allies. but we've got the help ourselves| will help all of our allies. but - we've got the help ourselves first. we are expecting to hear from foreign secretary david cameron alongside his us counterpart, antony blinken. it's a visit clearly focused on trying to get that funding the united nations that it could no longer operate in operation in gaza. paul adams will be with us tonight. we'll speak to lord bethell test and trace minister during the pandemic on what he thinks the inquiry is delivering. good evening. in a video call w
i will not go back to south carolina to explain... i will help— to south carolina to explain...l help all— to south carolina to explain... i will help all of— to south carolina to explain... i will help all of our— to south carolina to explain... i will help all of our allies. - to south carolina to explain... i will help all of our allies. but i will help all of our allies. but we've — will help all of our allies. but we've got— will help all of our allies. but we've got the _ will...
Dec 29, 2023
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south carolina, 163 years ago, december 20th 1863, south carolina seceded from the nation.er one thing that they listed, it was because of slavery. she was a governor of the state for a number of years, she should have known that. but this is just who nikki haley's, and really, it epitomizes what maga extremism is all about. when you think about this, kaitlan, you have a former president, donald trump who is parroting hitler and talk abou t poisoning the blood of america. you've got ron desantis, who said that slaves actually benefited personally because of slavery. this epitomizes the maga extremism that we've got right now in the republican party, and it's sad, but it's what we have to deal with. and that's why joe biden has to win. >> what you said a moment ago, don't you think that nikki haley does in fact know that? >> well, she should know at. again, as governor of the state of south carolina, and knowing the history of the state as it relates to the civil war, she should have known it, and she should hav e said it. but nikki haley and the maga extremists are all abou
south carolina, 163 years ago, december 20th 1863, south carolina seceded from the nation.er one thing that they listed, it was because of slavery. she was a governor of the state for a number of years, she should have known that. but this is just who nikki haley's, and really, it epitomizes what maga extremism is all about. when you think about this, kaitlan, you have a former president, donald trump who is parroting hitler and talk abou t poisoning the blood of america. you've got ron...
Dec 29, 2023
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south carolina, 163 years ago, december 20th, 1863, south carolina seceded from the nation. and the number one thing they listed, it was because of slavery. she was a governor of the state for a number of years. she should have known that. this is just who nikki haley is, and really it epitomizes what maga extremism is all about. when you think about this, kaitlan, you have a former president, donald trump, who talks about -- who's parroting hitler and talking about poisoning the blood of america. you've got ron desantis who are said that slaves actually benefitted personally because of slavery. this epitomizes the maga extremism that we've got right now in the republican party. and it's sad but it's what we have to deal with. and that's why joe biden has to win. >> what you said a moment ago, don't you think haley, nikki haley, does in fact know that? >> well, she should know it. you know, again, as governor of the state of south carolina and knowing the history of the state as it relates to the civil war, she should have known it. and she should have said it. but nikki hal
south carolina, 163 years ago, december 20th, 1863, south carolina seceded from the nation. and the number one thing they listed, it was because of slavery. she was a governor of the state for a number of years. she should have known that. this is just who nikki haley is, and really it epitomizes what maga extremism is all about. when you think about this, kaitlan, you have a former president, donald trump, who talks about -- who's parroting hitler and talking about poisoning the blood of...
Dec 18, 2023
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in myrtle beach, south carolina, look at the images. a confirmed ef-1 tornado.ctic blast with thousands without power. this is the lake effect snow in michigan causing a pileup, i-95 near kalamazoo. temperatures in the teens and 20s across the northeast by morning. senior meteorologist rob marciano leading us off with images. >> tonight powerful storms pounding the northeast, knocking out power for hundreds of thousands, massive trees knocking out cars and punching holes in homes. >> the power outages approaching 300,000. i will tell you there are trees down, power lines down. if you don't have to drive, i would stay home. >> reporter: connecticut getting slammed. wind clocked over 60 miles an hour this morning. for the second monday in a row, the northeast hit by a storm, this one by far worst. boston logan airport issuing a ground stop for hours due to high winds as delays and cancellations piled up. roads across the storm zone no match for up to half a foot of torrential rain. drivers stranded in newark before the sun came up. >> it is flooded over there, it
in myrtle beach, south carolina, look at the images. a confirmed ef-1 tornado.ctic blast with thousands without power. this is the lake effect snow in michigan causing a pileup, i-95 near kalamazoo. temperatures in the teens and 20s across the northeast by morning. senior meteorologist rob marciano leading us off with images. >> tonight powerful storms pounding the northeast, knocking out power for hundreds of thousands, massive trees knocking out cars and punching holes in homes....
Dec 2, 2023
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he only won north carolina by 1.4%. in 2020.n north carolina for joe biden in 2024. but let me tell you, but signing on with the biden harris administration gave to states that would expand medicaid was significant, in allowing north carolina to convince a republican legislature to give health insurance to 600,000 more working north carolinians. we are talking about people who are childcare workers, people who stop our grocery store shelves, people who look after our seniors. people who have been making too much to qualify for medicaid, but not enough to qualify for subsidies under the affordable care act. medicaid expansion was a key components of the affordable care act. now, in north carolina, after a decade of fighting, a long and winding road, we've got in the republican legislature to say yes, and this shows you that the affordable care act and medicaid expansion is popular across the board, because health insurance means so much to american families. >> you know, president biden warned voters in colorado this week that do
he only won north carolina by 1.4%. in 2020.n north carolina for joe biden in 2024. but let me tell you, but signing on with the biden harris administration gave to states that would expand medicaid was significant, in allowing north carolina to convince a republican legislature to give health insurance to 600,000 more working north carolinians. we are talking about people who are childcare workers, people who stop our grocery store shelves, people who look after our seniors. people who have...
Dec 30, 2023
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she's talking about south carolina conservatives. that was the political conservative reality she grew up in. that's the landscape she's used to playing politics in that was donald trump's administration. that was the south carolina legislature she served in that denied taking down the confederate flag. that was the south carolina that existed when she was governor. that was the south carolina that existed that led to a white supremacist killing nine people. >> so chris christie is trying to capitalize off this. they are the closest to one another. still far behind donald trump in new hampshire. he says that she's just trying to accommodate everybody with this. let's watch. >> she's been having this problem for decades in terms of her answer about this. if you go back to her running for governor in 2010, she said that the civil war was about change vs. tradition. she called slavery a tradition. and it's not change vs. tradition. it's right vs. wrong. s. >> asked a very simple question and responded with just really incomprehensible w
she's talking about south carolina conservatives. that was the political conservative reality she grew up in. that's the landscape she's used to playing politics in that was donald trump's administration. that was the south carolina legislature she served in that denied taking down the confederate flag. that was the south carolina that existed when she was governor. that was the south carolina that existed that led to a white supremacist killing nine people. >> so chris christie is trying...
Dec 29, 2023
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agenda, while governor of south carolina. haley didn't prioritize taking down the confederate, she said democrats were desperate for even bringing it up while, the flag was as a government she didn't meet with black leaders, she even met with pro confederate groups. nikki haley is not surprised about her comments. i'm not surprised that she wants to whitewash history. that is who she is. >> does it matter to you, that she did ultimately remove the confederate flag from the state house grounds, does she deserve credit for that? >> no, not really. she had an opportunity to do it she didn't do it, but she did it later on when it was pulley glee expedient for her, when she was going on the national stage, that is when she did it. nikki haley is about nikki haley. she is not about advancing the needs of the people of south carolina, nikki haley is about nikki haley. >> she's also used the mother emmanuel masker which came right before the flag was taking down, in her campaign announcement. she references it on the campaign trail,
agenda, while governor of south carolina. haley didn't prioritize taking down the confederate, she said democrats were desperate for even bringing it up while, the flag was as a government she didn't meet with black leaders, she even met with pro confederate groups. nikki haley is not surprised about her comments. i'm not surprised that she wants to whitewash history. that is who she is. >> does it matter to you, that she did ultimately remove the confederate flag from the state house...