it was important for safronovo to understand, or rather not for sofronov, but for czech intelligence,it was important to understand these satellites now, where they are, what they record, and in what form they are, that is, a satellite is a rather complex technical device that requires certain service, these satellites have a certain resource, there is a period when these satellites undergo flight and space tests, when they actually do not operate to the fullest extent and do not supply the necessary data, all this was of interest to military satellites, i understand that dawn satellites are still related to the security of our country, yes, these were military satellites. according to the fsb, martin larysh understood that safronov was a very good source, and he was on his hook, but constant meetings could well arouse suspicion, and cech chose to leave. 325, here 325 was the page in the book of roy medvedev - this is an english-language book, which was available both to representatives of the czech intelligence and to ivan safronov in electronic form, so this figure meant the number