arol, the karniks had a bedroom on the same level of 20 pounds.m were burned. zhykharov, tamu that the partisan reconnaissance was in full force, and the fires grazed the forest, where they were found alive, and then they finally melted their weights. some had a bedroom for several dozen people. this is such a serious tragedy, so, for example, at the village of susha, at the village of usakina, several dozen people lived there, and a few dozen people died there. and the most violent tragedies took place in the villages of elm and the forest, which were known to each other. these stones were burned in the heat of the moment. tragic failures for the lives of usakina were killed this shmatpakutnuyu land terary memory. the war in the usakinskih forests was remembered primarily by the partisan movement itself. kali was digging up the complex of adzinochnyh and fraternal magics, which softened in the entire forest of our usakenskag, transferring the astankas of the dead partisans and partisans. and all these graves were destroyed, and 18 brotherly grave