amreza javad, mr. tehrani, the late ayatollah the late philosopher. ayatollah mr. marwari and a number of other prominent scholars of the late ayatollah haj agha hossein shahroudi issued a statement that they introduced five people to the parliament, one of whom was dr. diarameh, a 26-year-old young man who was surprised by some because of his election campaigns through his friends and or it was done by people, it didn't cost a single rial , we used to print some things ourselves, students of some offices, some groups that were in small 10 x 10 pieces , we used to install these on the street, give them to shops, put them in cars, mr. all our emphasis is on these things this word that some managers say, now, sir , the management work is pouring out his light , he said clearly, i don't accept this , it doesn't make any sense at all , it should have logic, i have a rightful rial and it should be right in its place. it should be paid in the first period of 15. the day after the approval of this law and in the following periods , 15 days from the announcement of the par