look, before aslab's story, after the revolution, you had 25 million tons of production before the revolution . now you have 125 million tons of production. the fact is that the ministry of agricultural jihad has managed a supreme organization under the name of research, education and promotion organization. the influence of knowledge is very little as far as it could be, but again, with your presence, which has the ability to cover these gaps, i feel this way. that there are these discussions, by the way, the things that mr. saadattam says are discussions that you should see you raise issues related to hekrani , in my opinion, you should stop hekrani, if it is a screen category , you should pay close attention to hekrani and then tell who will get it. in theory, governance has 3 pillars , 3 pillars, 3 pillars, and a head. the head government or the side of the people and the side of here and your semans, in fact, in this system, the people who are farmers are semans , the unions that exist, the trades that exist. how many unions do you have in agriculture in the farthest parts of the country