institute, so to speak, everyone applauds, although the cato institute is such in general, a pacifist one of the most pacifist organizations in the united states, although they tried to expel doug bend himself from there twice, once they expelled him and returned him because he was selling some kind of articles there, and the second time because he spoke too much so to speak sistrebinar even from the point of view of the coton institute, so to speak, positions, but nevertheless, his article , if you read it, it says this, listen, well, let’s not fight for europe, that’s if... problems from europe will run to our western border, but actually , so to speak, to leave in the end there is not a nuclear war even in europe, between germany and russia there, for example, although of course it’s scary to imagine, but it’s no less scary to imagine, this is absolutely, well, i even i don’t know what to call it, that’s all managerial management, this middle management really holds the positions of truly national government leaders, well, that’s all. this is a collapse within weeks, everything wil