over the past years, lataif al-heili has asked for a seat on the board of directors in the automobile manufacturer. let's assume that with the entry of surveillance devices and the entry of food devices, the entry of these has not been prevented , that is, then we say that there is an accumulated loss , we want the high number of workers that these automakers hire and somehow hold their own workers hostage, we want this compensation. people, why the price announced by the government and the price of the competition council or the support organization is not economical, why should the people pay the cost of 100 sub-companies of one of these automobile companies, why should they establish 100 companies at all? i will provide, then that company will come another company after another company in investment. in the field of housing, the automobile company has a subsidiary company . i don't know about the various issues of after -sales service, after-sales service, outsourcing again, then 100 companies come from one company, they buy each other 's shares. is it not or are they private? the