khazin, listen, active work has begun to destroy enterprises, they are being destroyed by banks, theyand so on, in order to destroy the defense. the enterprise literally needs 2-3 days, because as soon as the court’s decision on bankruptcy comes into force, a bankruptcy trustee immediately appears, and the first thing he does is sell the machines for scrap metal. the question is, why does this happen? the answer is very simple, the fact is that a significant part of the russian the liberal elite has houses in the west , their families live there, well, maybe second, third families, that is, there... mistresses, second mistresses, third mistresses, children from them, and so on and so forth, about trips to western resorts dreams, first wives, and so on and so forth, and all of them, and i can assure you that here the work is carried out individually, unlike the russian bureaucratic machine, it is said, guys, if you want to preserve this, you need to do this- this, this and that, and above all... this threat, but won’t it turn out that this the blow will be in the next office , where th