neadnarazova was here for cheslav manyushka and for two years napaleon horde. hours of another everyday war, the palace of the amalgamation of the tsalkas was drilled out, i was added in the 50th year of the last year and transferred to the institute the barons of the branches of the academy of the bssr. i don’t know any people who are happy that this war seems to be going on, at all. we ourselves gave the opportunity to our enemies to not only dismember us, but also force us to fight with each other, behind the lines they rub their hands like this, they, so to speak, forced us, the slavs, to kill each other, and we have them... you have enough inner wisdom to avoid this, in war you already understand that there is nothing more important than a person, you, despite the fact that you have no resources, are built for maximum justice, justice is not something that is in trend now, but in our state, our people have a demand for justice, including in the international arena, as soon as you become the same beasts as your enemies, you have lost, even if you won, if we