look, well, in fact, this is pandora 's box, if one can do it, then everyone can too, you understand, possible to secure, only if we cut back or let's say, stop such types of blockades and protests as soon as possible, we are already entering the third month of the blockade, already everyone understood that this is an effective tool both inside the country. let's say so, to demand additional rights, and outwardly, therefore, on alas, we have already opened this pandora's box, both the poles and the ukrainians, then we will already see what german farmers announced yesterday about blocking the roads, it's good that it's not on the ukrainian border, since we don't have a border with the germans, inside the country, in the middle germany, that's why in fact this pandora's box is open and we will see only... such a snow effect, i think that the sooner both authorities, ukrainian and polish , stop this protest and blocking of borders, the less everyone else will have, let's say, the desire to do it, well actually it's a lot a dangerous situation from the point of view of both poland and uk