nevypadkova.t to be wasted. at the present time, but at the same time, when we began to take into account the threats that exist in our reality, we had to emphasize and, probably, somewhere strengthen the work that is necessary precisely in today’s time. yes, we began to bring out more of our folk traditions, to focus on those events and holidays that are truly native to our belarusians and show our mentality. udelniki. the gentlemen began to stare at the backstage of the natsyyanalnaga mastatskaga, ubachyts dzeinast rasstauratsyynaga corps, and taxama fund of the skhovishch museum. zip the carol on the oak tree and thus shepherd them and teach them a little about the carols. kalaryt people's abrads ruled the news of the byarezin region. the original myastsov brand is known all over belarus ganna zagarodnaya. since the ancient hours of adzin and the same day, our products have been making abrad, tying kalyada on the oak tree. in the news of the byarezinsky district , traditional traditions are in