sirafi , the most important goods that were traded from siraf, the origin of the blue silk road , wereses, silk, oyster wax, and spices. this port, as a center of trade between international iran, especially during the sassanid period until the 5th century , was famous for the seafaring sailors from the east. africa, india , china, and the far east are present and along with commerce , we iranians have special cultural influences, that is , what is actually our rich cultural behaviors , and they lived there, and they themselves even local officials or local posts. gaining. ships in the ancient world from port. they traveled a large sea route including the persian gulf, the sea of oman, the indian ocean and the china sea. based on the remains of some shipwrecks in this path, archaeologists to samples of omens and fragments remains of iranian and chinese shipments were found along this route. based on these remains , scientists found out that abarbandar siraf was a place of exchange of medical knowledge, culture and skills of its time. there is a center that represents all of iran , wh