we realized where the varillian had gone after the cat sang to murka, playing along with herself on theto take the pies to her grandmother, who lives here not far from the forest, and we went, not knowing that the grandmother was from angela, we only bring warm greetings , we forgot the pies in the kitchen, we went into the forest, seryoga walked behind, for some reason all the time i spat and swore, i walked in front, bending and letting go of the spruce branches. "we walked south, not that we exactly went south, we certainly went in other directions, but we walked south more often, in short, if a tracker had followed us, he would have shot himself to keep the direction, we walked exactly a pine tree, a pine forest - this is the best landmark, i wanted to eat it, i knew it was a squirrel." hide nuts, we dropped off a squirrel, laid it under a pine tree for 12 hours, all 12 hours the squirrel sat on a tree and brazenly knitted socks, we moved on, began to sober up, desire the amount of food to eat did not decrease, seryoga managed to knock down a chipmunk with a spit in the eye, the nex