kulbakov. not only colleagues, to all our viewers, vitaly, a concert from the series music of the big city in a new format, what exactly is the new format, this this is already the second concert from this cycle, music of the big city, the first concert took place in the large hall of the palace of the republic, it brought together all latin american and african music, such a fiery, fiery evening. and this concert is called one breath for a reason, because this concert will be attended by our orchestra soloists who play wind instruments, that is, one breath. all the melodies, i wanted the concept of this concert, so that people would come and listen to beautiful, beautiful soulful music, that is, after all the new year holidays, after all the shows, after all the concerts, so that it would be such a concert relaxation, the end for the soul, it will be held for us in the new hall, we have never held a concert in the reception hall of the palace of the republic, it’s on the sixth floor here, in t