today we will talk to vyacheslav dubynin about the brain and problems of neurophysiology. well , of course, no one knows everything about the brain, but we’re trying. in fact, the brain is different levels, molecular, cellular, structural, the level of system processes such as memory or emotions. well, at each level we know 20, 30, 40 percent. that’s about it, well, most people are interested in how the brain works, that is, its final exhaust, let’s say , as we think, well, we think mostly in words for simplicity, but if so, although, of course, figurative thinking also exists, words are what pavlov , pavlov in his time called the second signaling system, words we designate some real events, sometimes words generalize something, well, in the end.. .a person , as his life progresses, accumulates vocabulary there in non-networks , well, apparently, the main zone where all this accumulates is the so-called parietotemporal-occipital region, there are more and more words there, and we begin to think with them, can i this is the very thing, because i feel that you are going stra