yes, i will give the practical experience of machine operator andrei pyaklinsk 15 years, and all theseours he has been developing his skills, we are getting new equipment, the plant is being set up, a good social package, the salary is the best, one of the best in the area, i plan to stay here to work, i like it. several bastards there at the production site have taken a course towards modernization, and here they produce more than 80 types of metal products for the exuberant originalists. ukrainian enterprises, partners include mtz, gomselmashral, laboratories and other companies switched off, and there the work was done, the work was highly technical, the workshops had machine tools with programmatic support. now everything is completely produced on a laser machine. investors ў creativity for navagrudskaga praudinpriyemstva task number. rayon adzin project, these materials were issued for more than 3 million rubles. large-scale investment projects are being implemented at the enterprise. over the next few years, new workshops will open here for the production of metal production, l