beerand bai—jiu — china's home—grown spirit are by far the most popular alcoholic beverages at family, increasing numbers are pouring themselves glasses of whisky. and for some of the world's largest makers of alcohol — its competition time. our business reporter katie silver has the story. for millennia in china booze has been a boat you. there is strong clearly fermented grains in recent times it seemed the growing popularity from abroad. china is now the worlds greatest importer of red wine. when it comes to the hard stuff whisky is where the growth is at. just over a year ago china's whisky market was valued at $2.3 billion. that's expected to almost triple by 2027. an annual growth of 20 proceed each year for the chinese market compared to for percent worldwide it something whisky sellers here in asia are looking to capitalise on. let's go meet one. why has the price of whisky exploded so much? the thing about _ of whisky exploded so much? tue: thing about whisky of whisky exploded so much? tte: thing about whisky is the age, it's very important. you have to wait at least ten to