denis malyuska, minister of justice of ukraine joins our broadcast at this moment. congratulations. morning. please tell us about the changes made to the draft law on mobilization in the context. judges, what does the ministry offer, what is your vision and how should it work? let me explain, the fact is that from our point of view, two large categories of our clients, past or present, should be distinguished, the first is those who have a criminal record, i.e. these are those who have already served their sentence, the punishment is both related to deprivation of liberty and not associated with deprivation of liberty, i.e. the punishment has ended, they are not... socially dangerous, they are walking, or have always been walking, were at liberty, now working, not working , and doing whatever they want, but not in prisons, such citizens, as it is not surprising, for some reason are not subject to military registration, and we are talking about tens of thousands, at least 50 thousand citizens, who somehow thus avoid mobilization, do not fall under the radars of the tsk with given the