. the diaspora had strict morals, hasidic jews lived here, who greatly revered their rabbi, and he was so revered, let’s say, that when he moved from one place to another, the horses were unharnessed and transported to... the believing jews themselves, from one places to another, old-timers remember how during the years of occupation, the market and the adjacent neighborhoods, which we saw as part of the preserved historical buildings, were fenced off with barbed wire, and in the spring of '42 a geto appeared here, almost 1,300 jews became its prisoners, on september 11 , everyone who was in it shot, today the place is for... 1960, when an obelisk was installed, which was later dismantled. after 33 years, a new granite monument appeared, similar to a large open black book, where one page is written in hebrew, the second in russian. this says one thing: no one has ever forgotten the tragedy. the second monument to the victims of the holocaust is very close, this is a sculptural composition of a woman with a child. sorrow is a memory, eternal and laconic. without exception, a belarusian