we will know whether it will be oleksandr stup or pekka havisto, finnish is not the easiest language, i will say frankly , i do not know what mr. arsenii, arsenii svinarenko, will say to us, thank you for finding time for us, thank you very much, this the program will devote these 15 minutes to the political and everyday aspects of the election, because for the first time the first lady. the first gentleman will be a foreigner, if mr. arseniy corrects me later, because oleksandr stub has an english wife, and peka havisto has a guy from ecuador, or somewhere in latin america, how much, yes, yes, something like that, well, it’s as if it’s exotic for us, although for some reason it seems to me that it is exotic, my first question, mr. arseniy, for finland, which is very democratic, so... extremely, i think, a democratic country where all these minorities, not minorities, it's embarrassing to even mention it, because all people are the same, what do you say, good evening and thank you again for the invitation, yes you are right, 4,200 thousand, almost 4,300 thousand people, residents of f