on the blessed eid, the discussion of hazrat khatmat marbat muhammad mustafa, may god bless him and grant peace, against hazrat ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, in a meeting with officials and agents of the ambassador system and representatives of islamic countries and a group of people from different walks of life, answering the call of the prophetic mission, which will lead to the growth and happiness of this world and the hereafter. they read and referring to the tragic incident. gaza and the continuation of the zionist regime's crimes, they said that the tragedy of gaza is the tragedy of humanity it shows that the current world order is completely invalid and unsustainable and will disappear. in this meeting, the leader of the islamic revolution congratulated the people of iran and all muslims on the occasion of eid mubarak , the greatest event in the history of mankind. and they said: with the sending of the great prophet, the complete and final and eternal version of the happiness of the world and the hereafter was presented. he considered the launch