-- hingle mccringleberry, what was his deal >> so, hingle mccringleberry is a character i played, whos this thing where he pumps his pelvis, right? [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: so, yeah -- so - [ cheers and applause so that's -- >> so, that's the thing, is if he pumps his pelvis two times. and then when he pumps his pelvis the third time, he gets a flag he gets a penalty flag, arbitrarily. [ laughter ] so, he has no idea -- it's like -- apparently it's like, two pumps is not bad but three pumps is bad [ laughter ] and he starts arguing with the referee. >> jimmy: yeah, so the refugee -- >> he starts arguing with the referee. >> jimmy: yeah, he's like -- yeah, so two pumps - so people are actually -- real nfl players -- >> yes >> jimmy: -- have done hingle mccringleberry, and they've actually been fined. >> they actually got fined money, yes, mm-hm. >> jimmy: for doing three pumps. >> for doing three pumps [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: if they did two pumps, they probably - >> it would've fine. there would have been no fine, that's a celebration that's a perfectly legitimate celebrat