report by irina vodina about the start of work.hind us; the giant drilling rig was assembled and tested for more than a month. there is a long way ahead; vladimir will have to build a one and a half kilometer tunnel. i'm starting. with the press of a button, all mechanisms are activated. dear passengers, daneli prohodchevsky shield vladimir, departs from sinai station to freedom square station. nikita eremeev at the start of the main stage work on the construction of new metro stations in nizhny novgorod, it is no coincidence that he has been interested in the topic of trains since childhood, and even created a remote control at home. in the future, i’m thinking of going to study to become a driver in our metro, if i become an honorary employee, during this time, while the station is being built, and you can choose as an honorary driver who will send the first train, your dream, the tunneling is carried out from the control cabin, vladimir will have to work around the clock , a team of 49 specialists will service it per shift, the