john de rockefeller miller put $1,000,000 into the rockefeller sanitary commission.and one of the first things he decided to fight was hookworm in the american south. but the the doctor who was in charge of it was from this long line of methodist ministers, from new england that had a way of sort of talking down to people. and what he said to all southerners is you've got to stop defecating outdoors. you've got to dig, you know, outhouses and build them and only use those. and they never go in the fields again. you've got to take extract of time, all which is which is an extract of time. the the erb which cleans out your guts and actually does something to, you know, does somewhat knock out the worm. and you also all have to wear shoes. and this is sort of this northern minister dictating to all southerners that they had to wear shoes indoors and out every day. and southerners rebelled against this tone of the tone of the voice of this advice and the advice and the rumor spread that it was only being given because rockefeller had bought up shoe companies and was secr