. >> good morning and welcome back toon washington journal we are joined now by lloyd robberson managing editor at - .org, good morning lori is lori let's start there, tell us they just celebrate her 20 years of fact check of us about your mission and how are you funded the. >> sure from yes they were founded in 2003, by the annenberg public policy center of the university of pennsylvania. our mission is to reduce the level of deception and confusion in u.s. politics we do that by evaluating the factual accuracy of what politicians and political actors say since our founding, we've expanded ae bit into also debunking information on social media we also have a club subject that checks distortions of science this can come from politicians or also social media and funding. primarily grant money person foremost animal foundation we also get money from facebook, to work with facebook and social media misinformation take individual donations. he published quarterly financial reports on a website so all of this disinformation is there we publish the names of anybody who gets is more than a thou