thank you so much to mike zamore senator jeff merkley. thank you so much for all of your work, both of you in the senate. but for your for your work all these years in the in the oregon state legislature as well. we're so appreciative of all you do. and we look forward to continuing to work on this issue. well, thank you so much. and again, thank you to the grassroots advocates who are working on all these key issues for the people on health care, on housing, on education, civil rights, on climate, labor law, together, where we have to make sure that is a future senate where every brilliant idea you have for better policy has a chance to actually be debated and voted on. and your ideas are so good. i'm sure they'll all pass when we get opportunity. and so thank to our grassroots, thank you to you all for hosting us today. and let's fix the senate and save america.