igorich, received flavonoids, their activity was several times higher, and naturally, they had a greateron increased. the amount of testosterone and naturally the impulse goes to the brain and, accordingly , our libido improves spermatogenesis, too, by the way, that’s the question: the benefits of flavonoids, but we need flavonoids not only to obtain testosterone and spermatogenesis, but they are also very important for ours. vitamin c , why is it needed, vitamin c - let another professor tell him, and then you professor , speak out, the vice is needed so that the elasticity of our blood vessels is as good as possible, and this is very important for our retina, because the retina is supplied with blood extremely difficult and a lot, it really depends on how high quality the small vessels are, how much you... are needed for the vessels, therefore, it is wonderful for the eyes, well, cardiologists tell you too, otherwise you are all about potency, the antioxidant reduces the development of atherosclerosis and men and women remain with normal, good skin, and vitamin c also makes it possible