Feb 8, 2024
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you can heavy downpours may be some issues there and then moving in los angeles, a downtown riverside as we head in toward the next few hours. and that's why the watches and warnings have been posted up once again. so again, you're looking at more flood watch is in glendale, long beach in los angeles, santa clarita, further south riverside, anaheim, san diego, santa and also under some flood watches the thursday. 6 o'clock in the evening and go along with that. it's just a rough ride to get down there. you've got some very cold air associated with the storm and they've got winter storm warnings over that. a hatchet bees. that means if you're going down, i-5, yeah. you might have some issues going that way some snow as you make your way over the grapevine. so well, we've been getting a rough here. we have a lot more wind damage. they've had a lot more rain damage in southern california and it just doesn't want to. and just yet, anyway, some of those mudslide videos are really intense. it's amazing that something you're talking about, the fired, i think in the fire sometimes done anothe
you can heavy downpours may be some issues there and then moving in los angeles, a downtown riverside as we head in toward the next few hours. and that's why the watches and warnings have been posted up once again. so again, you're looking at more flood watch is in glendale, long beach in los angeles, santa clarita, further south riverside, anaheim, san diego, santa and also under some flood watches the thursday. 6 o'clock in the evening and go along with that. it's just a rough ride to get...
Feb 3, 2024
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the lower floodwater cycle was going on, and behind it... lay the riverside, the larger low part of polatskyond the fires and forests. well, please, i really need it, you understand, i need it. he likes me very much, and it seems to me that he likes me too, you and him partners in sports, and we, i hope, will be partners in life, emotions, feelings , dancing - this is wonderful, but in my opinion, you have a love triangle there, i want to know what happened to my father, who for a time he lived a double life, and deceived me and my mother, you see, if i make a mistake in sports terminology, it will immediately become clear that i concocted the interview myself, please help me out, i just have to take it tomorrow, okay, tell me the address, i really need it talk to you. i'm sorry, i can't right now, i'm not alone, you ruined mine girl, listen, stop it, you can see that the guy is stressed himself, it’s just an accident, but there’s no need, i can do it myself, i’m sorry, it’s just a necessity, ritka, you came after all, and you’re not alone, inga , i love you very much and ask you to become
the lower floodwater cycle was going on, and behind it... lay the riverside, the larger low part of polatskyond the fires and forests. well, please, i really need it, you understand, i need it. he likes me very much, and it seems to me that he likes me too, you and him partners in sports, and we, i hope, will be partners in life, emotions, feelings , dancing - this is wonderful, but in my opinion, you have a love triangle there, i want to know what happened to my father, who for a time he lived...
Feb 15, 2024
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this discovery was made last summer by a team from uc riverside, and then they believe this may havetime a newborn great white has been captured on camera, shedding its embryonic layer. for more now, we are joined by one of the researchers who witnessed that scene, philip stearns, who is a biologist and doctoral student at uc riverside . thank you so much for taking the time. we appreciate it. describe for everyone what you captured on this drone video and why is it so significant. >> yeah. uh, so going back last year, it was quite the moment we saw this peculiar looking white shark that was literally white. it was completely white. all around. so i thought, that's very rare. i've never seen anything like that. so looking at it, i was like, whoa. and then once we looked at it much closer, you realized it was actually shedding this white substance. and i was like, hmm, that's interesting. and then looking really closely, you realize, okay, its fins are shaped much differently, that of like a very young or newborn shark. and once you go back to research in the 80s, it suggested that, y
this discovery was made last summer by a team from uc riverside, and then they believe this may havetime a newborn great white has been captured on camera, shedding its embryonic layer. for more now, we are joined by one of the researchers who witnessed that scene, philip stearns, who is a biologist and doctoral student at uc riverside . thank you so much for taking the time. we appreciate it. describe for everyone what you captured on this drone video and why is it so significant. >>...
Feb 15, 2024
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the gospel oak to barking riverside line is going to be called the suffragette line. 0k.o you think of that? i don't think it helps you find where you're going. ijust think it's a name for the sake of naming something different. so i'm glad they're naming it because it should be used. but yeah, now more people will know about it, which is bad for me. right. i don't actually get the references. the mildmay mission began its work during the cholera epidemics in victorian london. the mildmay hospital in east london that treated those with hiv and was supported by princess diana is one of the local institutions, traditions and history lines are named after. others include the windrush, suffragette and lioness lines. it recognises the contribution of caribbean people and especially those who came over and helped to keep the london transport running. and it's a big acknowledgement, the history and the heritage. this is a really important moment to take this kind of iconic map and literally put women and our activism on that map. and i really hope that it means that as commuters
the gospel oak to barking riverside line is going to be called the suffragette line. 0k.o you think of that? i don't think it helps you find where you're going. ijust think it's a name for the sake of naming something different. so i'm glad they're naming it because it should be used. but yeah, now more people will know about it, which is bad for me. right. i don't actually get the references. the mildmay mission began its work during the cholera epidemics in victorian london. the mildmay...
Feb 28, 2024
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la tragedia ocurriÓ al sur del estado y aunque la oficina del alguacil de riverside inicialmente atendiÓesta. sin embargo, carmen dice que aÚn no han arrestado el responsable. >> yo quiero que esa persona pague. Él un hijo, un sobrino, un marido, un papÁ. dayana: quÉ doloroso, le contamos tambiÉn que la policÍa de san rafael detuvo la noche del lunes un vehÍculo en el que intentaban huir dos sospechosos de robo. al registrar la camioneta los agentes encontraron droga, un arma cargada y un bolso reciÉn robado. uno de los sujetos que iba en el vehÍculo logrÓ escapar y tambiÉn en santa rosa ofrecen $ 2500 de recompensa por informaciÓn que ayude a la captura de este hombre que usted estÁ observando pantalla. Él es identificado como natan de 21 aÑos, este joven es sospechoso de haber disparado contra una persona el 18 de febrero. si lo conoce, si lo reconoce comunÍquese inmediatamente con la policÍa. deambulando por las calles de la ciudad de san josÉ sin techo ni alimento una madre de familia salvadoreÑa junto a su hija de necesidades especiales nos contÓ la dura situaciÓn que estÁn atravesa
la tragedia ocurriÓ al sur del estado y aunque la oficina del alguacil de riverside inicialmente atendiÓesta. sin embargo, carmen dice que aÚn no han arrestado el responsable. >> yo quiero que esa persona pague. Él un hijo, un sobrino, un marido, un papÁ. dayana: quÉ doloroso, le contamos tambiÉn que la policÍa de san rafael detuvo la noche del lunes un vehÍculo en el que intentaban huir dos sospechosos de robo. al registrar la camioneta los agentes encontraron droga, un arma...
Feb 20, 2024
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supuesto atentos a en el sur de california, a las 6:00 de la maÑana amanecemos con fuertes lluvias en riverside las 9:30 de la maÑana y seguirÁn de manera constante el martes, el miÉrcoles a la madrugada, otra ronda de lluvia fuerte afectando la zona metropolitana de los Ángeles. despuÉs del miÉrcoles al mediodÍa, comenzarÁ a entrar aire mÁs seco. la peligrosidad continÚa, no cruza zonas inundadas y siga en sintonÍa de su pronÓstico del tiempo. maity: gracias. precisamente hablando de la madre naturaleza como una tromba marina que se formÓ en la parte baja de los cayos de florida hizo volar escombros. autoridades meteorolÓgicas describieron como un tornado. no se reportaron lesiones pero si se informÓ sobre daÑos en algunas estructuras. el servicio meteorolÓgico nacional enviÓ un equipo para evaluar el alcance de las afectaciones. elian: la policÍa espaÑola continÚa buscando a una empresaria colombo americana a la que sus familiares y amigos reportaron como desaparecida en madrid, donde vivia. al parecer, estaba pasando por una difÍcil y dolorosa separaciÓn. guillermo nos habla del misterio y l
supuesto atentos a en el sur de california, a las 6:00 de la maÑana amanecemos con fuertes lluvias en riverside las 9:30 de la maÑana y seguirÁn de manera constante el martes, el miÉrcoles a la madrugada, otra ronda de lluvia fuerte afectando la zona metropolitana de los Ángeles. despuÉs del miÉrcoles al mediodÍa, comenzarÁ a entrar aire mÁs seco. la peligrosidad continÚa, no cruza zonas inundadas y siga en sintonÍa de su pronÓstico del tiempo. maity: gracias. precisamente hablando...
Feb 20, 2024
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supuesto atentos a en el sur de california, a las 6:00 de la maÑana amanecemos con fuertes lluvias en riversideas 9:30 de la maÑana y seguirÁn de manera constante el martes, el miÉrcoles a la madrugada, otra ronda de lluvia fuerte afectando la zona metropolitana de los Ángeles. despuÉs del miÉrcoles al mediodÍa, comenzarÁ a entrar aire mÁs seco. la peligrosidad continÚa, no cruza zonas inundadas y siga en sintonÍa de su pronÓstico del tiempo. maity: gracias. precisamente hablando de la madre naturaleza como una tromba marina que se formÓ en la parte baja de los cayos de florida hizo volar escombros. autoridades meteorolÓgicas describieron como un tornado. no se reportaron lesiones pero si se informÓ sobre daÑos en algunas estructuras. el servicio meteorolÓgico nacional enviÓ un equipo para evaluar el alcance de las afectaciones. elian: la policÍa espaÑola continÚa buscando a una empresaria colombo americana a la que sus familiares y amigos reportaron como desaparecida en madrid, donde vivia. al parecer, estaba pasando por una difÍcil y dolorosa separaciÓn. guillermo nos habla del misterio y las
supuesto atentos a en el sur de california, a las 6:00 de la maÑana amanecemos con fuertes lluvias en riversideas 9:30 de la maÑana y seguirÁn de manera constante el martes, el miÉrcoles a la madrugada, otra ronda de lluvia fuerte afectando la zona metropolitana de los Ángeles. despuÉs del miÉrcoles al mediodÍa, comenzarÁ a entrar aire mÁs seco. la peligrosidad continÚa, no cruza zonas inundadas y siga en sintonÍa de su pronÓstico del tiempo. maity: gracias. precisamente hablando...
Feb 6, 2024
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Árboles, el gobierno estatal declarÓ estado de emergencia en ocho condados, entre ellos los Ángeles, riversidersos. mÁs de 8300 personas especialistas en rescate. juan: al personas especializadas en realizar rescates en el agua. varias personas han perdido la vida y mÁs de 1 millÓn de usuarios permanecen sin energÍa elÉctrica, sus casas estÁn en peligro de inundaciones o deslaves, las autoridades les dieron la opciÓn de quedarse o salirse de su hogar, decidiÓ que su familia se fuera pero prefiriÓ quedarse. y es que dice en los 14 aÑos que lleva viviendo aquÍ que ha pasado de todo. otro factor es la fuerza del viento. en esta Área esta colina no aguantÓ mÁs agua y comenzÓ a "deslavarse". daÑando escombros, automÓviles como este y este otro, el cual fue daÑado por un Árbol cuyas ramas cayeron encima. esta persona dice que si ve que hay peligro no va a dudar en salirse de inmediato. en los Ángeles, juan carlos gonzÁlez, univisiÓn. jorge: para hablarnos de este fenÓmeno natural vamos con la meteorÓloga de univisiÓn, jessica delgado. jessica: sin duda un evento sin precedentes lo que vivimos en cal
Árboles, el gobierno estatal declarÓ estado de emergencia en ocho condados, entre ellos los Ángeles, riversidersos. mÁs de 8300 personas especialistas en rescate. juan: al personas especializadas en realizar rescates en el agua. varias personas han perdido la vida y mÁs de 1 millÓn de usuarios permanecen sin energÍa elÉctrica, sus casas estÁn en peligro de inundaciones o deslaves, las autoridades les dieron la opciÓn de quedarse o salirse de su hogar, decidiÓ que su familia se fuera...
Feb 12, 2024
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mucho cuidado con ese frío que también se va a extender hacia el sur de california nuevamente para riversidenimas san josé 43 grados, al igual que hayward, concord 38 grados. qué frío. veíamos este santa rosa hacia el norte con 39. estas son precisamente las temperaturas napa 39 grados. fresno, 37. esas mínimas que van a continuar muy cercanas al punto de congelación, ya por la noche estamos viendo cómo las temperaturas sacramento estarían alcanzando eso de las 09:00 de mañana, 44 grados, pero subiendo el mercurio rápidamente a medida que el sol comienza a calentarse cercano a los 61, lo que es valle central merced, madera mendota hasta fresno 62 hasta 63 grados. atención si usted tiene planes para realizar cualquier evento el día miércoles, especialmente el día del amor y la amistad, empiezan a llegar algunos nublados, pero no se esperan lluvias. las lluvias estarían llegando ya a partir de la noche del miércoles hasta el próximo domingo, así que son los sistemas que van a volver a traer lluvia. así pinta esta nueva semana sacramento condiciones similares. día del amor y la amistad. estable
mucho cuidado con ese frío que también se va a extender hacia el sur de california nuevamente para riversidenimas san josé 43 grados, al igual que hayward, concord 38 grados. qué frío. veíamos este santa rosa hacia el norte con 39. estas son precisamente las temperaturas napa 39 grados. fresno, 37. esas mínimas que van a continuar muy cercanas al punto de congelación, ya por la noche estamos viendo cómo las temperaturas sacramento estarían alcanzando eso de las 09:00 de mañana, 44...
Feb 20, 2024
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que estarÁn experimentando mÚltiples rondas de aguaceros, estÁ bajo mayor riesgo la sangre, alabama, riversidesgo menor, baker phil, incluso las vegas nevada tambiÉn va a recibir la actividad de lluvias de este sistema. fuertes precipitaciones, norte, centro y sur para las prÓximas 24 horas, es importante que no crucen caminos inundados. cuÁnta lluvia adicional estaremos esperando? alrededor de 2 pulgadas adicionales. hacia norte podrÍamos hablar de 3 pulgadas, hacia el centro y sur de 3 pulgadas, si hablamos de nieve, hasta las montaÑas, entre 1 pie hasta 3 pies. vamos a estar viendo peligros en la costa, estamos esperando alto oleaje, corriente de resaca e inundaciones costeras. los impactos los vamos a sentir durante las prÓximas 24 horas. carolina: muchas gracias. cambiamos el tema, la muerte del mayor crÍtico del gobierno de rusia, alexei navalni sigue causando muchas reacciones. el expresidente, donald trump, tocÓ el tema brevemente, pero no mencionÓ directamente a vladÍmir putin, ni tampoco lo condeno. nuestro colega edwin pitt y estÁ en washington dc y nos amplÍa de este tema y tambiÉn
que estarÁn experimentando mÚltiples rondas de aguaceros, estÁ bajo mayor riesgo la sangre, alabama, riversidesgo menor, baker phil, incluso las vegas nevada tambiÉn va a recibir la actividad de lluvias de este sistema. fuertes precipitaciones, norte, centro y sur para las prÓximas 24 horas, es importante que no crucen caminos inundados. cuÁnta lluvia adicional estaremos esperando? alrededor de 2 pulgadas adicionales. hacia norte podrÍamos hablar de 3 pulgadas, hacia el centro y sur de 3...
Feb 7, 2024
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imagine you get off the bus and you wouldn't know where oak brook, illinois is or riverside illinois.hat have major malls, you would have no idea it even exists. they are being coached on how to do this whole criminal enterprise taking place. over 35,000 illegal migrants arrived since august of 2022. and $156 million spent since october of '22. sir, you have been in law enforcement for a long time. what's been the reaction of the law enforcement community because you guys are going to have to police these areas now. >> unfortunately enemy of the cases it's why bother? the officers are arresting the same individuals five and six times a month, twice a week because they are never held in custody unless there is some aggravating circumstance. they are being released immediately. and this is how it goes down. the migrants they commit a theft. they never surrender. there is either foot pursuits or car pursuits which obviously are very dangerous. and when the police catch up with them, can you read any report they are fighting with the police on every instance. they are going in, being book
imagine you get off the bus and you wouldn't know where oak brook, illinois is or riverside illinois.hat have major malls, you would have no idea it even exists. they are being coached on how to do this whole criminal enterprise taking place. over 35,000 illegal migrants arrived since august of 2022. and $156 million spent since october of '22. sir, you have been in law enforcement for a long time. what's been the reaction of the law enforcement community because you guys are going to have to...
Feb 8, 2024
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got flood watches up glendale, long beach, los angeles, santa clarita, also further south in anaheim, riverside and san diego and santa. and a flood watch is in effect as well. and in the high country, this is a colder storm. so, yeah, we're looking at the some possibility of some snow. some issues there for that to hatch. you know what that means? they're likely going to be some problems are going down. i-5 there. well, expect some delays go over. the grapevine tonight with that snow out there. so, yeah, boy, with the whole state is getting pounded. that's the thing not just one part of the state. usually one part gets a lot of rain. the other part is just completely dry. everybody is getting it so far this year, kind of a signature of union equal opportunity destroyer. yes, that's for that's for sure. thanks. thanks. well, here's some good news here. woods is expected to reopen tomorrow. the national monument has been closed since sunday. >> the storm caused damage to areas around the park. park officials say muir woods will be back to its normal operating hours tomorrow. >> it's not cheap. g
got flood watches up glendale, long beach, los angeles, santa clarita, also further south in anaheim, riverside and san diego and santa. and a flood watch is in effect as well. and in the high country, this is a colder storm. so, yeah, we're looking at the some possibility of some snow. some issues there for that to hatch. you know what that means? they're likely going to be some problems are going down. i-5 there. well, expect some delays go over. the grapevine tonight with that snow out...
Feb 17, 2024
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there are still a lot of vehicles as well as the riverside and can make nearby and it is hard to predict how much has to be cleared out before the general public will come to the park. in san jose, nbc bay area news. >>> another top story tonight. we are going to feel it this holiday weekend. the storm that is coming into the bay area. the time to get ready is right about now. how are we looking? >> we have two storms coming in. right now the latest storm system is barreling closer to the coastline and the center of the storm that typically has some of the strongest rain and wind is moving way to the north. we are kinder on the weaker edge of it. what is boosting it up is this atmospheric river. pulling in the subtropical moisture. that is what is going to be used up our storm system. right now we are only seeing a few spotty showers near the bay. light showers offshore. going to hold off for the main event until we head into tomorrow. for the morning here as 7:00. heavy rainfall at 11:00 in the morning. we do have a flood watch of for all of the bay area. just be careful and watch out b
there are still a lot of vehicles as well as the riverside and can make nearby and it is hard to predict how much has to be cleared out before the general public will come to the park. in san jose, nbc bay area news. >>> another top story tonight. we are going to feel it this holiday weekend. the storm that is coming into the bay area. the time to get ready is right about now. how are we looking? >> we have two storms coming in. right now the latest storm system is barreling...
Feb 27, 2024
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they include more traditionally conservative areas along with riverside, sacramento, and san diego. > a big discussion tonight about the future of people's park in berkeley. the event at wheeler hall on cal's campus brought together community leaders and student organizers all opposed to student housing being built at the park. you might recall last month they blocked off the park with shipping containers. >> it will become even more dense. it's the densest now, and will become more dense with more housing added. you need open space for reasons of public health, for public safety. >> and tonight cal says it will preserve 60% of the site as public revitalized open green space. the proposed housing plan includes 1100 beds and low income housing. >>> governor newsom facing yet another threat of a recall. today a group called rescue california officially launched their recall campaign. the leaders cite concerns about the budget deficit and police, health care, immigration, and public safety. it's the seventh recall attempt against the governor. back in 2021, one effort actually made it to
they include more traditionally conservative areas along with riverside, sacramento, and san diego. > a big discussion tonight about the future of people's park in berkeley. the event at wheeler hall on cal's campus brought together community leaders and student organizers all opposed to student housing being built at the park. you might recall last month they blocked off the park with shipping containers. >> it will become even more dense. it's the densest now, and will become more...
Feb 10, 2024
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. >> el sismo se sintio tambien en el condado de riverside, orange y tambien en los angeles. >> de acuerdorados en disneylandia se ca cancelaron los servicios de algunos de los juegos de estas atracciones. >> y bueno, el temblor se s sintio, como le digo, en los angeles. >> hasta el momento no se r reportan danos ni heridos. >> hoy tambien hubo 5.7 grados en hawai. >> estamos pendientes. >> un tesoro escondido en la que fuera la casa de una distinguida familia hispana hoy ayuda a cumplir el sueno de muchos jovenes latinos. >> una historia que le va a gustar. >> quedese. >> el momento en que mas ame a nuestro super alpac fue el el momento cuando salieron de el ¿estan limpia y exfolia en un paso con la nueva agua micelar gentle peeling de garnier. con ácido glicólico. para limpiar, remover maquillaje, y exfoliar suavemente. clínicamente probada para igualar el tono de la piel. piel visiblemente radiante con la nueva agua micelar gentle peeling. ¡de garnier, naturalmente! [música en inglés] [locutor] ponle huggies a esa colita. porque solo huggies es el pañal número uno con un ajuste curvo y
. >> el sismo se sintio tambien en el condado de riverside, orange y tambien en los angeles. >> de acuerdorados en disneylandia se ca cancelaron los servicios de algunos de los juegos de estas atracciones. >> y bueno, el temblor se s sintio, como le digo, en los angeles. >> hasta el momento no se r reportan danos ni heridos. >> hoy tambien hubo 5.7 grados en hawai. >> estamos pendientes. >> un tesoro escondido en la que fuera la casa de una distinguida...
Feb 10, 2024
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o'clock was centered about 6 miles west of malibu and the santa monica mountains sen felt across ventura, riverside, orange and santa barbara counties. snow reports of damage or injuries there. but maybe some aftershocks with some people fearing another big earthquake might hit seismologist lucy jones of cal tech talked about the possibility of that. >> every earthquake in california has about a 5% chance of being followed by something bigger within the next couple of days. and so there is the possibility very low that we could have a bigger event here, but its higher than your background case. just remind you that if we were to have a big earthquake but you should drop cover, hold on when it's actually shaking and you might want to think about what you've done storing water, for instance, are other ways looking earthquakes, supplies. we like to think of these events as that opportunity to just remind you that the bigger wants to happen very occasionally. they sure could happen at any time. >> a couple aftershocks here which further unnerved residents in that light swath of southern california. >>
o'clock was centered about 6 miles west of malibu and the santa monica mountains sen felt across ventura, riverside, orange and santa barbara counties. snow reports of damage or injuries there. but maybe some aftershocks with some people fearing another big earthquake might hit seismologist lucy jones of cal tech talked about the possibility of that. >> every earthquake in california has about a 5% chance of being followed by something bigger within the next couple of days. and so there...
Feb 5, 2024
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incluye los condados de los Ángeles, orange, riverside, san bernardino, san diego, san luis obispo, santaanuncio se autoriza la asistencia de la guardia nacional de california de ser necesario, además de más recursos para las agencias de seguridad pública y la opción de ofrecer el beneficio de desempleo para residentes afectados por estos estragos. así que esta tarde tenemos cobertura en equipo aquí en nuestra región. marcelo rivera con el pronóstico puntual de las condiciones actuales. peter ruiz desde el valle central, con las advertencias de evacuación en el condado madera y yomara lópez desde san josé, donde se declaró emergencia local. esta lluvia constante, pues, también obligó al alcalde de san josé a emitir esta proclamación y ayudar a las personas sin hogar. vamos a comenzar contigo yomara lópez desde el río guadalupe. qué se sabe hasta el momento? cómo está la situación por allí? >> encuentro a un lado del río guadalupe. justamente fue aquí donde ayer el alcalde de san josé le pidió a las personas que estaban aquí viviendo, o sea, los indigentes que evacuaran inmediato mente. y
incluye los condados de los Ángeles, orange, riverside, san bernardino, san diego, san luis obispo, santaanuncio se autoriza la asistencia de la guardia nacional de california de ser necesario, además de más recursos para las agencias de seguridad pública y la opción de ofrecer el beneficio de desempleo para residentes afectados por estos estragos. así que esta tarde tenemos cobertura en equipo aquí en nuestra región. marcelo rivera con el pronóstico puntual de las condiciones...
Feb 8, 2024
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vamos aquí a la ciudad de long beach y ahí en riverside.luvia, el cheque de don manuel, que se dedica a la jardinería va a salir más corto. son 3 días menos de sueldo. como no, no nos pagan. no hay, no hay ingresos y sin ganancias dejan de cubrir sus gastos esenciales. lo presentamos, lo que nos sirve para hacer marqueta y eso. como vamos al día y tenemos familia como 150 rusia que vende jugos en la misma esquina y muchos otros como ella dicen, guardan los ingresos extra para intentar estar cubiertos. cuando la madre naturaleza se impone hay que estar preparados. ahorrar. qué más? a veces incluso se arriesgan a salir a vender. llueve, truene o relampaguee. hay veces que nos toca trabajar días lluviosos y nos ponemos unas mangas para contra el agua y pues así nos vamos a vender. no se vende mucho. hay personas que no bajan el vidrio y todo y pues nos gustaría que nos apoyaran un poquito más, pero no todos pierden la otra cara de la moneda es para quienes la lluvia trae ganancias, entre ellos los que hacen reparaciones y mantenimiento, como p
vamos aquí a la ciudad de long beach y ahí en riverside.luvia, el cheque de don manuel, que se dedica a la jardinería va a salir más corto. son 3 días menos de sueldo. como no, no nos pagan. no hay, no hay ingresos y sin ganancias dejan de cubrir sus gastos esenciales. lo presentamos, lo que nos sirve para hacer marqueta y eso. como vamos al día y tenemos familia como 150 rusia que vende jugos en la misma esquina y muchos otros como ella dicen, guardan los ingresos extra para intentar...
Feb 27, 2024
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more traditionally conservative eas, like fresno, san joaquin, and san bernardino counties along with riverside, sacramento, and san diego. let's dig into this. joining me now is san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins. thank you for being with me. we all know fentanyl overdoses are out of control in the city. you've had more than 600 deaths in the city. this task force would focus on opioid deaths as potential homicides. what would that look like, though? >> it's going into finding evidence of where the person who died purchased their drugs and making sure that we track that down to see whether or not we can prove who sold them the lethal dose and charge that individual with the murder. >> and what would be the criteria for charging it as a homicide, and how do you propose that to a jury, or how do you prove it to them that the dealer knew this death was a possibility, especially in san francisco where we know, you know, a lot of these deaths are homeless people or people that use drugs? how are you going to convince, you know, a jury that this is actually something that they knew? >> r
more traditionally conservative eas, like fresno, san joaquin, and san bernardino counties along with riverside, sacramento, and san diego. let's dig into this. joining me now is san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins. thank you for being with me. we all know fentanyl overdoses are out of control in the city. you've had more than 600 deaths in the city. this task force would focus on opioid deaths as potential homicides. what would that look like, though? >> it's going into...
Feb 11, 2024
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por supuesto, gran parte del área de la bahía, inclusive también hacia el sur de california para riversides 39 y vemos por supuesto modesto en los 36. que frío va a estar haciendo las próximas horas para sacramento hasta los 36 grados hasta las 06:00. mucho cuidado en el amanecer se mantienen las máximas cercanas a los 62 grados, especialmente madera, fresno. las condiciones van a ser templadas y este es el panorama para el gran juego de los 49 contra los chiefs de kansas y las temperaturas también por la noche van a ser frías. pero recuerde que el estadio, por supuesto, el stadium es cerrado. así que pues con aire acondicionado todo va a surgir de maravilla. domingo agradable lunes, martes y miércoles se mantiene seco. 14 de febrero. buenas condiciones, pero ya a partir del jueves otro sistema que se acerca que también para sacramento estará dejando lluvias de jueves al fin de semana entrante. condiciones en fresno mismas. vamos a hablar del tiempo mañana. buenas noches, que descanses. regresamos con más. buenas noches guillermo. el presidente ejecutivo de openai tiene como misión expandi
por supuesto, gran parte del área de la bahía, inclusive también hacia el sur de california para riversides 39 y vemos por supuesto modesto en los 36. que frío va a estar haciendo las próximas horas para sacramento hasta los 36 grados hasta las 06:00. mucho cuidado en el amanecer se mantienen las máximas cercanas a los 62 grados, especialmente madera, fresno. las condiciones van a ser templadas y este es el panorama para el gran juego de los 49 contra los chiefs de kansas y las...
Feb 27, 2024
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they include more traditionally conservative areas along with riverside, sacramento, and san diego. >>> a big discussion tonight about the future of people's park in berkeley. the event at wheeler hall on cal's campus brought together community leaders and student organizers all opposed to student housing being built at the park. you might recall last month they blocked off the park with shipping containers. >> it will become even more dense. it's the densest now, and will become more dense with more housing added. you need open space for reasons of public health, for public safety. >> and tonight cal says it will preserve 60% of the site as public revitalized open green space. the proposed housing plan includes 1100 beds and low income housing. >>> governor newsom facing yet another threat of a recall. today a group called rescue california officially launched their recall campaign. the leaders cite concerns about the budget deficit and police, health care, immigration, and public safety. it's the seventh recall attempt against the governor. back in 2021, one effort actually made it
they include more traditionally conservative areas along with riverside, sacramento, and san diego. >>> a big discussion tonight about the future of people's park in berkeley. the event at wheeler hall on cal's campus brought together community leaders and student organizers all opposed to student housing being built at the park. you might recall last month they blocked off the park with shipping containers. >> it will become even more dense. it's the densest now, and will become...
Feb 10, 2024
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riverside, orange and santa barbara counties. just a little before them out of quake. a magnitude 5.7 quake rocks of the big island of hawaii this afternoon. the usgs said the quake hit the largest active volcano in the world. fortunately, the earthquake did not affect the volcano or cars any damage on the island. and there were no tsunami. tsunami issued following that quake. you know, you would think that this is earthquake weather but apparently knew such things. ego, no such thing. yeah. but i'd be thinking a lot of magma moving underneath there that should lead to some. >> volcanic activities. number, sir, i know earthquakes or so. you never know. the ones here and they're not related and related. yeah, completely different find system. go yeah. they've had enough in southern california, right? some flooding rains now earthquakes. they probably think it's the end of the world. not yet. we're going to squeeze in some nice weather this weekend. out ahead there tonight, a beautiful sunset in the bay area's a sun coming down. a couple high clouds up above my. some col
riverside, orange and santa barbara counties. just a little before them out of quake. a magnitude 5.7 quake rocks of the big island of hawaii this afternoon. the usgs said the quake hit the largest active volcano in the world. fortunately, the earthquake did not affect the volcano or cars any damage on the island. and there were no tsunami. tsunami issued following that quake. you know, you would think that this is earthquake weather but apparently knew such things. ego, no such thing. yeah....
Feb 10, 2024
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it was centered roughly 6 miles from malibu in the santa monica mountains and felt across ventura, riverside, orange and santa barbara counties wasn't the only quake today. just a few hours earlier, a magnitude 5.7 rocked the big island of hawaii this afternoon. the usgs saying the quake hit mauna loa, the largest active volcano in the world. fortunately, the quake did not affect the volcano. newark cause any damage. the usgs says there was also no tsunami warning following the quake. back here at home, a florida man was arrested last night after investigators say he stole a small plane in palo alto and then crash landed it in half moon bay. today. crews repaired the fence at the palo alto airport, which it's believed that's how the thief snuck in. and so that plane last night, san mateo county sheriff's deputies say 50 year-old luis, gustavo, at us from florida, stole the 1960's, the top area plane flu and crashed its nose down in the sand in half. moon bay. we spoke to aviation experts who say he could not find anniston, the register database of pilots but says he had to have some knowledg
it was centered roughly 6 miles from malibu in the santa monica mountains and felt across ventura, riverside, orange and santa barbara counties wasn't the only quake today. just a few hours earlier, a magnitude 5.7 rocked the big island of hawaii this afternoon. the usgs saying the quake hit mauna loa, the largest active volcano in the world. fortunately, the quake did not affect the volcano. newark cause any damage. the usgs says there was also no tsunami warning following the quake. back here...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Feb 25, 2024
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and have riverside pay us? i'm glad the governor put prop 1 on the ballot and hopefully we'll--but why are we nots thinking about that as infrastructure? we have put affordable housing in the capital plan as infrastructure. wie have the emergency fire plan. why isn't this infrastructure? the department of public health is had largest funded [indiscernible] this is part of what we need. it is system of care rather then cannibalizing the beds at laguna honda and getting into trouble, why don't we acknowledge we need this and build it and figure a way to pay for it, including having san mateo buy some of our beds too, because it seems to me if we own the infrastructure, we could make adjustments to the program as needed, rather-are there extrabeds or providers that specialize in one particular flavor. that is what i wanted to ask, because it seems to me we have been talking about this for decades and decades and instead of planning ahead, we are always like catch as catch can every year during budget season. thank
and have riverside pay us? i'm glad the governor put prop 1 on the ballot and hopefully we'll--but why are we nots thinking about that as infrastructure? we have put affordable housing in the capital plan as infrastructure. wie have the emergency fire plan. why isn't this infrastructure? the department of public health is had largest funded [indiscernible] this is part of what we need. it is system of care rather then cannibalizing the beds at laguna honda and getting into trouble, why don't we...
Feb 1, 2024
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our local big city mayors, london breed, sheng thao uniting with fresno and riverside. >> so whether someone is seeking voluntary treatment or are seeking voluntary treatment for someone to save their life, we need more places for them to go. i was just out in the tenderloin, and san francisco, and it is clear that we need people to get the support that they need. >> joining us now is san jose mayor matt mahan, a central part of the governor's news conference today. mayor mahan, nice to have you in studio. so why is this -- there is a lot happening here. and it's very important, obviously, whether you agree with how to do it or not. why is this the best way forward to address our mental health crisis, this prop 1, basically. >> what prop 1 does is it creates greater focus and accountability for counties to actually serve the highest need population there is a lot of funding coming down from the state to address mental health. and we certainly need more of it. but if you simply leave government to its own devices, it tends to do the easier things. what we need to do is focus on the fo
our local big city mayors, london breed, sheng thao uniting with fresno and riverside. >> so whether someone is seeking voluntary treatment or are seeking voluntary treatment for someone to save their life, we need more places for them to go. i was just out in the tenderloin, and san francisco, and it is clear that we need people to get the support that they need. >> joining us now is san jose mayor matt mahan, a central part of the governor's news conference today. mayor mahan,...
Feb 12, 2024
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precisamente hacia el sur del área de la bahía, sino hacia el sur de california también para lo que es riversideeratura de forma ligera, por lo menos hacia lo que es el valle central. 63 grados. los 62 vemos modesto temperaturas en los 61 y también con algunos nublados ligeros vienen cambios en camino. ponga mucha atención ahí en el pacífico se ve como se viene acercando otro río atmosférico. esa conexión que viene desde zona sutro y que viene avanzando poco a poco hacia la costa oeste de los estados unidos. esto qué significa? que no deje el paraguas justamente cuando la buena noticia es que para el día del amor y la amistad no estarían llegando las lluvias. es justamente después, a partir del día jueves, donde entra el sistema. después una ligera pausa y el fin de semana si lo está planeando. bueno, se van a esperar lluvias para nosotros sacramento condiciones similares . el día del amor y la amistad va a ser nublado pero estable. temperaturas en los 61 y 42. al igual que fresno, mayormente despejado. buenas condiciones, pero el fin de semana si lo planea. esos sistemas que siguen entrando a c
precisamente hacia el sur del área de la bahía, sino hacia el sur de california también para lo que es riversideeratura de forma ligera, por lo menos hacia lo que es el valle central. 63 grados. los 62 vemos modesto temperaturas en los 61 y también con algunos nublados ligeros vienen cambios en camino. ponga mucha atención ahí en el pacífico se ve como se viene acercando otro río atmosférico. esa conexión que viene desde zona sutro y que viene avanzando poco a poco hacia la costa...
Feb 13, 2024
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que ver con este incendio que ocurrió en una estructura comercial abandonada en el 6200 del bulevar riversidetuación mayor. no se reportan heridos. los peritos están revisando la estructura en busca de evidencia que permita hallar el origen de esas llamas. mientras que en stockton, un perro que había sido robado ya pudo ser reunido con su familia. el encuentro ocurrió el pasado 9 de febrero, luego que ese bulldog francés fuera robado el pasado 26 de enero. el hecho ocurrió en la cuadra 2400 de la calle market durante la búsqueda se encontraron 2 armas de fuego cargadas. 2 jóvenes y un adulto fueron arrestados. en este caso. vámonos ahora a méxico, en donde las fuerzas armadas dieron un fuerte golpe a los carteles del narcotráfico. dicen que incautaron en 2 estados distintos instalaciones donde elaboraban drogas y también fabricaban armamento. los lugares, aseguran las autoridades, son los más grandes de los que se tenía registro hasta ahora. pérez nos muestra lo que encontraron desde el aire. los marinos detectaron que algo estaba fuera de lugar en ese territorio desértico y tenían razón, por
que ver con este incendio que ocurrió en una estructura comercial abandonada en el 6200 del bulevar riversidetuación mayor. no se reportan heridos. los peritos están revisando la estructura en busca de evidencia que permita hallar el origen de esas llamas. mientras que en stockton, un perro que había sido robado ya pudo ser reunido con su familia. el encuentro ocurrió el pasado 9 de febrero, luego que ese bulldog francés fuera robado el pasado 26 de enero. el hecho ocurrió en la cuadra...
Feb 13, 2024
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i spoke to louise ellman, she was the mp for liverpool riverside and i am speaking to her again laterali was actually a friend to jewish people and that actually that is why he was a good candidate, because he wanted to bridge any division that there may have been. i think this has come as a shock, certainly to people like louise ellman, who, up untila certainly to people like louise ellman, who, up until a couple of days ago, was supporting him. labour were supporting him up until last night and it was only when the daily mail revealed the latest video, which i think you have shown, they have finally come out and said they are withdrawing the wit. but that delay is what has made a lot of people unhappy. we have run round a lot of mps today and we have been told that nobody from labour is speaking on this issue. i think at the moment they want to keep out of it, but they can't, because there is a by—election on february the 29th and people will want to make a choice. if they are a labour voter, they have a difficult choice to make indeed. . ~ they have a difficult choice to make indee
i spoke to louise ellman, she was the mp for liverpool riverside and i am speaking to her again laterali was actually a friend to jewish people and that actually that is why he was a good candidate, because he wanted to bridge any division that there may have been. i think this has come as a shock, certainly to people like louise ellman, who, up untila certainly to people like louise ellman, who, up until a couple of days ago, was supporting him. labour were supporting him up until last night...
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a retired police officer on riverside joins me now. what is going on here? have been landing at the chicago landing zones, the crimes they are committing are planned and calculated. they are receiving cell phones, sometimes flown here and given directions, how to get to these suburban malls, entertainment zones, provided transportation mapping, if you land hear from ecuador or some other country, no idea where these suburban malls are located, oakland, illinois, high end stores, targeting macy's and the high end stores, never surrender when they cut. and a very dangerous, the fight is on. it is a dangerous situation. >> you are retired police chief. how do you get politicians to chicago to listen to you. >> after the george floyd incident. and they are stationed at every corner. it's well-known the city of chicago and the suburbs are understaffed, recruiting and retention problems. i have to write a column, i wrote a column saying the only way politicians will listen is money. when i was police chief my village, when businesses would leave the community-orie
a retired police officer on riverside joins me now. what is going on here? have been landing at the chicago landing zones, the crimes they are committing are planned and calculated. they are receiving cell phones, sometimes flown here and given directions, how to get to these suburban malls, entertainment zones, provided transportation mapping, if you land hear from ecuador or some other country, no idea where these suburban malls are located, oakland, illinois, high end stores, targeting...
Feb 4, 2024
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basin and the other populated areas of ventura, santa barbara, riverside, orange county.ots of people impacted, and you know, in areas that are made mostly of concrete, you're going to have flash flooding. >> are these kind of events becoming more common? i was up your way i think for the first six and seven years i lived in california, barely any rain. it seems to be more of these storms coming in. march, the last pineapple express came in and damaged up there. are these kinds of events becoming more common? >> yes. over time, looking at the last year or two isn't a good metric. if we go out over the next ten years, we'll see more of these events than we saw in the previous ten years. >> they're becoming more intense? i read one climate analyst saying that these kinds of events are 10% more intense. i don't know how you reach that number, but is there some truth in that? >> possibly. a warm atmosphere can hold more moisture. it's a real fuzzy metric to try and get your hands around. we need to look at it over a longer period of time and average them out. >>> deadly wildf
basin and the other populated areas of ventura, santa barbara, riverside, orange county.ots of people impacted, and you know, in areas that are made mostly of concrete, you're going to have flash flooding. >> are these kind of events becoming more common? i was up your way i think for the first six and seven years i lived in california, barely any rain. it seems to be more of these storms coming in. march, the last pineapple express came in and damaged up there. are these kinds of events...
Feb 4, 2024
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basin and the other populated areas of ventura, santa barbara, riverside, orange counties. you have lots of people being impacted, and, you know, in areas that are made mostly of concrete, you're going to have flash flooding. >> i mean are these kind of events becoming more common? i was up your way i think for the first six or seven years i lived in california with barely any rain. and then there seems to be more of these storms coming in. i was up your way i think it was march was it when that last pineapple express came in and caused a lot of damage up there. are these kind of events becoming more common here? >> yes, over time. you know, looking at last year or two isn't a good metric, but i think if we go out over the next ten years we'll see more of these events than we saw in the previous ten years. >> and they're becoming more intense? i mean i read one climate analyst saying that these kind of events are becoming 10% more intense. i don't quite know how you reach that number, but is there some truth in that? >> possibly. you know, with a warmer atmosphere it will w
basin and the other populated areas of ventura, santa barbara, riverside, orange counties. you have lots of people being impacted, and, you know, in areas that are made mostly of concrete, you're going to have flash flooding. >> i mean are these kind of events becoming more common? i was up your way i think for the first six or seven years i lived in california with barely any rain. and then there seems to be more of these storms coming in. i was up your way i think it was march was it...
Feb 25, 2024
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de latinos y muchos de los latinos que se escribieron estaban ubicados en el condado de los Ángeles, riverside que tambiÉn a travÉs de cover california pueden tener un seguro mÉdico a un costo muy bajo, muchos se han inscrito y tambiÉn estÁn pagando mi poco. andrea: muy conveniente sin duda y sabemos que el tiempo de inscripciÓn y determinÓ pero quÉ pueden hacer las personas que en el transcurso del aÑo pierdan su cobertura, tienen alguna oportunidad de inscribirse? >> claro que sÍ, la buena noticia es que tenemos un periodo descripciÓn especial, ya lo tenemos abierto y va hasta el 31 de octubre, si las personas que nos estÁn viendo en casa han perdido su seguro sabe porque ya no tienen un trabajo o porque realmente perdieron su seguro mÉdico por alguna razÓn, pueden escribirse con cover california, si tuvieron un cambio de vida significativo, como un divorcio, como que se casaron o tuvieron un bebÉ o alguna de esas son momentos donde la vida te cambiado, tambiÉn puedes escribirte, si por ejemplo tenÉs un trabajo a los Ángeles y ahora te fuiste a vivir a fresno porque recuerden es por le que t
de latinos y muchos de los latinos que se escribieron estaban ubicados en el condado de los Ángeles, riverside que tambiÉn a travÉs de cover california pueden tener un seguro mÉdico a un costo muy bajo, muchos se han inscrito y tambiÉn estÁn pagando mi poco. andrea: muy conveniente sin duda y sabemos que el tiempo de inscripciÓn y determinÓ pero quÉ pueden hacer las personas que en el transcurso del aÑo pierdan su cobertura, tienen alguna oportunidad de inscribirse? >> claro que...
Feb 17, 2024
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despise my material shell, everything that this characteristic of the shell. impatiently , where is the riverside from the white lakes, i would like to talk to the director, talk to yourself, please, thank you, unfortunately, the writer doesn’t have a phone number yet, it’s clear, he’s young, a beginner, but keep in mind that the theater is not responsible for everything he says to you there, what he might say, i don’t know, and he probably doesn’t know, well, you know, artists are emotional people, you you know, no, we don’t know, don’t worry, there’s nothing dangerous, yeah, but it might get carried away, maybe, maybe, well, it happens to them, well... i wish you good luck, thank you, i wish you good luck, i wish you good luck, goodbye. hello, i’m from belykhozyor, from belykhozyor, come to you, come to you, thank you. i’m listening to you, we really liked your play , it’s not evening yet, a good play, a good play, a good one, so i decided to come to you for advice on a life-changing question, why not to me, but i suppose, come on in, come on in. "sit down, thank you, sit down, i think so, you
despise my material shell, everything that this characteristic of the shell. impatiently , where is the riverside from the white lakes, i would like to talk to the director, talk to yourself, please, thank you, unfortunately, the writer doesn’t have a phone number yet, it’s clear, he’s young, a beginner, but keep in mind that the theater is not responsible for everything he says to you there, what he might say, i don’t know, and he probably doesn’t know, well, you know, artists are...
Feb 20, 2024
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ciudades como los Ángeles, riverside, santana, bajo riesgo moderado se encuentra san diego, sacramento registro nacional en los Ángeles. hemos recibido mÁs de 11 pulgadas. vamos a estar viendo actividad norte, centro, sur del estado. va a continuar recibiendo lluvia hasta maÑana por la tarde. acumulado adicional hasta tres pulgadas hacia el norte. hacia el sur dos pulgadas. los suelos estÁn saturados. no necesitamos mÁs lluvia. nieve en la montaÑa hasta tres pies. un amanecer bastante frÍo para mi gente en el noreste. new york se siente con 18°. boston 12°. abrigarse muy bien. al menos, hasta el jueves vamos a continuar viendo aire que llega de canadÁ. pone ese aire frÍo. a partir del viernes veremos aire llegando del sur del atlÁntico. trayendo temperatura mÁs tropical para ustedes. a partir del viernes en 40°. temperatura mÁs cÓmoda. el pronÓstico para gran parte del paÍs espectacular. abundante sol. condiciones secas. excepto la costa este que seguirÁ con lluvia, viento y nieve. hasta aquÍ la informaciÓn del tiempo. raÚl: gracias. mÁs adelante vamos con alanque estÁ en vivo en un su
ciudades como los Ángeles, riverside, santana, bajo riesgo moderado se encuentra san diego, sacramento registro nacional en los Ángeles. hemos recibido mÁs de 11 pulgadas. vamos a estar viendo actividad norte, centro, sur del estado. va a continuar recibiendo lluvia hasta maÑana por la tarde. acumulado adicional hasta tres pulgadas hacia el norte. hacia el sur dos pulgadas. los suelos estÁn saturados. no necesitamos mÁs lluvia. nieve en la montaÑa hasta tres pies. un amanecer bastante...
Feb 5, 2024
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., and also to the north of riverside, that's where all the water is coming down the mountains. >> chat myers with the latest, thank you very much. >>> developing this morning, senate lawmakers revealing that long awaited border deal and foreign aid package after months of negotiations. the $118 billion package breaks. and it provides roughly $60 billion for ukraine and more than $14 million for israel. speaker mike johnson called the bill dead on arrival in the house. here's how senator james langford who negotiated the bill responded to that. >> are we as republicans going to have press conferences and complain the border is bad and intentionally leave it open. if we have the chance to decrease detention beds, deportation flights, lock down the border to change the slooum asylum laws new york city one would have believed it and no no one wants to fix it. >> greg abbott is taking securing the texas border into his own hands. about a dozen republican governors there from across the country flanked him. they were around him at this press conference yesterday to support his stance, forbid
., and also to the north of riverside, that's where all the water is coming down the mountains. >> chat myers with the latest, thank you very much. >>> developing this morning, senate lawmakers revealing that long awaited border deal and foreign aid package after months of negotiations. the $118 billion package breaks. and it provides roughly $60 billion for ukraine and more than $14 million for israel. speaker mike johnson called the bill dead on arrival in the house. here's how...
Feb 1, 2024
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the homecoming at the riverside? the homecoming at the riverside?people _ experience but mike was ok. the people on— experience but mike was ok. the people on the show, the producers, the staff— people on the show, the producers, the staff were very supportive. i think— the staff were very supportive. i think maybe the issue was more when people _ think maybe the issue was more when people come off and the care might not be _ people come off and the care might not be there afterwards and i do not know _ not be there afterwards and i do not know how _ not be there afterwards and i do not know how people who have been thrust into the _ know how people who have been thrust into the spotlight are looked after after being on this kind of show but was being _ after being on this kind of show but was being honest i do not have anything — was being honest i do not have anything to report in terms of negative _ anything to report in terms of negative experiences. how anything to report in terms of negative experiences. how do you feel looking _ negative expe
the homecoming at the riverside? the homecoming at the riverside?people _ experience but mike was ok. the people on— experience but mike was ok. the people on the show, the producers, the staff— people on the show, the producers, the staff were very supportive. i think— the staff were very supportive. i think maybe the issue was more when people _ think maybe the issue was more when people come off and the care might not be _ people come off and the care might not be there afterwards and...
Feb 6, 2024
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. >> parts of ventura, san bernardino and riverside county are still under that winter storm warninght. >> the ground is so saturated. >>> let's bring in meteorologist kari hall right now. she's got a look at how it's looking weather-wise. >> some parts of southern california has had 12 inches of rainfall in 24 hours. and we know that's coming on the heels of some already very heavy rain, and the storm is just parked there right now. so that's the same system we had over the weekend, and you can see the rain that's just streaming in to southern california, and then the change in colors show that we are getting some snow for those upper elevations. so still a lot going on there. we'll continue to monitor that as it moves throughout the day. we'll continue to watch our weather as the rain starts to wind down here. but there's a little bit more on the way, so i'll have more in a few minutes. >>> mike has been tracking lower gas prices. >> successful, in concord, for example, concord dominates the list for the east bay with their top ten all in the area underneath this one we're talking
. >> parts of ventura, san bernardino and riverside county are still under that winter storm warninght. >> the ground is so saturated. >>> let's bring in meteorologist kari hall right now. she's got a look at how it's looking weather-wise. >> some parts of southern california has had 12 inches of rainfall in 24 hours. and we know that's coming on the heels of some already very heavy rain, and the storm is just parked there right now. so that's the same system we had...
Feb 19, 2024
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need to check the rivermen, no were there any signals, we’ll do it, and we also need to walk along the riversiderself, but no, thank you , thank you, no, no, thank you. at 21:50, ah, ah! hello dear, hello, this is is it leaking, didn’t fill half the apartment with hot water? yes, that means, in a week we will renovate your bathroom, re-paste the wallpaper in the hallway and in the room, and re-lay the parquet, yes, i have linoleum, yes, it says parquet here, so we will lay parquet, is this a joke or what? no, give it to me, be careful, be careful, give it here, and it’s free, completely. at least tell me where it is? this means that yesterday he borrowed money from me and went on a date with his victim polina. wow, we’re hunched over here in the sweatshirt, and here he is, here, andrey, oh, thank you, well, andrey, it’s me. covered on the flank, hi, ah, yes, thanks, max, helped out, but no problem, yeah. how it went, you don’t see it yourself, mazurov asked you to come to him, he wants you to connect, connect, we said that you were at the station, so you didn’t have time for the planning meeting
need to check the rivermen, no were there any signals, we’ll do it, and we also need to walk along the riversiderself, but no, thank you , thank you, no, no, thank you. at 21:50, ah, ah! hello dear, hello, this is is it leaking, didn’t fill half the apartment with hot water? yes, that means, in a week we will renovate your bathroom, re-paste the wallpaper in the hallway and in the room, and re-lay the parquet, yes, i have linoleum, yes, it says parquet here, so we will lay parquet, is this...
Feb 28, 2024
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., riverside, phoenix, boston, san francisco, and seattle. >> >> ainsley: number one is seattle. >> steve point, i have heard from one of my children so far three times but only via text. interestingly enough, this is from our white house correspondent, he is locked out of the white house. >> ainsley: why? >> steve: the white house secret service is having a computer problem. >> brian: normally he would have called you with that. >> steve: just saying. >> ainsley: what's coming up? >> steve: more gruesome details of nursing student hands at the illegal migrant. >> ainsley: must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. >> brian: that's our logo. ♪ (sigh) (snoring) if you struggle with cpap... you should check out inspire. honey? inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at inspiresleep.com singlecare is amazing. even though i have insurance, it can't beat the pricing i get on my medication through singlecare. before i submit any prescriptions, i always check singlecare first! just go to singlecare.com, search for your prescription and show the
., riverside, phoenix, boston, san francisco, and seattle. >> >> ainsley: number one is seattle. >> steve point, i have heard from one of my children so far three times but only via text. interestingly enough, this is from our white house correspondent, he is locked out of the white house. >> ainsley: why? >> steve: the white house secret service is having a computer problem. >> brian: normally he would have called you with that. >> steve: just saying....
Feb 2, 2024
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across southern california, we could see a huge flooding threat threat across areas in los angeles, riverside county spots like that. flood risk here in the bay area watches and warnings watches in green warning still continues up in sonoma county. and %s we've been talking about the sierra going to see a very active weekend, winter storm warning in effect saturday is going to be calmest a sunday. the stormy a stay. that's when that feet of snowfall will piled up. if you are heading up there, maybe try to leave head back down on saturday because sunday does bring that potential of major delays closures, whiteout conditions and drifting snow on roads, feet of snowfall falling temperatures today are going to be fairly mild in the mid 50's that are very warmest and we stay in those mid 50's through the weekend morning. chances of showers on saturday and then kicking back into gear. heavy rainfall saturday night into sunday reyna. all right, john, thank you for far from a friday light commute, we've got more red and orange green out there. >> at this hour, traveling along. 85 oakland, busy highwa
across southern california, we could see a huge flooding threat threat across areas in los angeles, riverside county spots like that. flood risk here in the bay area watches and warnings watches in green warning still continues up in sonoma county. and %s we've been talking about the sierra going to see a very active weekend, winter storm warning in effect saturday is going to be calmest a sunday. the stormy a stay. that's when that feet of snowfall will piled up. if you are heading up there,...
Feb 6, 2024
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parts of ventura, san bernardino and riverside counties are still under a winter storm warning until's bring in meteorologist kari hall. she's been keeping track of what's been going on there. they've had so much rain. >> so much rainfall and it's still coming down. there's still the risk of more mudslides. we're also still getting the high winds and the heavy rain, so we're seeing a lot of daily rainfall records being set. there are parts of the coastal mountains that had over 12 inches of rainfall in just 24 hours, and now we can see with the colder temperatures there's some snow for those higher elevations. now we're seeing still some lingering light showers here in the bay area, but definitely a lot calmer compared to what they still have going on in southern california, and our temperatures are only in the mid-40s. we are going to have a cool day. we do want to keep the jackets on, the umbrellas close by. we'll have another wave of rain coming in tomorrow morning, late in the morning, and then still some spotty showers for the afternoon. we're not completely done with the rain.
parts of ventura, san bernardino and riverside counties are still under a winter storm warning until's bring in meteorologist kari hall. she's been keeping track of what's been going on there. they've had so much rain. >> so much rainfall and it's still coming down. there's still the risk of more mudslides. we're also still getting the high winds and the heavy rain, so we're seeing a lot of daily rainfall records being set. there are parts of the coastal mountains that had over 12 inches...
Feb 2, 2024
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in response to the coffee company's push back against workers attempts to unionize, students at uc riversideting petitions calling for the schools to not renew their licensing agreements with starbucks. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents. >> pam, thank you for super bowl week. both the niners and chiefs will stay in a resort area in the city of henderson, nevada, about 20 minutes southeast of las vegas, local papers report. the nfl didn't want the teams distracted by the las vegas strip. there is commonly referred to as lake las vegas. now the niners headquarters will be the hilton. the chiefs are at the westin. i think this probably from a worldwide perspective, kind of brings lake las vegas on the map here. >> as far as like i said, i think it used to be more of a secret. and i think, you know, obviously the super bowl is a worldwide event. and i think that's a great thing for lake las vegas. >> the las vegas convention and visitors authority predicts the super bowl will have a $600 million impact on the southern nevada economy, after what was expected to be their last t
in response to the coffee company's push back against workers attempts to unionize, students at uc riversideting petitions calling for the schools to not renew their licensing agreements with starbucks. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents. >> pam, thank you for super bowl week. both the niners and chiefs will stay in a resort area in the city of henderson, nevada, about 20 minutes southeast of las vegas, local papers report. the nfl didn't want the teams distracted by...
Feb 18, 2024
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so they set it down there and then you would take those to riverside and wait often was done in winter because it's easier to move logs that way. then would wait for the spring runoff when the rivers at their highest level and they're flowing really high and really fast and really cold also. and then you push those logs into the and float them down. and if a worker working on that you float down the river with them, you go down the river with and that's those are on the top there. workers who are shepherding those logs into the river and then are going to follow them down. so you can imagine going down the river with those those kinds of logs, those logli that. and you might face things like massive log jams is a logm the blackfoot river. just imagine being in the middle of something like that and having to deal with it with hand tools or maybe dynamite, which was one of the ways that they used to try to break up some of these logjams. incredibly and incredibly dangerous work. and ultimately that would those make it down? this is the blackfoot river here coming out of these mountains a
so they set it down there and then you would take those to riverside and wait often was done in winter because it's easier to move logs that way. then would wait for the spring runoff when the rivers at their highest level and they're flowing really high and really fast and really cold also. and then you push those logs into the and float them down. and if a worker working on that you float down the river with them, you go down the river with and that's those are on the top there. workers who...
Feb 26, 2024
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so they set it down there and then you would take those to riverside and wait often was done in winter because it's easier to move logs that way. then would wait for the spring runoff when the rivers at their highest level and they're flowing really high and really fast and really cold also. and then you push those logs into the and float them down. and if a worker working on that you float down the river with them, you go down the river with and that's those are on the top there. workers who are shepherding those logs into the river and then are going to follow them down. so you can imagine going down the river with those those kinds of logs, tseogs like that. and you might face things like massive log jams is aogjam on the blackfoot river. just imagine being in the middle of something like that and having to deal with it with hand tools or maybe dynamite, which was one of the ways that they used to try to break up some of these logjams. incredibly and incredibly dangerous work. and ultimately that would those make it down? this is the blackfoot river here coming out of these mountain
so they set it down there and then you would take those to riverside and wait often was done in winter because it's easier to move logs that way. then would wait for the spring runoff when the rivers at their highest level and they're flowing really high and really fast and really cold also. and then you push those logs into the and float them down. and if a worker working on that you float down the river with them, you go down the river with and that's those are on the top there. workers who...
Feb 16, 2024
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they're buildings he licensed his names for, especially on riverside drive if you're familiar at all with new york city. when donald trump became president and during the campaign, there were apartment co-op boards saying we got to take these don't. we can't rent these apartments, sell these apartments, donald trump's name is tainted in new york, and there's the problem we're facing in the city, post pandemic, people aren't working in the office the same rate they used to, and he owns and has a stake in office buildings. how much are the office buildings worth. >> the most valuable assets, i'm glad you brought those up. in a partnership he has no management control over. but they are the most valuable things he owns, and when i talk on the brand issue, i've talked to branding experts, and some don't rank him anymore because they see him as a political figure. he's not a brand like he used to be. there was a time his brand commanded a premium, now there's not. >> might demand a premium somewhere other than new york city. >> tristan, you want to join in on this is this. >> there's a co
they're buildings he licensed his names for, especially on riverside drive if you're familiar at all with new york city. when donald trump became president and during the campaign, there were apartment co-op boards saying we got to take these don't. we can't rent these apartments, sell these apartments, donald trump's name is tainted in new york, and there's the problem we're facing in the city, post pandemic, people aren't working in the office the same rate they used to, and he owns and has a...
Feb 17, 2024
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so they set it down there and then you would take those to riverside and wait often was done in winter because it's easier to move logs that way. then would wait for the spring runoff when the rivers at their highest level and they're flowing really high and really fast and really cold also. and then you push those logs into the and float them down. and if a worker working on that you float down the river with them, you go down the river with and that's those are on the top there. workers who are shepherding those logs into the river and then are going to follow them down. so you can imagine going down the river with those those kinds of logs, thoseoglike that. and you might face things like massive log jams is am on the blackfoot river. just imagine being in the middle of something like that and having to deal with it with hand tools or maybe dynamite, which was one of the ways that they used to try to break up some of these logjams. incredibly and incredibly dangerous work. and ultimately that would those make it down? this is the blackfoot river here coming out of these mountains an
so they set it down there and then you would take those to riverside and wait often was done in winter because it's easier to move logs that way. then would wait for the spring runoff when the rivers at their highest level and they're flowing really high and really fast and really cold also. and then you push those logs into the and float them down. and if a worker working on that you float down the river with them, you go down the river with and that's those are on the top there. workers who...
Feb 25, 2024
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so they set it down there and then you would take those to riverside and wait often was done in winter because it's easier to move logs that way. then would wait for the spring runoff when the rivers at their highest level and they're flowing really high and really fast and really cold also. and then you push those logs into the and float them down. and if a worker working on that you float down the river with them, you go down the river with and that's those are on the top there. workers who are shepherding those logs into the river and then are going to follow them down. so you can imagine going down the river with those those kinds of logs, those logs like that. and you might face things like massive log jams is a logjam on the ackfoot river. just imagine being in the middle of something like that and having to deal with it with hand tools or maybe dynamite, which was one of the ways that they used to try to break up some of these logjams. incredibly and incredibly dangerous work. and ultimately that would those make it down? this is the blackfoot river here coming out of these moun
so they set it down there and then you would take those to riverside and wait often was done in winter because it's easier to move logs that way. then would wait for the spring runoff when the rivers at their highest level and they're flowing really high and really fast and really cold also. and then you push those logs into the and float them down. and if a worker working on that you float down the river with them, you go down the river with and that's those are on the top there. workers who...
Feb 25, 2024
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so they set it down there and then you would take those to riverside and wait often was done in winter because it's easier to move logs that way. then would wait for the spring runoff when the rivers at their highest level and they're flowing really high and really fast and really cold also. and then you push those logs into the and float them down. and if a worker working on that you float down the river with them, you go down the river with and that's those are on the top there. workers who are shepherding those logs into the river and then are going to follow them down. so you can imagine going down the river with those those kinds of logs, those logs like that. and yo might face things like massive log jams is a logjam on the blackfoo riv just imagine being in the middle of something like that and having to deal with it with hand tools or maybe dynamite, which was one of the ways that they used to try to break up some of these logjams. incredibly and incredibly dangerous work. and ultimately that would those make it down? this is the blackfoot river here coming out of these mountai
so they set it down there and then you would take those to riverside and wait often was done in winter because it's easier to move logs that way. then would wait for the spring runoff when the rivers at their highest level and they're flowing really high and really fast and really cold also. and then you push those logs into the and float them down. and if a worker working on that you float down the river with them, you go down the river with and that's those are on the top there. workers who...