and everything is right for carcinomas the sylyansky life of the master tsikav, because the spartan grayedaravich visited the olympics in beijing, the intensity of which grew intense. i would have been a harmonic player in the world, when i was 14-15 years old, i played evening markets in the world, the first lads had fallen into the world, so they said, there i was about to fall into ruin. i have a vyshyvanachka there on the post called it, which my mother bought for me when i was young, back then it was very fashionable, it was our national one, it warmed my soul, this vyshyvanachka. i'm here all the time, i'm so tired and they are swarming behind me, and all these horses, and the horses of this here are the rules of infancy called, i am working in kalgas, i am a different slave, and the pus and drops of this are assigned, but i am frying my pastures, there were 50 frying, you are frying young people nope, back in the days of kalgas they were sent out for the purpose, which is the spayminy of infancy of the geta, there that over there... there you can say they lived so, we are not from