andrey ostashenya, local historian, entrepreneur, popularizer of history, his whole life takes placekamyanets, all his time is devoted to studying the history of his native city. thanks to his passion, interest in work, a small town. today boasts a serious historical website, an interactive map and a virtual tourist application, a set that many capitals would envy. for most tourists coming to kamenets, this is the same. and about one of the most famous historical paradoxes in belarus, how a tower built of red brick began to be called white. historians are still arguing about this, but apparently, only because of its proximity to belovezhskaya pushcha. however, in soviet times there was an attempt to restore historical justice. the tower is white, the tower is white, and now we’ll paint it, two layers of paint muddied it all up, in just a couple of years she already has. and after another 20 years it was impossible to look at it without tears; in the nineties, the next restoration was already so thorough, climbers began to clean it, as they say, with rags. the paint has peeled off lik