i'm claire mclinn and i'm a professor of law outside of the university in the there are many laws in most countries that could be used to target some aspects of the creation of distribution of defect pornography. so it is possible that the person doing that might breach copyright laws might seem to beach defamation laws. but the reality is you have to have money to be able to take legal action. you also have to know who has created a distributed that deep fate pornography. there's very little, especially the ordinary people can do to challenge this activity. i think hard at that was probably the hardest part for me because i think we as women like we, we know that this is sort of a part of the female experience. high society believes the best way to put the woman is to objectify them, to sexualize them. and i think that's why after it happened, i wanted to make a point of coming over that because i thought to myself, you know, no woman should have to enjoy this. well, yeah, get home as best i wouldn't do that as well. so i have to get done with joe. so thank god for fall. and i'm goi