but listen, david oldroyd, bolt, your reaction to what edwina currie had to say .d i can't be too enthused about it because it is the same rhetoric that we have heard for many, many decades now about how wonderful it is to have a multicultural society where their beliefs where people bring their beliefs and cultures with them. isn't and cultures with them. it isn't because creates the system because it creates the system under which we have lived, where ideologies like islamism take root, because people are afraid to say, this is not something we want in our country. and it is very difficult. i'm afraid to separate islamism from islam because when is the last time that we saw a buddhist, sikh , that we saw a buddhist, sikh, christian or jewish terrorist attack based on the idea of intifada and jihad? they don't happen. intifada and jihad? they don't happen . it is an unfortunate happen. it is an unfortunate facet of this religion, which is as everybody will say, by and large, peaceful , but it is large, peaceful, but it is nonetheless a dangerous facet. and i fear