apologize to him, golya karimovna, let him come home to me will come in on the day off. burst, which i can’t hear, come over, i told you, well, we’ll be yelling across the yard, the pipe burst, i think it also burst while i was away, i thought it was something new , we’ll fix it tomorrow, so, something i i wanted to tell you, yes, yes, sending firewood to the apartment of our kulibin, lopatkin, a couple... excuse me, but you are back at school, yes, no, i came by on business, yeah, well, see you, yeah. well, usyanova, how do we translate this phrase? union council, i hope you know what it is? soviet union? what is the soviet union? for you, for all of us, prodi, this is our homeland, the soviet union. my homeland, that’s right, i’m giving you a b, well, look, next time , what about rima, nadezhda sergeevna, yesterday you gave me a d for a hint, with yanova you kept giving me hints, i heard it myself, vyaltsevy honopeto, girls, let syanova resolve ours herself doubts, if you were prompted, i will also give you two, they suggested, sit down. i'll leave you a c, but only fo