ibn hajar narrates from ibn abbas that when the prophet came to the seventh verse of surah al-baynah, he said, "khiar al-bariah, niya sharal-bariah , where are the best and worst people?" the prophet said this verse came about ali that the measure of the best and worst people is the scale and he is ali's scale. whoever is with ali is on this page. who is against ali and the enemy of ali in this matter , so which muslim is your enemy , some muslims may not know the virtues of ali, they may not accept this, but there is no enemy of ali, no sunnis are the enemies of ali , the prophet said to ali, what is meant by this verse, which says that the best good is al-bariyyah. you and shia are in it those who follow you after me or before me mean this. ibn asaker narrates from the prophet : there is a spring in heaven that has what and what and what and what qualities. then he said that there is mud in that spring that i mean the prophet of the ahl al-bayt. i was created from that flower , it means that our substance is from there when we entered the world , then he said, and our shia, the prop