a fight for... holding fair elections, which has long been a thing in moldova, secondly, yes, yes, ila, let’s clarify this point, because the central authorities of moldova recently withdrew from the treaty regarding conventional weapons, and as you rightly noted, instead of bread they are bringing guns, and, as i understand, this process will intensify, does this cause you concern, because it is clearly going towards ... the melitarization of chisinau is now at an accelerated pace, of course , precisely because they want to turn a small good country, where good people who want peace live, who live very poorly, into a military training ground, a nato training ground. even voices are heard today the current western regime, which shouts that moldova should become a member of nato. what this means for our republic is perfectly clear to everyone, so today we this year will be decisive for the future, indeed for the future of moldova, because today we must protect our country, protect our people from, let’s say, the western desire to turn moldova into a testing ground, to bring in essence,