please welcome governor carol campbell and his great wife, iris campbell. you met. and also with me today is the attorney general from the lowcountry attorney general is a good man, is a solid lawyer. he represents the people well in the courthouse. and as the attorney general, charlie condon, charlie. there's been some members of the congress. you had the opportunity to hear from j.c. watts where the real stars in the republican party. congressman from south carolina, jim demint, where i jimmy there he is. good man. and a fellow texan. a friend of mine, a texan, a great hero. somebody who represents the veterans of this of this united states. very well, he himself was a prisoner of war in vietnam. he's back. he's serving as a congressman from north texas. please welcome sam johnson. i appreciate the same. somebody who is somebody who is tired of hearing me give a speech. he's not my wife either. i want you to somebody who's been traveling with me around the state of south carolina, indicative of the fact that i will carry the veterans in this state. somebody who's